COUNCIL POLICY Document No: Immunisation and Infectious Disease Policy Responsible Officer: Family Day Care Team Leader Authorising Officer: Approval Date: Approved By: SCS FDC POLICY – 030 15 Jan. 13 Early Years Coordinator Review Date: 1 Jan. 14 Expiry Date: Version No: 1 Aged and Family Services Manager 1. Purpose Children are often infectious before symptoms appear. Therefore, it is important for Educators to operate their business ensuring good hygiene practices at all times. It is also important that educators and staff act appropriately and with sensitivity when dealing with an infectious child and their family. Educators, Co-ordination unit staff and families need to be informed about infectious diseases that are common in early childhood settings. 2. Scope Evidence of link to NQS: 2.1, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, Evidence of link to ECSNR: 88, 162 (f), 168 (2) (c) 3. Application To ensure all stakeholders are familiar with the procedures to reduce the spread of infectious diseases in Family Day Care. 4. Definitions Exclusion: Unable to attend or participate in a program. Illness: Any sickness and/or associated symptoms that affect a child’s normal participation in a program. Infectious disease: A communicable disease that could be spread from person to person by air, water, interpersonal contact by any direct or indirect means. (see Communicable Diseases Exclusion Table) Immunisation status: The record of a child’s immunisation compared to the recommended immunisation schedule. (see National Immunisation Program Schedule) 5. Policy Strategies and Practices Infectious Diseases The Communicable Diseases Exclusion Table - is to be available at the educator’s homes. Parents/guardians are required to notify the educator if their child has an infectious disease. During the exclusion period for an infected person or contacts with that person, that child or adult must comply with the exclusion period and not attend the service. Responsibilities: The Co-ordination unit will: Provide information and resources to educators on how to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases. Modelling safe hygienic practices to educators and children where possible e.g. hand washing. Page 1 of 1 Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled. The controlled version is available on the computer network at Contacting the Department of health Communicable Diseases section on 1300 651 160 to notify: - when a child is suffering from a vaccine preventable disease(VPD) - (see National Immunisation Program Schedule) - if a child has a communicable disease as listed in the Communicable Diseases Exclusion Table (Attachment 1) and to seek advice on exclusion of cases and contacts. Educators will: Providing a safe and healthy environment for children Notify the FDC Coordination unit of any outbreak of an infectious disease When necessary, a child or other person with an infectious disease will be excluded in line with the recommended exclusion period (see Communicable Diseases Exclusion Table) Notifying all parents/guardians of any outbreak of an infectious disease. This should be done in a manner that ensures confidentiality for any child, family, Educator and their family and Support Staff . Educators will ensure parents of unimmunised children are aware that their child is unable to access the service for the recommended exclusion period. Advising parents/guardians on enrolment that the Communicable Diseases Exclusion Table will be applied to any infectious disease event. Minimise the risk of infection to others by following strict personal and environmental hygiene practices. Responding to the needs of children if a child becomes ill while in care Providing up-to-date information for families and Educators on immunisation and the protection of all children from infectious diseases. Parents/guardians will: Notifying the FDC service if their child has an infectious disease. Keep infectious or sick children away from the care environment. Promptly pick up a sick or infectious child that becomes ill whilst in care. Providing accurate and current information regarding the immunisation status of their child/children when they enrol and any subsequent changes to this whilst they are attending the FDC Service. Comply with the DEECD exclusion table Communicate with the educator about the child’s health and wellbeing. Notify the Educator if the child is being tested for an infectious disease. Immunisation for Children When a child is enrolled at the Early Childhood Service parents are required to indicate if their child has been immunised on the enrolment form. A staff member will endeavour to site the Immunisation record of the child. It is a requirement of the Commonwealth Government that children’s immunisation records are kept up to date. Notices and relevant information regarding immunisation is provided to educators and parents. Parents of unimmunised children will be notified if there is a child in the service suffering from a vaccine preventable disease(VPD) . The unimmunised child we be unable to attend the service for the recommended exclusion period. Staff immunisation Educators and staff who are required to undertake tasks which have been identified as having a risk of exposure to blood borne and other diseases are encouraged to have vaccinations for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tetanus and Influenza as required. Page 2 of 1 Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled. The controlled version is available on the computer network at Day-to-Day Service Management of Health and Safety Policies Reviewed at monthly team meetings and as required 6. Records Record Retention/Disposal Responsibility Retention Period Location 7. Attachments 8. References Education and Care Services National Regulations Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 Health Records Act 2001; Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 2001(amended 2004) Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 DHS Children’s Services Guide, NHMRC(2005), Staying Healthy in Child Care, 4th edition, available at or email or telephone 1800 020 103 to request a free copy. Resources and further reading Education and Care Services National Regulations Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 ACECQA National; Quality Framework Resource Kit Childcare service Handbook 2011-2012 (DEEWR) VEYLDF, EYLF, MTOP Related FDC Documents Illness Form Department Exclusion Table National Immunisation Program schedule Related FDC Policies/Procedures Illness policy Page 3 of 1 Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled. The controlled version is available on the computer network at