ANNEX 2 Questionnaire 2 (Draft) Teaching, experimental and management facilities in the Jordan universities To be filled by each of the partner Universities in Jordan: 1. Faculty and Research staff working in REEE area: In the following table, please fill in the names, rank and areas of interest of current research and teaching staff currently working directly or indirectly within REEE area (if you need more space use the back of the form): Name Academi c Rank Area of Specialization within REEE Teaching Activities (courses) Research Activities/ Interest Prof. Ayman A. Al-Maaitah Professor Applied Fluid Mechanics , Solar Systems & Wind Energy Fluid Mechanics I, II, Thermo Dynamics, Solar Energy Solar Cooling, CSP tri-generation, solar Space heating, evacuated tube technology, solar Thermal Storage, and Fresnel Systems. Dr. Hussein AL-Majali Professor Power Eletronics, Converters Power Electronics PV power inverters and supply. Prof. Handri D. Ammari Professor Thermal Power and Energy Heat Transfer I, II Wind Energy, Domestic Solar Collectors ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 2 Energy Conversion Dr. Mohammed Awwad AlDabbas Assistant Prof. Thermo-fuids Power Plants, Solar Beam Radiation and Measurement, Desalination Systems Prof. Mahmoud Z. AbuZaid Professor Thermal Power and Energy / Internal Combustion Engines Thermodynamic s I, II Sterling Engines, Solar Thermal Power Plants. Assistant Prof. Renewable Energy, Photo voltaic Systems and Energy Storage. Power Stations Dr. Muafag Tarawneh Associate Prof. Thermal machines /Internal Combustion Engines Thermodynamic s, internal combustion engines Solar Radiation and Measurements Dr. Abdullah Al-Odienat Associate Prof. Electric Machines PV systems, Solar Controlers, and Tracking Systems. Dr. Othman Mashargah Power System & Machines Heat Exchangers Energy Resources ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR Wind Energy, Wind turbines, and PV systems 3 Dr. Faris Momany Associated Prof. Chemical Engineering Chemical Process, Environmental Engineering, Electrolysis Solar Waste Water treatment and decoloring, solar electrolysis 2. Current Education offered in REEE area: In the following table, please list courses or course modules (part in another course) within REEE area. This may include engineering, policy or economics courses. Course / Module Title Power Systems I Department / Faculty Electrical Level (yr 1, 2,…, master level, etc.) 0401481 ( 4) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR Mandatory/ Elective No of students (avg.) Compulsory 30 - 40 4 Power Electronics Electrical 0401463 ( 4) Compulsory 30 - 40 Power Systems Lab Electrical 0401489 ( 4) Compulsory 30 - 40 Energy Resources Electrical 0401586 ( 4) Elective 30 - 40 Power Stations Electrical 0401588 ( 4) Elective 30 - 40 Solar Energy Mechanical 0402582 ( 4) Compulsory 30 - 40 0402586 ( 4) Elective 30 - 40 0402547 ( 4) Compulsory 30 - 40 0402581 ( 4) Compulsory 30 - 40 0402554 ( 4) Elective 30 - 40 Thermal Systems Design Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Lab. Energy Conversion Power Plants Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Renewable Energy Engineering Chemical 0404464 ( 4) Elective 30 - 40 Solar Energy Engineering Chemical 0404466 ( 4) Elective 30 - 40 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 5 3. Dedicated units/centers working with REEE at your university: Name of Center/Unit Focus Area Prince Faisal Center for Dead Sea, Environmental and Energy Research The PFC-DSEER conducts and coordinates Dead Sea, environmental, and water research and related activities on Mutah University campus. With primary emphasis placed on Dead Sea critical problems, PFC-DSEER programs expand to encompass national and international water and environmental issues of common concern. PFC-DSEER is a nationally and internationally recognized Center of excellence, with programs incorporating research, education and service directed toward solutions to Dead Sea, environmental and energy problems in different areas. In addition, the Center serves regional and country-wide educational and management needs for access to related research facilities. More details are available online under the following address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 6 Number of affiliated faculty Two faculty members (full time) Annual operating budget 100,000 JOD Example of output -Sphosticated Excelence Center for Sustainable Water Management in Middle East. Thirty faculty members (part time) -Training Center for interdiciplinary training fields ( Chemical Analysis, Enviromental Impact assesment, Water Management, Solid Waste Management, Groundwater Modeling, Wastewater Modeling, Instrumental Chemical Analysis) -Gradute Students supervision Students projects supervision and conducting -On-going Research at PFC-DSEER • Persistent Organic Pollutants and Pharmaceutical Residues in Selected ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 7 Water Dams in Jordan, Partners: Mutah University, Al Balqa Applied Uni, and TU-Braunschweig Germany, SRF, May 2011-2013 • Excellence Center for Development Cooperation (Exceed): Sustainable Water Management in Developing Countries, Partners: TU-Braunschweig Germany, DAAD, BMZ, and 32 international partners, 2009-2013 • Tranboundary Water Governance and Climate Change in Jordan, Partners: NATO, Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador), MoWI, RSS, 2010-2013 • Residues of Pesticides in Medicinal Plants and their Products in Jordan, Partners: Scientific Research Fund SRF, Ministry of Agriculture, 20092011 • Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals in dry and wet sludge from As-Samra wastewater treatment plant, Jordan • Treated