Biology 11, Gladstone Secondary School Ms.Goodridge, Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Vertebrata Class: Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes Big Ideas: 1. That fish have developed important adaptations for swimming and diet to be successful in their environment 2. That fish provide an evolutionary link between vertebrates and nonvertebrates. Beginning = Starting to have an understanding Developing = Still have some questions Accomplished = I get it and can teach someone else Knowing… I can list the characteristics of fish I can identify how birds are adapted to their environment Scales vs Skin Swimming vs Hopping/ Walking Suckers and Teeth Eggs Thermoregulation I can explain how different fish have different diets I can identify the material skeletons are made of in different classes. I can list adaptations in fish for swimming I can describe the respiratory system in fish I can describe the circulatory system in fish I can explain how fish reproduce B D A Applying I can identify what adaptations would make a bird more successful in its environment - Beaks and diet - Feathers and habitat - Feet and habitat/ diet I can explain how adaptations make fish more successful for marine life - Circulatory system - Respiratory system - Energy requirements - Bone Structure - Swim bladder I can explain the evolutionary relationship between fish and amphibians. B D A Biology 11, Gladstone Secondary School Ms.Goodridge, I can hypothesize an evolutionary relationship between humans and birds. I can hypothesize an evolutionary relationship between fish and marine organisms without an internal skeleton.