Electronic Supplementary Material Modeling invasion risk for coastal

Electronic Supplementary Material
Modeling invasion risk for coastal marine species utilizing environmental and transport vector
Electronic Supplementary Material Figure Captions:
ESM Fig. 1 Projected binary environmental suitability (ES) for models trained with only Global
Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) occurrence records and corresponding bias grids
showing suitable environments based on minimum only (yellow) and minimum and 10 percent
(red) training presence logistic threshold. Blue represents areas that are not modeled as suitable.
A: Carcinus maenas; B: Charybdis hellerii; C: Charybdis japonica; D: Hemigrapsus
sanguineus; E: Rhithropanopeus harrisii.
ESM Fig. 2 Projected binary environmental suitability (ES) for models trained with GBIF and
literature occurrence records without the inclusion of a bias grid showing suitable environments
based on minimum only (yellow) and minimum and 10 percent (red) training presence logistic
thresholds. Blue represents areas that are not modeled as suitable. A: Carcinus maenas; B:
Charybdis hellerii; C: Charybdis japonica; D: Hemigrapsus sanguineus; E: Rhithropanopeus
ESM Fig. 3 Occurrence record locations (native and non-native from all sources) for Carcinus
maenas, Charybdis hellerii, Charybdis japonica, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, and Rhithropanopeus
harrisii along with locations of major world ports (N=208; black triangles).
GBIF Citations and Acknowledgements
Supplementary Literature Citations
R Code
Please contact the author for information regarding more details concerning port lists, R code,
and specific data used in this manuscript beyond what is included within.
GBIF Citations and acknowledgements
GBIF search term “Carcinus maenas”
ArtDatabanken: Artdata
Atlantic Reference Centre Museum of Canadian Atlantic Organisms - Invertebrates and Fishes Data
Australian Museum: Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
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Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen: Marine Benthic Fauna List, Island of Læsø, Denmark
Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen: Nivå Bay species list, Zealand, Denmark
Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations. Online at http://www.diveboard.com and
http://ipt.diveboard.com/resource.do?r=diveboard-occurrences., http://www.diveboard.com
Dutch Foundation for Applied Water Research : Dutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) Limnodata Neerlandica
EAISSNA - An Electronic Atlas of Ichthyoplankton on the Scotian Shelf of North America
EMAP requests that all individuals who download EMAP data acknowledge the source of these data in any reports,
papers, or presentations. If you use these data, please include a statement similar to "Some or all of the data
described in this article were produced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through its
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), http://www.epa.gov/emap/."
Field Museum: Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Invertebrate Collection
Florida Museum of Natural History: invertebratezoology
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GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt: Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Bremerhaven (Dorum-Neufeld)
GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt: Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Helgoland
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GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt: Gesamtartenliste Bremerhaven, Helgoland und Sylt
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National Biodiversity Data Centre: Sponges of Rathlin Island
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Senckenberg: Collection Crustacea - ZIM Hamburg
Senckenberg: Collection Crustacea - ZMB
Senckenberg: Collection Crustacea SMF
Senckenberg: Crustacea ZMK
Senckenberg: Insecta ZMK
SPN - Service du Patrimoine naturel, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris: Inventaire National du Patrimoine
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The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC): Norwegian Species Observation Service
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UK National Biodiversity Network: Countryside Council for Wales - Pembrokeshire Marine Species Atlas
UK National Biodiversity Network: Countryside Council for Wales - Marine data from Countryside Council for
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UK National Biodiversity Network: Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre - Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre.
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UK National Biodiversity Network: Highland Biological Recording Group - HBRG Other Invertebrates Dataset
UK National Biodiversity Network: Isle of Wight Local Records Centre - IOW Natural History & Archaeological
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UK National Biodiversity Network: Joint Nature Conservation Committee - Marine Nature Conservation Review
(MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by JNCC
UK National Biodiversity Network: Marine Biological Association - Volunteer sightings data held by the DASSH
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UK National Biodiversity Network: Marine Biological Association - Marine Life Survey Data (collected by
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UK National Biodiversity Network: Marine Biological Association - Marine survey data (Professional) held by
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UK National Biodiversity Network: North & East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre - North and East Yorkshire
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Rigby,P.R., B.Konar, T.Kato, K.Iken, H.Chenelot and Y.Shirayama (2005)NaGISA OBIS Dataset ver.1
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Select R code adapted from this research project. Contact R. Crafton for details or questions
#Load the following libraries (install if necessary)
#Set working directory (fill in parentheses)
#import raster of region of interest
projection(r)<-"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" # sets the projection
r[!is.na(r)]<-1 # converts all non-NA values to 1
#One option to retrieve data from Global Biodiversity Information Facility for georeferenced (with coordinates).
#Specify Species names in the n-row (numSpp) by 2 column matrix with Genus in col 1 and species in col 2
#Alternately, can download directly from http://www.gbif.org/occurrence
numSpp<- 1 #fill in number of species
SppList<-matrix(nrow=numSpp,ncol=2) #populate species of interest using col 1 for genus and col 2 for species
SppData<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0) #create empty matrix to be populated by dataretrieval function gbif
for(w in 1:nrow(SppList)){
} #for loop to retrieve data of interest
#Creates data.frame of Species Name, Longitude, Latitude from GBIF data
#Alternately import comparable data as csv file from directly downloaded data
occurrences<-read.csv(file.choose()) #alternate method to read in data by choosing file, this method is preferred if
using data other than GBIF or if adding supplemental data
#center georeference for each cell and find unique entries
occurrences<-unique(occurrences) #removes all duplicate values based on identical raster cell
#extracts values from the background raster [r] to ensure that all points are over desired terrain. Binds the longitude
latitude data set with extract value data sets.
colnames(occurrences)<-c('Species','Longitude','Latitude','Extract') #renames columns to for clarity
##To correct occurrence records near terrain of interest but not immediately over terrain (extract value of NA)
#subsets the data into those rows that are over terrain of interest (occurrences.not.na) and not (occurrences.na)
#Calculates the closest terrain of interest point for the data not over terrain.