municipal wastewater irrigation impact on olive trees (Olea europaea L.) at Al-Tafilah, Jordan • Evaluation of Oil Shale Mining Side Products (Ash) and Its Environmental Impact, Partners, PFC-DSEER and Chemical Engineering Faculty. • Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and Trace Metals in Soil Beneath Irrigated with Wastewater, Jordan ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 8 Outreach activities • Training courses, workshops, conferences and regional meetings (more than 45) • More than 60 published articles in international refereed journals • Projects: more than 10 funded projects since 2006 4. Laboratories and equipments a. In the following table please describe the type of facilities currently available for students and researcher in the area of REEE, e.g. performance measurements, monitoring equipments and instruments, demonstration stations, prototyping units, etc.: Type of facility Dedicated to: (e.g. SHW, PV, Wind, Biogas) Heat transfer lab solar Instruments (e.g. pyranometers, flow meters, temp. sensors, data loggers) Focused solar collector ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 9 Advanced fluids and thermal lab. Solar meter Wind energy Wind speed measurements solar Axial fan Photovoltaic cells Solar/heat source vapor turbine Thermodynamics lab solar Temperature sensors Fluids mechanics lab Wind Pitot tube ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 10 Electrical machines lab solar Photovoltaic cells system b. In the following table please list and describe the kind of equipment/laboratories that are needed to better fulfill current and ongoing research and education activities within REEE: Type of facility Dedicated to: (e.g. SHW, PV, Wind, Biogas) Instruments (e.g. pyranometers, flow meters, temp. sensors, data loggers) DNI measurement Data PV and CSP Pyrheliometers and Pyranometers with digital output connectable to Data logger for Direct, global, and diffused beam measurement. Data Logger. Separate one axis and two axis tracking systems. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 11 Wind Spead Measurements Wind Wind speed measurement, wind direction measurement, post, data logger. Solar Collector Perfomance Testing faciligy for evacuated tubes and flat plate SWH Evacuated Tube Testing Set SWH and Space Heating Iron Content Measurement for low Iron glass, selective coating characteristic measurement. Selectiv Coating Applying devices SWH and CSP Selective coating applying to steel with electrolysis and painting, materials for high temperature selective coating, selective coating application to proyslicate. Testing of selective coating Parabolic Dish with Sterling Engine CSP 1.5m -2m Parabolic dish with tracking system with sterling engine demonstrating large scale systems. Fitted with temperature sensors and power output measurements. Fixed and tracking platform, flow meters and temperature sensors, variable thermal load ,clarifiers and data loggers. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 12 5. Outreach activities Please detail if the university engages in any outreach activities with industry / society on any of the REEE areas? E.g. consulting to industry, policy studies, training, joint research projects, awareness raising) Activity Target Audience Output Installing lighting units utilizing solar energy in cooperation with KOSPO JO (Korea Southern Power Co.) Bedouins in Karak governate 10 lighting units in different areas where the Bedouins are available. Solar Heating of Mutah Winter Olympic Swimming Pool Students and staff of Athletic Technology and Education Faculty Heated indoor swimming pool in summer and winter with solar energy and saving diesel. Awarnes Seminar of REEE Local Community in Industrial and residential sector Promoting awareness of the importance and the feasibility of REEE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 13 6. Research project In the following table please list recently completed or ongoing research projects in the area of REEE including doctoral and or master thesis projects, size and source of funding, local or international collaboration partners and output in terms of publications, books or reports: Project Description Estimate budget and source of funding Output Utilizing CSP for TriGeneration in the Faculty of Engineering. Establishing and investigation of 90 KW CSP system (80 KW Parabolic Trough and 10 KW Fresnel) to generate steam for tri-generation of electricity, water distillation, and heating cooling. 4086,000JD Proof of concept of the system, Feasibility investigation, development of new technologies in thermal storage, and solar cooling. Establishing of Solar Drivien adsoption ice machine Thermal Drevin ice machine based on Adsorption principle with eyther and activated carbon is 6000 JDFunded by the deanship of Scientefic Research in Mutah University Funded by the National Fund for Scientific Research ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR The ice machine is built and temperaute of 15C were acheived 14 designed built and tested Prioritizing of obstacles facing the spreading of Solar Water Heaters in Jordan A mathematical model based on hierarchy method is made and utilized to prioritize the obstacles facing the spreading of SWH in Jordan. A master student worked on the model, designed the questionnaire and analyzed the results. 500 JD by the deanship of graduate studies Master thesis Many undergraduate projects on technologies and feasibilities of REEE Various graduation projects 200 JD each Graduation Project reports. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEMPUS Programme – MANSUR Project number: 511069-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-IT-JPCR 15