
Bethel Church
project: Deeper
July 14, 2013
Summer 2013, Week 9
Unfaithfully Yours
Malachi 2:10-16
The Big Idea: Our faithfulness to God is inseparably tied to our faithfulness to one
1. As the Father of all Israel, God cares greatly about how the Israelites’ actions
impact not just themselves, but all of God's people.
2. As the Creator of Israel, God has a specific purpose for Israel. His creation is
intended to accurately reflect his character (which includes, among other
things ,unfailing love).
3. Thus, we cannot be faithful to God without being faithful to others.
4. We cannot “make up for” unfaithfulness with religious acts.
5. The fundamental virtue behind marriage is faithfulness, which is real, loyal,
self-giving, self-sacrificing love. (Perfectly demonstrated by Christ on the
Homework and Discussion Guide
Knowing Each Other
Can you think of a time when you were mad at someone, not because of the way they
treated you, but because of the way they treated someone you loved? Tell us about it!
Knowing the Word
Why do you think Malachi emphasizes the fact that the Israelites have one (heavenly)
Father and one Creator? How might this affect the way they think of each other?
What do you think might be the reason that Malachi speaks of the “daughter of a
foreign god” instead of “foreign wives”? (Hint: Rahab and Ruth, both listed in Matthew
1 in the genealogy of Christ, were foreigners! What made them acceptable?)
What does this passage teach us about the importance of faithfulness? Why is there
such a pronounced emphasis on marriage?
Is there anything else you learned from this passage that strikes you as particularly
important or challenging?
Connecting with Scripture: More than a feeling
Read 1 Corinthians 7 carefully, jotting down any important notes or
thoughts below. Once you finish, go back and read it again. (Read
the passage in another translation if possible.)
Verses 2-5 of this passage contain a remarkable statement about the rights of
spouses. Try to put these verses into your own words. Is marriage about my
rights, or my spouse’s rights?
More on back!
What specific allowances does Paul make for divorce? Are believers ever
encouraged to seek divorce in this passage?
According to verses 14-16, what are some reasons for remaining faithful to a
difficult marriage or a marriage with an unbeliever?
Read 1 Corinthians 7:1 and 1 Corinthians 7:5-6. Then read Matthew 19:10-12.
Jesus and Paul have set forth very challenging commands for faithfulness in
marriage. If you consider the phrase “this saying” in verse Matt. 19:11 to refer to
the disciples’ statement that “it is better not to marry,” does that passage make
sense? Summarize what Jesus and Paul are stating about the gift of singleness in
comparison to the call to marital perseverance.
Bring it to Life
If you are married, how do you reflect God’s character in your marriage? Do your family
and friends see God’s loyal love in the way you speak about and to your spouse?
How does divorce portray God and his faithfulness? How can you speak of marriage or
live it out in a way that helps others see God’s unfailing love and forgiveness?
If you are single, how does this week’s material encourage you to view both marriage or
godly singleness? Do God’s requirement for perseverance even in difficult marriages
help shed light on how single life can in many ways be easier than marriage?
For the Bold!
If you need to repent to an ex- or to children over a past divorce in which you have
failed to show God’s faithfulness, and have not yet done so, do so. (And then, accept
God’s Grace and forgiveness and move forward in life with faithful love!)
If you feel jaded about faithfulness and God’s loyal love, spend some time this week
prayerfully considering God’s priority of covenant faithfulness as seen in Malachi 2.
Pray together!