SOIL FERTILITY ASSESSEMENT ALONG SLOPE GRADIENTS IN GIPO SUB-WATERSHED, METEKEL ZONE OF BENISHANGUL GUMUZ NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE, NORTH-WESTERN ETHIOPIA MSC THESIS ABDISSA ABEBE OCTOBER 2015 HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY, HARAMAYA SOIL FERTILITY ASSESSEMENT ALONG SLOPE GRADIENTS IN GIPO SUB-WATERSHED, METEKEL ZONE OF BENISHANGUL GUMUZ NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE, NORTH-WESTERN ETHIOPIA A Thesis Submitted to the Postgraduate Program Directorate School of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE (SOIL SCIENCE) By Abdissa Abebe October 2015 Haramaya University, Haramaya HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY School of Postgraduate Program Directorate We hereby certify that we have read and evaluated the Thesis entitled “Soil Fertility Assessment along Slope Gradients in Gipo Sub-Watershed, Metekel Zone of Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State, North-Western Ethiopia”, Prepared under our guidance by Abidissa Abebe. We recommend that it shall be submitted as fulfilling the Thesis requirements. Kibebew Kibret (PhD) Name of Major Advisor __________________ __________________ Signature Date Muktar Mohammed (PhD) __________________ __________________ Name of Co-Advisor Signature Date As members of the Board of Examiners of the MSc Thesis Open Defense Examination, we certify that we have read and evaluated the Thesis prepared by ABDISSA ABEBE and examined the candidate. We recommend that the thesis be accepted as fulfilling the Thesis requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Soil Science). Dr. Bobe Badadi Name of Chairman Dr. Lemma Wogi Name of Internal Examiner Dr.Yihenew G/ selassie Name of External Examiner __________________ ________________ Signature Date __________________ ________________ Signature Date __________________ ________________ Signature Date TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION Error! Bookmark not defined. STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR Error! Bookmark not defined. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Error! Bookmark not defined. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Error! Bookmark not defined. LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Error! Bookmark not defined. LIST OF TABLES Error! Bookmark not defined. LIST OF FIGURE ix LIST OF TABLES IN THE APPENDIX Error! Bookmark not defined. ABSTRACT Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. INTRODUCTION Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1. General Soil Fertility Concept 4 2.2. Soil Physical Properties 4 2.2.1. Soil Texture 5 2.2.2. Bulk Densities 5 2.2.3. Total Porosity 6 2.3. Soil Chemical Properties 7 2.3.1. Soil Reaction (pH) 7 2.3.2. Soil Organic Matter, Nitrogen and C: N Ratio 8 2.3.3. Available Phosphorus 10 2.3.4. Available Potassium Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3.5. Cation Exchange Capacity Error! Bookmark not defined. iii 2.3.6. Exchangeable Acidity Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3.7. Exchangeable Basic Cations ofPotassium and Sodium defined. Error! Bookmark not 2.3.8. Exchangeable Basic Cations ofCalcium and Magnesium defined. Error! Bookmark not 2.3.9. Percent Base Saturation Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3.10. Micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.1. Site Description Bookmark not defined. Error! 3.1.1. Location Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.1.2. Climate 20 3.1.3. Land use, Farming System, Soils and Vegetation of the Study Area Bookmark not defined. 3.2. Site Selection, Soil Sampling and Preparation Bookmark not defined. Error! Error! 3.2.1 Site Selection Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.2.2 Soil Sampling and Preparation Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3. Analysis of Soil Samples of Physico-Chemical Peroperties Bookmark not defined. Error! 3.3.1. Soil Physical Properties Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3.2. Soil Chemical Properties Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4. Data Analysis Bookmark not defined. Error! 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1. Soil Physical Properties Bookmark not defined. Error! 4.1.1. Soil Texture Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.2. Bulk Density and Total Porosity Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2. Soil Chemical Properties 26 4.2.1. Soil Reaction (pH) 26 4.2.2. Soil Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen and Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio (C: N) 27 iv 4.2.3. Available Phosphors and Potassium 29 4.2.5. Exchangeable Basic Cations and Exchangeable Acidity 29 4.2.4. Cation Exchange Capacity and Percentage Base Saturation Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.6. Micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 35 6. REFERENCES 37 7. APPENDIXES 47 DEDICATION This Thesis manuscript is dedicated to his lovely father, Abebe Gerbi, and his mother Gode Seyum, his beloved wife, Chaltu Melaku, his brothers Daba Abebe and Mitiku Nikues and all his sisters. v vi STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR I declare that this Thesis is my genuine work and that all sources of materials used for preparation of this Thesis have been suitably acknowledged through citations. This Thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for M.Sc. degree at Haramaya University. I strictly declare that this Thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of any academic degree, diploma or certificate. This Thesis shall be deposited at the University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this Thesis are allowable without special permission provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department or the Director of the post Graduate Directorate, when in his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of academic scholar. Name: AbdisaAbebe Place: Haramaya University, Haramaya Date of Submission: __________ Signature: ______________ iv BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH The author, Abdisa Abebe, was born in West Metekel Zone of the Benshangul Gumuz Regional State, in January, 1988. He began his education at Gallessa Elementary and Junior School and completed his Secondary School at Bullen Secondary and preparatory School in 2007. Then he joined the science faculty of Addis Ababa University in 2007 and graduated with Bachelor of education Degree in chemistry in 2009. The author has served at Dibati distinct of Metekel zone, Gallesa preparatory school for two years and then, he joined the Postgraduate program at Haramaya University in 2011 to pursue his study for M.Sc. degree in soil science. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is indebted to and gratefully acknowledges Dr. Kibebew Kibret his major advisor, for shaping his thinking and keeping momentum going throughout the course of this study. Without his intellectual stimulation, professional guidance, encouragement and inspiring discussions during the research work and valuable criticisms of the thesis manuscript, the completion of this research work would not have been possible. He would also like to extend his special thanks and gratitude to Dr. Muktar Mohammed his co-advisor, for commenting the thesis manuscript and technical advice on matters pertinent to the thesis. The staff member of Pawi national agriculture research center and Central Soil Laboratory of Haramaya University are highly accredited for allowing him to use their laboratory facilities and highly appreciated for providing information important for his work. Finally, his special heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation goes to Mr. Abebe Gerbi, Mrs. Gode Seyum, Mr. Daba Abebe, Mr. Azo Jibat, Mr. Abdisa Jegora, Mr. Mitiku Nikues, Mr. Lemessa Abebe, Mr. Takele Abebe Mr. Haile Derje, Mr. Asefa Derje and Mr. Tekele Derje and to all his sisters for their unreserved financial, moral and material support throughout his educational career. His deepest and unreserved thanks also go to Dibati educational and agricultural site for their material support. If he forget someone unmentioned, it is his mind not his heart to be blamed. vi LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BD AGU-R CEC CSA CGS DGC DTPA ECEC ESSS Exch.A Exch. Al FAO GIS GPS IAR IBSRAM IFA IITA ISRIC LU LSD masl OC OM PD ppm PBS RSA SAS TN TP Bulk density Benishangule gumuz region Cation exchange capacity Central Statistical Authority Council of Graduate Studies Department Graduate Committee Di-ethylene tri-amine penta-acetic acid Effective cation exchange capacity Ethiopian Society of Soil Science Exchangeable acidity Exchangeable aluminum Food and Agriculture Organization Geographic information system Geographic positioning system Institute of Agricultural Research International Board for Soil Research and Management International Fertilizer Industry Association International Institute of Tropical Agriculture International Soil Reference and Information Center Land unit Least significant difference Meters above sea level Organic carbon Organic matter Particle density Parts Per Million Percent base saturation Republic of South Africa Statistical analysis system Total nitrogen Total porosity vii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Slope class, slope, surface soil color and soil textural classes of the study area 22 2. Variations of selected soil physical properties along slope gradients 26 3. Variation of soils pH, TN, OC, C: N, available phosphors and available potassium 29 along slope gradients 4. Variation of Soils Exchangeable Basic Cations, Exchangeable Acidity, CEC in 33 (cmol (+)/kg) and PBS (%) along slope gradient 5. Variation of selected soil micro nutrients along slope gradient in (mg/kg) viii 34 LIST OF FIGURE Figure Page 1. Location map of the study area 2. Mean annual rainfall (mm) and Temperature (0C) from (2007-2014) ix 22 21 LIST OF TABLES IN THE APPENDIX Appendix Table Page 1. Ratings of soil pH, organic carbon and CEC 49 2. Ratings of soil av.P, av.K, percentage base saturation and total nitrogen 49 3. Ratings of exchangeable cations in the soil 49 4. Mean square of soil physical and chemical parameters from the different land units 50 5. Geographical coordinates (grids) of the sampling sites 50 x SOIL FERTILITY ASSESSEMENT ALONG SLOPE GRADINT IN GIPO SUB-WATERSHED, METEKEL ZONE OF BENISHANGUL GUMUZ NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE, NORTH-WESTERN ETHIOPIA ABSTRACT Soil fertility assessment is key for designing sit-specific management intervention. A study was conducted in Dibati distirict of Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State to assess variation of soil fertility status along slope gradients. Composite surface soil samples were collected from three slope classes’ categories (2-10%, 10-15%, 15-30) and three slope classes for the analysis of physico-chemical properties. Analysis of variance revealed that soil texture were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by changes in slope gradients. Relatively, clay content decreased with increase in slope gradient. On the other hand, silt and sand contents followed the opposite trend. Bulk density and total porosity were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected due to variations in slope gradients. Relatively higher bulk density value was recorded on upper slope, followed by middle slope gradient, while the lower bulk density was recorded on lower slope gradients. On the other hand, total porosity followed the opposite trend. Soil pH did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) with variation in slope gradients. Nevertheless, it slightly decreases with increase in slope gradients. Soils organic carbon was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different due to differences in slope gradients. Accordingly, the mean