SAP Business One Release Notes

Sharperlight SAP Business One DataModel
Release Notes
Version 1.8.45
Revised Document Rate in Sales A/R and Purchasing A/P to show the Rate for all Line Numbers. Previously it
wold only show the rate for the first Line Number of the Header
Version 1.8.44
Add Project Line to Purchasing A/P combined view table
Version 1.8.43
Fixed issue with UDF introduced by 1.8.42. Also changed labels on G Total and Total Sum Sy to be more
consistent with existing Labels
Version 1.8.42
Added Line Manually Close field to Sales A/R and Purchase A/P Tables
Version 1.8.41
Added SAP DI API Library 9.1 32bit Library support
Version 1.8.40
Change to SAP B1 User Defined Tables to allow redirection of same query to another Company when that
new Company also has the same schema structure. The match for allowing redirection is based on the table
name, field names and data types. Table descriptions and field descriptions are not taken into account. If a
User Defined Table is unique to a company then the queries created on that Table will always be directed to
the original Company database no matter what the Company filter is. This redirection of common tables is
useful when you wish to report over multiple companies from the same User Define Tables. Note: Company
redirection of common tables only works if the original Company that the query was created over still exists.
If you deploy to another site that is missing the original Company there will be errors even if other
Companies may have the same structure
Version 1.8.39
Increase row limit from 1000 to unlimited for Charter of Accounts account code or name lookups
Version 1.8.38
Revised Charter of Accounts work table SQL logic to be more robust. Previously it relied on a SQL Table
called SBO_StateVars in the Sharperlight database to record Company details on segments. If for some
reason an error occurred this table may not be dropped and cause SQL errors thereafter. New logic always
creates true #temporary table so it will not be left hanging around after the job has finished.
Version 1.8.37
Sales A/R and Purchasing A/P issue with cancelled line items not being picked up in Footer related totals
such as Pre-Tax Total while fields like Line Total or Total Inc. Tax were unaffected. The original SQL logic only
used values from the Line record where the line number was equal to zero. However when line items are
cancelled the lowest line number would be higher than zero and therefore the value would go missing from
totals. The new logic will search for the lowest line number within a document entry and use that to ensure
no values go missing due to cancellations. Related to this new logic is a new Field called Line Number First
which shows the first line number (Lowest Number) under a Document Entry.
Version 1.8.36
Added 9.1 SAP DI API support in setup properties and Tester. In fact SAP version 9.1 still uses 9.0 of the SAP
DI API library but the options have been added for clarify
Version 1.8.35
Increased speed of GL Transaction SQL Queries when Period is filtered with no Account details. The
metadata will inject Year and Period filters that better match the table indexes to help the Database engine.
This requires Sharperlight version 3.1.12 or higher to take effect. Older versions will simply ignore the new
optimisation logic
Version 1.8.34
Fixed error message State Value not found on GL Transactions and Chart of Account Writeback. New
versions of Sharperlight were validating field comments and showing error message when not required
Version 1.8.33
Writeback fix for all tables dealing with Tax Group (VAT) or Tax Code. Depending on the Tax system required
SAP stores values in either OVTG (Tax Group) or OSTC (Tax Code) tables. The writebacks now detect with
table is being used by counting the number of rows and then sets either the Line.VatGroup or Line.TaxCode
values in the SAP DI API.
Version 1.8.32
Lookup for Tax Group did not always show values when dealing with US tax. Now lookups combines both
the OVTG and OSTC tables
Version 1.8.31
Budget Matrix Writeback, fixed rounding of period amounts. Also if budgets were updated the Sys amount
was not being reset.
Version 1.8.27..30
Journal Entry writeback fix for User Defined Fields. The values were out by one index position
Version 1.8.24..26
Item Price List writeback was displaying error messages that the Database values were out of sync.
Removed this check as SAP DI API does not commit values straight away. Also fixed an issue where if the
Price was set to Zero there was an Object error
Version 1.8.23
Segmented Accounts fix. If a Company had Account had segments defined but the disabled flag was not
checked correctly resulting in the DataModel trying to apply segment logic to the Accounts
Version 1.8.22
Additional joins added for Account Related Columns related to AcctCode, GogsAcct, IncomeAcct,
ExpensAcct, FrgnInAcct and CreditAcct
Version 1.8.21
Correction in SQL to allow for line cancellations. In previous SQL logic it was assumed that all LineNum under
DocEntry started at 0 which would drop the value if it was not. The new logic now does a sub query to
detect the Minimum LineNum of the current DocEntry. In most cases the LineNum would be 0 but on
occasions due to cancellations it could for example be 1 or 2.
Version 1.8.20
SAP DI API Writeback to Journal Entry and Budgets failed with Segmented Accounts. New logic has fixed this
so any Account Format will be accepted. For example Natural Account 82300000-01-001-01 Format Code
823000000100101 or the Account System Code _SYS00000000146
Budget Writeback, Fixed Account Code Lookup to show Natural Account instead of Account System Codes.
Also fixed error when writing back less than 12 Periods.
Version 1.8.19
SAP DI API Writeback locked up the Sharperlight Service if the Connections are Open and closed a number of
time. The SAP API was leaking memory even when the object we closed correctly and the object released.
For this reason Sharperlight now keeps a connection pool of SAP DI API objects so as to avoid closing and
disposing the objects and the memory leaks associated with this.
Version 1.8.18
Writeback Document Total added to A/P Invoice, A/P Credit Notes, A/R Invoice and A/R Credit Notes
This allow rounding errors on VAT to be overridden
Fixed User Defined Fields Invalid value error – fixed Data Type matching
Version 1.8.17
Additional Fields added to Sales A/R Table in Other Folder - (Around 300 in total)
These were detailed Header and Line Fields that were missing in but were deemed important
enough to add as adding them as Custom Fields was not possible
Additional Fields added to Purchase A/R Table in Other Folder - (Around 300 in total)
These were detailed Header and Line Fields that were missing in but were deemed important
enough to add as adding them as Custom Fields was not possible