draft of request for proposals from the morris animal foundation for


March, 2013




DEADLINE: May 28, 2013, 11:59 p.m. EST

Program Description:

Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) is currently funding approximately 300 health studies that benefit companion animals and wildlife around the world. Zoetis is a leading research-based producer of veterinary vaccines and pharmaceuticals. To continue these efforts into the future, MAF and Zoetis recognize the need to increase the number of veterinary researchers that can advance animal health and welfare. Along with Zoetis, MAF is offering this opportunity to address the growing shortage of veterinary researchers by giving established scientists and veterinarians financial support to pursue a veterinary degree or PhD, respectively. The essential elements would include the following:


MAF, Zoetis and the academic partner will work together to provide training to the following individuals: a.

Exceptional individuals, already possessing a PhD, who desire to become veterinarians (academic partner must be an American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)–accredited college/school of veterinary medicine), or b. Exceptional individuals, already possessing a veterinary degree, who desire to obtain a PhD

(veterinarians must be graduates of an AVMA-accredited college/school of veterinary medicine) c. Individuals of either type (a or b) will need to demonstrate their commitment to a career for advancing animal health/welfare


Funding will be provided by MAF, Zoetis and the academic partner ($20K/year from each partner;

$60K/student/year for 4 years) a.

The academic partner will be a bona fide financial partner — providing direct funds or tuition/fees that would equate to $20K b.

The academic partner must verify that this partnership will indeed increase the number of veterinary researchers being trained at their institution (i.e., funds will not be used to replace existing remuneration to students/projects). Institutions must document that this award would allow for a new position in the program; the individual cannot already be admitted to the program. c.

MAF will contract with the student and university (up to four students will be funded through this program)


Funds will be returned by the student if he or she does not remain in research for at least four years following graduation. This is defined as working in academia, industry, etc. While we recognize that few positions are 100 percent research, the spirit of this award is to create new researchers; thus, positions where most of the work is in research are preferred.


The contract and commitment will be for a total of four years, assuming normal progress through the professional veterinary program or research program d.

The academic partner will enroll students by fall 2013


The academic partner will provide well-mentored research activities for the student, focusing on either basic or applied research. Research activities will be those designed to improve the health/welfare of companion animals (e.g., dogs, cats, horses) or wildlife a.

PhDs entering a veterinary program will participate in an 8- to 12-week research project at the corporate sponsor’s research facility in Kalamazoo, Mich., timing to be determined by the student, academic partner and Zoetis


Students will also be involved in both clinical medicine and research during their veterinary curriculum


These students will not replace an existing veterinary student but would be added to a veterinary class (so as not to detract from other critical needs in the veterinary profession)


PhD students will be those with prior work that is relevant for advancing animal health/welfare b.

DVM/VMDs entering a research program will participate in an 8- to 12-week research project at the corporate sponsor’s research facility at Kalamazoo, Mich., timing to be determined by the student, academic partner and Zoetis


Research training could proceed at any center recognized for exceptional science that addresses the future needs of animal health


It is understood that the precise project may not be identified at entry; however, the strength of a relevant program may need to be justified


All research activities throughout the program must ascribe to MAF animal welfare policy and the Zoetis corporate animal welfare policy


The successful program will be evaluated on the strength of the applicant, relevancy of prior training/experience to meet future goals and the track record of the academic institution in overall research. The successful academic institution will need to demonstrate a strong commitment to animal welfare in its research activities.

Please take a moment to review Frequently Asked Questions about this program: Click here

Application Process:

Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) grant applications have two components: an online form and a full proposal attachment. To successfully submit an application, please complete the following:


The online form (instructions below).


Attach the full proposal document (guidelines below) to your online form.

Note: Applications must be submitted by the academic partner (i.e., institution). Individuals cannot submit for this award .

ATTENTION: Once your application is submitted, it cannot be changed. Please review carefully before clicking “Submit.”

Online Form Instructions:

To start a NEW online application, click the link below. You will be taken to MAF’s Zoetis-MAF Fellowship online application form (you will need to set up an account unless you already have one).

NEW online application: https://www.grantrequest.com/SID_945?SA=SNA&FID=35072

NOTE : Once you have started your online application, you will be given the option to save it and finish it later. If the NEW online application link is accessed more than once, you will be creating more than one online application. In the event that you inadvertently create more than one application, multiple applications will be shown on your account page. Please delete all but the most recent application and select the latest version to continue your current application.