soils organic carbon contents of lower slope gradients and middle slope gradients were slightly higher than that of upper slope classes. Soils total nitrogen was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different due to differences in slope gradients. Furthermore, the trend of total nitrogen was similar to that of organic carbon. Soil C; N did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) with variation in slope gradients. Nevertheless, it slightly decreases with increase, in slope classes. Cation exchange capacity of all the slope classes are significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced by changes in slope classes. The analysis of variance showed that the percentage base saturation did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) with variation in slope classes. The mean values of available K and P were statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) different. The highest mean value of available K and available P were observed on the lower slope classes, while the lowest available K and available P were found under the upper slope classes. The analysis of variance show that except exchangeable Na+, all the other exchangeable basic caions were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different under the three slope classes. Accordingly, except for exchangeable Mg2+, Ca2+and k+ increased significantly with decrease in the slope classes. There was no significant (P > 0.05) difference among soils under the three slope classes due to variations in slope classes. Nevertheless, it slightly increases with increases in slope classes. There was a significant (P ≤ 0.05) variation in mean values of micro nutrient in the soils under the different slope classes. The soils of the study area showed relatively potentially desirable physical fertility, deficient of some chemical parameters, such as low total nitrogen, low organic carbon, very low available P and low Na+ cation. Therefore, to solve the problem and restore the loss of nutrients and maintain sustainable agricultural production, there should be restoring, maintaining and increasing the fertility status of the soils by integrated soil conservation measures to avoid removal of soil and soil nutrients through incorporation of crop residues, application of compost and animal dung for in improving soil fertility as well as other physicochemical characteristics of the soils. xi 1. INTRODUCTION Providing food for the ever-growing population is one of the critical challenges of today. Soil fertility assessment and mapping is key for designing sit-specific management intervention. According to Beets (1982), production can be increased by expanding the areas cultivate for crops, raising the yield per unit area of individual crops or by growing more crops per year. In the future, most of additional food the world needs must come from high yields on the lands already under cultivation and/or from lands now considered marginal (Chatterjee and Maiti, 1994). A major share of this increase will likely come from the use of irrigation, commercial fertilizers, pesticides, improved crops culture, mechanization and improved soil and water management (FAO, 1984). The demand for fertilization is evident, as growers around the world have already recognized the return, which can be realized from added plant nutrients. Quinenes et al. (1992) stated that unless something is done to restore soil fertility first, other efforts to increase crop production could end up with little success. Moreover, using chemical fertilizers that bring more than100% extra yield is inevitable in most cases (Kelsa et al., 1992). The quest for increased and sustainable productivity to match with population growth has been a central issue in agriculture for as long as crops have been grown. Its stark significance is seen today in areas of Africa that are suffering from frequent drought and the consequent famine. In countries with a capacity for excess food production, maintenance of soil fertility is a requirement for both economic and environmental viability of their farming system, with production matched to national needs and export demands (Rowell, 1994). Soil fertility decline has been described as the single most important constraint to food security in SubSaharan Africa (SSA) Teferi (2008). It has been also described by the same author; soil fertility is not just a problem of nutrient deficiency. It is a problem of soil physicochemical and biological degradation. The problem relates the linkage between poverty and land degradation, often perverse national and global policies with respect to incentives and institutional failures (Verchot et al., 2007). Soil fertility maintenance is a major concern in tropical Africa, particularly with the rapid population increase, which has occurred in the past few decades (Gebeyaw, 2007). It has been also described by the same author; in traditional farming systems, farmers use bush fallow, 1 plant residues, household refuse, animal manures and other organic nutrient sources to maintain soil fertility and soil organic matter. Although this reliance on organic nutrient sources for soil fertility regeneration is adequate with low cropping intensity, it becomes unsustainable with more intensive cropping unless fertilizers are applied (Mulongey and Merck, 1993). In Ethiopia, low soil fertility is one of the factors limiting agricultural productivity. It may be caused as a result of removal of surface soil by erosion, crop removal of nutrients from the soil, total removal of plant residue from farmland, and lack of proper cropping systems (Tamirie, 1982). The results of several studies conducted on the status of P in Ethiopian soils (Eylachew, 1987; Tekalign and Haque, 1987) indicated that most of the soils studied require addition of P fertilizer for profitable crop production. Eyasu (2002) indicated that under increasing demographic pressure, cultivation becomes permanent. It has been also described by the same author; the conventional hypothesis is that the traditional farming systems in SSA lead to the mining of plant nutrients when cultivation becomes more permanent due to increasing population pressure. In many cases, removal of vegetation cover, depletion of soil nutrients and organic matter (OM), and accelerated soil erosion have all led to the drastic decline in soil fertility. Soil OM not only plays a major role in affecting physical and chemical soil properties, but also controls soil microbial activities by serving as a source of carbon and nitrogen (Gebeyaw 2007). In many management options such as keeping grasses in the crop rotation, returning all crop residues to the fields and conservation tillage, controlling erosion, using cover crops whenever possible, manures application to the soil and adding organic materials are considered as important sources of plant nutrients and improvement of soil physical and chemical properties (Campbell et al., 1996). Research results have shown that the success in soil management to maintain soil quality depends on understanding of the properties of a given soil. This is a requisite for designing appropriate management strategies and thereby solving many challenges that the Ethiopians are facing in the crop and livestock production sectors and in their efforts towards natural resource management for sustainable development (Wakene, 2001). The removal of vegetative cover (such as straw or stubble) or burning plant residues as practiced under the traditional system of crop production or the annual burning of vegetation on grazing lands are 2 major contributors to the loss of nutrients (Mesfin, 1998), while the use of chemical fertilizer is also minimal. To maintain where soil fertility is high and to improve where it is low, assessment is a prerequisite to rate soils on the basis of their fertility status. In Ethiopia, the information presently available on soil fertility status is not adequate to meet the requirement of agricultural development programs, and rational fertilizer promotions and recommendations based on actual limiting nutrients for a given crop (Teferi, 2008). Information on soil fertility is important in enhancing production and productivity of the agricultural sector on sustainable basis. However, little information is available in Northwestern Ethiopia, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Metekel Zone in general and in Dibati distinct in particular. The regional agricultural bureau assumes as most of the area in the region are fertile and productive before few years. However, due to intensive cultivation and over grazing, the fertility status of soils of the study area has been declining. In addition, the loss of soil fertility in the study area is related with burning of plant residues under traditional crop production systems which may contribute to the loss of nutrients. Therefore, this study was proposed with the following objective: To assess the fertility status of soils of the study area in terms of selected soil physical and chemical properties along slope gradients 3 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. General Soil Fertility Concept The study of soil fertility involves examining the forms in which plant nutrients occur in the soil, how these become available to the plant, and factors that influence their uptake (Martin 1993).This in turn leads to a study of the measures that can be taken to improve soil fertility and crop yield by applying nutrient to the soil- plant system. This is usually done by adding manure, fertilizers, and amendments to the soil. A mineral element is to be essential to plant growth and development if the deficiency of that element is not corrected by other elements, if the element directly involved in plant metabolic functions and plant cannot complete its life cycle without the element Teferi (2008). There for, caution should be taken when diagnosing deficiency symptoms and determination of soil fertility through soil analysis. Soil chemical properties determine the nutrient supplying power of the soil to the plants. The chemical processes that occur in the soil affect its pedological development and soil fertility. Minerals inherited from the soil parent materials overtime release chemical elements that can undergo various transfers and transformations within the soil. The more important chemical characteristics, which influence soil fertility and hence plant growth and yield, are soil reaction (pH), cation exchange capacity (CEC), available nutrients, OM content and salt concentrations Damtew (2007). The land qualities such as moisture and oxygen availability, and availability of foothold for root development depend for a great deal on soil physical characteristics such as texture, coarse fragments, stoniness, depth of the soil and structure (Ranst, 1991). 2.2. Soil Physical Properties The physical properties of soils determine their adaptability to cultivation and the level of biological activity that can be supported by the soil. Soil physical properties also largely determine the soil's water and air supplying capacity to plants. Many soil physical properties change with changes in land use system and its management such as intensity of cultivation, 4 the instrument used and the nature of the land under cultivation, rendering the soil less permeable and more susceptible to runoff and erosion losses (Sanchez, 1976). 2.2.1. Soil Texture Soil texture is perhaps the most fundamental and most permanent soil property, not readily subject to change by normal soil management practices in the field (Brady and Weil, 2002). Texture is an important soil characteristic because it, in part, determines water intake rates, water storage in the soil, the ease of tilling the soil, the amount of aeration and influences soil fertility (Sharma. 