#If there is no desired terrain close to the datum, then NA is returned.
#Example is for a global data set between 70 degrees south and 70 degress north
NAclose<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=6,data=NA) #create empty data matrix for corrected occurrence records
buffer<- 1 #fill in distance (in coordinate units; degrees in this example) for acceptable buffer for corrected points
for(w in 1:nrow(occurrences.na)) {
if(occurrences.na[w,3] >= 70 | occurrences.na[w,3] <= -70 | is.na(occurrences.na[w,3])){ #identifies data points
outside of 70 degrees south - 70 degrees north and categorizes them as NA for final dataset
ext<-extent(c(occurrences.na[w,2]-buffer,occurrences.na[w,2]+buffer,occurrences.na[w,3]buffer,occurrences.na[w,3]+buffer)) #creates correctable window around occurrence record
if(is.na(xy)) {
#compare new and old coordinates, remove any remaining NA data, and combine the non.na data with the corrected
Occ<-Occurrences.complete #rename fixed occurrence dataset for ease
#to creat bias raster using Gaussian weighted bias grid for Species 1 (SppOne)
SppOne<- paste(SppList[1,1],SppList[1,2])
SppOne.xy<-as.matrix(Occ[Occ[,1]==SppOne,2:3]) #creates a matrix of xy coordinates for Species One
tr<-transition(r, transitionFunction=mean, directions=8) #creates a transition layer using mean value of eight
adjacent cells, see gdistance r package vignette (van Etten 2012)
trC<-geoCorrection(tr,type='c') #corrects the transition layer for being a longlat coordinates, see gdistance vignette
cosDistMatrix<-matrix(nrow=nrow(SppOne.xy),ncol=nrow(points.xy), data=NA) #creates the matrix to be
populated by the least cost distance function
for(w in 1:nrow(SppOne.xy)){
unit<-pointDistance(xyFromCell(r,3025958),xyFromCell(r,3025959),longlat=TRUE) #calculates the geographic
distance between two sets of points on a sphere in meters
dist<-costDistance(trC,xyFromCell(r,3025958),xyFromCell(r,3025959)) #calculates the cost for the same distance
as unit
conv<-as.numeric(unit/dist) #conversion factor for cost to meters
#Gaussian bias grid with distance in meters and standard deviation in meters
stdev<- 20000 #fill in standard devation in meters
bgeffort<- 0.01 #fill in background effort level to ensure raster has all values >0 or NA
DMmeters<-cosDistMatrix*conv #converts costs between occurrence records and background cells into meters
GD<-exp(-(DMmeters^2)/(2*stdev^2)) #function to calculate matrix of Gaussian weights for distance between all
background cells and occurrence records. Each row represents a single occurrence record while each column is one
background point
CS<-colSums(GD) #sums guassian distances from each occurrence by background raster point to determine final
bias weight for each background point
BiasMatrix<-cbind(cells,CS) #binds cell number with weight to allow for creation of raster
BiasRaster[BiasMatrix[,1]]<-BiasMatrix[,2] #creates Bias raster based on calculated weights
writeRaster(BiasRaster,'BiasRaster.asc') #write bias raster in ascii format to use in MaxEnt
## Use calculated occurrence records, environmental data, and bias raster to run MaxEnt model in MaxEnt software.
Options are available to run in R, but are not presented here.
##To calculate Introduction likelihood based on distance to port
ports<-read.csv(file.choose()) #select csv file that has port list including columns for port name, longitude, latitude
PortDistmat<-costDistance(trC,ports.xy,points.xy) #calculate distance betweeen ports and background points
inv<-read.csv(file.choose()) #import invasive occurrence records for all species
SppOne.inv.xy<-as.matrix(SppOne.inv[,2:3]) #subset invasive records for Species One
SppOne.PortDist<-costDistance(trC,SppOne.inv.xy,ports.xy) #calculates least cost distance between every Species
One invasive occurrence record and port
SppOne.PortDist_Meters<-SppOne.PortDist*conv #converts least cost distance into meters
SppOne.inv$PortDist<-apply(SppOne.PortDist_Meters,1,min) #finds the closest port to each occurrence record
# Repeat for additional species
## Calculate inverse cumulative probability for each species and aggregated across all species (done in Excell for
ease of visualization)
#Create raster of inverse cumulative probably of observing occurrence records farther from port
InverseProb<-read.csv(file.choose()) #Import csv file of inverse cumulative probability into r with two columns
(distance from port in meters, inverse cumulative probablity of observing an occurrence record aggregated for all
for (w in 1:(nrow(InverseProb)-1)){
## Import ascii output from MaxEnt and plot as desired using Raster package, retrieve threshold values from
MaxentResults.csv to plot threshold plots (e.g. Fig 1 and 2)
## Plot PortDistRaster.Scale and underlying data as desired (e.g. Fig 3 and Fig 4)
## Combine data from MaxEnt output and Introduction likelihood data to determine invasion risk and plot as desired
(e.g. Fig 5)
ESM Supplementary Material Citations for occurrence data for Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
and literature sources along with select R code modified from this project.