CDS Expenditure Guide

Expenditure Guide
Funding for: Consumer Support Grant
Family Support Grant
Dakota County CDS
Please Note: Dakota County is committed to supporting opportunities that afford all residents the ability
to live in an inclusive community and pursue a life of their own choosing.
Client Driven Support is a flexible option that uses state/county funding to build supports for people with
challenges. The primary philosophy of the funding is to help the recipient build upon and develop their
skills, address health and safety concerns, and promote inclusion and overall development.
The budgeted services or items must be client focused, include outcomes, be fiscally responsible, and
address the health, safety, and developmental concerns for the recipient. Approval of a plan is
dependent upon these principals being addressed and thoroughly explained in the plan.
Funds may be budgeted in a plan for services and items when Medical Assistance or Private Insurance
will not cover the cost. This Expenditure Guide is a guideline. Possible exceptions may be considered
when circumstances warrant. Changes in guidelines from the previous year are highlighted in grey.
Forms & Information Website: search for CSG or FSG
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Adaptive Clothing – Fundable when we can see the disability related need documented in the
plan. See also “Clothing”
Adaptive Equipment – Fundable when we can see the disability related need documented in
the plan.
Additions to homes – Not Fundable. Funds cannot be used to add square footage.
Advocacy Memberships – Fundable when we can see the disability related need documented
in the plan.
Agency with Choice (formerly Employer of Record) Fees – Fundable as a choice of an
Employer Model for staff on the support plan.
Alternative Therapy – Alternative therapies and treatments that are not covered by insurance
may be fundable with disability related need. For example therapeutic horseback riding, music
therapy, auditory training, vision training and brain training may be fundable with disability
related need documented. Experimental Therapies are not fundable. If we are unsure if
something is alternative or experimental we will ask you to have an MD fill out a form.
Applications – See Computer/Electronic Tablets
Bed – Typical beds and requests for larger beds due to growth are parent responsibility and not
fundable. Full cost of adaptive beds only may be covered when MA/insurance will not pay the
cost and there is a documented disability related need. Adaptations to current bed for health
and safety may also be covered if there is documented disability related need.
Bed Linens – Fundable only with an explanation of medical or behavioral need. Typical wear
and tear is not fundable. See also “Property Damage”.
Behavioral Rewards/Reinforcers – Rewards that look very similar to parental responsibility
(e.g. toys, video games, movies, books, food and treats) are not fundable unless part of a
structured behavioral plan. This behavioral plan (including target behaviors to be addressed,
a structured reinforcement schedule and list of effective rewards), should be drafted with
the consultation of professionals and must be described in detail in the Support Plan. Gift
cards or allowances are not permitted. Note*: only items listed on your approved support plan
will be reimbursed by the FSE.
Bikes – Are fundable when adaption is related to disability. Adaptive may include tandem bike,
side by side bike or uses hand controls in place of pedals, for example. Expenditure limit is
$2,500. Age appropriate training wheels and larger bikes for growing children are typical
parental responsibilities and are not fundable.
Books, Subscriptions and Software – Are fundable ONLY when related to the recipients
disability and are needed to support an outcome in the Support Plan. Funding is not for pleasure
reading or computer use.
Cable Television – Not fundable.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Camp as Caregiver Relief - Camps offer a variety of experiences and are also often used as
respite/caregiver relief and are fundable.
Caregiver Relief (formerly Respite Care) Unlicensed/Informal – In Home
 The term ‘respite’ may only be used to describe a licensed provider.
 Family members who reside in the recipient’s home may not provide daily caregiver
relief. The only exception is if the family member is NOT the primary caregiver AND the
primary caregiver is away overnight.
 Caregiver relief staff pay is NOT tax exempt.
**Whenever staff is paid for support on FSG, the parent is the employer and is
responsible for all Employer and Labor Tax laws.
Caregiver Relief (formerly Respite Care) Unlicensed/Informal – Out of Home
 The term ‘respite’ may only be used to describe a licensed provider. Unlicensed
individuals providing out-of-home caregiver relief (in the relief staff’s home) are not paid
directly by the county. Payment options are: 1. Hourly payment using an Agency with
Choice or 2) hourly payment using the Payroll Model through your Fiscal Support Entity.
Daily Rate is not fundable. (Daily rates can only be paid to licensed respite providers.)