2002; Gupta, 2000). It is also a guide to the value of land and as a result land use capability and soil management practices are largely affected by the texture (Gupta, 2000). Moreover, the rate of many important chemical reactions in soil is governed by soil texture because it determines the amount of surface area available for reaction (Youndeowiei et al., 1990). It also critically influences the response of crop to fertilization. It affects the infiltration and retention of water, soil aeration, absorption of nutrients, microbial activities, tillage and irrigation practices (Foth, 1990; Gupta, 2004). It is also an indicator of some other related soil features such as type of parent material, homogeneity and heterogeneity within the profile, migration of clay and intensity of weathering of soil material or age of soil (Miller and Donahue, 1995; Lilienfein et al., 2000). Soil texture is one of the inherent soil physical properties less affected by management. The rate of increase in stickiness or ability to mould as the moisture content increases depend on the content of silt and clay, the degree to which the clay particles are bound together into stable granules and the OM content of the soil (White, 1997). Over a very long period of time, pedogenic processes such as erosion, deposition, eluviations and weathering can change the textures of various soil horizons (Forth, 1990; Brady and Weil, 2002). 2.2.2. Bulk Densities Measurement of soil bulk density is required for the determination of compactness, as a measure of soil structure, for calculating soil pore space (Barauah and Barthakulh, 1997). Bulk density also provides information on the environment available to soil microorganisms. 5 White (1997) stated that values of bulk density ranges from < 1 g/cm3 for soils high in OM, 1.0 to 1.46 g/cm3 for well- aggregated loamy soils and 1.2 to 1.8 g/cm3 for sands and compacted horizons in clay soils. Bulk density normally decreases as mineral soils become finer in texture. Soils having low and high bulk density exhibit favorable and poor physical conditions, respectively. Bulk densities of soil horizons are inversely related to the amount of pore space and soil OM (Brady and Weil, 2002; Gupta, 2004). Any factor that influences soil pore space will also affect the bulk density. Woldeamlak and Stroosnijder (2003) and Mulugeta (2004) revealed that the bulk density of cultivated soils was higher than the bulk density of forest soils. Soil bulk density increased in the 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers relative to the length of time the soils were subjected to cultivation (Mulugeta, 2004). Similarly, Ahmed (2002) reported that soil bulk density under both cultivated and grazing lands increased with increasing soil depth. On the other hand, Wakene (2001) reported that bulk density was higher at the surface than the subsurface horizons in the abandoned and lands left fallow for twelve years. The changes in the physical soil attributes on the farm fields can be attributed to the impacts of frequent tillage and the decline in OM content of the soils. Particle density is the mass or weight of a unit volume of soil solids. It affects soil porosity, aeration and rate of sedimentation of particles. The mean particle density of most mineral soils is about 2.60 to 2.75 g/cm3, but the presence of iron oxide and heavy minerals increases the average value of particle density and the presence of OM lowers it (Hillel, 1980). 2.2.3. Total Porosity As soil particles vary in size and shape, pore spaces also vary in size, shape and direction (Foth, 1990). Coarse textured soils tend to be less porous than fine texture soils, although the mean size of individual pores is larger in the former than in the latter. There is close relationship between relative compaction and the larger (macro pores) of soils (Ike and Aremu, 1992). According to the same authors, tillage reduces the macro pore spaces and produces a discontinuity in pore space between the cultivated surface and the subsurface soils. Generally, intensive cultivation causes soil compaction and degradation of soil properties 6 including porosity Gebeyaw (2007). According to the same author, macro pores can occur as the spaces between individual sand grains in coarse textural soils. The decreasing OM and increasing in clay that occur with depth in many soil profiles are associated with a shift from macro-pores to micro-pores (Brady and Weil, 2002). Fine textured soils, especially those without a stable granular structure may have a dominance of micro pores, thus allowing relatively slow gas and water movement, despite the relative large volume of total pore space (Landon, 1991). Considering the surface soils, Wakene (2001) stated that the lowest total porosity 36.2% was observed on the abandoned research field, followed by 41.6% under the land left fallow for twelve years and the highest 56.7% was recorded on the farmer’s field. Along with the increase in soil bulk density, soil total porosity showed marked decline in both soil layers (0-10 and 10-20 cm) with increasing period under cultivation (Mulugeta, 2004). The lowest total porosity was the reflections of the low OM content. 2.3. Soil Chemical Properties 2.3.1. Soil Reaction (pH) Soil reaction (pH) is the degree of soil acidity or alkalinity, which is caused by particular chemical, mineralogical and/or biological environment. It is the simplest and the most important chemical parameter measured in soils Teferi (2008). It has vital role in determining several chemical reactions and in influencing plant growth by affecting the activity of soil microorganisms and altering the solubility and availability of most of the essential plant nutrients and particularly the micronutrients such as Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn (Miller and Donahue, 1995; Rao, 1995). Soil acidity is common in area where precipitation is high enough to leach appreciable quantities of cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+) from the surface layers of soils (Brady and Weil, 2002). Leaching processes, decomposition of organic materials, continuous cultivation, acid rains and application of acidic inorganic fertilizers usually bring about changes in soil reactions where the increasing intensities of these factors could significantly bring about the reduction of the soil pH by increasing the concentrations of the H+ ions in soil solutions that eventually produce acidic soils (Tisdale et al., 1993). Smith et al. (1995) 7 disclosed that soil pH is sensitive to changes in the natural environment and soil management processes due to human activity. Solomon et al. (2002) pointed out that a gradual reduction of surface soil pH with increasing time was observed in land units that have undergone conversion from forest to cultivated land uses in Ethiopia. Wakene (2001) also reported very low pH (3.45) for fields that were under intensive Cultivation compared to fields that were abandoned (3.80) and left fallow (4.07) for over 12 years. Wakene and Heluf (2003) attributed the lowest pH values recorded in the soils of the Bako research farmlands to the continuous removal of basic cations by high yielding crop varieties, use of acidifying inorganic N and P fertilizers and intensive cultivatition. 2.3.2. Soil Organic Matter, Nitrogen and C: N Ratio Soils are characterized as mineral or organic, on the basis of OM content. Mineral soils form most of our cultivated land and may contain from a mere trace to 20 to 30% OM, but organic soils contain 80% or more OM (Prasad and Power, 1997). Soil OM controls many soil physical and chemical properties. It improves aggregate stability, structure of soils and is a source of several essential plant nutrients, especially N, S and P (Prasad and Power, 1997). In all forms of agricultural systems, whether traditional or modern, soil organic matter (OM) plays an essential role in sustaining crop production and preventing land degradation (Ouedraogo,2004). Due to its positive influence on several soil processes, crop productivity and environmental quality, soil OM is often considered to be the single most important indicator of soil quality and sustainable land management (Roming et al., 1995; Vance, 2000; Doran, 2002). The positive effect of OM on structural stability is more pronounced on sandy than on more finely textured soils (FAO, 1998). According to (Assefa et al. 2003), crop management practices such as stubble management play an important role in maintaining an optimal soil environment. Since carbon makes up a large and definite proportion of soil OM, it is not surprising that the C:N ratio of soils tends to be fairly constant, generally between 8:1 to 15:1, the median being between 10:1 to 12:1 (Teferi, 2008). Temperature and precipitation influence the C: N ratio of soil OM. When rainfall is constant, the C: N ratio is lower in 8 warmer than in cooler regions. When annual temperatures are about the same, the C: N ratio tends to be lower in drier regions (Prasad and Power, 1997). According to (Saikh et al., 1998a), cultivation of land results in reduction of OM and total N, increase C: N of soils. Tesfu and Laktionov (1996) reported that intensive cultivation of Nitosols at Holetta decreased their OM content as compared to the uncultivated soils. The wider C: N ratios in the surface soils than in the corresponding subsoil layers suggested that N was limiting in agricultural productivity (Tamirat et al., 1996). Nitrogen occurs in soils in both organic and inorganic compounds of which nitrate and ammonium ions contribute the plant available forms Teferi (2008). Apart from application of N fertilizers, the main source of N in soils is the breakdown and mummification of OM; slow decomposition of humus releases NH4 ions which are greatly influenced by microbial activity (Landon, 1991). Formation and decomposition of OM determines the parallel gains and losses of soil N. Addition of organic N occurs annually through immobilization as crop residues. Conversely, organic N in the soil is continuously converted to the inorganic form through mineralization. Under any cropping system and soil management, immobilization and mineralization processes tend to balance each other in magnitude to render the system in equilibrium (Mesfin, 1996). Despite the above considerations, N is the most deficient nutrient element that frequently limits yield in the tropics as well as in the temperate region (Sanchez, 1976). The amount of N loss from Ethiopian soils is tied up with cultural practices or cultivation (Mesfin, 1998). The removal of vegetative cover such as straw or stubble or burning plant residue, be it under the traditional system of land preparation or the annual burning of vegetation on grazing land, are major contributors to the loss. For soils cultivated for 30 to 39 years, there was a substantial decrease in total N to about 0.05%. Whereas soil OM levels are usually expected to decrease exponentially with cultivation, eventually reaching a steady state reflecting soil type, climate and land use and/or management practices (Syers et al., 2001). According to (Buresh and Tian, 1998), Some agro-forestry trees have potential to provide N in quantities sufficient to support moderate crop yields through N inputs from biological N2 fixation and retrieval of nitrate deep soil layers and cycling of nitrogen from plant residues 9 and manures .Biomass transfer, alone or integrated with the use of inorganic fertilizers, is one of the promising land management options for improving soil fertility and hence increasing crop yields (Shehu et al., 1997; Rao et al., 1998). For instance, findings from India indicate that pigeon pea can contribute about 40 kg N ha-1 through N fixation, leaf fall and roots (Sheldrake and Narayanan, 1978; Rao and Willey, 1981). It was also suggested that Cajanus biomass application seems a promising alternative for maize production in the Bako areas and it can also be mineralized and the nutrients contained therein made available to crops during the year of application (Abebe and Diriba, 2003). 