Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS) APPLICATION GRADUATION MASTER’S PROGRAMME FORENSIC SCIENCE 1. Please attach (check) Copy of passport or ID-card Master Program approval Board of Examiners 2. Personalia Family name First name(s) - as in passport Initials Date of Birth Place of Birth UvA Student number Telephone number E-mail (not your student email) 3. Grades Please take the time to check your results carefully in SIS. You can ask for a grade list at, please add your student number in your e-mail. Insufficient grades are automatically removed from the official transcript. Please contact the study advisor to register courses you took outside of the UvA. Courses that you took outside the Netherlands will be listed as an exemption. The results are…. (check) correct – go to question 4 incorrect – please list the missing or incorrect courses below. Add/ Course code Course name remove Add Remove Add Remove Add Remove UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM Date EC Result 4. Approval Master Program (check) Please attach the Maste Program approval by the Board of Examiners All courses on the approved program are listed in SIS Every change in your program has to be approved by the Board of Examiners. Please ask for approval of your new program before applying for your diploma Extra-curricular courses (above 180 EC) need to be listed on the approved Master Program. 5. Cum Laude The Cum Laude rules are stated in the Rules and Guidelines of the Examinations Board (see Most important conditions: The Examinations Board assesses whether to add the qualification of cum laude to the diploma. No component is marked with less than a 7 (seven); The result for the Master’s thesis is at least an 8 (eight). The weighted average of all Master’s programme components, excluding the thesis, is at least an 8 (eight); Students who have taken a resit for two or more components and/or have not completed the programme within the official duration of the programme + 6 months will not receive the qualification of cum laude. When determining the weighted average, the mark for each component will be assigned a weighting factor corresponding to the number of credits that the component is worth. Components marked with a ‘pass’ will not be included in the calculation of the weighted average. Exemptions will not count towards awarding the qualification of cum laude. Where more than 1/3 of a curriculum is comprised of exemptions, the qualification of cum laude will not be awarded. The weighted average will be calculated over the components that are mentioned on the diploma supplement. If a student earns more than 60 credits within a one-year Master’s programme of 120 credits within a two-year Master’s programme, the weighted average will be calculated over the components mentioned on the diploma supplement. Do you think you graduated Cum Laude? (check) Yes – please ask the study advisor how to apply for Cum Laude at the Board of Examiners No 6. Literature Thesis What is the title of your Literature Thesis? 7. Research Project (check) I submitted my Research Project on I submitted my Research Project abstract on Blackboard What is the title of your Research Project? 8. Plans for the future 9. Desired diploma date Your diploma/examination date is the date on which you complete the last requirement for the master, provided that you applied for your diploma in time (you generally need to apply for your diploma as soon as possible, but at least within 2 months after your diploma date. You cannot apply for a diploma date in the past study year after October 1 of the next study year). You can sometimes choose to change the date to a later date, please contact the study advisor if you do. 10. Desired graduation ceremony (check) October 2015 Pick up at UvA Sent by courier (paid by student) 11. Signature Signature Date