**Whenever staff is paid for support on FSG, the parent is the employer and is
responsible for all Employer and Labor Tax laws.
Car Washing Services - Only interior car washes with a documented disability related need
(such as BM or vomiting) are fundable. Car washing due to normal ‘wear and tear’ or
‘messiness’ are not fundable. See also “Property Damage”.
Cell Phone Service – Today, a cell phone is a typical family expense. A cell phone may be
funded under 24- hour emergency assistance. Families may qualify for emergency assistance
if they do not currently own a cell phone or if a cell phone is needed for disability related
emergency situations. Cell phones used on a routine basis or for social purposes will not be
funded. When a request for a cell phone is submitted to the case manager, the plan should
explain how use of the cell phone relates to the client’s disability and need for emergency
assistance. A monthly allowance of a maximum of $20.00 is awarded to qualifying families. The
following are common situations when emergency assistance use of a cell phone may be
1. For the client or staff to call for in case of an injury or accident that is disability related.
(Cell phones are typically carried by individuals to call in case of emergencies).
2. For client to call for assistance to work through a situation in which they need prompts to
handle the situation when their caregiver/staff is not available.
3. For use during transport of client, if assistance is needed in the event of mechanical
trouble, behavioral or medical issues.
4. When GPS assistance is needed (may require an upgrade of current phone service).
Prepaid Cellular Phone - Dakota County will pay up to @20.00 per month for prepaid
cellular minutes for emergency use, when the person does not already have access to a
cell phone. Dakota County also limits the cost of the prepaid phone to $100.00.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Monthly Contract Cell Phone – Dakota County will pay up to $20.00 per month for a
contracted cell phone. Each request is approved by the case manager on an individual
Child Care of Non-disabled Siblings - May be fundable if plan documents the disability related
need AND is required so that primary caregiver may implement needed therapies for child with
special needs. **Whenever staff is paid for support on FSG, the parent is the employer and
is responsible for all Employer and Labor Tax laws.
Chore Services/Housekeeping – To enable the caregiver to support the client, chore services
such as lawn mowing, snow removal and/or housekeeping may be fundable when disability
related need is documented. The plan must also show need above typical family responsibilities
(as an example if there is a nondisabled teen in the home, if the recipient is able to do this chore
or another parent could be responsible to do it then it would not be fundable). When/if there is a
distinct safety risk if the primary caregiver were to do these things; document the need and
these may be approved. Labor costs only are fundable. Related supplies such as mowers, gas,
chemicals, Chemlawn, etc. are not fundable.
Clothing – Purchasing clothes is a typical parental responsibility and not fundable. Clothing
purchased through a specialty store with adaptations or specific alterations may be fundable
when disability relatedness is documented in the support plan. Clothing and shoes needing
replacement due to excessive wear and tear relative to a disability is fundable as “Property
Community Activities – Are typically family/ personal responsibilities. Activities NOT related to
the recipient’s disability, those typically paid for by parents/caregivers of non-disabled people
are not fundable. Family activities are parental responsibility unless there is an expense related
to the disability that is above and beyond typical family expenses.
We recognize that to integrate persons with disabilities into their communities, sometimes
recreation, leisure or socialization activities done in place of more formal MA or disability
services may be fundable because they can be cost effective and still meet the outcomes
wanted. A skill building plan must be described in the Support Plan which outlines the goals,
training and frequency of activity. Activities are limited to a couple of specific opportunities that
focus on specific skill development. Related staff time and mileage for such activities may also
be fundable. Memberships that are cost effective to outcomes may be approved when a specific
goal is defined.
Adaptive community activities specifically for individuals with disabilities such as Special
Olympics or Project Explore are fundable.
Enrichment classes (karate, music lessons, pottery, etc.), are considered typical parental
responsibility, but may be approved with a therapist’s recommendation and identification of
specific disability related goals. All activities must be considered cost effective.
Computers or Electric Tablets – Either a computer or (not and) an electronic tablet can be
purchased every three years. We recommend thinking carefully about which devise works best
for the recipient and researching which option works best for the recipient before making a
request. Research with teachers, therapists, etc., on the best option based upon on the
recipients needs and plan ahead on what would be needed over the upcoming three years.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Equipment warranty, insurance, and protective covering are recommended. * There will be no
replacement of lost or stolen devices without a police report. After you choose which option is
best, the guideline is:
Computers – Including peripheral equipment (e.g. printer) are fundable. The maximum limit for
computers is $1000, and can be purchased once within a three year span. Computer related
expenses are fundable.
- ORElectronic Tablets-(IPad, Kindle Fire) the limit for this hardware is $525. Device must be
justified, a responsible use of dollars, and specific to recipients: i.e., used by recipient to
increase skills, communication, educational supports, etc. Device along with what type of
applications to be used needs to be recommended in writing by a professional outside of family
such as a therapist, teacher, or doctor that provides services to the recipient. Either a computer
or an electronic tablet can be purchased once within a three year span, but not both. Written
recommendation must be attached to the plan in order to be considered. Additional funds
may be allocated towards applications. * If an IPad is used only as an augmentative
communication device, please explore MA funded options.
Diapers – are not fundable under CSG unless they exceed MA limits with rationale. After age
four diapers can be covered by Medical Assistance providers.
Educational Costs – Are not fundable when child/recipient is enrolled in school. The school is
considered financially responsible. Educational toys/supplies that are supplemental to the
school are fundable when need is described in plan. Educational training costs for caregivers,
see “Training for Caregiver”. Post-Secondary School tuition is not fundable. Home Schooling
costs are not fundable.
Employee Health Insurance – Fundable.
Employer Costs – Employer costs such as payroll FICA, FUTA, SUTA, Workers’
Compensation, wages, employer shares of benefits, and liability insurance are fundable.
Processing fees are fundable.
Environmental and Equipment Modifications – Modifications to home and equipment that are
disability related are fundable.
Fences - Allowable when disability related need is documented in the support plan. Expenditure
limit is $4,500.
Food – Is not fundable. Room and board costs are not fundable. See “Special Diets”.
Furniture - Typical furniture is not fundable. Also see “Property Damage”.
Guardianship/Conservatorship Costs – Are not fundable. Other funding is available. County
coordinates with the Guardianship Committee.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Habilitation (Skill Building) Materials – Are fundable. Materials that look very similar to
parental responsibility (such as toys, etc.) or recreational activities (videos, books) must clearly
state disability related need and the desired outcome must be described in detail in the support
Home Modifications – Fundable with disability related need documented in the support plan.
Home Schooling Costs – Are not fundable. Education is considered the school’s financial
Insurance for personal use or employees - Is not fundable except for insurance costs related
to employee coverage.
Insurance or warranties for adaptive equipment/electronics – May be funded in order to
protect equipment when disability related need is described in the support plan.
Internet – Is fundable with a disability related reasoning that is documented in the plan. We
encourage families writing their own plans to communicate electronically. Limit of $25/month
per household.
Laundry Costs –Excess laundry due to disability related needs may be reimbursed by the load
only. The average all-inclusive cost of doing laundry is $4 per load and should be expensed as
such. Laundry detergent purchases are NOT fundable. If you are getting additional electricity it
cannot be based on additional laundry because a load of laundry cost is an all inclusive cost and
cannot be duplicated.
Legal Fees – Not Fundable.
Maintenance/Repair – Of recipient’s disability related equipment or due to disability related
property damage is fundable when within typical costs.
Medical Co-pays – Including MA and private insurance are fundable when not funded through
another source.
Medical Mileage – Is not fundable as it is fundable through straight MA. Requests are made
through MNET. The phone number for MNET is 1-866-467-1724.
Memberships: Zoo, Science Museum, etc. – Fundable when support plan documents
disability related need and expected outcomes. * See Community Memberships.
Mileage Reimbursement – To parents and staff is fundable for disability related mileage only.
Mileage cannot exceed the county mileage reimbursement rate. Mileage must be documented.
Modifications – Modifications & Adaptations that that have a documented disability related
need documented in the support plan are fundable. See “home modifications”.
Music Lessons and Instruments – Not fundable typically. Some exceptions may be made
when inclusion in a typical band/music setting is the goal. See Music Therapy. Instrument
costs are not funded.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Music Therapy – fundable with a disability related need and when provided by a music
therapist or in consultation with a music therapist. Instruments costs are not fundable. Private
music lessons provided by anyone other than a music therapist are not covered and are
considered parental responsibility.
Over the Counter Meds – Fundable when disability related need vs typical family responsibility
is documented in the support plan.
Parking Reimbursement to parents or support staff – Fundable for disability related needs if
not medically related and covered by straight MA.
PCA (Personal Care Assistant) Staff - are ONLY those that are providing PCA services
through a certified PCA agency. All other staff is considered “support staff”.
Personal Care Supplies that are disability related – AND are above and beyond typical use
are fundable as described in the support plan.
Personal Care supplies not disability related – Not fundable
Pets and Related Costs – Are not fundable. Therapy animals are not funded.
Certified Service Animal Training relating to the recipients disability may be considered if not
funded by through another source.
Property Damage – Parents/Caregivers are expected to take protective/preventive measures to
protect their property when recipient is prone to property damage behaviors. Lifestyle choices
such as expensive large TV’s, china, etc., will not be replaced. Property damage to common
household items may be replaced when directly related to the recipient’s disability and there
must be a documented behavior prevention plan prior to replacing the item in order to
prevent repeated replacements. Prevention plans may include behavioral program for
prevention, behavioral intervention techniques, training, and environmental adaptations.
Increased parental supervision or staff supervision alone is not an acceptable behavior
intervention plan. When considering whether property damage can be used, remember it must
be a fiscally responsible use of taxpayer dollars. Normal wear and tear and age of the item will
be considered in approvals. Excessive wear and tear as related to the recipient’s disability may
be considered. When requesting replacement of an item used by the whole family, only a
portion may be covered. An individual cost over $200.00 requires Case Manager approval.
Playsets (Outdoor)/Swing sets – Are a typical family expense. Sometimes, due to disabilities
one may need more than a typical family swing set. (sensory needs for a specific type of swing,
or person’s size is larger than the typical play set, etc) In these cases the disability related
needs should be documented in the support plan (Think in terms of what is the reason why a
typical swing set that the family would purchase can’t meet the needs.) When a swing set is
approved, the limit is $2000.
Ramps – are fundable.
Record Keeping Costs – Such as postage, copying, print cartridges, supplies are fundable as
identified in the support plan when you can document the disability related needs.
Recreational/ Leisure Activities – Are not fundable as such. See “Community Activities”.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Respite Care Licensed/Formal – is fundable.
Rewards – See Behavioral Rewards/Reinforcers.
Room and Board – Is not fundable.
Safety Equipment - Such as alarms, monitors, and shatterproof windows are allowable
expenditures when based on disability related needs. (Family safety based on neighborhood is
considered family responsibility). Monthly monitoring fees or services may be allowable only
under extenuating circumstances.
Sensory Supplies and Equipment – Fundable as recommended by specialist when you list
them on your approved support plan. Any sensory item costing more than $200 requires case
manager’s approval before purchase.
Skill Building Activities and Materials – Are fundable when directed toward increasing and
maintaining physical, intellectual, emotional and/or social functioning. See also “Community
Activities” and “Educational Costs”. Specifics of what you plan to purchase must be
documented in your support plan. Any skill building item costing more than $200 requires case
manager’s approval before purchase.
Socialization - Is not fundable. See “Community Activities” and “Skill building Activities and
Special Diets – Are fundable. Special diet monthly allowable amounts are based percentages
of December 2014 Official USDA Food Plans (Appendix): Cost of Food at Home Liberal Plan
which you can find on the last page of this Guide.
 Anti-dumping diet-15% of Liberal Food Plan (LFP)
 Controlled Protein diet (40-60 grams and requires special products)-125% LFP
 Gluten Free Diet -25% of LFP
 High Protein Diet -25% of LFP
 High Residue Diet -20% of LFP
 Hypoglycemic Diet-15% of LFP
 Ketogenic Diet-25% of LFP
 Lactose Free/Dairy Free Diet -25% of LFP
 Low Cholesterol Diet -25% of LFP
 Pregnancy and Lactation Diet -35% of LFP
Storage/Locked cases – For specific equipment related to the disability maybe funded. Sheds
are considered typical family expense.
Strollers – Are fundable when adapted or beyond a typical parental responsibility for same age
Summer Activities – Are not fundable. See “Community Activities”.
Grant Support Service - is fundable. A support planner can be responsible for assisting with
developing, implementing and managing the plan and/or hiring and training staff.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Support Staff - Family Members including parents/guardians/spouses – Is fundable for
CSG and County CDS. FSG does not allow parents to be paid.
 Limited to 40 hours a week per family member (excluding parents of minors/guardians)
who lives in the household regardless of the number of children with disabilities.
 Time must be documented.
 For staff between ages 14-16 Agency with Choice company policies vary. Payroll model
and Fiscal conduit model may allow if approved in the plan.
 Parents of minors have a limit of 40 hours/week combined regardless of the number
parents, number of children and number of households. Rate of pay including payroll
taxes and fees cannot exceed the current PCA rate.
 All staff time must be real time spent with recipient. All staff time must be 1:1 unless
indicated otherwise in approved plan.
 Payment of parents of minors/spouses must be for tasks above and beyond typical
parent/spouse responsibility. Rate, hours and specific duties must be listed with
outcomes about how this assistance relates to the recipient. If parent is paying self for
more than one child in household additional documentation is required.
Parent Example Schedule:
Jane Doe
John Doe
**Whenever staff is paid for support on FSG, the parent is the employer and is
responsible for all Employer and Labor Tax laws.
Supported Travel as Caregiver Relief (such as Off the Beaten Path, Search Beyond, etc.) –
Supported travel through an agency that is within the customary range for caregiver relief (up to
$120/day for staff support) may be fundable as part of the plan. Any cost above the customary
respite rate must be paid with the client’s personal funds.
Swing Sets/Play Sets – See “Play Sets”.
Toys/Games/Videos – Not fundable. See “Behavior Reinforcers/Rewards” or “Property
Training for Caregiver –The cost of training/seminar, and meals during training/seminar within
the State of MN may be approved if training relates to the recipients special needs. Training
outside the State of MN is typically not approved but may be considered if there is a rare
diagnosis/treatment and no in state training is available.
Utilities – Funds cannot pay for room and board costs that are not related to the recipient’s
disability. If the client receives a social security benefit, extra utilities costs must be paid out of
the client’s monthly social security.
 To be considered for any reimbursement, overall costs for utilities must exceed the
typical cost of utilities for a home that size with that number of occupants.
 The costs for extra water/sewer, electric, heating, cooling, etc., must be documented and
the method of determining the cost must be clearly identified in the support plan.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
At a minimum they must exceed $310 a month for a house or $80 a month for an
apartment and the excess cost is directly attributable to the recipient’s disability.
Vacation Expenses – Are not fundable. ‘Supported travel’ that is within the customary range for
caregiver relief (up to $120/day for staff support) may be fundable as part of a plan. Any cost
above the customary caregiver relief rate must be paid with the client’s personal funds. Staff
related expenses while accompanying client on a vacation may be fundable.
Vehicle Adaptations - Such as lifts, ramps, and tie downs are fundable if not covered by
Vehicles – Are not fundable.
Video Games & Consoles – Video games and consoles have become a common activity and
expense for families and are considered typical parental responsibility. Video games and
consoles may be funded with defined, recommended therapeutic needs and goals. Video
games and consoles must be related to a skill building program that is described in detail in the
Support Plan. If you are requesting an upgraded console and the current console is meeting the
described need, a new console would not be approved. Violent video games are not fundable,
this includes any M rated games.
Vitamins and Supplements – May be allowable if disability related.
Wheelchairs – Are fundable if not covered by MA or other insurance.
Wills and Trusts – May not be paid for with government funds.
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)
Special Diets – Are fundable. Special diet monthly allowable amounts are based percentages of December 2014
Official USDA Food Plans (Appendix): Cost of Food at Home Liberal Plan.
 Anti-dumping diet-15% of Liberal Food Plan (LFP)
 Controlled Protein diet (40-60 grams and requires special products)-125% LFP
 Gluten Free Diet -25% of LFP
 High Protein Diet -25% of LFP
 High Residue Diet -20% of LFP
 Hypoglycemic Diet-15% of LFP
 Ketogenic Diet-25% of LFP
 Lactose Free/Dairy Free Diet -25% of LFP
 Low Cholesterol Diet -25% of LFP
 Pregnancy and Lactation Diet -35% of LFP
CLS/DD – CSG – Reference Guide (05/2015)