Literate Environments - Franklin County Public Schools

Literate Environments in Franklin County Public Schools
Using the Kentucky Department of Education’s Literacy Planning Guide for Kentucky Schools as a
resource, the FCPS K-12 Literacy Committee believes we should set goals to achieve the following in all
FCPS schools and classrooms:
Provide students with literacy-rich
experiences, books, resources, and
models to facilitate reading, writing, and
communication skills development that
meet the diverse needs of our FCPS
Share the value of reading, writing, and
communication as tools to help students
understand the content.
Demonstrate how the FCPS staff’s work
supports the school-wide literacy plan.
Model the idea that improving the literacy
performance of students is the
responsibility of ALL stakeholders.
Create an environment that makes
learning irresistible (e.g., interactive, online communication and collaboration
tools, multimedia production tools, use of
physical and virtual space).
Create classroom space in which students
are open and responsive to diverse ideas,
demonstrate teamwork, and treat each
other with respect.
Ensure the Library Media Center in each
school reflects literacy as a priority in the
Collaborate with families and caregivers
to support home environments that
promote literacy development.
Ensure students have access to
appropriate and engaging texts.
Provide opportunities for students to see
and hear fluent adults modeling reading,
thinking, and writing.
Provide opportunities for students to
interact with adults and peers in response
to texts.
Provide students with opportunities to
write, discuss, and speak for a variety of
audiences and purposes, including beyond
the classroom and school.
What this might look like in our
Flexible Library Schedules, Collaboration with
Librarian, Author Visits, Plays, Authors Chair,
Celebrations of Writing, Readers’ Theater,
Classroom Libraries, Classroom/School-wide
Morning Meetings, Literacy Integration in
Content Areas, Author Visits
Writing to Learn, Reading/Writing Across
Content Areas, Technology Tools, Teacher
SBDM Policies, Literacy Block/Intentional
Scheduling, ELA across content areas, Jobembedded PD
ELA across Content Areas, Parent/Community
Partnerships, Collaboration with Enrichment
Staff, Varied Membership in PLC’s
Organized Classroom Libraries (Leveled,
Genres, Interests) and Inviting Spaces,
Technology Tools (IPAD, Smart-board,
Projectors, E-Readers), Emotionally Safe
What this might look like in our
Literature circles, Authentic Literacy Tasks,
Exemplars Posted, Inviting Physical
Environment, Use of Technology, Flexible
Library Schedules, Collaboration with Librarian,
Plays, Celebrations of Writing, Literacy
Integration in Content Areas, Author visits,
Poetry Out Loud
Literacy Coaches, LDC, Scholarships, Essay and
Speaking Contests, Guest Speakers, Writing to
Learn, Reading/Writing Across Content Areas,
Job-Embedded PD, TLN, PLC’s, SBDM Policies,
Literacy Block/Intentional Scheduling,
Literacy Integration in SBUS Units,
Administrative Accountability
Instructional Technology, Active Learning and
Engagement, Interactive Classrooms, Student
Choice, Inviting Spaces, Smart-board, Projectors
Safe Environment, Tables for Collaboration,
Physical Arrangement, Routines, Procedures,
Protocols, Celebrations, Immediate/Specific
Flexible scheduling, Inviting environment,
Collection updates, Collaboration, Small
Group Projects
Home Visits, Use of Reading Logs, Use of
Dialogue Journals, FRC Connections, Book
Fairs, Family Nights, Sharing books between
home and school
Improve Classroom Libraries, Increase NonFiction, Intentional Instruction, Open Library,
Adults Modeling, Thinking Aloud while
reading, Intentional Read-Alouds (setting
purpose), Guest Readers, Close Reading
Guided Reading Groups, Response Journals,
Conferring, Partner/Group Activities
Safe Environment, Student Engagement,
Debates, Classroom Management, Physical
Arrangement, Routines, Procedures, Protocols,
Celebrations, Immediate/Specific Feedback
Promote Book Clubs, Literacy, Cultural
Information, Interactive Events with
Families/Community Collaboration
Through libraries, clubs
Summer Reading Lists
Authentic Tasks, Real-World Writing, Authors
Chair, Plays, Book Talks, Readers Theater, Use
of Technology
Writing for Publication, KYA, KUNA, Extra
Curricular, Authentic Tasks, Real-World Writing,
Plays, Book Talks, Use of Technology
Electronic books, Reading Lists, Collaboration
with Libraries
Poetry Out Loud, Teachers Modeling Reading
and Writing
Writers Notebooks, Double Entry Journals, Text