Newsletter - St Joseph`s Primary School

St Joseph’s Primary School,
53 Denison Street
PO Box 83
Phone 6558 1555
Fax 6558 9123
Week 1 Term 1 2014
Welcome to another school year. This year we welcome seven new students to
our school – Seth Amos, Lucy Wilson, Kamryn Beard, Shauni Muddle, Emma
Cummins-Ninnes and also Kaysha and Jackson Smith. Emma is returning to the
school and Kaysha and Jackson have moved from Abermain to live at Bundook.
We know that you will love your time at St Joseph’s.
We also welcome a new member of staff. Lee Sullivan has joined us at Joey’s
and is teaching Years 5 and 6. Lee has previously taught on the Central Coast
and in Taree and is a very experienced teacher across all grades. He has a
particular interest in boys’ education and the involvement of families within the
school and the education process. Lee will be involved with all children K-6 and
we look forward to a wonderful year ahead.
Staffing for 2014
Secretary: Barbara Mansfield. Barbara works Wednesday – Friday.
Library Assistant: Lisa Hollingsworth. Lisa works Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
mornings as well as all day Wednesday.
Pastoral Care Worker: Joanne Relf. Joanne works Tuesday and Thursday.
Cleaner: Marissa Hoppe.
Learning Support Assistant: Kelly Middlebrook. Kelly works Tuesday – Friday.
Learning Support Assistant: Jenni Shultz. Jenni works Monday – Thursday.
Learning Support and K-2 Teacher: Sjaan Wilson. Sjaan works Monday –
Friday. Tuesday is Learning Support day.
Release Teacher: Kathy Forbes. Kathy works on K-2 every Tuesday and will
work in the Library during Weeks 2-5.
3 / 4 Teachers: Donna-Maree Watt works Monday, Tuesday and every second
Wednesday; Cathy Beard works Thursday, Friday and every other Wednesday.
5/6 Teacher: Lee Sullivan. Lee works Monday – Friday and released every
second Tuesday for Executive teacher duties.
Principal: Bronwyn Underwood. Works Monday – Friday, with every second
Tuesday on 5 / 6 and Library on Wednesday from Week 6.
General Permission
Attached to the end of the Newsletter is a permission note that will cover all
the local excursions where children walk or are driven to the venue. Sometimes
due to the weather, the children are transported in cars. This permission note
covers such times, but you will always be notified in writing before the children
leave the grounds. Please return this note and it will be kept as a permanent
record for the year.
Term 1 Dates
Feb 4 – Swimming Carnival
Feb 11 – Parent Teacher Night at 6.00 p.m. followed by P&F Meeting at
7.00 p.m. More information next week.
Feb 19 – Regional Swimming Carnival at Taree
March 4 – Diocesan Swimming Carnival at Lambton
March 5 – Ash Wednesday
March 7 – Pupil Free Day
March 10 – March 14 – Catholic Schools’ Week
March 10 – Parent/Teacher Interviews – 3.30 – 7.00 p.m. P&F Meeting
at 7.00 p.m.
March 12 – Soccer Gala Day Years 3and 4 in Gloucester
March 13 – Come and Try Day
March 20 – St Joseph’s Harmony Day activities
March 26 – School Cross Country
April 4 – Gloucester Show
April 11 – Holy Week Liturgy – end of Term 1.
Swimming Carnival
Next Tuesday is the school swimming carnival. Please see the separate note and
return to school as soon as possible, so a program can be put together. Please
join us at the pool if you are able. The swimming carnival is always a great day.
Because of the carnival, sport day will be Tuesday next week only.
The school canteen will be open tomorrow. Canteen days are Monday and Friday.
If you can spare any time at all between 9 and 12 on these days, you will be
made to feel very welcome. A summer menu is attached, in case you have
misplaced your menu over the holiday break.
Gymnastics will again be held in the school hall on Wednesday afternoon after
school. Registration day is Wednesday February 5 and classes will commence on
Wednesday February 12. Age ranges from toddlers up.
Special Needs
Attached is a flyer for a Special Needs Expo being held at St Joseph’s Primary
School in Taree on March 25. Some parents attended this last year and found
the information and networking opportunities very beneficial.
School Banking
School banking will commence next Wednesday at school. Lisa Hollingsworth
coordinates the banking and children can deposit their money at school. If you
wish your child to be a part of this, you will need to call into any branch of the
Commonwealth Bank and open a Dollarmite account in their name. The rest you
can do at school on banking day.
Crunch and Sip
This year we will continue the tradition of fruit break during the morning.
Numeracy is now taught for the first hour of the day, followed by fruit, water
and fitness, before the children commence their Literacy block. Please ensure
that your child has cool water and a piece of fruit or vegetable for this short,
but important break.
Library Day
Library day will be Wednesday this year, for both borrowing and lessons. Kathy
Forbes will be the Library teacher for weeks 2-5 and then I will take over the
role. Please ensure that library bags are packed on Wednesdays. This year we
hope to utilize the town library, so from time to time the classes will walk to the
town library.
During the holidays there were some birthdays. Jenni Shultz, Spencer Muddle
and Jackson Smith celebrated their special day. Happy birthday.
General Permission Note
I give permission for my chid/ren to walk to and from local activities during the
2014 school year. I understand that from time to time, my child/ren will be
transported in a car due to weather extremes – too hot or rain.
Name/s of child/ren:
Name of parent/carer: