Waste and Recycling Objectives Objective 1. Ensure that new waste and recycling contract improves the quality of the University waste and recycling processing Progress Comment New contract to start on 1st August 2012 2. Ensure ready to report on scope 3 emissions Reporting mechanisms in place for campus waste but still need to cover residential and skip waste. 3. Ensure all surplus furniture is distributed to charity as a first option, remanufactured as a second option and recycled only as a final option. Furniture is now collected by external company and redistributed to charity as a first option. 4. Ensure enough food waste bins are distributed across campus, with a particular emphasis on student-used areas. This will be implemented once the new waste contract begins. 5. Develop and communicate new reuse procedure, with particular focus on furniture, stationery and equipment on campus. 6. Develop and implement a communication campaign aimed at increasing recycling on campus in line with the new waste contract. This is planned for summer 2012. Transport Objectives Objective 1. Develop systems for measuring and monitoring scope 3 emission relating to staff and student commuting Progress Comment The travel survey has been adapted in order to estimate staff and student commuting emissions, including personal feedback to staff and students. 2. Develop systems for measuring and monitoring scope 3 emissions relating to staff business travel SAP software has been adapted to collect information on business travel as part of expenses. The first trial starts in June 2012. 3. Identify sites for installation of electric vehicle charging units Both the University of Leeds and Weetwood Hotel will be installing electric charging units. The aim is to install in August/September 2012. 4. Ensure that University ‘feed-in’ cycle route is adequately signed This is scheduled for July 2012. 5. Installation of a further 150 cycle stands on campus with CCTV coverage This is scheduled for July 2012. 6. Identify ways to increase car-sharing amongst staff and students Purchasing Objectives Objective 1. Develop systems for measuring and monitoring scope 3 emission relating to the University supply chain Progress Comment Research is currently being undertaken by a School of Earth and Environment MSc student. 2. To identify areas of packaging waste linked to supply and work with suppliers to ensure take back or reduction of packaging waste. Work in this area will start with an initial survey to identify key areas on campus. 3. To re-examine the University’s invitation to tender (ITT) and evaluation processes to ensure that whole life costing (WLC) captures all costs including predicted energy consumption. This is a new project that will be taken forward by the Sustainable Procurement Group. 4. To review current prequalification questionnaires (PQQ) to ensure that any social impact of the University’s purchasing activities is adequately considered in all relevant tender exercises. Awaiting results of DEFRA/SPCE project. 5. To develop a standard range of University furniture for new purchases Biodiversity Objectives Objective 1. Communicate the Biodiversity Action Plan to the University community Progress Comment Plan communicated through Green Impact, the University ‘reporter’ newsletter, environmental awards ceremony, Environmental Co-ordinators and Leeds Goes Green. 2. Carry out bird survey of campus and residential sites working with staff and students This is an annual requirement. 3. Carry out a bat survey of campus and residential sites To liaise with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. 4. Carry out an invertebrate survey and identify ways to improve habitat on campus To liaise with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. 5. Increase the amount of bird boxes on University campus and residential sites 26 new bird boxes and 10 bat boxes will be placed around campus in Autumn 2012. 6. Increase edible planting on campus 6 fruit trees planted as part of ‘transition University’ project. Carbon Objectives Objective 1. Ensure energy budget is spent to achieve objectives of CMP Progress Comment All planned works have gone ahead. 2. All building meters to be calibrated and energy data accessible to staff via software Majority of meters are now reporting back to Systemslink however, software is struggling to cope and the University is reviewing other options. 3. Energy campaign to be launched to raise awareness of carbon reduction and encourage participation in meeting the University energy reduction targets Initial year of campaign run successfully with increased awareness and measurable reductions in energy use. 4. To set up a sustainable labs group/network to help reduce associated carbon/environmental impact Initial discussions with the Staff and Departmental Development Unit (SDDU) are underway. 5. To communicate progress in reducing energy/carbon at the University Updated CMP to be communicated in August 2012. General Sustainability Objectives Objective Progress 1. To improve communications with student community through a variety of means including social media and potential student environmental network 2. Increase coverage of Green Impact at the University with a target of increasing the amount of teams that receive bronze or above by 50% Comment The team provides regular updates via facebook and twitter. The student environmental network has helped recruit over 70 student volunteers. 30 teams received Bronze or above in 2012, compared to 13 teams for 2011. 3. To increase numbers of staff who are Environmental Coordinators by 100% 4. To develop a training package to induct new staff on environmental sustainability at the University Initial discussions have been held with Health and Safety and the Environmental Co-ordinators. 5. To develop and launch a new Sustainable Development website Website launched in March 2012.