2.3.3. Available Phosphorus Available phosphorus (P) possibly has the most complicated chemistry in the soil, at least as far as assessment of P levels and the P fertilizer requirements are concerned Teferi (2008). According to the same author, it occurs in soils in both organic and inorganic forms, the latter usually being the more important for crop nutrition. Plants absorb P in the forms of HPO4 and H2PO4. The physical and chemical properties of soils were reported to influence the availability of P and its adsorption reactions in the soil. These include the nature and amount of soil minerals; soil pH, cation effects, anion effects, reaction time and temperature, flooding and fertilizer management practices (Landon, 1991; Tisdale et al., 1993). Mitiku (1987) reported that the available P in Ethiopian Vertisols of the central highlands as determined by the Olsen method showed a wide range of values (8 to 28 gm kg-1), which is low to moderately high in relation to the fertility status of the soils. Mohammed (2003) also reported the existence of better P levels in some of the surface horizons of soils in the Chercher, eastern Ethiopia and attributed this to the presence of relatively high soil OM contents. Consequently, the decreasing characteristic in P with depth of profiles is partly due to the corresponding decline of soil OM levels and the increasing levels of Ca phosphate which is unavailable to be extracted by plant roots. According to research conducted at Adet Agricultural Research Canter, the available P (Olsen) content ranged from 1.5 ppm at Bichena to 9.5 at Injibara while most sites had less than 5 mg kg- 1, which was below the critical limit for the growth of most crops (Yihenew, 2002). The dynamics of soil P could be affected by land use changes, which often involves 10 changes in vegetation cover, biomass production and nutrient cycling in the ecosystem (Solomon et al., 2002; Wakene and Heluf, 2003). According to research on some soils of Ethiopia, Acrisols from Bebeka and Masha (with low PH values) had considerably higher available and total P than the rest of the soils studied. The soils of these areas were being converted from forest to agricultural use and still hold their fertility reserves as compared to the other soils, which have been cultivated for a long time (Berhane and Sahilemedhin, 2003). Sustainable crop production in many soils of SSA requires P inputs because the soils are either derived from parent materials with low levels of P or have been depleted of plant available P through continuous cropping with insufficient P inputs (Sanchez et al., 1997). Nega (2006) reported that available P content of soils drastically declined due to conversion of natural ecosystem into managed agro-ecosystems. According to same, the statistical analysis indicated that available P content was significantly affected by land uses (P < 0.01) in which the average P content of various land uses were found to be significantly lower than P content of adjacent forest land soils. Besides depletion of P from the soil, its availability varies from soil to soil. Available soil P was relatively lower at Bekoji than at Eteya-Gonde on account of P fixation being higher in Nitisols (Yesuf, 2006). Most of the soils in Ethiopia show deficiency for inherent total and available P (Murphy, 1968) and this P deficiency is directly related to food security issues, especially in the tropics where severe soil degradation is responsible for series deterioration in soil quality (Stocking, 2003; Zhang and Zhang, 2005). The average total P content for soils of the eastern highlands of the country was 0.05% as reported by Eylachew (1987). Different researchers (Yesuf and Duga, 2001; Ahmed, 2002) reported that P and N plant nutrients to be the most deficient mineral components in the soils of Arsi causing strong challenges to the farming communities particularly in the upper highlands. This can be ascribed to the high rainfall in the highlands, erosion hazards and intensive cultivation. The form of P that occurs in soil parent materials is generally of low availability to plants. The concentration of P in soil solution provides useful information about P nutrition since concentration gradients are the driving force for flow of P to the roots and its uptake by roots also is concentration dependent (Birru and Heluf, 2003). Soil tests for plant available P is used worldwide to determine the current P status of soils so as to estimate fertilizer P requirements 11 for specific yield goals. The current P status is due to indigenous (native) P present in the soil and P from previous fertilizer P application (residual P) (Indiati, 2000). 2.3.4. Available Potassium The total K content of soil is usually many times greater than the amount taken up by a crop during a growing season, but in most cases only a small fraction of it is available to plants (Tisdale et al., 1993). The exchangeable K maintains an equilibrium with the K in solution, and together the exchangeable and solution K make up the available K (Foth and Ellis, 1997). According to FAO (2006) K is absorbed as the monovalent cation K+ and it is mobile in the phloem tissue of the plants. According to same author, K is involved in the working of more than 60 enzymes, in photosynthesis and the movement of its products (photosynthates) to storage organs (seeds, tubers, roots and fruits), water economy and provide resistance against a number of pests, diseases and stresses (frost and drought). It plays a role in regulating stomata opening and, therefore, in the internal water relations of plants. Potassium in soils is found in minerals that weather and release K ions. The ions are adsorbed on the cation exchange site and are readily available for plant uptake. Leaching in humid regions removes available K and creates a need for K fertilizer application when moderate or high crop yields are desired (Foth, 1990). In tropical soils, the total K content may be quite low because of the origin of the soils, high rainfall and continued high temperatures. In acidic soils under virgin conditions, K rarely limits crop production in spite of its low availability to plants in most acidic soils. However, under intensive crop production where these acid soils are improved by liming and application of P, availability of K becomes an important factor (Somani, 1996). Unlike N and P nutrients, which become immediately deficient in most tropical soils due to leaching and/or fixation particularly for P, the need for K frequently arises only after a few years of cropping a virgin soil (Tisdale et al., 1993). 2.3.5. Cation Exchange Capacity Cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil is defined as the sum of the positive charges of the cations that a soil can absorb at a specific pH value. In other words, it is the sum of the 12 positive charges of all of the adsorbed cations (Miller and Donahue, 1995; Rai, 1995). The Cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils is stated as, the capacity of soils to adsorb and exchange cations (Brady and Weil, 2002). The CEC of a soil is strongly affected by the amount and type of clay, and amount of OM present in the soil (Curtis and Courson, 1981). Both clay and colloidal OM are negatively charged and therefore can act as anions (Kimmins, 1997). As a result, these two materials, either individually or combined as a clay-humus complex, have the ability to absorb and hold positively charged ions (cations). Soils with large amounts of clay and OM have higher CEC than sandy soils low in OM. In surface horizons of mineral soils, higher OM and clay contents significantly contribute to the CEC, while in the subsoil particularly where Bt horizon exist, more CEC is contributed by the clay fractions than by OM due to the decline of OM with profile depth (Foth, 1990; Brady and Weil, 2002). Soil solutions contain dissolved chemicals, and many of these chemicals carry positive charges (cations) or negative charges (anions) (Fisher and Binkley, 2000). Cation exchange is considered to be of greater importance to soil fertility than anion exchange, because the majority of essential minerals are absorbed by plants as cations (Poritchett and Fisher, 1987). The nutrients required for plant growth is present in the soil in a variety of forms (Kimmins, 1997).They may be dissolved in the soil solution, from where they can be utilized directly. They may be absorbed onto exchange sites, from where they inter soil solution or be directly exploited by tree roots or microorganisms that come in contact with the exchange site. Alternatively, they may be firmly fixed in clay lattices, immobilized in decomposition resistant OM, or present in insoluble inorganic compounds. An exchangeable cation is one that is held on a negatively charged surface and displaced by another cation. The exchangeable cation is a desirable form of a nutrient being quickly brought into solution and made accessible to roots by the exchange with proton. Although the cation nutrients held on the exchange sites form a readily available pool, they do not represent the cation supplying ability of the soil (Binkley and Sollins, 1990; Binkley et al., 1992). Cations removed from the exchange sites often are replenished rapidly from other sources, such as OM decomposition, mineral weathering, or release of ions fixed within the layers of clay minerals (Gebeyaw, 2007). 13 2.3.6. Exchangeable Acidity Exchangeable acidity refers to the sum of the concentrations of hydrogen (H) and aluminium (Al) ions in the soil exchange complex, and is inversely related to base saturation and pH of the soil. For instance, exchangeable Al does not commonly occur in an appreciable quantity in soils with pH values above 5.5 Teferi (2008). Soil acidity occurs when acidic H+ ion occurs in the soil solution to a greater extent and when an acid soluble Al3+ reacts with water (hydrolysis) and results in the release of H+ and hydroxyl Al ions into the soil solution (Rowell, 1994; Brady and Weil, 2002). When the soils become strongly acidic, they may develop sufficient Al in the root zone and the amount of exchangeable basic cations decrease, solubility and availability of some toxic plant nutrient increase and the activities of many soil microorganisms are reduced, resulting in accumulation of OM, reduced mineralization and lower availability of some macronutrients like N, S and P and limitation of growth of most crop plants (Rowell, 1994) and ultimately decline in crop yields and productivity (Miller and Donahue, 1995; Tisdale et al., 1995; Foth and Ellis,1997; Brady and Weil, 2002). Foth and Ellis (1997) stated that during soil acidification, protonation increases the mobilization of Al and Al forms serve as a sink for the accumulation of H+. The concentration of the H+ in soils to cause acidity is pronounced at pH values below 4 while excess concentration of Al3+ is observed at pH below 5.5 (Nair and Chamuah, 1993). In strongly acidic conditions of humid regions, where rainfall is sufficient to leach exchangeable basic cations, exchangeable Al occupies more than approximately 60% of the effective cation exchange capacity, resulting in a toxic level of aluminium in the soil solution (Buol et al., 1989). Generally, the presence of more than 1 parts per million of Al3+ in the soil solution can significantly bring toxicity to plants. Hence, the management of exchangeable Al is a primary concern in acid soils. 