Syllabus - St. Ambrose University



St. Ambrose University

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program

DPT 582B – Generic Clinical Education Course Syllabus


Introduction: This syllabus describes the format for this clinical experience for the firstyear DPT student and his/her Center Coordinator for Clinical Education (CCCE) and/or

Clinical Instructor (CI). Basic information is presented under general headings below. The

Academic Coordinators for Clinical Education (ACCEs), Lynn Frank and Kristin Ryan, are available at any time to help with your questions or provide more information. Please refer to page 4 for contact information.

Clinical Dates: (Late July) / first three weeks of August

Course Description: This is the second in a series of seven clinical education experiences during which the student is to integrate academic materials and practice psychomotor skills including patient examination, assessment, interventions and documentation which have been presented to date in the curriculum. The student is also expected to observe, discuss and assist the CI with examinations and interventions that have not yet been presented in class. During this fulltime three-week experience, the student will be supervised by his/her

CI (a licensed physical therapist whose facility contracts with St. Ambrose University for the purpose of providing clinical education experiences). Students will be assigned to clinical sites in which they can experience generalist practice.

The student participating in DPT 582 has completed the courses in the 2.5-year curriculum as listed in the left column below. Course descriptions are available at (click on

Program, then Entry-Level Program, then Course Descriptions), or contact the Clinical

Education Office.

Completed courses:

Human Gross Anatomy

Professional Seminar

Future courses:

Issues in Patient Care

Musculoskeletal Therapeutics I

Kinesiology & Biomechanics

Functional Anatomy

Introduction to PT

PT Procedures I

Clinical Education (2 weeks)

Pathology & Medical Management I

Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology

Physical Agents

Clinical Exercise Physiology

Issues in Research I

Pathology and Medical Management II

Neuromuscular Pediatrics

Applied Anatomy & Physiology


Current course:

Clinical Education (3 weeks)

Neuromuscular Therapeutics

Cardiopulmonary Therapeutics

Clinical Education (2 weeks)

Issues in Research II

Advanced Diagnostics I

Professional Practice in Physical Therapy

Orthotics and Prosthetics

Integumentary Therapeutics

Critical Inquiry

Musculoskeletal Therapeutics II

PT Procedures II

Advanced Diagnosis II

Differential Diagnosis

Clinical Education (2 weeks)

Medically Complex Patient

Three internships (8 weeks, 8 weeks, and 10 weeks)


Course Objectives: The following course objectives are intended as guidelines for this experience. The program does not anticipate that the student will complete all objectives

during the clinical experience. Dependent upon the type of clinical setting and available caseload, the CI and student are expected to plan for the individual student to what degree and under what level of supervision selected course objectives may be productively and safely addressed. During this clinical experience, the CI may instruct using a model of demonstration progressing to direct supervision.


The student will demonstrate professional behaviors characteristic of a first-year student

( adapted from “Development of a Model for Ability-Based Assessment in Physical Therapy Education,”

Journal of Physical Therapy Education . 9:1, Spring 1995).


The student will obtain relevant history from the medical record and/or patient interview with moderate guidance from the CI.


With minimal guidance from the CI, the student will identify the appropriate tests and measures* to include in the systems review and examination of non-complex patients.


With minimal guidance from the CI, the student will implement systems review and appropriate tests and measures* as part of the non-complex patient examination.


The student will discuss with the CI how to utilize the patient’s medical history, systems review and exam results to establish the PT diagnosis and prognosis.


With moderate guidance of the CI, the student will write appropriate short-term and longterm goals for the non-complex patient.


The student will select appropriate interventions*to include in the physical therapy treatment for non-complex patients.


The student will discuss with the CI or other staff involved in patient care the rationale for the established plan.


The student will safely apply direct physical therapy interventions* appropriate to the noncomplex patient.


The student will document selected patient interactions using the Guide to Physical Therapist

Practice format or that preferred by the clinical facility with minimal guidance of the CI.

*See enclosed Skills List DPT 582: Listing the tests, measures, and interventions covered in the curriculum to date.

Instructional Materials/References: The CCCE and/or CI will share the facility’s orientation materials, procedures, and protocols with the student as appropriate for the length and level of the clinical experience.

The student will have materials from completed courses and in-progress courses available during the clinical experience for self-study. The clinical site may provide additional resources to the student for his/her use during the affiliation .

Grading: A Pass/No Pass grade will be awarded by the ACCEs based upon the student’s clinical performance (as evaluated by the CI using the Student Performance Evaluation ), and the student’s timely submission of all course assignments.


General Policies: The student will be responsible for travel, lodging, meals and personal medical expenses related to this clinical experience. The student will observe the policies of the facility to which he or she is assigned regarding confidentiality, dress code, working hours, documentation of health insurance and immunization status, etc. The student will wear the SAU name badge at all times, unless required to wear a facility name badge.

Absence Policy : The student who is absent due to illness or personal emergency will be expected to contact the CI at the earliest time possible. The student is responsible to arrange to make up at the convenience of the CI. Absences will be recorded on the cover sheet of the Student Performance Evaluation form. Questions related to absences may be directed to the ACCEs.

Student Evaluation of the Course: The student will evaluate his/her clinical experience using the Student Evaluation of the Clinical Experience form. This form is to be shared with the facility and submitted to the ACCEs.

Course Calendar for CCCE, CI and Student:


Prior to clinical

Late July / First 3 weeks of Aug

First or second day

Item due or to do:

Student to review CSIF and available information for the clinical site. Complete the

Student Requirement Form if applicable

5 weeks prior to start Informational packet mailed to CCCE

5 weeks prior to start

Student mails and emails the Student Profile to the CCCE, submit to BB

Prior to clinical CCCE forwards clinical packet and Student Profile to the CI for review. CCCE/CI contacts student with changes in arrival time or place if applicable

Clinical Experience


Prior to final evaluation

Student and CI discuss objectives listed in syllabus; identify some reasonable objectives for the clinical based upon clinical site and caseload

Suggested informal mid-clinical evaluation meeting between CI and student

Student prepares for the final evaluation meeting by completing:

Student Performance Eval (Student Self-Assessment) form

Student Eval of the Clinical Experience form

Final day

Formal final evaluation session, CI and student (both sign all forms):

CI shares completed Student Performance Evaluation

Student shares completed Student Performance Evaluation (Self-assessment) and the completed Student Evaluation of the Clinical Experience form

Immediately after final day

Immediately after final day

CI or CCCE mails (use return envelop provided)

Student Performance Evaluation form

CI Evaluation of the SAU PT Program form

Student mails (envelope included):

Student Performance Evaluation (Student Self-assessment) form

Student Evaluation of the Clinical Experience form to the ACCEs

Submit to BB

Scout-it-out form

Confidential Evaluation of the Clinical Experience form

Any updates in cell phone number if applicable

Later in August Student checks BB Gradebook to assure items have been received

Please direct questions or requests for information to the Clinical Education Office:

Lynn Frank, PT, MPT, NCS or Kristin Ryan, DPT, CLT, ACCE

Phone: (563) 333-6407 (work)

(563) 355-5004 (home)

Fax: (563) 333-6410

Email: FrankLynnM

Phone: (563) 333-5890(work)

Fax: (563) 333-6410

