1 Supplementary Materials: 2 Materials and Methods: 3 Natural history of focal host-parasite species pair 4 The Galápagos hawk (Buteo galapagoensis) is endemic to the Galápagos Islands where 5 the only known breeding populations occur on eight of the major islands [1]. The hawks are 6 long-lived and maintain year-round breeding territories; only one inter-island dispersal event has 7 been recorded through the re-sighting of a banded individual off its natal island [2]. Levels of 8 neutral genetic diversity within island populations at minisatellite and microsatellite loci for 9 Galápagos hawks are among the lowest of any natural bird population in the world [3, 4], but the 10 island populations are highly differentiated genetically. Each Galápagos hawk population is 11 infested by at least three ectoparasite species, including the ischnoceran louse, Degeeriella 12 regalis (Phthiraptera) [5, 6]. Degeeriela regalis is an obligate ectoparasite species that spends its 13 entire life cycle on the body and feathers of its hosts and is found exclusively on Galápagos 14 hawks [6] within the archipelago. As with other ischnoceran lice, D. regalis consume the downy 15 portions of feathers, which can reduce host fitness [7, 8]. D. regalis are primarily transmitted 16 from parent to offspring and their transmission rate is not related to the size of the host social 17 group, unlike an amblyceran louse, which also infests Galápagos hawks [5, 9]. 18 Host and parasite sampling for genetics studies 19 Galápagos hawks were trapped on eight major islands using baited bal-chatri traps [10] 20 and rope nooses on poles. Within the largest island, Isla Isabela, hawks were sampled only from 21 Volcan Alcedo, although they included non-territorial birds that likely range widely across the 22 island. Hawks were sampled from multiple locales on all of the smaller islands. Once captured, 23 hawks were banded and two 50 μl blood samples were collected into heparinized capillary tubes 1 24 using brachial venipuncture. Blood samples were preserved in lysis buffer at ambient 25 temperature, and at 4C until DNA was extracted using chloroform-phenol-isoamyl alcohol 26 procedure, followed by dialysis. Complete methods for sample collection and DNA extraction 27 are described elsewhere [3]. 28 Lice were collected from hawks using a dust-ruffling procedure. Dry pyrethrin/piperonyl 29 butoxide flea and tick powder designed for dogs was placed onto all feather tracts of the bird, 30 with special care taken to avoid the eyes and mouth [5]. Hawk feathers were then ruffled over a 31 collection surface until reaching the point of diminishing returns [11]. Dislodged ectoparasites 32 were collected into vials and preserved in 100% ethanol and later were stored at -20°C. All lice 33 from an individual hawk (termed a louse infrapopulation) were kept in a single vial. DNA was 34 extracted using Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue kits and was eluted off columns in a final step 35 using 40 μL of elution buffer. 36 Microsatellite genotyping 37 Hawks were genotyped at 20 variable nuclear microsatellite loci following methods 38 described in Hull et al. [12]. Loci included: A110, D122, D330, A204, A317, D210, D220, 39 D312old, D123, D234, B111a2, D310, D313, B220, D223, A302, A312, D107, D127, D324 [4, 40 12]. Individual lice were genotyped at six variable nuclear microsatellite loci that were 41 developed for D. regalis [13]. Loci included: Dre12, Dre23, Dre202, Dre204, Dre211, and 42 Dre223. Development of variable microsatellite loci from D. regalis was complicated by the 43 large number of monomorphic loci obtained. DNA concentration was very low for most of the 44 samples, and multiple PCRs were often required to achieve sufficient amplification. Given the 45 low DNA yields, genotyping was limited to six loci for each individual louse. For all PCR 46 amplifications, template DNA was diluted 1:1 with TLE buffer (5ml 1M Tris, 100μl 0.5M 2 47 EDTA, 494.9ml of dH20). Amplifications were performed on a MyCycler Thermal Cycler 48 System (Bio-Rad). Fragment sizes were determined in an ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied 49 Biosystems) and scored against a GS500(-250) LIZ molecular size standard (Applied 50 Biosystems) using GeneMapper 4.01 (Applied Biosystems). 