2.3.7. Exchangeable Basic Cations of Potassium and Sodium Soil parent materials contain potassium (K) mainly in feldspars and micas. As these minerals weather, and the K ions released become either exchangeable or exist as adsorbed or as soluble in the solution (Foth and Ellis, 1997). Potassium is the third most important essential 14 element next to N and P that limit plant productivity. Its behavior in the soil is influenced primarily by soil cation exchange properties and mineral weathering rather than by microbiological processes. Unlike N and P, K causes no off-site environmental problems when it leaves the soil system. It is not toxic and does not cause eutrophication in aquatic systems (Brady and Weil, 2002). Wakene (2001) reported that the variation in the distribution of K depends on the mineral present, particles size distribution, degree of weathering, soil management practices, climatic conditions, degree of soil development, the intensity of cultivation and the parent material from which the soil is formed. The greater the proportion of clay mineral high in K, the greater will be the potential K availability in soils (Tisdale et al., 1995). Soil K is mostly a mineral form and the daily K needs of plants are little affected by organic associated K, except for exchangeable K adsorbed on OM. Mesfin (1996) described low presence of exchangeable K under acidic soils while Alemayehu (1990) observed low K under intensive cultivation. Normally, losses of K by leaching appear to be more serious on soils with low activity clays than soils with highactivity clays, and K from fertilizer application move deeply (Foth and Ellis, 1997). Exchangeable sodium (Na) alters soil physical and chemical properties mainly by inducing swelling and dispersion of clay and organic particles resulting in restricting water permeability and air movement and crust formation and nutritional disorders (decrease solubility and availability of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) ions) (Szabolcs, 1969; Sposito, 1989). Moreover, it also adversely affects the population, composition and activity of beneficial soil microorganisms directly through its toxicity effects and indirectly by adversely affecting soil physical and as well as chemical properties. In general, high exchangeable Na in soils causes soil sodcity which affects soil fertility and productivity. 2.3.8. Exchangeable Basic Cations of Calcium and Magnesium Soils under continuous cultivation, application of acid forming inorganic fertilizers, high exchangeable and extractable Al and low pH are characterized by low contents of Ca and Mg mineral nutrients resulting in Ca and Mg deficiency due to excessive leaching (Dudal and Decaers, 1993). Soils in areas of moisture scarcity (such as in arid and semi arid regions) have 15 less potential to be affected by leaching of cations than do soils of humid and humid regions (Jordan, 1993). According to (Brady and Weil, 2002), exchangeable Mg commonly saturates only 5 to 20% of the effective CEC, as compared to the 60 to 90% typical for Ca in neutral to somewhat acid soils. Research works conducted on Ethiopian soils indicated that exchangeable Ca and Mg cations dominate the exchange sites of most soils and contributed higher to the total percent base saturation particularly in Vertisols (Mesfin, 1998; Eyelachew, 2001). Different crops have different optimum ranges of nutrient requirements. The response to calcium fertilizer is expected from most crops when the exchangeable Ca is less than 0.2 cmol (+)/kg of soils, while 0.5 cmol (+)/kg soil is reported to be the deficiency threshold level for Mg in the tropics (Landon, 1991). 2.3.9. Percent Base Saturation The percent base saturation (PBS) is as much a measure of the actual percentage of cation exchange sites occupied by exchangeable bases Teferi (2008). It is influenced by the pH of the CEC determination. The denominator includes oxide-mineral complexes between the initial soil pH and the reference pH (7.0 or 8.2) (Bohn et al., 2001). According to same author, since neither the content of exchangeable Al nor exchangeable H is appreciable above pH 5.5, the effective CEC of the soil above this pH should be essentially 100% base saturated. However, soils in the pH range of 5.5 to 7.0 or 8.2 generally still have measured base saturations well below 100%. Such base saturation values are particularly low for minerals that have a high proportion of PH dependent charge, such as kaolinite clays. A soil with PBS less than 20% is considered to be of low, 20–60% medium and greater than 60% high fertility (Landon, 1991). The PBS of the lower B and upper C-horizons is especially diagnostic of the extent to which exchangeable basic cations have been removed from the soil and replaced by exchangeable acidity. Therefore, this characteristic is extensively used in soil classification, soil fertility evaluation, and mineral nutrition studies. Two of the soil orders are separated from each other by differences in PBS of the subsoil. Those soils in regions of higher rainfall, warmer temperatures, and an older landscape surface have been observed to 16 have PBS less than 35 in their B-horizons (soils with argillic horizons only), or PBS decreasing from B to C horizons (Buol et al., 1980). Experiment conducted at vegetable growing area of Kolfe showed that the PBS of soils is more than 50%. However, the soils of the new farmland indicate higher values of base saturation as compared to the soils of old farms (Dereje, 2004). In tropical regions under rainforest, the base saturation in humus-rich top-soils is usually in the order of 50 to 80%, while below the humus rich layer, it drops very sharply to the levels of less than 20% (FAO, 1998). 2.3.10. Micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) The micronutrients in soils are of diverse groups of elements that are slowly released into the soil solution from the pedochemical and geochemical weathering of rocks and minerals. While the four cationic micronutrient elements namely iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and cupper (Cu) occur mainly in the divalent form in soils; differences in the ionic characters of their chemical bonding are great enough so that only Fe2+ and Mn2+ can substitute extensively for each other Damtew (2007). According to same author, Micronutrient supply in plants and soils occur in much smaller concentrations, and their supply depends not only on the amount of nutrient available in the soil but also on various soil intrinsic factors like parent materials, soil texture, OM content, soil pH, moisture content and so on. Fine texture soils are likely to have been derived from more easily weather able minerals, which are also the main sources of micronutrients, whereas coarse texture soils are derived from mineral such as quartz, which are resistance to weathering and have low content of micronutrients (Hodgson, 1963, Tisdale et al., 2002) .The four essential micronutrients that exist as cations in soils unlike to boron and molybdenum are zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) (Foth and Ellis, 1997). Tisdale et al. (1995) stated that micronutrients have positive relation with the fine mineral fractions like clay and silt while negative relations with coarser sand particles. This is because their high retention of moisture induces the diffusion of these elements (Tisdale et al., 1995). Soil OM content also significantly affects the availability of micronutrients. According to 17 Hodgson (1963), the presence of OM may promote the availability of certain elements by supplying soluble complexing agents that interfere with their fixation. Krauskopf (1972) stated that the main source of micronutrient elements in most soils is the parent material, from which the soil is formed. Iron, Zn, Mn and Cu are somewhat more abundant in basalt. Brady and Weil (2002) indicated that the solubility, availability and plant uptake of micronutrient cations (Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) are more under acidic conditions (pH of 5.0 to 6.5). Adsorption of micronutrients, either by soil OM or by clay-size inorganic soil components is an important mechanism of removing micronutrients from the soil solution (Foth and Ellis, 1997). Thus, each may be added to the soil’s pool of soluble micronutrients by weathering of minerals, by mineralization of OM, or by addition as a soluble salts (Foth and Ellis, 1997). Factors affecting the availability of micronutrients are parent material, soil reaction, soil texture, and soil OM (Brady and Weil, 2002). The Cu content in soils ranges nearly from 5 to 60 mg kg-1, although both lower (< 2 mg kg-1) and higher values are not uncommon Steveson, (1986) (cited by Prasad and Power, 1997). The average value of Cu in soils is about 9 to 10 mg kg-1. Total Zn content in soils ranges from 10 to 300 mg kg-1 with an average of 50 mg kg-1. The concentration of both Cu and Zn in soil solutions remain very low, approximately 0.5 to 70 mg kg-1. At any time the concentration of Zn2+ in the soil solution is generally greater than that of Cu2+ (Prasad and Power, 1997). The information available about the status and limitation of micronutrients particularly in soils of SSA is not adequate and is currently difficult for potential users to access (Haque, 1988). The first attempt of diagnosing the micronutrients status in Ethiopian soils showed that Fe and Mn were adequate, Zn varied between low to high and Cu was deficient throughout the investigation sites (Sillanpää, 1990). The concentrations of Fe, Mn and Zn are negatively correlated with soil pH (He et al., 1999). Differences in soil temperature, wetting and drying, tillage practices, liming, OM maintenance and reduction and oxidation processes also affect micronutrient availability in soils (Fisseha, 1996). FAO (1983) reported that increased yields through intensive cropping and use of high yielding varieties, losses of micronutrients through leaching and liming decreasing proportion of 18 farmyard manure compared with chemical fertilizers and several other factors are contributing towards accelerated exhaustion of the available micronutrients. According to the same author, hidden micronutrient deficiencies are far more widespread than is generally estimated and the problems which today may be considered local may well become more serious in the relatively near future, occurring extensively over new areas and creating widespread and complicated production restrictions if they are not properly studied and diagnosed in time. 19 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. Site Description 3.1.1. Location The study was conducted at Gipo, which is located in Dibati District of Metekel Zone, Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State North-Western Ethiopia. Gipo is found at the South-Western part of Dibati District in North-East Assosa, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State. It is specifically located at about 968 km from Addis Ababa in the North-West direction and about 300 km in the North direction of Assosa, the capital city of the Benishangul Gumuz Regional State (Figure 1). Dibati District shares its border with Bullen in the South, Guba in the West, Ganga in the East and Mandura in the North. Geographically, the study site lies between 100 28’ 220’-100 27’ 984’’ N latitude and 360 07’ 425’’-360 72’ 203’’ E longitudes and at an altitude ranging from 1645 to 1685 masl. 3.1.2. Climate Gipo area is characterized by monomodal rainfall distribution pattern. The rainy season (Kermit) extends from May to November, with higher rain fall in August (figure 2). While the remaining months (December to April) are dry season or season with no rain. Mean annual rainfall was 1370 mm for the years (2007-2014) and the total rainfall is sufficient for rain fed agriculture. The annual mean minimum and mean maximum temperatures of the study area for the periods from 2007 to 2014 were 25 and 29 0C, respectively. Due to monomodal rainfall distribution pattern, crop production in the Gipo area is mono-modal rain-fed that is only one production season per year. It is a representative of the moist Kola agro-climatic zone. 20 Figure 1. Location map of the study area 35 450 30 400 350 25 300 20 250 15 200 150 10 100 5 50 0 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure 2. Mean annual rainfall (mm) and Temperature (0C) from (2007-2014) 21 RAIN Temp 3.1.3. Land use, Farming System, Soils and Vegetation of the Study