World`s Best Workforce Report

2014-2015 World’s Best Workforce Report Summary
District or Charter Name: Lake Park Audubon ISD 2889
Contact Person Name and Position: Dale Hogie, Superintendent
Stakeholder Engagement
The 2014-2015 WBWF Report can be found at
Annual Public Meeting
November 23, 2015
Agenda is attached.
District Advisory Committee
There was no Advisory Committee established for 2014-2015.
Systems, Strategies and Support Category
 Describe the support offered to students during the 2014-2015 school year to meet the goals.
o Include the process for assessing and evaluating student progress toward
meeting state and local academic standards.
Kindergarten Minimal Title I or Para support for 1st half of year and some title pull-out from Feb.-May.
1st Grade
FAST, STAR (Early Literacy Reading and Math) Reading Recovery-Observation
Surveys, Running Records
2nd Grade
STAR Reading & STAR Math, STAR Early Lit, AR, Report Card, Assessments, FAST
3rd Grade
STAR Reading and Math, Accelerated Reader, FAST Testing, MCA, Study Island, OLPA
Reading and Math.
4th Grade
Monthly STAR, Quarterly Accelerated Reading, OLSAT, Accelerated Math, OLPA,
Individual Classroom Assessments, PLC’s
5 Grade
Monthly Star Reading & Math Tests, AR Quiz %, OLPA Math & Reading to see which
skills to focus on for MCA’s.
6 Grade
2nd Step Title I Character Education, Accelerated Reading Study Island, Accelerated
Math, Small group Math, Small group Reading, S, MCAs, STAR, RTI
Elementary Special Ed
AR (Reading Comprehension), STAR (Reading/Math), Early Literacy (STAR), FAST
(Fluency), Great Leaps (Phonics/Fluency), Sand Partners (Phonics), Soar to
Success (Language Arts), Boehm (Kindergarten Concept Assessment), Accelerated
Language Arts
Availability of College Credits and Vocational/Technical Programs, The obvious tests,
quizzes, worksheets, speeches, performance based, self-reflection, time management,
group words, process revision, STAR reading, standards alignment, ACT, PSAT,
Accuplacer, AP Exam, MCA, MMR
7th & 8th STAR and OLPA tests, Accuplacer for students interested in college classes,
Pre-ACT tests and Pre-MCA tests (Juniors), PLAN Test (10th Grade)
MCA Science Testing in 8th & 10th Grade
Social Studies
Individual classroom teachers are responsible for meeting State Social Studies
Standards. Reviewed by department two times annually (Teacher workshop in August
and Workshop in June)
Business/Industrial Technology/Family Consumer Science
Skill assessment including but not limited to: tradition paper testing, project based
Learning and self-reflected evaluation of skills, planning, and resource management.
Scope and sequence for MN Arts Standards, National Arts Standards, National Athletic
Assoc., Phy Ed and Health
High School Special Ed
STAR Reading, Math Tests, Comprehensive Evaluations, Periodic Reviews
o Include the process to disaggregate data by student group.
Kindergarten Monthly team meetings with Mark & Courtney Grout
1st Grade
Students are grouped by level
2nd Grade
Grade level meetings, RTl Coach, Reading Corp, PLC, Small group planning
3 Grade
PLC’s, Grade level meetings, Title I information to track progress, IEP, 504, TAT
4th Grade
Use monthly meetings, grade level meetings, IEP, 504, TAT, Title I, information to track
academic progress
5th Grade
Analyzed data to group students by looking at STAR & OLPA scores. They were put
into skill groups.
6th Grade
MCA’s, STAR Tests, Teacher Informal Assessment
Elementary Special Ed
Language Arts
Social Studies
Review test data
Business/Industrial Technology/Family Consumer Science
Non-traditional learners, ex: female in construction trades class
N/A for Arts. Phy Ed uses Fitness Gram to review sub groups, i.e., ages, gender
High School Special Education
Socioeconomic and cultural factors are considered in every Special Ed evaluation
o Include key indicators of progress to demonstrate evidence of implementation.
Kindergarten FAST and STAR
1st Grade
Progress monitoring in STAR and Running Records
2 Grade
Evaluate STAR reports to determine whether further instruction was needed
3rd Grade
Re-evaluate date monthly and yearly for assessments
4 Grade
Re-evaluation of above assessments and meet to track progress
5th Grade
Final STAR & MCA results
6 Grade
STAR Tests, Daily Assignments and Tests, MCA’s
Elementary Special Ed
Growth towards STAR & IEP Reading, Math and Language Goals
Language Arts
Review test and assignment data
Test Results, Targeted Services, Summer School, Raider Round-up
Classroom Summative Assessment, Grade Checks/Scholastic Eligibility
Social Studies
Targeted Services to students in grades 7 & 8, Raider Roundup for students in grades 9
& 10, Morning Startup Hub, Summer School, Independent Study Programs, JH Lunch
Business/Industrial Technology./Family Consumer Sciences
Ability to show step progression to an end result outcome (project finished to an
acceptable standard
Public performances, exhibitions, pre and post assessments, State Sub-Section,
Regional, State Art Competitions
High School Special Ed
Evaluation reports and annual IEP’s.
Teachers and Principals
 Describe the support offered to teachers and principals during the 2014-2015 school year
to meet the goals.
o Include the system to review and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction and
curriculum, including teacher and principal evaluations.