51 For genotyping at the Dre12 locus, we used the original amplification conditions 52 described in Peters et al. [13]. Amplifications were performed in 12.5L volumes with 1L 53 diluted template DNA, 1X PCR buffer (Sigma), 0.08M tag-labeled primer (CAG tag: 54 CAGTCGGGCGTCATCA at 5’ end), 0.4M unlabeled primer (GTTT at 5’ end), 0.36M 55 universal dye-labeled primer (VIC), 0.15mM each dNTP, 2.0mM MgCl2, 25g/ml BSA, and 56 0.5U JumpStart Taq DNA polymerase (Sigma). A touchdown PCR program was used and 57 cycling parameters were 95°C for 3min; 5 cycles of 95°C for 30s, 55°C for 30s, and 72°C for 58 30s; 21 cycles of 95°C for 30s, 55°C (decreased 0.5°C per cycle) for 30s, and 72°C for 30s; 15 59 cycles of 95°C for 30s, 45°C for 30s, and 72°C for 30s; and a final extension time of 72°C for 60 10min. Individually fluorescently-labeled primers were used with Dre23 (6-FAM), Dre202 61 (VIC), Dre204 (PET), Dre211 (6-FAM), and Dre223 (NED). Amplifications were performed in 62 12.5L volumes with 1L diluted template DNA, 1X PCR buffer (Sigma), 0.04M fluorescently 63 labeled forward primer, 0.4M reverse primer, 0.15mM each dNTP, 25g/ml BSA, and 0.5U 64 JumpStart Taq DNA polymerase (Sigma). In addition, 2.0mM MgCl2 was added, with the 65 exception of Dre211, where 2.4mM MgCl2 was used. A standard PCR program was used and 66 cycling parameters were 95°C for 3 min; 35 cycles of 95°C for 30s, primer-specific annealing 67 temperature for 30s, and 72°C for 30s; and a final extension time of 72°C for 10 min. Annealing 68 temperatures were 60°C (Dre23, Dre211, and Dre223) or 65°C (Dre202 and Dre204). 69 Population structure at the biogeographic scale 3 70 Variation across all microsatellite loci for each species was tested for departures from 71 Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) and linkage disequilibrium using ARLEQUIN 3.5 [14]. 72 Loci showing significant linkage disequilibrium were discarded from the analyses described 73 below. Given the naturally small population sizes of hawks on many of the islands, deviations 74 from HWE were expected. Within the hawk dataset, two loci showed consistent deviations on 75 four of the eight island populations. However, even when these two loci were excluded from 76 analyses, we still found significant levels of genetic divergence between populations of hawks on 77 all eight islands. 78 Within the louse dataset, multiple loci were found to have an excess of homozygotes 79 (Wahlund effect) across the island populations. To avoid pseudoreplication from using genotypes 80 of multiple lice per hawk, a single louse genotype was randomly chosen from each hawk on an 81 island for use in the island-level analysis. As a consequence, the number of hawks limited the 82 sample size of lice and so it is perhaps not surprising that we also found deviations from HWE 83 for some loci. However, due to the additional limitation in the total number of loci available 84 within the louse dataset, it was not possible to reliably test the effect of removing deviating loci 85 from the analyses. Thus, we have included all six microsatellite loci markers in the analyses of 86 louse population structure among islands. 87 Hierarchical analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA), inferred with ARLEQUIN 3.5 88 [15] were used to estimate pairwise F-statistics based on microsatellite data. To compare hawk 89 populations at the biogeographic scale, each island was treated as an a priori defined population. 90 Significance of pairwise F-statistics was tested using 10,000 permutations and one-stage 91 estimates of false discovery rates were used to correct for multiple comparisons [16, 17]. Table 92 S2 shows the estimates of pairwise FST values among island populations of hawks and lice. 4 93 Sample sizes for hawks on each island are described in Table S1. A single louse genotype from 94 each hawk on an island was randomly chosen as a representative sample of an a priori defined 95 population. Sample sizes for lice are described in Table S1. Numbers of hawks and lice do not 96 match exactly because some hawk and lice individuals were not successfully genotyped and not 97 every hawk was infested with lice. 98 99 The most likely number of genetically distinct population clusters of hawks and lice across the archipelago was estimated using STRUCTURE 2.3.4 [18]. The analyses were run 100 under the following parameters: 10,000 length burn-in, 100,000 replicates, admixture allowed, 101 and allele frequencies assumed to be correlated (the default recommendation for smaller 102 datasets). Five independent runs were conducted for each K value (K = 6 to 10) to obtain a mean 103 estimate of P(X|K). Parameters and protocols were identical for both hawk and louse analyses. 