Area Cultivated and grazing lands are the major land use types of the watershed. The major crops produced are maize (Zea mays L.), and sorghum followed by teff and noug. The land use of the study area is dominated by traditional rain-fed subsistence farming with individual holding traditional grazing on communal lands. There are few types of natural vegetation in the area in addition to different grass species covering the ground on the grazing lands. The dominant vegetation in the study area includes bisana, wanza and shola. Soils of the study area were black, dark brown and dark radish brown. The farmers locally call the black soils “boondi” and the dark radish brown red soils “biyyee diimaa” in afaan Oromo. The dominant soil on slopes ranging from 2-10 % of the study area is black (5YR2.5/1), while dominant soil colour on slopes ranging from 10-15 % and 15-30 is dark brown (7.5YR3/2 and dark radish brown (5YR3/3) colour respectively. The textural class for soils of the study area was clay. 3.2. Site Selection, Soil Sampling and Preparation 3.2.1 Site Selection A preliminary site observation and appropriate sampling to accommodate spatial variation at the study area were important considerations when attempting to measure changes in surface soil chemical and physical properties. At the beginning, a general visual field observation of the study area was carried out to have a general view of the variations in land feature of the site. Following the general site selection, three representative slope classes were selected based on slope gradient. Slope classes 1 was, a slope classes with slope gradient of 2-10%, slope classes 2 and slope classes 3 were slope classes with slope gradients of 10-15 and 15-30 %, respectively. Representative soil sampling sites were selected based on slope gradient. Table 1. Slope class, slope (%), surface soil color and soil textural classes of the study area Slope classes 1 2 3 Slope (%) 2-10 10-15 15-30 Moist soil color Black (5YR2.5/1) Dark brown (7.5YR3/2 Dark radish brown (5YR3/3) 22 Textural class Clay Clay Clay 3.2.2 Soil Sampling and Preparation Following the general site selection, three representative slope classes were selected based on slope gradient. Slope class 1 is a land with slope gradient of 2-10%, while slope class 2 and slope class 3 are with slope gradient of 10-15 % and 15-30 %, respectively. Based on this classification 1 composite sample was collected from each slope classes which were repeated three times, from the depths of 0-20cm using an auger (Wilding, 1985). During collection of samples, dead plants, furrow, manures, wet spots, areas near trees and compost pits were excluded. This was done to minimize differences, which may arise because of the dilution of soil OM due to mixing through cultivation and other factors. The soil samples collected from representative field was then air-dried, mixed well, grinded and passed through a 2 mm sieve for the analysis of selected soil physical and chemical properties and 0.5mm sieve for determination of TN and OC analysis. 3.3. Analysis of Soil Physico-Chemical Properties 3.3.1. Soil Physical Properties The soil physical properties, which were determined in the laboratory, include soil texture, bulk density, and for calculation purposes, a particle density of 2.65 g/cm3 was used. Soil texture was analyzed by the Bouyucous (1965) hydrometer method. Bulk density of the soil samples were analyzed on undisturbed soil samples collected using the core sampling method (Sahlemedhin and Taye, 2000). Finally, total soil porosity was estimated from the values of bulk density and particle density as;Total porocity 1 Bulck density 100 Particle density 3.3.2. Soil Chemical Properties The pH of the soils was measured in water suspension in a 1:2.5 (soil: liquid ratio) potentio metrically using a glass-calomel combination electrode (Van Reeuwijk, 1992). The Walkley and Black (1934) wet oxidation method was used to determine soil organic carbon content. 23 Total N was analyzed using the Kjeldahl digestion, distillation and titration method as described by Black (1965) through oxidizing the OM in concentrated sulfuric acid solution. extractable soil P was analyzed according to the standard procedure of Olsen et al. (1954) extraction method, since the Olsen method is the most widely used for P extraction under wide range of pH both in Ethiopia and elsewhere in the world (Landon, 1991; Tekalign and Haque, 1991). Exchangeable soil potassium was measured by flame photometer, following extraction of the soil sample by sodium acetate (CH3COONa.3H2O). Basic exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K and Na) were extracted by saturating the soil samples with neutral ammonium acetate (1N NH4OAc) solution. Following this extraction, exchangeable Ca and Mg were measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (RDP, 1986) and exchangeable Na and K were determined by flame photometer (FAO, 1984a). Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was determined by extracting the ammonium acetate saturated soil samples used for the determination of exchangeable cations by sodium chloride solution. Then, the ammonium ion displaced from the soil exchange site was distilled and the evolved ammonia was determined by the macro-Kjeldhal method (Jackson, 1958) and its concentration was reported as CEC. Percent base saturation (PBS) was calculated from the sum of exchangeable bases as percent of the sum of bases retained by the CEC sites. Exchangeable acidity (Al and H) was determined by saturating the soil sample with potassium chloride solution and titrating with sodium hydroxide (Rowell, 1994). Micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) were extracted with DTPA as described by Lindsay and Norvell (1978). Atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine the amounts of the micro-nutrients in the extracts at 248.3, 279.5, 324.7 and 213.9 nm wave lengths for Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn, respectively. 3.4. Data Analysis The data recorded was subjected to analysis of variance using the general linear model procedure of the statistical analysis system (SAS Institute, 1999). The least significance difference (LSD) test was used to separate significantly different parameters after ANOVA was found significant at P ≤ 0.05. 24 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Soil Physical Properties 4.1.1. Soil Texture The analysis of variance revealed that soil texture were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by changes in slope gradients (Table 2). Relatively, the highest clay content was recorded for soils of lower slope position, while the lowest was recorded in soils of upper slope position followed by middle slope position. On the other hand, silt and sand contents followed the opposite trend in that both separates increased significantly with increase in slope gradient (Table 2). The probable reason for decrease in clay content and increase in silt and sand content with increases in slope gradient could be related to the balance between increase of erosion and depositions. On the upper and middle slopes, erosion exceeds deposition and, thus, the clay particles are washed down to the lower slopes where the runoff water velocity is decreased. In line with this, Regina et al. (2004) reported that on the steep cultivated hill slope, the most noticeable changes were a decrease in clay and a corresponding increase in sand and silt fractions as the slope gradient increases. In addition to this, Belay (1998) also reported, as soils on the uplands commonly are well drained, whereas those in depressions are poorly drained and hence are rich in clay and organic matter, with signs of various degrees of gleying. The soil textural class varied with position of slopes in the landscape. It ranged from silt clay loam in the upper slope to clayey in the lower slope positions, suggesting that amount of clay increase down slope (Mohammed et al, 2005). 4.1.2. Bulk Density and Total Porosity Bulk density and total porosity were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by variations in slope gradients (Appendix Table 4). Relatively higher bulk density value was recorded for soils of upper slope gradient, followed by middle slope gradient, while the lowest bulk density was recorded for soils of lower slope gradient. On the other hand, total porosity followed the opposite trend in that total porosity decreased significantly with increase in slope gradient 25 (Table 2). The probable reason for the increase in bulk density and decrease in total porosity with increases in slope gradient could be related to wash down of clay particles from the upper slopes and deposited on lower slopes where the runoff water velocity is the lowest. In addition to this coarser particles like sand soils have higher bulk density due to lower total pore space. In line with this, Foth (1990) reported that the greater development of structure in the finetextured surface soils and relatively higher organic matter content accounts for their lower bulk density as compared to the more sandy soils with less structural differentiation. Soil bulk density increased in the 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers relative to the length of time the soils were subjected to cultivation (Mulugeta, 2004). Low bulk density values (generally below 1.3 gm cm-3) indicate a porous soil condition (FAO, 2006b). Increase in OM content lowers bulk density while compaction increases bulk density. Table 2.Variations of Selected Soil Physical Properties across Slope Gradients Slope gradient Particle size (%) Textural class BD (g cm3) TP (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) 1 7.98b 14.01b 78.01a Clay 1.16 56.48 b a b 2 10.02 24.02 65.98 Clay 1.23 56.48 3 16.01a 25.99a 58.00c Clay 1.27 52.20 LSD (5 %) 3.5 8.1 7.8 NS NS CV (%) 13.8 16.8 5.1 22.0 18.7 *Means in the column represented by different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05; NS = non significant P > 0.05; BD=bulk density; TP= total porosity 4.2. Soil Chemical Properties 4.2.1. Soil Reaction (pH) Soil pH did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) with variation in slope gradient (Table 3). Nevertheless, it slightly decreased with increase in slope gradient. The absence of significant difference among the slope classes, which represents different slope gradients, could be related to the generally high clay content, which gives high buffering capacity. Belay, (1996) and Abayneh, (2001) also reported that the soils in high altitude and those with higher slopes 26 had low pH values, probably suggesting the washing out of basic cations from upper slopes. Gupta (2000) also suggested that soils on the upper slope are usually lower in pH, less clayey; low in soluble salts and organic matter contents; lighter in color and well drained, whereas those at lower slope are more clayey, higher in pH, CaCO3 and soluble salt contents, darker in color and have impeded drainage. According to Tekalign (1991), soil pH rating, soil pH (H2O), the study area represented by upper slope gradient were strongly acidic while soils of lower slope gradient and middle slope gradient were moderately acidic (Appendix Table 1). In agreement with this study, Yerima (1993) also reported that, lower pH values may occur in very acidic, humus-rich top-soils, sulfuric horizons, and extremely weathered (or highly leached) soils. From this, it could be concluded that the soils of the study area have acidic nature. The acidic nature of the soil might be related to leaching of basic cations due to the high rainfall and intensive weathering expected in such high temperature and humid environment. Although the soils under the study area have acidic nature, the pH ranges are within the range where the mobility and availability of a number of essential plant nutrients is not affected. 