PICO Question : For infants and children in the in-hospital Setting (P), do pediatric medical emergency teams (MET) or rapid response teams (RRT) (I), when compared to standard care (C), improve outcomes (O) Introduction We identified 10 relevant articles in the literature addressing the above issue. They were all observational before-and-after studies, often with retrospective reviews prior to invention (ie implementation of the MET/RRT system, and a prospective review following implementation. Nine were from US centres – either single Children’s centres or multi-centre collaborations. One was from Pakistan. Outcomes were measured as cardiac arrest, respiratory/pulmonary arrest, both cardiac and respiratory/pulmonary arrest (CPA), code blue activations and mortality. Some focused on morbidity/mortality in the hospital while others only looked at ICU rates. We were unable to group/combine any set of the above studies due to the diverse and disparate nature of study designs as well as the outcomes they separately measured. Quality of Evidence We found no randomized studies evaluating the effectiveness of rapid response teams (RRT) or medical emergency teams (MET) of decreasing cardiac arrest frequency cardiac arrest frequency outside the ICU, hospital mortality, overall hospital mortality, all arrests ( cardiac and respiratory) outside the ICU or respiratory arrest. We found 10 observational studies which used a before-after method of analysis. For the critical outcome of outcome of cardiac arrest outside the ICU, we found 7 observational studies of very low quality. One study (Ul-Haque, 2010) demonstrated a decrease in cardiac arrest frequency (OR 0.52, 95 CI 0.12-2.26) in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan. The majority of the calls were for respiratory complaints. Mortality of patients transferred from the wards to the PICU also decreased by 50% (OR 0.18, 0.09-0.35) Of the remaining 5 studies (Hanson 2010, Brilli 2007, Hunt 2008, Tibballs 2009, Kotsakis 2011, Bonafide 2014) from academic children’s hospitals in the developed world, the rate of cardiac arrest outside the ICU declined after institution of RRT-METs in all (RR < 1) but none achieved statistical significance. For the critical outcome of all codes (cardiac and respiratory) outside the ICU, we found 4 observational studies (Hunt 2008, Sharek 2007, Zenker 2007, Hayes 2012) of very low quality. The studies were from North American academic hospitals. One study demonstrated a statistically significant decline while the other 3 did not after institution of RRT-METs. For the critical outcome of respiratory arrest, we found 1 observational study Hunt 2008 of very low quality from an academic children’s hospital. This study did observe a decline in respiratory arrests after institution of an RRT-MET. (RR=0.27, 0.05-1.01, p = 0.035) For the important outcome of cardiac arrest frequency, we found 1 observational study (Brilli 2007) of very low quality from a large academic children’s hospital. There was a trend towards decline in cardiac arrest frequency that was not statistically significant (RR=0.3, 0-1.04, p = 0.07) 1 For the important outcome of overall hospital mortality, we found 6 observational studies (Hanson 2010, Brilli 2007, Tibballs 2009,Kotsakis 2011, Sharek 2007, Zenker 2007) of very low quality from academic children’s hospitals. Three studies (Brilli 2007, Tibballs 2009, Sharek 2007) observed a decline in deaths and 3 did not. Of note, we were unable to calculate an overall RR for the outcomes, as the data were reported variously as events/1000patient-days, events/1000admissions, or events/1000discharges. Since the last review in 2005, we found only 4 additional studies (Ul-Haque 2010, Kotsakis 2011, Hayes 2012, Bonafide 2014) One reported a significant change in the outcomes they reported (Ul-Haque 2010); the other 2 did not. Additionally many of the studies use differing outcomes (rate of clinical deterioration, PICU mortality, urgent admission to PICU, staff satisfaction, patient safety scores or decline in preventable deaths. Many of these outcomes showed positive improvement. Gaps Analysis The strength of evidence in children compared to adults for the role of MET/RRT systems is very low/weak. A major limitation is the low rate of cardiac arrest and mortality in pediatrics, and in the hospitals from which the data in this analysis originates. As such, even trying to show a statistically significant effect after a new implementation would be difficult at best. This is apparent in that most studies demonstrated trends of improving mortality, though not statistically significant. Use of a more valid and proximate outcome metric like Bonfide and team’s critical decision event (CDE) would strengthen the case for implementation of MET/RRT in the paediatric inpatient setting. The