104 The point at which the K value posterior probabilities plateau was used to determine the optimal 105 number of estimated genetic clusters. 106 Mantel and partial-Mantel tests were used to test for isolation by distance across the 107 archipelago for both hawk and louse populations. Partial-Mantel tests allowed for statistical 108 control of a third variable (Table S3). Interisland distances were calculated using Google Earth to 109 measure the shortest distance (km) between any two islands (Table S4). Distances were log 110 transformed for all analyses to achieve a normal distribution. Island size (measured as island 111 area) may act as a confounding variable in analyses of isolation by distance. Island area can 112 serve as a proxy for population size, especially for hawks [3, 19], and larger populations are 113 expected to have higher levels of genetic diversity. Within the Galápagos Islands, there is a 114 negative correlation between the combined size of any two islands and the distance between 115 them (R2 = 0.22, p = 0.01), such that larger islands tend to be closer to one another than smaller 5 116 islands are to one another. Therefore, island area has the potential to confound tests for isolation 117 by distance. To test the relative importance of island size versus geographic distance in 118 predicting pairwise inter-island population FST, a matrix of combined island area was created and 119 used in the partial-Mantel tests (Table S4). Island areas are based on values in Bollmer et al. [3]. 120 Estimates of louse infrapopulation structure 121 To investigate the genetic population structure of lice among individual hosts (i.e., among 122 louse infrapopulations), all of the lice on a given hawk were treated as an a priori defined 123 population. Thus, a louse infrapopulation refers to all of the lice that were sampled and 124 genotyped from a single hawk host. Louse infrapopulations were collected and genotyped from 125 two distinct populations of hawks, those on Fernandina and Santiago. These two populations of 126 hawks serve as independent replicates to investigate louse infrapopulation genetic structure. 127 Multiple lice from each hawk individual were genotyped at the same six polymorphic 128 microsatellite loci used in the analyses above. Only louse infrapopulations with more than six 129 genotyped individuals were included in the following analyses. Sample sizes are described in 130 Table S5. 131 Field observations of hawk parentage were used to estimate potential relatedness among 132 hawk individuals on an island. Because D. regalis are typically transmitted from parents to 133 offspring, inclusion of louse infrapopulations from related hawks could confound estimates of 134 relatedness. However, there were no cases where lice were collected from a known parent- 135 offspring pair. There was a single instance of two louse infrapopulations being collected from 136 fledglings assumed to be siblings still in their natal territory. Subsequently, infrapopulation data 137 from one randomly selected sibling were discarded from the following analyses. Analyses of 138 molecular variance, inferred with ARLEQUIN 3.5 were used to estimate pairwise F-statistics 6 139 based on microsatellite data. Statistical significance of pairwise F-statistics was tested using 140 10,000 permutations and one-stage estimates of false discovery rates to correct for multiple 141 comparisons [16, 17]. Estimates of pairwise FST among louse infrapopulations from individual 142 hawks sampled on Fernandina and Santiago are shown in Table S6. 143 We found different degrees of louse infrapopulation structure among birds on Fernandina 144 versus Santiago. On Fernandina, 93% of pairwise Fst values for louse infrapopulations differed 145 significantly from zero whereas on Santiago, 67% of pairwise Fst values for louse 146 infrapopulations differed significantly from zero (Figure S2, Table S7). The number of lice 147 sampled from each infrapopulation was not significantly correlated with various measures of 148 genetic diversity (Fernandina: FIS, R2 = 0.08, P = 0.54; average gene diversity over all loci, R2 = 149 0.12, P = 0.58; observed heterozygosity, R2 = 0.09, P =0.23) (Santiago: FIS, R2 = 0.01, P = 0.80; 150 average gene diversity over all loci, R2 = 0.08, P = 0.57). However, we did find a negative 151 correlation between the number of lice sampled from each infrapopulation and the observed 152 infrapopulation heterozygosity on Santiago (R2 = 0.07, P = 0.04), although the relationship was 153 largely driven by a single data point in which the largest number of lice (n = 15) was sampled 154 and the infrapopulation was fixed for one of the six loci. 155 Interestingly, degrees of hawk polyandry are known to differ among the islands [20]. 