3810-FM-BPNPSM0514b 7/2015 Urban Stormwater BMP Project Program Project Application COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF POINT AND NON-POINT SOURCE MANAGEMENT LOCAL STORMWATER BMP IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION APPLICANT / PERMITTEE INFORMATION 1. Applicant Name: 2. Applicant DUNS No.: 3. Applicant Address: 4. Entity Type: 5. Applicant Contact: 6. Applicant Email: 7. Applicant Phone: 8. Permittee Name: 9. NPDES Permit No.: 10. Permittee Contact: 11. Permittee Email: 12. Permittee Phone: GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Project Name: 2. Project Description: 3. Project Coordinates: (Attach Map) Latitude Degrees Longitude Minutes 4. County: Seconds 5. UA? 6. Drains To: MS4 Yes Degrees Minutes Seconds No CSS 7. Receiving Waters: 8. Impaired? Yes No If Yes, list cause(s): 9. TMDL? Yes No If Yes, TMDL name: PROJECT DETAILS 1. Is/are the proposed BMP(s) identified in a CBPRP, MS4 TMDL Plan or CSO Long Term Control Plan (LTCP) that has been submitted to DEP? Yes No Date of Actual or Proposed Submission: 2. If Yes to question 1, has the CBPRP, TMDL Plan or CSO LTCP been approved by DEP? Yes No DEP Approval Date: 3. Is/are the proposed BMP(s) recognized by EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Model? Yes No Comments: 4. Describe the specific water quality problem(s) that the BMP is intended to address. 5. Estimate the total pounds (lbs) per year of nutrient and sediment load reduction that will be achieved upon implementation of the project. Provide or attach an explanation of how those estimates were determined. Nitrogen Load Reduction lbs/year: Phosphorus Load Reduction lbs/year: Sediment Load Reduction lbs/year: Estimates were determined as follows (attach additional sheets as necessary): -1- 3810-FM-BPNPSM0514b 7/2015 Urban Stormwater BMP Project Program Project Application PROJECT MILESTONES Milestone Description Projected Start Date Projected Completion Date Comments OTHER INFORMATION 1. If the applicant is not the permittee where the BMP will be located, attach a letter from the permittee indicating support for the project. 2. Describe the applicant’s experience in managing state or federal grant or loan projects. 3. Identify project partners and their proposed involvement with the project. 4. The project is proposed to take place on: Public Property Private Property If private property, attach written consent from the property owner(s). 5. Is the applicant an approved distressed municipality under Act 47, Financially Distressed Municipalities Act of 1987? Such a municipality must be listed on the Department of Community and Economic Development website to be eligible. Yes No 6. Specify operation and maintenance (O&M) activities for each BMP upon completion of the project, and the frequency such O&M activities should occur to assure continued pollutant reductions throughout the life of the BMP. 7. Identify the responsible party for ongoing O&M following completion of the project and the mechanism to assure O&M activities will occur. 8. Identify any environmental permits that are required to allow the construction to proceed and the agency(ies) responsible for approval of those permits. Include permit application submissions in the Project Milestones section of this application. -2- 3810-FM-BPNPSM0514b 7/2015 Urban Stormwater BMP Project Program Project Application PROJECT BUDGET Category Funds Requested ($) Description Matching Funds ($) Administration Interest During Construction Architectural/Engineering Fees Permits Construction TOTALS: CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification). Name (Type or Print Legibly) Official Title Responsible Official Signature Date -3-