Interviewer: __________________________________________ Interview Date: ________________ CARE MANAGEMENT PRE-ENROLLMENT (with Risk Stratification) Client Name:_____________________________________________________________ DOB: ___________________ Hospital Discharge Date:___________________ CONTACT INFORMATION Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ Alternate Phone:________________________ Emergency Contact: ___________________________________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ INSURANCE INFORMATION Medical Insurance Type: □ Medicare Only □ □ Medicaid Only Medicare/Medicaid □ □ □ Private Uninsured Other ____________ Insurance Provider: _________________________________________________ Health Insurance Member ID#: ________________________________________ Pharmacy: ________________________________________________________ PROVIDER INFORMATION PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER*: YES NO Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ Date Last Seen*: _______________________(only for those with a reported PCP) SPECIALTY CARE PROVIDER: Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Specialty: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ Date Last Seen: _______________________ Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Specialty: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ Date Last Seen: _______________________ Comments: 2 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Gender: □ Male □ Female □ Female-to-Male □ Male-to-Female □ Other: ________________________ □ Prefer not to say Race: □ American Indian/Alaskan Native □ Asian □ Black/African American □ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander □ White/Caucasian □ Multi-Racial □ Other: ________________________ □ Prefer not to say Ethnicity: □ Hispanic/Latino □ Not Hispanic/Latino □ Prefer Not to Say Marital Status: □ Single/Never Married □ Married □ Separated □ Divorced □ Widowed □ Civil Union/Domestic Partnership □ Cohabitating with Partner □ Other: ________________________ □ Prefer not to say Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard? □ No, I was never in the military □ Yes, on active duty now □ Yes, on active duty in the past □ No, training in the Reserves or Guard only □ Other: ________________________ □ Prefer not to say Where are you living right now?* □ House/Apartment/Room □ With friend/relative □ Shelter/boarding home □ Streets/abandoned home □ Other: ________________________ □ Prefer not to say EDUCATION/LITERACY What language do you prefer?* □ English □ Spanish □ Other Language:______________________ 3 How do you learn new information best? (Check All That Apply) □ Reading it in English □ Reading it in Spanish □ Reading it in another language □ Looking at pictures with words □ Looking at pictures while someone explains it □ Listening to someone explain new information □ Other: ________________________ What is the highest level of school you have completed? □ Grades 6 to 8 □ Grades 9 to 12 □ GED □ High School Diploma □ Some College □ Associates Degree □ Bachelors Degree □ Graduate Degree □ Other: ________________________ □ Prefer not to say Comments: HEALTH STATUS & SUPPORT How would you rate your health?* □ □ □ □ □ Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Do you currently have or have been told you have any of the following health conditions? (Check all that apply)* □ Anxiety □ Asthma □ Bipolar disorder □ Cancer □ Chronic Kidney Failure □ COPD/Emphysema □ Dementia □ Depression □ Diabetes □ End Stage Renal Disease □ Heart Disease □ High Blood Pressure □ HIV/AIDS □ Obesity □ PVD □ Schizophrenia □ Seizures □ Sickle Cell Disease □ Stroke □ Substance Abuse □ Thyroid Disease □ Other: ________________________ 4 Which of the following statements fits you best in terms of health? (select best fit)* □ A) Must stay in bed all or most of the time. □ B) Need the help of another person in getting around inside or outside the house. □ C) Need the help of some special aid, like a cane or wheelchair, to get around inside or outside the house. □ D) Do not need the help of another person or special aid, but have trouble getting around freely. □ E) Not limited in any ways. □ F) Unsure. □ G) Unable to Respond On a scale of 1 to 5, how often does a family member(s) or friend support you with your healthcare needs?* □ □ □ □ □ □ 1 (No one supports me) 2 3 (Sometimes I get support) 4 5 (I get a lot of support) Unable to Respond 5 SCORING – RISK STRATIFICATION TOOL Pre-Enrollment (Triage): QUESTION SCORING RULE 1) Admitted to hospital in past 6 months? 2) Emergency room visit in past 6 months? 3) Uses 5 or more medications? 2 admits = 1 point 3+ admits = 2 points 4-5 visits = 1 point 6+ visits = 2 points Yes = 1 point RESULT PATIENT SCORE # of admits: # of visits: YES NO TRIAGE SUBTOTAL: ________ Pre-Enrollment (Bedside): QUESTION SCORING RULE RESULT Primary Care Provider Date Last Seen Has not been to PCP in 1+ year = 1 point OR Has no PCP = 1 point Shelter/boarding home = 1 point Streets/abandoned building =2 points PCP Visit > 1 year OR NO PCP Shelter/boarding home OR Streets/abandoned English OR Non-English FAIR POOR Housing Situation Language Preference Non-English speaker = 1 point Self-rating of Health Fair = 1 point Poor = 2 points Unable to respond = 2 points Health Conditions Reported Mobility Self-rating of Social Support 2 conditions = 1 point 3-5 conditions = 2 points 6+ conditions = 3 points “A” = 3 points “B” = 2 points “C” = 1 point “G” = 1 point 1 or 2 = 2 points 3 = 1 point Unable to Respond = 2 points UNABLE TO RESPOND # of conditions: Response: Rating: BEDSIDE SUBTOTAL: Total Risk Score (Triage subtotal + Bedside subtotal): 6 PATIENT SCORE _______ /19 7