156 Within this study, each female hawk on Fernandina was in a breeding group with an average 1.5 157 0.2 (mean S.E.) male hawks. On Santiago, each female hawk was in a breeding group with 158 an average of 4.2 0.4 male hawks. Although D. regalis primarily transmits from parent to 159 offspring, it is reasonable to hypothesize that there is some degree of louse transmission among 160 adult birds in breeding groups. Under this assumption, there is greater potential for migration 161 between louse infrapopulations when hawk group size is large [5]. We predicted that louse 7 162 infrapopulations sampled from hawks in larger breeding groups would show higher genetic 163 diversity than louse infrapopulations sampled from hawks in small breeding groups. However, 164 we did not find evidence to support this hypothesis; hawk group size was not significantly 165 correlated with louse infrapopulation genetic diversity (FIS, R2 = 0.08, P = 0.24; gene diversity 166 over all loci, R2 = 0.001, P = 0.91, observed heterozygosity, R2 = 0.16, P = 0.09). 167 Mantel and partial-Mantel tests were used to test for significant patterns of isolation by 168 distance within an island for louse infrapopulations. The assigned geographic location of each 169 louse infrapopulation corresponded to the nest location of the host hawk. Distances between nest 170 sites were calculated using GPS coordinates for each nest and Geographic Distance Matrix 171 Generator (v.1.2.3) [21]. Distances were log transformed for all analyses to achieve normal 172 distributions. 173 174 References: 175 176 1. 177 Phylogeography of the Galápagos hawk (Buteo galapagoensis): a recent arrival to the Galápagos 178 islands. Mol Phylogen Evol 39, 237-247. 179 2. 180 Gerfaut 65, 29-57. 181 3. 182 2005 Population genetics of the Galápagos Hawk (Buteo galapagoensis): Genetic 183 monomorphism within isolated populations. Auk 122(4), 1210-1224. 184 4. 185 neutral variation in the Galápagos hawk, an island endemic. BMC Evol Biol 11. Bollmer J.L., Kimball R.T., Whiteman N.K., Sarasola J.H., Parker P.G. 2006 de Vries T. 1975 The breeding biology of the Galapagos hawk, Buteo galapagoensis. Le Bollmer J.L., Whiteman N.K., Cannon M.D., Bednarz J.C., De Vries T., Parker P.G. 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Molecular Ecology Resources 9(3), 882-884. Whiteman N.K., Kimball R.T., Parker P.G. 2007 Co-phylogeography and comparative Clayton D.H. 1990 Mate choice in experimentally parasitized rock doves: lousy males Booth D.T., Clayton, D. H., Block, B.A. 1993 Experimental demonstration of the Clayton D.H., Tompkins D.M. 1994 Ectoparasite virulence is linked to mode of Berger D.D., Mueller H.C. 1959 The bal-chatri: a trap for the birds of prey. Bird Banding Clayton D.H., Drown D.M. 2001 Critical evaluation of five methods for quantifying Hull J.M., Tufts D., Topinka J.R., May B., Ernest H.B. 2007 Development of 19 Peters M.B., Hagen C., Whiteman N.K., Parker P.G., Glenn T.C. 2009 Characterization 9 208 14. Excoffier L., Laval G., Schneider S. 2005 Arlequin (version 3.0): An integrated software 209 package for population genetics data analysis. Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online 1, 47-50. 210 15. 211 perform population genetics analyses under Linux and Windows. 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Excoffier L., Lischer H.E.L. 2010 Arlequin suite ver 3.5: a new series of programs to Benjamini Y., Hochberg Y. 1995 Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and Pike N. 2011 Using false discovery rates for multiple comparisons in ecology and Pritchard J.K., Stephens M., Donnelly P. 2000 Inference of population structure using Whiteman N.K., Matson K.D., Bollmer J.L., Parker P.G. 2006 Disease ecology in the Bollmer J.L., Sanchez T., Cannon M.D., Sanchez D., Cannon B., Bednarz J.C., De Vries Ersts P.J. Geographic Distance Matrix Generator v.1.2.3. (American Museum of Natural 228 229 10 K=6 K= 7 K=8 K=9 K = 10 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 Figure S1. Population structure of hawks (left) and lice (right) sampled from islands across the Galápagos archipelago. Each individual is represented by a thin vertical line and island populations are separated by thicker black lines. Genetic clusters ranging from K = 6 to K = 10 are shown as separate plots. Genetic clusters are indicated by different colors. As estimated by the program STRUCTURE, posterior probability values plateau for hawks at K=8 and for lice at K=7 and K=8 (nearly identical values). 