East Knoyle Parish Council _____________________________________________ Minutes of a meeting of the Full Council on Tuesday 8th December 7.30pm, 2015 at East Knoyle Village Hall Present Cllr Hyde Chairman, Cllrs Small (Finance), Southerden (Planning) , Wharton(Common Lands), Campbell (Village Hall), Coffin, Dawson. Also present Rob Mc Carthy, Mary Pope, Mike Frost, Martyn Williams, Julian Gordon, Barry and Barbara Johnson, Martin Brown and Paul Egginton. 1 Apologies for Absence. Cllr Bateman and Carmichael. 2 Notices of Interest. None 3 PUBLIC OPEN FORUM - None. 4 Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 3rd November 2015. Signed as a true record, Clerk amended item 10 line 2. . 5 Matters arising. Clerk had written to Clouds reference Poplar Trees and had arranged for new grit bin for The Green. 6 Chairman’s Report. Tim Hyde asked that Councilors respond direct to Leroy Lugg with their feedback on the web site questionnaire .Leroy was not interested in hosting the site but wanted to provide better formatting and presentation .Tim had also met with Leo Tandoh who had started work on reducing tree cover below the windmill and Tim had discussed other essential tree maintenance work. Together with the Clerk Tim had met Steve Harris recently and Steve has come up with several very useful avenues for funding of Parish schemes. Bridle ways and Footpaths, The defibrillator and litter picks could all be grant or equipment assisted by the Area Board in the future. Common Lands group will meet in February and the PC will be looking into paying the Parish Steward to come to the village to tackle specific areas of concern. Tim advised that the Co-Option process is underway and the Clerk would be giving the application forms to all interested candidates. For discussion in January. 7 Correspondence- None that would not be covered in other items. 8 Defibrillator Group Update – Martin Williams, Julian Gordon- Martin advised that good progress had been made and that a target figure of £2000 had been identified and revised in light of new information. The PC contribution would be £250 P/A and the Clerk would reflect this in the budget figures. Julian made the point that an “awareness” event may be needed at some point in the future and Martin Brown (newsletter editor) said he would give this issue the “front page “treatment in the next edition and would include a flier in the magazine. Tim advised that the Area Board would also be able to assist with funding and Tim would put Martin in touch with Steve Harris 9 Discuss Planning Applications 15/10768/ful-15/10824/ful- New OAP Bungalows, End Park Houses, East Knoyle. Concerned residents were present to outline the issues they shared, Mrs and Mrs Johnson were concerned about rain water run off .Mary Pope had concerns over the number of parking spaces available in what is already an overcrowded parking area. Mary also had concerns over access to her property after work was completed. Mike Frost suggested a French drain in the field behind the development may be useful. The PC took on board all of these concerns and voted 5-2 in favour of the application with the following conditions/suggestions. East Knoyle Parish Council _____________________________________________ 1Treatment and disposal of rainwater runoff needs to be more convincingly addressed, given the existing pond conditions. Could a French drain be put in the field behind the houses to assist with run off? 2 Legal responsibility for maintenance of drainage should remain with Wilts Council and greater attempt should be made to reduce surface water runoff to protect current neighbouring houses and property from flooding. 3 Parking provision for 4 new parking spaces does not sufficiently replace the spaces (already inadequate due to demand and causing overspill into the main road) being lost as a result of construction and it is hoped that WCC would look at creating more parking spaces available. 4 The residents of Coppice House will have access to their wall and heating outflow apparatus severely restricted by the new development and its boundary fence, and it is essential that they have access at all times. 5 The loss of two trees in the building project should be made good by the planting of two trees of a native species in the nearby hedgerow. 6 East Knoyle PC and concerned residents would like to have the policy concerning “right to buy” clarified. It is hoped that the houses can be filled with current elderly East Knoyle residents, or elderly ex-residents wishing to return to the village, and not be snapped up by property speculators for resale 15/10768/ful - The Bell House ,Church Rd , East Knoyle- Supported Unanimous 15/11586/tca- Beechwood, Wise Lane, East Knoyle – Supported Unanimous 10 Highways Report- Deb Bateman. Deb not present. 11 Web Site Update- Tim Hyde covered in Chairman’s report 12 Discuss and agree budget for 2015-2016 including possible Precept increase - Ian Small/ Clerk- Ian summarized cost variations to budget for this year and discussed next year’s expectations. The suspension of Shop Rent for a two year period would lead to a budget shortfall for two years .In the light of recent changes to Area Board funding requirements it was now necessary to match fund any grants applied for .Ian proposed to put up the precept request by £1000 (13%) this year and meet the short fall through Parish reserves, seconded by Sue Dawson. Vote unanimous. Clerk to adjust budget to match new figures, Ian Proposed the PC reduce shop rent to £1 for the next two financial years ,seconded by Neil Southerden. 13 Shop Refurbishment Progress Report- Paul Egginton – Paul Stated that £16,000 had been raised so far and asked Tim to sign the legal document regarding the gift of land to the Shop/PC from Clouds Estate in which the Parish Council’s name would be on the documents. Paul was looking for further funding from the Heart Of Wessex Foundation, The Area Board and Wilts CC. There was also a possibility of a Rural Isolation grant. 14 Discuss A350 speed limit reduction correspondence with Andrew Murrison.- Tim mentioned previous efforts to have the speed limit reduced which had been unsuccessful. The criteria for not reducing the speed limits were that there had not been a sufficiently high casualty rate and that Highways were keen to keep traffic flowing on one of the main north-south highways in the region. The involvement of Andrew Murrison had not led to any progress and it was decided to try and press on with efforts to have a footpath installed as a way of making the hamlet more accessible. It was agreed that the PC would write a letter expressing our disappointment with the current state of affairs .To be signed by all Councilors ,this would be submitted to Wilts Highways. Clerk to prepare for next meeting. East Knoyle Parish Council _____________________________________________ 15 Bridget Wayman- Wilts CC Update . Bridget not present. 16 AOB- Alistair mentioned low trees on Wise Lane, Clerk said there was a plan for winter reduction of these low trees. Mary Pope mentioned the dog walkers who do not clear up after their dogs, Clerk said he would cover this issue in the Council newsletter item. Meeting Close 9.35pm Next Meeting Jan 12th 2016 Chairman………………………………………………….. Date………………….