critical deterioration (CD) metric is defined as transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU) followed by noninvasive or invasive mechanical ventilation or vasopressor infusion within 12 hours. More current studies will therefore need to be done. The other major limitation in our analysis is the use of before-and-after studies, with the inherent limitations of unaccounted or confounding variables and inability to develop a comparable control group. Joffe et al demonstrated the risk in these studies by comparing the mortatily rateat their isntitusion, which did not initiate or organize a RRT/MET team, with 5 published studies ( all reviewed here). The reduction in mortality at their institution over the same time period was similar to the published results, illustrating the problems of confounding variables. It is unlikely, however, that a fully controlled or even randomized study can be performed. Treatment Recommendations There is “Weak recommendation for implementation of a Medical Emergency Team / Rapid Response Team/System for infants and children in an in-patient setting compared to the standard care to improve outcomes in mortality and cardiac and/or respiratory arrests. “ We suggest implementation of pediatric RRT-METs in comparison with no RRT in hospitals that care for children. While such an implementation may result in decrease in mortality as well as cardiac and/or respiratory arrests, this is conditional on the available resources available in the respective institutions and its implementation must be balanced and calibrated against the respective institution’s other more urgent/pressing needs in the delivery of care to its infants and children. 2 References 1. Tibballs J and Kinney S. Reduction of hospital mortality and of preventable cardiac arrest and death on introduction of a pediatric medical emergency team. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2009; 10 (3): 306-12. 2. Brilli RJ, Gibson R, Luria JW, Wheeler TA, Shaw J, Linam M, McBride M. Implementation of a medical emergency team in a large pediatric teaching hospital prevents respiratory and cardiopulmonary arrests outside the intensive care unit. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2007; 8 (3): 236-46 3. Sharek P, Parast LM and Leong K. Effect of a rapid response team on hospital-wide mortality and code rates outside the ICU in a children's hospital. JAMA 2007; 298 (19): 2267-74 4. Hunt E, Zimmer KP and Rinke ML. Transition from a traditional code team to a medical emergency team and categorization of cardiopulmonary arrests in a children's center. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008; 162 (2): 117-22 5. Anwar ul H, Saleem AF, Zaidi S and Haider SR. Experience of pediatric rapid response team in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan. Indian J Pediatr 2010; 77 (3): 273-6 6. Zenker P, Schlesinger A, Hauck M, Spencer S, Hellmich T, Finkelstein M, Thygeson MV, Billman G.Implementation and Impact of a Rapid Response Team in a Children’s Hospital. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. July 2007;33(7):418-25 7. Hanson CC, Randolph GD, Erickson JA, Mayer CM, Bruckel JT, Harris BD, et al. A reduction in cardiac arrests and duration of clinical instability after implementation of a paediatric rapid response system. Qual Saf Health Care. 2009;18:500-4. 8. Kotsakis A, Lobos AT, Parshuram C, Gilleland J, Gaiteiro R, Mohseni-Bod H. Bohn D. Implementation of a multicenter rapid response system in pediatric academic hospitals is effective. Pediatrics 2011; 128 (1): 72-8 9. Bonafide CP, Localio AR, Roberts KE, Nadkarni VM, Weirich CM, Keren R. Impact of Rapid Response System Implementation on Critical Deterioration Events in Children. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(1):25-33. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.3266. 10. Hayes, LW, Dobyns, DoGionine B, Brown AM, Jacobson S, Randall KH< Wathen B, Richard H, Schwab C, Duncan KD, Thrasher J, Logsdon TR, Hall M, Markovitz B. A multicenter collaborative approach to reducing pediatric codes outside the ICU. Pediatrics 2012;129 e785-e791. 11. Joffe AR, Anton NR and Burkholder SC. Reduction in hospital mortality over time in a hospital without a pediatric medical emergency team: Limitations of before-and-after study designs. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2011; 165 (5): 419-23 3 Appendix A : TABLE OF OUTCOMES Author/Date Location /Hospital Cardiac arrest Frequency CA Outside ICU Events/ 1000ptdays Hanson 2010 Brilli 2007 Hunt 2008 Events/ 1000 nonICU pt-days Stanford/Child Hosp JHU/Child Hosp Events/ 1000 Events/ 1000 Deaths/ 1000 Deaths/ 1000 admissions discharges discharges admissions RR0.35 (1-1.24) p=.126 0.43 (0-1.6) p=0.14 UNC/Academic Hospital RR = 0.3 (0-1.04) p=0.07 Hospital mortality RR= 0.5 (0-1.9) p=.19 RR = 1 p=.97 Codes/ 1000 ptdays All Codes outside ICU Codes/ 1000 Codes/ 1000 admissions discharges Tibballs 2009 Melbourne/Child Hosp Ul-Haque 2010 Pakistan/Tertiay Care Kotsakis 2011 Canada/Multicenter RR=0.96 (.76-1.96) Sharek 2007 Cinn/Child Hosp Hayes 2012 Bonafide 2014 US/Multicenter CHOP/Children's Hospital Zenker 2007 Minn/Child Hosp Comments RR=.76 (1-1.03) p=0.78 RR=.42 (0-.89) p=0.29 RR = 1 p=.99 RR=.91 (.5-1.64) p=.75 OR= 0.52 (0.122.26) p=0.004 Respiratory Arrests p =.1 RR=.35 (.57-.75) p=.0001 Preventable Deaths MultiCenter study No standard definitions of team or codes p > 0.05 p=0.007 0.27 (.05-1.01) p = .035 p =0.0008 p=0.6 p = 0.21 p = 0.57 p = 0.19 4 APPENDIX B : USING GRADE : EVIDENCE TO RECOMMENDATION FRAMEWORK Question : For infants and children in the in-hospital Setting (P), do pediatric medical emergency teams (MET) or rapid response teams (RRT) (I), when compared to standard care (C), improve outcomes (O) Population : Infants & children Intervention : MET/RRT systems vs no MET/RRT systems improving outcomes Setting : Inpatients Decision Domain Judgement Reason for Judgement Subdomains influencing judgement Y N Balance of desirable and Implementing MET.RRT systems is desirable. Baseline risk for desirable and undesirable outcomes: undesirable outcomes X Only undesirable sequelae is the constraint • Is the baseline risk similar across subgroups? Given the best estimate of on existing limited resources. • Should there be separate recommendations for typical values and subgroups? preferences, are you Relative risk for benefits and harms: confident that the benefits • Are the relative benefits large? outweigh the harms and • Are the relative harms large? burden or vice versa? Requirement for modeling: • Is there a lot of extrapolation and modeling required for these outcomes? Typical values: • What are the typical values? • Are there differences in the relative value of the critical outcomes? Confidence in estimates if Observational before-and-after studies. Confidence in estimates of benefits and downsides, effect (quality of evidence) X Final evidence of confidence rating : Very confidence in estimates of resource use. Consider all Is there high or moderate low critical outcomes, including the possibility that some quality evidence may not be measured. Key reasons for rating evidence down or rating up 5 Values and preferences Are you confident about the typical values and preferences and are they similar across the target population? Resource implications Are the resources worth the expected net benefit from following the recommendation? Overall strength of recommendation Evidence to recommendation synthesis X Individual papers were assessed. We did not combine any papers. We only selected papers that focused on our population. Outcomes measured included mortality; cardiac arrest; respiratory arrest; cardiac/respiratory arrest; critical decision events (CDEs) – some looked at outcomes hospital wide while others looked only at outside ICU outcomes. While such an implementation may result in decrease in mortality as well as cardiac and/or respiratory arrests, this is conditional on the available resources available in the respective institutions and its implementation must be balanced and calibrated against the respective institution’s other more urgent/pressing needs in the delivery of care to its infants and children. Source of typical values (panel or study of general population or patients) Source of estimates of variability and extent of variability Method for determining values satisfactory for this recommendation What are the costs per resource unit? Feasibility: Is this intervention generally available? Opportunity cost: Is this intervention and its effects worth withdrawing or not allocating resources from other interventions Differences across settings: Is there lots of variability in resource requirements across settings? Weak for There is “Weak recommendation for implementation of a Medical Emergency Team / Rapid Response Team/System for infants and children in an in-patient setting compared to the standard care to improve outcomes in mortality and cardiac and/or respiratory arrests. “ The very low level of confidence rating arises from the observational study. There are no ill effects should MET/RRT systems be implemented. However, there is a question of how what significant positive outcome can be translated on the floor when weighed against the costs needed to implement and sustain such systems. This will be an even more significant factor for consideration in resource-challenged countries. X Ref : Andrews JC, Schuunemannb HJ, Oxmand AD, et al. GRADE guidelines: 15. Going from evidence to recommendation -determinants of a recommendation’s direction and strength. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 66 (2013) 726-735 6