4 The student clearly outlines laws, consequences, and how the government operates. 3 The student outlines laws, consequences, and how the government operates. May need additional explanation. 2 Laws and The student Government attempts to outline the laws, consequences, and how the government operates. The student may be unclear or leave out some information. Family The student The student The student clearly defines the attempts to defines the rules for a define the rules for a family rules for a family INCLUDING: family INCLUDING: Marriage, INCLUDING: Marriage, children, and Marriage, children, and older children, and older generations older generations (ex: generations (ex: grandparents, (ex: grandparents, great grandparents, great grandparents, great grandparents, etc.) – May grandparents, etc.) need etc.) – The additional student may explanation. leave out some information or be unclear. Education/Career The student The student The student clearly defines how attempts to defines how long an define how long an individual long an individual goes to school individual goes to school – including goes to school – including how it is – including how it is decided if one how it is decided if one goes on to decided if one goes on to pursue a post- goes on to pursue a post- secondary pursue a post- 1 The student does not to do 2 or more of the following: attempt to outline the laws, consequences, and how the government operates The student does not do two or more of the following: define the rules for a family INCLUDING: Marriage, children, and older generations (ex: grandparents, great grandparents, etc.) The student does not do two or more of the following: define how long an individual goes to school – including how it is Beliefs secondary education, and also defines how one gets a job. education, and also defines how one gets a job. – May need additional explanation. The student clearly defines the belief system of the community, what happens if one breaks a rule of the belief system. The student defines the belief system of the community, what happens if one breaks a rule of the belief system. – May need additional explanation. secondary education, and also defines how one gets a job. The student may leave out some information or be unclear. The student attempts to define the belief system of the community, and what happens if one breaks a rule of the belief system. The student may be unclear on information. decided if one goes on to pursue a postsecondary education, and also defines how one gets a job. The student does not attempt to define the belief system of the community, and what happens if one breaks a rule of the belief system.