11 238 239 240 241 242 243 Figure S2. Louse infrapopulation genetic structure. (A) Map of islands on which louse infrapopulations were sampled; Fernandina shown in blue and Santiago shown in red. Graphical matrices of pairwise FST comparisons among infrapopulations of lice sampled from hawks on (B) Fernandina and (C) Santiago. 12 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 Island Fernandina Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena Pinta Santa Fe Espanola TOTAL Hawks 24 25 54 7 22 26 18 17 193 Lice 25 13 47 9 21 24 12 7 158 Table S1. Sample sizes for estimates of pairwise FST among islands for hawks (Buteo galapagoensis) and lice (Degeeriella regalis). 13 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 a. Hawks Fernandina Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena Pinta Santa Fe Espanola Fernandina 0.03868 0.13454 0.22876 0.48468 0.25440 0.43365 0.38859 b. Lice Fernandina Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena Pinta Santa Fe Espanola Fernandina 0.05353 0.24065 0.31472 0.46294 0.53177 0.41808 0.42580 Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena 0.11936 0.15875 0.42197 0.22248 0.37009 0.38026 0.10436 0.47092 0.20109 0.37775 0.36126 0.61537 0.30962 0.50888 0.53082 0.54719 0.76221 0.68555 Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena 0.20520 0.29910 0.48233 0.57152 0.41035 0.45058 (0.04276) 0.45723 0.45848 0.35573 0.35842 0.62321 0.74296 0.51552 0.60584 0.78852 0.65263 0.47785 Pinta 0.59640 0.56248 Pinta 0.74471 0.89198 Santa Fe 0.75062 Santa Fe 0.70166 Espanola - Espanola - Table S2. Estimates of pairwise FST among island populations of (a) hawks and (b) lice derived from microsatellite markers. FST values for populations of hawks were estimated from 20 microsatellite markers. FST values for louse populations were estimated from 6 microsatellite markers. After correcting for false discovery rate, all inter-island population comparisons were statistically significant for hawks. For lice, all inter-island population comparisons were statistically significant, except for the comparison between Santiago and Pinzon (noted in parentheses). 14 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 Inter-island comparisons B. galapagoensis FST - geographic distance B. galapagoensis FST - geographic distance (combined island area) B. galapagoensis FST - combined island area (geographic distance) D. regalis FST - geographic distance D. regalis FST - geographic distance (combined island area) D. regalis FST - combined island area (geographic distance) D. regalis FST - geographic distance (B. galapagoensis FST) D. regalis FST -B. galapagoensis FST (geographic distance) Intra-island comparisons Santiago: D. regalis FST - geographic distance Fernandina: D. regalis FST - geographic distance r 0.59 0.42 -0.56 P value 0.003 0.01 0.97 0.60 0.44 -0.51 0.31 0.59 0.004 0.01 0.96 0.09 0.03 0.24 0.14 0.06 0.33 Table S3. Results of Mantel and partial Mantel tests for correlations between hawk (Buteo galapagoensis) inter-island and intra-island FST, louse (Degeeriella regalis) inter-island and intra-island FST, and geographic distance. For inter-island comparisons, geographic distance is the distance between two island populations. For intra-island comparisons, geographic distance is the distance between hawk nesting sites among territories. Combined island area is the sum of the land area of each pairwise grouping of islands. For partial Mantel tests, parentheses indicate the controlled variable in the analysis. FST data generated from nuclear microsatellite data for hawks and lice. 15 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 a. Distance (km) Fernandina Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena Pinta Santa Fe Espanola Fernandina 4 55 80 118 120 148 209 Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena