
Mathematics has got many educational values which determine
the need of teaching the subject in schools. These values can be studied under
the following heads:
1. Practical Value
2. Cultural Value
3. Disciplinary Value.
4.moral value
5.social value
6.aesthatic value
7.intelectual value
8.internatinal value
1. Practical Value
Mathematics has great practical value. Everyone uses some
mathematics in every form of life.
A common man sometimes can do without reading or writing but he cannot do
without counting and calculating. Any person who is ignorant of mathematics
can be easily cheated. He will always be at the mercy of others. We have to
make purchases daily. We buy cloth, food items, fruit, vegetables, grocery etc.
We have to calculate how much we have to pay for everything. A house-wife
also needs mathematics for looking after her house, preparing family budgets
and estimates, writing various expenses and noting down various household
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Mathematics is needed by all of us whether rich or poor, high or low. Not to
speak of engineers, bankers, accountants, businessmen, planners etc., even petty
shopkeepers, humble coolies, carpenters and labourers need mathematics not
only for earning their livelihood but also to spend wisely and save for future.
Whoever earns and spends uses mathematics.
We are living in a world of measurements. We have to measure lengths, areas,
volumes and weights. We have to fix timings, prices, wages, rates, percentages,
targets, exchanges etc. In the absence of these fixations, the life in the present
complex society will come to a standstill.
There will be utter confusion and chaos. Just think if a fairy descends on earth
and removes all mathematics. There will be no calendar, no maps, no accounts,
no fixations or measurements, no industrial activity, no plans or projects.
According to BACON “Mathematics is the gateway and key to all sciences” .
 One can not do without the use of fundamental operation of subject.
 The three ‘R’s- Reading, Writing and arithmetic, are common skills
which every individual possess.
 We make use of maths day in and day out, thereby making it fundamental
to our requirements of daily life.
 For example : Right from petty shopkeeper to tatas,Birlas and reliance
groups makes use of mathematics
 It is also utilized in sciences and technology, From coolie to the finance
Examples:area,variation,profit and loss etc.
Thus we see that mathematics has tremendous value or application in
our daily life. It is essential for leading a successful social life.
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2. Cultural Value
Mathematics has got a great cultural value which is steadily increasing
day by day. Mathematics has made a major contribution to our cultural
advancement. The progress of our civilisation has been mainly due to the
progress of various occupations such as agriculture, engineering, industry,
medicine, navigation, rail road building etc.
These occupations build up culture. Mathematics makes direct or
indirect contribution to the development of all occupations.
Hogben says, "Mathematics is the mirror of civilisation".
The history of mathematics shows how mathematics has influenced
civilisation and culture at a particular time. Progress in mathematics, of Greeks
and Egyptians in the past led to their cultural advancement and the progress of
their civilisation.
Mathematics is a pivot for cultural arts such as music, fine arts, poetry
and painting. Perhaps that is why the Greeks, who were the greatest geometers
of their times, were quite adept in fine arts. All development around us is gift
of mathematics.
 Culture is "an organised system of values which are transmitted to its
members both formally and informally."
 World in which man lives, of the civilization to which he belongs and of
the culture of which he is proud requires understanding of scientific and
social principles.
 Mathematics has made a major contribution to our cultural advancement.
 Galileo, a mathematician invented clock.
 Pascal, a mathematician invented a Barometer.
 Maths helps in preservation and transmission of culture.
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Maths plays a pivotal role in all arts like poetry, music, dance and
beauty of geometric design.
Examples:contribution of mathematicians,construction etc.
3. Disciplinary Value
Mathematics trains or disciplines the mind also. It develops thinking and
reasoning power. According to Locke, "Mathematics is a way to settle in the
mind a habit of reasoning." Mathematics is 'an exact and definite science'. Every
student of mathematics has to reason properly without any prejudices or
unnecessary biases. Reasoning in mathematics has the characteristics of
simplicity, accuracy, objectivity, originality etc.
Besides reasoning, mathematics has the following disciplinary values
(a) Development of the power of concentration. The faculty to concentrate one's
mind can only be learnt by the study of mathematics.
(b) Development of inventive faculty. The study of mathematics develops
inventive faculty of the students. The solving of a difficult problem in
mathematics is just like making a discovery.
(c) Will power. Mathematics develops patience and perseverance in the
students. It strengths their will power
 In addition to practical, cultural and disciplinary values, mathematics has
so many other values. Mathematics teaches the art of economical living.
It teaches economy in time, speech, thought and money. Mathematics
equip with intellectual reasoning and seriousness.
 It develops reasoning and thinking capacity of the students.
 It develops truthfulness, patience and open mindedness.
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 When this problem is put before students, it develops reasoning and
thinking capacity of students
 His concentration skill is developed.
Examples:mathematical proofs,constructions and equations etc.
According to HAMILTON “Study of mathematics covers the vice of
mental distraction and cultivates the habit of continuous attention”.
 Mathematics germinates and nourishes in individual, good and strong
 By moral value of mathematics, we understand, “how it is concerned with
right and wrong conduct person’s moral habit encouragement”.
 The qualities like honesty, justice, duty boundedness, self control, justice
, patience and simplicity are developed through the learning of
Examples:profit and loss,commissions equations etc.
According to NAPOLEAN “The progress and improvement of maths are
linked to the prosperity of the state”.
 Society is the result of union of individuals.
 Maths helps in proper organization of and maintenance of our social
 It needs various laws, moves for its perpetuation. This harmony, law,
order and dynamicity, seen in society is because of mathematics.
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 Math helps in the proper organization and maintenance of our social
 Information technology , construction of modern airports, electronic
telephone exchange, ovens, electric washing cum drying machine are the
gift of mathematic.
Examples:equations.profit and loss,variations etc.
 Aesthetic is concerned with beauty , art and understanding of beautiful
 Mathematics gives pleasure to the learner.
 It entertains them with its own games , puzzles etc.
 For example: 9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 X 9 + 6 = 888
987 X 9 + 5 = 8888
 Magic square
 Aesthetics
as the qualities that make painting, sculpture, musical
composition or poem.
 Letters and words make language.
 The circles, triangles , squares and other shapes found in nature.
 Music is nothing but mathematical organize sound.
 In dancing one has to take care of mathematics in taking steps and
responding to tunes.
 mathematics helps in the development of all intellectual powers like
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 power
concentration, originality. creativity, problem solving, logical thinking
and systematic reasoning.
Examples:all proofs and theorems
 Mathematical knowledge is not monopoly of the nation.
 Mathematics travels all over the globe, all over the state, benefiting
human beings and nature.
 Today what we have in mathematics is net result of combined efforts of
all the nations and races.
 We all human beings- inhabitants of all nations, the followers of all
religion and races- are same.
 All mathematicians, whatsoever may be their caste, color or creed , have
generously contributed to the progress of mathematics.
 It develops international brotherhood and peace.
 Thus mathematics brings nation together. Maths knowledge thus helps to
maintain good will , peace, understanding, collective work and uniform
development all over the globe.
 For example: Pythagoras and Aryabhatta.-indian origin
Pythagoras,Euclid,gauss etc.
We can conclude that the mathematics teaching students for
different skills valuable information, thinking, reasoning capacity,
disciplines the mind, patience, hard work, logical thinking, cultural
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advancement, intellectual growth, character building, social relationship
,up liftness and international understanding.
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