Ch.2 Vocabulary Topography: is the shape of the land Elevation: the height above sea level of a point on Earth’s surface Relief: the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area Landform: is a feature of topography, such as a hill or valley, formed by the processes that shape Earth’s surface Plain: is a landform made up of nearly flat or gently rolling land with low relief Mountain: is a landform with high elevation and high relief Mountain range: is a group of mountains that are closely related in shape, structure, and age Plateau: a landform that has high elevation and a more or less level surface Landform region: a large area of land where the topography is made up mainly of one type of landform Map: is a flat model of all or part of Earth’s surface as seen from above Globe: is a sphere that represents Earth’s entire surface Scale: relates distance on a map to a distance on Earth’s surface Symbols: mapmakers use shapes and pictures to stand for features on Earth’s surface Key: or legend, is a list of all the symbols used on the map with an explanation of their meaning Degree: is 1/360 of the distance around a circle Equator: forms an imaginary line that circles Earth Hemisphere: in one half of the sphere that makes up Earth’s surface Prime meridian: makes a half circle from the North Pole to the South Pole Latitude: or distance in degrees north or south of the equator Longitude: the distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian Map projection: is a framework of lines that helps in transferring points on Earth’s three dimensional surface onto a flat map Surveying: mapmakers determine distances and elevations using instruments and the principles of geometry Digitizing: the process by which mapmakers convert the location of map points to numbers Satellite images: pictures of the surface based on the data Pixels: a satellite image is made up of thousands of tiny dots Global Positioning System (GPS): is a method of finding latitude, longitude, and elevation of points on Earth’s surface using a network of satellites Topographic map: is a map showing the surface features of an area Contour line: connects points of equal elevation Contour interval: the change in elevation from contour line to contour line Index contours: are labeled with the elevation in round units, such as 1,600 or 2,000 feet above sea level