Pinta Santa Fe Espanola 16 18 82 75 77 133 24 55 76 72 145 98 124 64 129 29 126 200 164 237 67 - b. Combined area (km2) Fernandina Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena Pinta Santa Fe Espanola Fernandina 5358.3 1225.1 665.7 776.4 707.0 672.4 708.7 Isabela Santiago Pinzon Marchena Pinta Santa Fe Espanola 5288.2 4728.8 4839.5 4770.1 4735.5 2771.8 595.6 706.3 616.9 582.3 618.6 146.9 77.5 42.9 79 .2 188.2 153.6 189.9 84.2 120.5 85.9 - Table S4. Matrices of estimated inter-island distance and combined island area. Distances were estimated by measuring the shortest linear path between any two islands, measured to the nearest kilometer. Areas represent the sum of the pairwise grouping of islands and are based on values presented in Bollmer et al. 2005. 16 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 a. Fernandina Infrapopulation1 Infrapopulation2 Infrapopulation3 Infrapopulation4 Infrapopulation5 Infrapopulation6 Infrapopulation7 Infrapopulation8 TOTAL Number of lice sampled 11 9 14 7 15 7 12 11 86 b. Santiago Infrapopulation1 Infrapopulation2 Infrapopulation3 Infrapopulation4 Infrapopulation5 Infrapopulation6 Infrapopulation7 Infrapopulation8 Infrapopulation9 Infrapopulation10 Infrapopulation11 TOTAL Number of lice sampled 7 8 11 6 15 8 11 12 7 6 10 101 Table S5. Sample sizes for estimates of pairwise FST among louse infrapopulations on (a) Fernandina and (b) Santiago. Each infrapopulation refers to all of the lice sampled and genotyped from an individual hawk. 17 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 a. Fernandina Infrapop1 Infrapop2 Infrapop3 Infrapop4 Infrapop5 Infrapop6 Infrapop7 Infrapop8 Infrapop1 0.24066* 0.08571* 0.14016* 0.31216* 0.17609* 0.27591* 0.21329* Infrapop2 Infrapop3 Infrapop4 Infrapop5 Infrapop6 0.04556 * 0.14767* 0.33414* 0.25624* 0.25367* 0.19596* 0.05141 0.20654* 0.06737* 0.12169* 0.00324 0.23957* 0.12084* 0.17105* 0.13224* 0.18216* 0.24508* 0.12309* 0.25031* 0.22728* Infrapop7 Infrapop8 0.21946* - b.Santiago Infrapop1 Infrapop2 Infrapop3 Infrapop4 Infrapop5 Infrapop6 Infrapop7 Infrapop8 Infrapop9 Infrapop10 Infrapop11 Infrapop1 Infapop2 0.10463 Infrapop3 0.13746* 0.15957* Infrapop4 0.09255 0.07664 0.12228 Infrapop5 0.12877* 0.09089 0.22135* 0.14351* Infrapop6 0.09315* 0.08207 0.13260* -0.02410 0.10989* Infrapop7 0.14578* 0.06656 0.18834* 0.07806 0.25420* 0.12205* Infrapop8 0.20461* 0.23135* 0.18081* 0.30722* 0.19650* 0.30302* 0.32556* Infrapop9 0.14576 0.06786 0.11295* 0.19555* 0.19943* 0.23902* 0.15862* 0.07831* Infrapop10 0.07202 0.17616* 0.11041* 0.18919* 0.21757* 0.23464* 0.22044* 0.07483* 0.11746* Infrapop11 0.03065 0.05617 -0.02460 0.06016 0.04698 0.08268* 0.14642* 0.09336* 0.02515 0.12369* - Table S6. Estimates of louse infrapopulation pairwise FST derived from microsatellite markers on (a) Fernandina and (b) Santiago. Each infrapopulation refers to all of the lice sampled and genotyped from an individual hawk. All P-values were corrected by estimating false discovery rates; statistically significant pairwise comparisons are indicated with an asterisk. 18 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 a. Fernandina Infrapop1 Infrapop2 Infrapop3 Infrapop4 Infrapop5 Infrapop6 Infrapop7 Infrapop8 Infrapop1 8.58 18.46 19.79 25.02 27.30 27.98 28.78 Infrapop2 Infrapop3 Infrapop4 Infrapop5 Infrapop6 Infrapop7 12.41 14.52 18.91 21.18 21.97 22.91 2.63 6.63 8.92 9.66 10.56 10.56 Infrapop8 5.48 7.66 8.26 9.01 2.29 3.06 4.01 0.88 1.91 - b.Santiago Infrapop1 Infrapop2 Infrapop3 Infrapop4 Infrapop5 Infrapop6 Infrapop7 Infrapop8 Infrapop9 Infrapop10 Infrapop11 Infrapop1 Infapop2 0 Infrapop3 0 0 Infrapop4 0 0 0 Infrapop5 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 Infrapop6 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 1.82 Infrapop7 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 1.82 0 Infrapop8 28.75 28.75 28.75 28.75 28.28 27.57 27.57 Infrapop9 29.35 29.35 29.35 29.35 28.70 27.85 27.85 2.39 Infrapop10 30.39 30.39 30.39 30.39 30.14 29.61 29.61 3.57 5.67 Infrapop11 20.95 30.95 30.95 30.95 30.66 30.08 30.08 3.34 5.19 0.91 - Table S7. Matrices of estimated distances between louse infrapopulations (all lice on a single hawk host) on Fernandina and Santiago. Each infrapopulation refers to all of the lice sampled and genotyped from an individual hawk. Distances were estimated by measuring the shortest linear path (km) between host hawk nest sites. All nests were marked by GPS. 19