Kindergarten Walk through, observations, monthly meetings with Mark
1st Grade
PLC’s on targeted reading skills, teacher observation, feedback given by Principal
2nd Grade
3X evaluations and walk throughs, grade level meetings w/RTl Coach & Reading Coach,
Communicating with grade levels
3rd Grade
Observations with past discussions, self-reflection at the end of the year
4th Grade
We started PLC to evaluate student progress, principal walkthrough and evaluation to
assess teacher effectiveness and additional staff hired.
5th Grade
Monthly grade level meetings/Reading coordinator, PLC meetings with grade level
support staff, Principal evaluations
6th Grade
MCA Scores, Unit Tests, STAR Tests.
Elementary Special Ed
Data Meetings with Mark to review STAR Data, Principal Observations, IEP Team
Meetings (Student Evaluations/Re-Evaluations)
Language Arts
Updated LPA ELA 7-12 Common Core Curriculum Alignment, Administrative
Observation/Evaluation/Follow-Up, Department Meetings
Student Engagement Survey, Peer Observation
Classroom Evaluations
Social Studies
Student Encouragement Survey at end of semester, Evaluations, Student Data
Business/Industrial Technology/Family Consumer Services
We have scheduled observations that include pre/post assessment conferences,
Identifying the connecting National Standards, and our lesson goals and objectives
Principal observations and aligning lessons with required standards, self evaluations,
and reflection, student evaluations per quarter
High School Special Ed
Teacher and Administrative participation at SPED team meetings
o Include key indicators of progress to demonstrate evidence of implementation.
Kindergarten FAST and STAR
1st Grade
Observation Binders/Goals
2nd Grade
Evaluate STAR reports to determine whether further interaction was needed.
3 Grade
Grade level meetings
4th Grade
Compared MCA score results of specific students assisted as well as general population
for increased improvement.
5th Grade
Multiple Measurement Rating (MMR) based on MCA results
6 Grade
Test Scores
Elementary Special Ed
Observation from Principal and Binder/Goals
Language Arts
Increased Student Success
Classroom Walk-Through, Student Data for Class
Social Studies
Reduction of students or number of students on academic check list (lunch detention/
morning study hall, etc.)
Business/Industrial Technology/Family Consumer Sciences
Evaluation results and post conference discussion of opportunities for change,
Improvement and reflection.
Band/Choir/Art/Phy Ed.
Post observation interview, peer evaluations, review student list of academic progress
failures, incompletes, retention of band/choir students, % in co-curricular sports
High School Special Ed
Input from teachers and administrators on Special Ed evaluations and IEP’s..
 Describe the support offered at the district level during the 2014-2015 school year to
meet the goals.
o Include the district practices that integrate high-quality instruction, rigorous
curriculum, technology, and a collaborative professional culture.
Kindergarten Trainings & in-services (Kindergarten convention)
1st Grade
District Goals
2nd Grade
Computers K-12, Continued Education, All staff (Paras, Title I, Reading Corps, etc.)
attend staff development days.
3rd Grade
Resources, set district wide goals
4 Grade
New student laptops, document help, extra help during testing for students in small
group, staff hired with Title I funds in spring and PLC meetings.
5 Grade
Implementation of 1 on 1 laptops, ADSIS Staff
6th Grade
Laptop, Teacher Evaluation
Elementary Special Ed
Continuing Education, PLC Book Study (Executive Function), PLC, Grade Level
Meetings, Data Meetings with Mark
Language Arts
Staff Development/Training, PBIS Team, Workshops/Speakers brought in to our
Grade Level Meetings, Technology Training and Workshops
Laptops & Schoology Available to all Students
Social Studies
7-12 Laptop Distribution, Summer Workshop Training & District Technology Director
Business/Industrial Technology/Family Consumer Services
Opportunities for utilizing staff development funds, attending subject related trainings
and workshops, and supporting program approval for CTE programs and courses to
be offered at our school. Support and encouragement for REP’s for the newest
technological advancements. Faculty and students are provided with one-to-one
technology and updated software.
Band/Choir/Art/Phy Ed.
7-12 Laptop distribution, salary schedule, lanes, tech summer workshops, starting
High School Special Ed
Participating at grade level meetings, professional development opportunities
o Include key indicators of progress to demonstrate evidence of implementation.
Kindergarten FAST and STAR
1st Grade
2nd Grade
High levels of participation
3rd Grade
4 Grade
MCA progress, OLPA progress
5th Grade
MMR, STAR Results, District Proficiency Goal Achievement
6 Grade
MCA’s, STAR, Accelerated Reading, Accelerated Math, RTl
Elementary Special Ed
Report from PLC
Language Arts
Re-licensure, Continuing Ed, School Climate, Lifelong Learning
Participation in use of Schoology, Laptop Implementation
Increased use of Schoology, Kahoot, etc.
Social Studies
Teachers use or increased use of Schoology, Kahoot, Weekly, “Remind 101”, Movie
Maker, Prezi, Blog
Business/Industrial Tech./Family Consumer Science
Each student has the opportunity to have their own computer to use during the school
year. Current and relevant software is installed on each computer for school use.
Business and Industry review and approval of the current standards including
technology and paid internships for additional learning opportunities. CTE Advisory
Board is established and meets at least once per year to review and support the CTE
Band/Choir/Art/Phy Ed
Use of computers, technology in classroom instruction, stats from schoology
High School Special Ed
Development of action plans