4.2.2. Soil Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen and Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio (C: N) Soils organic carbon was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different due to differences in slope gradients (Table 3). Accordingly the mean soils organic carbon content of the slope gradients 1 and slope gradients 2 was slightly higher than that of slope gradients 3 (Table 3). Nevertheless, soils organic carbon under the study area slightly decreases with increase in slope gradient, which means inversely related with slope gradient. This may be due to the steepness of the slope which attributes organic matter transportation from the upper slope to the lower slope position. Gregorich (1998) also reported the dependence of soil organic carbon content with landscape position where the increasing soil water content and fertile soil deposition at lower slope positions would favor high crop biomass production and the higher soil organic carbon content. According to the rating of Landon (1991), organic carbon content of the soils in the study area was categorized under low organic carbon content. This could be due to the soil fertility management practices of the respective farmers. 27 Soils total nitrogen was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different due to differences in slope gradients (Table 3). Furthermore, the trend of total nitrogen was similar to that of organic carbon, clearly indicating the strong relationship between these two soils attributes. The relatively higher total nitrogen values was recorded in soils of slope gradients 1 (the lower slope gradient) and slope gradients 2 (middle slope gradient) while the relatively lower soils total nitrogen was recorded in soils of slope gradients 3 (upper slope gradient) (Table 3). The probable reasons for the decreased of total nitrogen with increased in slope gradient could be related to removal (transportation) of organic matter from the higher or steep slope as a result of high erosion on the upper slopes. Tisdale et al., (2002) observed that the total nitrogen content of soils ranges from less than 0.02% in subsoil to greater than 2.5% in peat soils which is attributed to the generally low biomass productions and fast oxidations of organic matter. Similar finding was reported by Regina, et al. (2004) for low soil organic carbon and total nitrogen content on steeper slopes from southern American. According to the study of Havlin et al. (1999), soil total N contents of less than 0.15, 0.15-0.25 and greater than 0.25% are categorized as low, medium and high, respectively. According to this study soil total N content of slope gradients 3 which is 0.12% is low, while soil total N content of slope gradients 1 and 2 which were 0.16% and 0.15% categorized under medium total N content (Appendix Table 2). Mesfin, (1998) also reported that nitrogen is one of the essential nutrient elements that is taken up by plants in greatest quantity after carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, but is one of the most deficient macronutrients in crop production. Soil C: N did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) with variation in slope gradient (Table 3). Nevertheless, it slightly decreases with increase in slope gradient. The results recorded for all land units showed optimum range for active microbial activities of humification and mineralization of organic residues. Foth and Ellis (1997) reported that soils with C: N ratios in the range of 10-12 provide nitrogen in excess of microbial needs. 28 4.2.3. Available Phosphors and Potassium The mean values of available K and P were statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) difference as indicated in Table 3. The highest mean value of available K (700.10 mg kg-1) and available P (1.21 mg kg-1) were recorded on the lower slope gradients (slope gradient 1) while the lowest available K (150.2 mg kg-1) and available P (0.08 mg kg-1) were found under the upper slope gradients (slope gradients 3) (Table 3). According to the study results of Foth (1990), leaching in humid regions removes available K and creates a need for K fertilizer application when moderate or high crop yields are desired. IFA (1992) categorized extractable potassium (K) in mg kg-1 of < 50 as very low, 50 to 100 low, 100 to 175 medium, 175 to 300 high and > 300 as very high. According to these ratings, the mean available K content of the lower slope gradient (700.1 mg kg-1) and the middle slope gradient (310.1 mg kg-1) were very high, while the mean available K content of the upper slope gradient (150.2 mg kg-1) was medium (Appendix Table 2). Havlin et al. (1999) rated available P (Olsen extracted P) of < 3, 4-7, 811 and > 12 mg kg-1 as very low, low, medium and as high, respectively. According to these rating, the mean available P content of the entire slope class was very low (Appendix Table 2). Table 3. Variation of Soil Chemical Properties of pH, TN, OC, C: N, Available Phosphors and Available Potassium across Slope Gradients pH TN (%) OC (%) C: N (%) Available P Available K Slope gradients 1 5.67 0.16a 1.38a 8.47 1.21a 700.10a 2 5.56 0.15a 1.28a 8.46 0.59b 310.10b b b c 3 5.20 0.12 0.95 7.88 0.08 150.20c LSD (5 %) NS 0.02 0.2 NS 0.5 13.09 CV (%) 13.4 5.6 7.9 11.7 35.30 1.49 Where means in the column represented by different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05; NS= non significant P > 0.05; TN= total nitrogen; OC= organic carbon; C: N= carbon to nitrogen ratio. 4.2.4. Exchangeable Basic Cations and Exchangeable Acidity The analysis of variance show that except exchangeable Na+, all the other exchangeable basic caions were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different under the three slope gradients (Table 4). 29 Accordingly, except Na+ other exchangeable cations (Mg2+, Ca2+and k+) increased significantly with decrease in the slope gradient (Table 4). On the other hand, the exchangeable Mg2+ level of soils under the lower and middle slope gradients (slope gradient 2) show non-significant difference. The possible reason for the decrease in basic cations with increases in slope gradient might be related to their removal from the upper slopes and subsequent accumulation in soils of lower slopes. The exchange complexes of the soils of all slope classes were dominated by calcium followed by magnesium, potassium, and sodium (Table 4). Exchangeable K+ was highest (0.81 cmol (+)/kg) on slope gradient 1 (lower slope gradient), followed by slope gradient 2, while the lowest exchangeable K+ content (0.206 cmol (+)/kg) was recorded under slope gradient 3 (upper slope gradient). The highest content of K+ in the lower slope gradient could be related to its slightly high pH value. In line with this study, Mesfin (1996) also reported that high K+ was recorded under high pH tropical soils. The amount of mean exchangeable K+ values recorded in this study show that K+ content of slope gradient 1 and slope gradient 2 was above the critical levels (0.38 cmol (+)/kg) for the production of most crop plants as indicated by Barber (1984), while that of slope gradient 3 is relatively lower than the critical levels. Statistically the difference in exchangeable Na+ was not significant (P > 0.05 cmol kg-1) (Table 4). High exchangeable Na+ (0.21 cmol kg-1) was observed on the lower slope gradient (slope gradient 1), whiles the exchangeable Na+ for slope gradient 2 and 3 was equal (0.10). The slightly decrease in exchangeable Na+ from slope gradient 1 to slope gradient 2 might be due to high erosion and leaching processes on slope gradient 2, which removes soluble salts from upper slope and accumulate at the down slope positions. According to the rating of FAO (2006), exchangeable Na+ content was low for slope gradient 1 and very low for slope gradient 2 and 3 (Table 4). Statistically significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in the values of Ca2+ were observed for different slope gradient (Table 4). Accordingly, the highest exchangeable Ca2+ (7.54 cmol kg-1) was recorded on soils of slope gradient 1, and the lowest exchangeable Ca2+ (6.75 cmol kg-1) value was recorded on soils of slope gradient 3, followed by slope gradient 2 (middle slope gradient) .The possible reason for the decrease value for 30 exchangeable Ca2+ with increases in slope gradient could be related to the removal of soluble salts from upper slope and accumulate at the down slope positions by erosion. Statistically, the difference in exchangeable Mg2+ was not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by difference in slope gradient (Table 4). Nevertheless, it slightly increased with decrease in slope gradient (Table 4). Slightly higher exchangeable Mg2+ value was recorded under slope gradient 1 and 2. While exchangeable Mg2+ value of slope gradient 3 was lower. Similar to exchangeable Na+ and Ca2+, the possible reason for the decrease of exchangeable Mg2+ with increase in slope gradient could be related to the removal of soluble salts from upper slope and accumulate at the down slope positions by erosion. According to rating of FAO (2006), exchangeable Mg2+ content of all the slope gradient was medium (in the interval of 1-3 cmol (+)/kg) (Table 4). According to Havlin et al.(1999), the prevalence of Ca2+ followed by Mg2+, K+, and Na+, in exchange site of soil is favorable for crop production. There is no significant (P > 0.05) difference of exchangeable acidity among soils under the three slope classes due to variations in slope gradient (Table 4). Nevertheless, it slightly increases with increases in slope gradient. Accordingly, the relatively higher exchangeable acidity value was recorded in soils of slope gradient 3 (upper slope gradient), while the relatively lower exchangeable acidity value was recorded in soils of slope gradient 1 followed by slope gradient 2 (Table 4). The possible sources of the acidity of the soils in the study area might be related to release of organic acids during decomposition of organic matter, intensive cultivation, and steepness of the topography, which causes removal of basic cations by erosion and leaching. The exchangeable Al3+ of the study area is zero. Therefore, the exchangeable acidity is due to proton (H+). Nair and Chamuah (1993) reported that the concentration of the H+ to cause acidity is pronounced at pH value below 4, while excess concentration of Al3+ is observed at pH below 5.5. However, the results of this study indicate that the pH of the study area were above 5.5 except for slope gradient 3 (upper slope gradient). Therefore, the concentration of exchangeable Al3+ was trace and Al toxicity is not expected in the area. 31 4.2.5. Cation Exchange Capacity and Percentage Base Saturation The analysis of variance show that Cation exchange capacity was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced by changes in slope gradient (Table 4). Accordingly, the highest CEC value of 28.27 cmol (+)/kg was recorded for soils in the lower slope gradient, followed by 24.94 cmol (+)/kg of the soils in the middle slope gradient. On the other hand, the lowest CEC (22.48 cmol (+)/kg) was recorded for soils of under the slope gradient 3 (upper slope position) (Table 4). The probable reason for the decreased of CEC with increases of slope gradient would be related to variability in amount of clay and OM contents of the soils. Curtis and Courson (1981) suggested that the CEC of a soil is strongly affected by the amount and type of clay and amount of OM present in the soil. It is a general truth that both clay and colloidal OM have the ability to absorb and hold positively charged ions. Thus, soils containing high clay and organic matter contents have high cation exchange capacity. According to Landon (1991), the surface soils of the study area can be classified as high CEC soils for slope class 1 and medium CEC soils for slope gradient 2 and 3 (Appendix Table 1). The mean separation result in Table 4 showed that the percentage base saturation did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) with