To CONTINUE (modify/change) an EXISTING (in process) online application, click the link below:

Account Page - http://www.grantrequest.com/SID_945

NOTE : The above links will redirect to a host Web site and, as a result, cannot be added as a bookmark or favorite in your Web browser.

Full Proposal Guidelines:

Deadline for submitting a proposal is May 28, 2013, 11:59 p.m.

Programs proposing DVMs (or equivalent veterinary degree) to enter PhD program:


1. University letter of commitment, limit one page.

The letter of commitment should provide assurance that the University will match the award at $20,000/year per student, that this fellowship will not replace an existing position at the institution, that the Fellow will have full support of the Dean/Department Head (or equivalent) and that any research projects the Fellow participates in during the four-year duration of his or her award will adhere to MAF’s Health Study Policy .

2. Applicant degree verification.

Photocopy of degree(s) awarded. Note: The veterinary degree must come from an American Veterinary

Medical Association accredited school or the candidate cannot be considered.

3. Applicant letter of intent, limit two pages.

The letter of intent should describe the proposed Fellow’s career vision and how this award will further his or her career goals. The proposal reviewers are particularly interested in the Fellow’s future commitment to veterinary research and an assurance that he or she will participate in Zoetis’s 8- to 12-week summer program and that the Fellow understands the award requirement to enter the field of research for a minimum of four years following degree receipt.

4. Institution/Program description, limit three pages.

This portion should describe programs of excellence at the institution whereby participants can enter novel/contemporary areas of research as cited in the request for proposal (RFP). Please describe any and all relevant opportunities available to this Fellow, including quality mentoring opportunities, specific mentor(s) (if identified), mentor’s qualifications and funding status. Reviewers are also interested in how the department will direct students toward research projects during their degree pursuit as well as evidence of the institution’s ability to have candidates complete graduate programs within the scope of the award period. Past accomplishments for the institution’s graduate training programs should also be addressed.

Specifically, the number of students trained, degrees obtained, and the current activity of those graduates including affiliations.

5. Project description, limit one page.

For those programs where the project is defined, describe the project(s) the Fellow will be involved in during his or her training and how the project(s) meets the mission of MAF to advance the health and welfare of companion animals and wildlife. For those programs where the project is not defined, describe the process and guidelines by which students’ projects are selected and how they would meet the mission of MAF. You may want to review the MAF scoring rubric ( click here )

Programs proposing PhDs to enter DVM (or equivalent veterinary degree) program:


1. University letter of commitment, limit one page.

The letter of commitment should provide assurance that the University will match the award at

$20,000/year per student, that this fellowship will not replace an existing position at the institution, that the

Fellow will have full support of the Dean/Department Head (or equivalent) and that any research projects the Fellow participates in during the four-year duration of his or her award will adhere to MAF’s Health

Study Policy

2. Applicant degree verification.

Photocopy of degree(s) awarded.

3. Applicant (Student) letter of intent, limit two pages.

This letter of intent should describe the proposed Fellow’s career vision and how this award will further his or her career goals. The proposal reviewers are particularly interested in examples of the Fellow’s commitment to animal health, either during or prior to his or her PhD programs, future commitment to veterinary research as well as assurance that the Fellow will participate in Zoetis’s 8- to 12-week summer program and that the Fellow understands the award requirement to enter the field of research for a minimum of four years following degree receipt.

4. Institution/Program description, limit two pages.

This portion should describe programs of excellence at the institution whereby participants can enter novel/contemporary areas of research as cited in the RFP. Please describe any and all other relevant opportunities available to this student, including quality mentoring opportunities, specific mentor (if identified), mentor’s qualifications and funding status. Reviewers are also interested in how the college of veterinary medicine plans to support the continuation of the Fellow’s previous research, how the school is going to ensure adequate time for the student to continue in research and how closely integrated the clinical faculty and research faculty are at this institution. Past accomplishments for the institution’s DVM training program should also be addressed. Specifically, integration of research and clinical training, number of dual degree students trained, and the current activity of those graduates including affiliations.

5. Project description, limit one page.

For those programs where the project is defined, describe the project(s) the Fellow will be involved in during his or her training and how the project(s) meets the mission of MAF to advance the health and welfare of companion animals and wildlife. For those programs where the project is not defined, describe the process and guidelines by which students’ projects are selected and how they would meet the mission of MAF. You may want to review the MAF scoring rubric ( click here )