variation in slope gradient. Furthermore, it did not show any consistent trend with slope gradient, although relatively higher percentage base saturation value was recorded in soils of the lower slope gradient, followed by middle slope position. While relatively lower percentage base saturation value was recorded in soils of the upper slope gradient. The relative mean values of PBS for all the three slope classes were found to be far below 50%. The probable reason for this could be related to intensive cultivation and continuous fertilization uses in the study area that enhanced loss of basic cations through leaching, erosion and crop harvest. Singh et al., 1995; He et al. 1999, Getachew and Heluf, (2007) reported that, intensive cultivation, continuous fertilization and grazing of land that enhanced loss of basic cations through leaching, erosion and crop harvest could be affect PBS. Furthermore, the relatively high precipitation of study area might be leached the basic cations from surface of the soils that resulted into low PBS. 32 Table 4. Variation of Soils Exchangeable Basic Cations, Exchangeable Acidity, CEC in (cmol (+)/kg) and PBS (%) across Slope Gradients Slope gradient Exchangeable bases Exch H CEC PBS + 2+ 2+ Na K Ca Mg a a 1 0.21 0.81 7.54 1.72a 0.02 28.27a 38.43 2 0.10 0.45b 7.17b 1.63a 0.03 24.94b 36.30 3 0.10 0.21c 6.75c 1.49b 0.03 2.48c 35.66 LSD (5%) NS 0.08 0.32 0.13 NS 1.7 NS CV (%) 48.7 6.8 1.9 3.5 20.87 2.9 17.95 *Means in the column represented by different letters are significantly different at + P ≤ 0.05; NS =non significant P > 0.05; Exch H+ = Exchangeable acidity CEC= cation exchange capacity; PBS=percentage base saturation 4.2.6. Micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) There was a significant (P ≤ 0.05) variation in mean values of micro nutrients in the soils of different slope gradients (Table 5). The highest Fe (26.88 mg/kg) and Mn (336.78 mg/kg) was recorded in the lower slope gradient followed by Fe (21.18 mg/kg) and Mn (192.70 mg/kg) of the soils in the middle slope gradient. On the other hand, the lowest value of Fe (16.13 mg/kg) and Mn (143.27 mg/kg) were for the slope gradient 3 (upper slope gradient) (Table 5). This could be due to the difference in soil organic matter, in which much of the potentially available micronutrients are held by erosion of topsoil. The availability of micronutrients in the soils of the study area inversely related with slope gradient. The possible reason might be related to the influences of soil pH, organic matter, CEC, phosphorus level in the soil which are variable a long slope gradients. Fisseha (1992) suggested that the solubility and availability of micronutrients is largely influenced by clay content, pH, organic matter, CEC, phosphorus level in the soil and tillage practices. The highest Cu (94.20 mg/kg) and Zn (4.94 mg/kg) contents were registered at the lower slope gradient (slope class 1) of the study area and the lowest Cu (58.87 mg/kg) and Zn (1.64 mg/kg) contents were registered at the upper slope gradient (slope class 3) of the study area. In general, DTPA extractable Cu and Zn in the surface decreased almost consistently along the slope gradient from the upper slope to lower of slope gradient (Table 5). 33 Table 5. Variation of Selected Soil Micro Nutrients across Slope Gradients in (mg/kg) Slope gradients Fe Mn Zn Cu 1 26.82a 336.78a 4.94a 94.19a 2 21.18b 192.70b 2.47b 93.81a c c c 3 16.13 143.27 1.65 58.87c LSD (5%) 0.23 11.22 0.27 7.13 CV (%) 0.47 2.20 3.98 3.82 *Means in the column represented by different letters are significantly Different at P ≤ 0.05 34 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Soil fertility assessment is key for designing sit-specific management intervention. This study was conducted in Dibati distinct of Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State to assess the variation of soil fertility status with slope gradient. A preliminary field observation was undertaken to select the study area. Following the general site selection, three representative slope classes were selected based on slope gradient. The slope classes were slope classes 1, a land with slope gradient of 2-10%, slope classes 2 and slope classes 3 with slope gradients of 10-15 and 15-30 %, respectively. From each slope class soil samples collected, from the depths of 0-20cm using an auger. Result showed that, the textural class of the soils of all slope classes was clay. The bulk densities of the soils were below 1.34 gm cm-3. Hence, in terms of soil fertility, the bulk density value indicates that the soils were not too compact to be penetrated by plant roots and thus they are potentially good for agricultural activities. Some soils chemical properties were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced by variation in slope gradient. The soil pH (H2O), in the study area represented by slope classes 3 was strongly acidic while slope classes 1 and 2 were moderately acidic. Soils organic carbon was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different due to differences in slope classes. Accordingly soils organic carbon under the study area slightly decreases with increase in slope gradient, which is inversely related with slope gradient. Soils total nitrogen was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different due to differences in slope classes. Relatively higher total nitrogen values was recorded in soils of slope classes 1 (the lower slope gradient) and slope classes 2 (middle slope gradient) while the relatively lower soils total nitrogen was recorded in soils of slope classes 3 (upper slope gradient). Soil C: N did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) with variation in slope gradient. Cation exchange capacity of all the soil separates are significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced by changes in slope classes. Accordingly the highest CEC value of 28.27 cmol (+)/kg was recorded in the lower slope gradient, followed by 24.94 cmol (+)/kg of the soils in the middle slope gradient. The analysis of variance showed that the percentage base saturation did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) with variation in slope classes. The mean values of available K and P were statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) difference. The highest mean value of available K (700.10 mg kg-1) and available P (1.21 mg kg-1) were 35 observed on the lower slope gradient (slope class 1) while the lowest available K (150.2 mg kg-1) and available P (0.08 mg kg-1) were found under the upper slope gradient of (slope class 3). The analysis of variance show that except exchangeable Na+, all the other exchangeable basic caions were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different under the three slope classes. According to rating of FAO (2006), exchangeable Na+ content was low for slope class 1 and very low for slope class 2 and 3, while exchangeable Mg2+ content of all the slope classes was medium (in the interval of 1-3 cmol (+)/kg). There was a significant (P ≤ 0.05) variation in mean values of micro nutrient in the soils under the different slope gradient. The availability of micronutrients in the soils of the study area inversely related with slope gradient. In conclusion, the physical and chemical properties of soils may vary from place to place due to slope gradient. Even if some physical and chemical parameters exist in adequate and desirable amount in one of the three slope classes, they may be deficient for the other. The soils of the study area showed relatively potentially desirable physical fertility, but soils of the study area showed deficiency of some chemical parameters, such as low total nitrogen, low organic carbon very low available P and low Na+ cation. Therefore, to solve the problem and restore the loss of nutrients and maintain sustainable agricultural production on the study area, there should be restoring, maintaining and increasing the fertility status of the soils by integrated soil conservation measures to avoid removal of soil and soil nutrients and incorporation of crop residues, compost and animal dung would be important in improving soil fertility as well as other physicochemical characteristics of the soils. Soil analysis alone did not fairly indicate the toxicity, sufficiency or deficiency level. In addition, the nutrient supplying powers of the soils and demanding levels of the plants need should be known from soil-plant analysis for specific fertilizer recommendation. The very low existing available P problems should be addressed sooner by introducing resistant crop varieties and applying organic fertilizers. 36 6. REFERENCES Abayneh Esayas, 2001. Some physico-chemical characteristics of the Raya valley soils. 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Appendixes 47 Appendix Table 1. Ratings of soil pH (Tekalign, 1991), organic carbon (Berhanu, 1980) and CEC (Landon, 1991) pH (1:2.5, H2O) PH Rating < 4.5 Very strongly acid 4.5-5.2 Strongly acid 5.3-5.9 Moderately acid 6.0-6.6 Slightly acid 6.7-7.3 Neutral 7.4-8.0 Moderately alkaline > 8.0 Strongly alkaline Organic carbon OC (%) Rating >10 High 4-10 Medium <4 Low Cation exchange capacity (CEC) CEC (cmolc kg-1) Rating > 40 Very high 25 – 40 High 15 - 25 Medium <5 Low Very low Appendix Table 2. Ratings of soil available phosphors (mgkg-1), available potassium (mgkg-1), percentage base saturation (%), and total nitrogen (%) (Haviln, 1999) AVP <3 4-7 8-11 >12 Rating Very low Low Medium High AVK <50 50-100 100-175 175-300 >300 Rating Very low Low medium High Very high PBS <20 20-60 >60 Rating Low Medium High TN <0.15 0.15-0-25 >0.25 Appendix Table 3. Ratings of exchangeable basic cations in the soil (FAO, 2006) Rating Very high High Medium Low Very low Exchangeable cations Rating (cmolckg-1) Na K Ca >2 >1.2 > 20 0.7-2 0.6-1.2 10-20 0.3-0.7 3-8 5-10 0.1-0.3 0.2-0.3 2-5 < 0.1 < 0.2 <2 48 Mg >8 3-8 0.3-1 0.3-0.7 < 0.3 Rating Low Medium High Appendix Table 4. Mean square of soil physical and chemical parameters from the different slope gradients Slope gradients Mean squares for source variation Slope gradients (2) Error (4) Sand 52.1942111* 0.00024440 Silt 123.800700* 0.00128330 Clay 304.293911* 0.00119440 Bulk density 0.01040678NS 0.00000728 Total porosity 14.5976920NS 0.01022200 PH (H2O) 0.18111078NS 0.00005428 Organic Carbon 0.07412228* 0.00000092 Total nitrogen 0.00141062* 0.00000003 C; N 0.16716947NS 0.00009430 Available P 0.96649733* 0.00000433 Available K 0.07968500NS 0.13005749 Exchangeable acidity 0.07968500NS 0.00054632 Exchangeable Na 0.00547994NS 0.00000394 Exchangeable K 0.13679111* 0.00000011 Exchangeable Ca 0.12984711* 0.10881244 Exchangeable Mg 0.00741667* 0.00013333 CEC 25.8777221* 0.00005494 Available Fe 256.560233* 0.05745220 Available Mn 1769.50034* 0.00338775 Available Zn 58.3456023* 0.13865470 Available Cu 789.284675* 0.53411739 Figures in parentheses are values of degrees of freedom for respective source of variation; NS = Non significant;* = Significant at P ≤ 0.05 Appendix Table 5. Geographical coordinates (grids) of the sampling sites Points Slope gradients 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Slope gradients 2 Slope gradients 3 X (East) Y (North) X (East) Y (North) X (East) Y (North) 184625.62 184708.60 184601.21 184780.61 184599.98 184619.51 184711.04 184718.37 184778.16 184692.34 184829.42 1158605.80 1158594.83 1158256.48 1158509.39 1158458.14 1158386.14 1158484.99 115838652 1158300.71 1158275.08 1158369.05 184831.86 184920.95 185022.24 185002.78 184957.56 185000.28 184895.32 184848.95 184770.84 184844.06 184913.63 1158721.75 1158709.54 1158442.28 1158705.88 1158509.40 1158602.15 1158619.23 1158516.72 1158641.20 1158450.81 1158388.58 185018.70 185187.12 185274.99 185334.79 185223.73 185360.42 185157.83 185069.96 185261.56 185138.30 185271.05 1158765.68 1158794.97 1158793.75 1158766.90 1158610.69 1158615.57 1158679.03 1158621.67 1158504.51 1158472.78 1158689.55 49