
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the 2012 Summer Reading Program! We
hope that this program will encourage you and your family to
visit the library, and help you to find good books to keep you
reading through the summer. Below is a quick review of how
the summer reading program works. Any child entering
Kindergarten through 8th grade can join. Remember that you
can always call or come into the library for help.
See you at the library,
Kelly Unsworth, Jean Todesca, Jane Bradley
How to Sign-up:
Sign-up begins on Monday, June 11th. Sign-up is done online,
from your own computer, or from a computer at the library. Go
to the library website, www.norwoodlibrary.org, and you will see
the link for the summer program under the kids and teens
column. You will be asked to create your own username and
password, and to enter some information about yourself. You
will also want to set a “goal” for the summer, your goal is the
number of books that you plan to read through the summer.
The program begins June 18th. You now have your own
account where you can keep a list of the titles and authors of
the books you read, or the books that are read to you. You can
also rate the books you read, and send in reviews of the books
that will appear online.
Once you sign-up, you can receive a “Dream Big READ!” bookmark. At the end of the program, if you reach your
goal, you will receive a certificate of completion and a prize at a
school celebration. You can also look for your name in the local
newspaper. So stop in often, enter our weekly lottery for a free
book, pick up weekly activity sheets, do an art project, join the
poetry club, visit with Lucy the R.E.A.D. Dog, play Bingo, enter
the Lego Competition, meet an author, become a stargazer, find
great books, stay cool, relax and read.
"Dream Big - READ!” is co-sponsored by the Morrill Memorial Library, the
Friends of the Library, the Norwood Cultural Council, the Massachusetts
Library System, the Boston Bruins, and the Massachusetts Board of Library
Commissioners. Copyright © 2012 Collaborative Summer Library Program. All
Rights Reserved.
Summer Reading Program 2012
Sign-up begins June 11th
Program begins June 18th
Program ends August 24th
Morrill Memorial Library
Norwood, MA
(781) 769-0200 X225
Museum of Science Presents: Night Sky
Campfire Storytimes
Grades: K and Older
Tues., June 19, 10–1pm (registration required - 4 sessions)
10 - 10:30, 10:45 - 11:15 , 11:30 - 12, 12:15 - 12:45
Begin your Summer Reading Program, “Dream Big – READ!”
with a visit to this mobile planetarium. Discover which stars,
planets, and other wonders you can see in our night sky.
Ages: 3-6 and their families
snack provided
Thurs., July 5, 7 - 7:30pm & Thurs., August 2, 7 - 7:30pm
Come sing around the “campfire” and tell campfire tales. Don’t
forget to wear your pajamas and bring your teddy bears!
Arts& Crafts
Grades: K and older
Wednesdays, July 11 thru August 22
10am - 12pm
Each week, drop in anytime to use your creativity.
Picnic Storytimes
Ages: 3 - 6 and their families Bond Street Tot Lot
Fridays, July 6 thru August 24
11:30am - 12:15pm
Enjoy your lunch while listening to stories, then join in for some
outdoor activities including the parachute, bubbles, kite flying
and more. Weather permitting.
Grades: 1 and older (registration required)
Thursdays: July 12 & 26 & August 9 & 23 4 - 5pm
Join us for some good ‘ole fashioned fun. Prizes awarded!
Lucy the R.E.A.D. Dog
Beginner Readers and older (registration required)
Tues., July 24, 10 - 11am & Thurs., August 16, 10 - 11am
Lucy is a trained companion dog who loves to listen to children
read. Bring your favorite book or borrow one from the library.
Teen Poetry Club
Grades: 3 – 8
Every Tuesday, 7 – 8pm
Drop-in any Tuesday night for a fun and friendly Scrabble game.
All levels of ability are welcome.
Grades: 6+
(registration required)
Tuesdays: July 31 & Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28
3 - 4pm
During these meetings, you will meet published poets, and learn
and practice various forms of poetry. You can share your work,
get advice from the group, or publish your work on the Internet.
Bring your friends, we’ll bring munchies.
The Music Lady: Carol Kingsbury
Origami : with a special guest from Japan!
Preschoolers and their families
3 – 3:30pm
Mondays: July 2, July 16, July 30, Aug. 13
(registration required)
Preschoolers can sing and dance at this entertaining show.
Grades: 3 – 8
Monday, August 6, 4 – 5pm (registration required)
The tradition of Origami is still popular in Japan, and children
learn and practice this art from early childhood. Join Japanese
student Elena Furuhashi as she shows us how to make various
“Dream” themed pieces. Suitable for all levels.
Scrabble Club
Farmers Friends (Gazebo on the Town Common)
Ages 3 – 6 and their Families
Tuesdays: July 3, 17, 31 and August 14, 28, 2 – 3pm
These fun and educational storytimes, which will take place at
the Farmers Market, will emphasize farming themes such as
bees, bunnies, seeds and worms.
Following a reading time, there will be a
related activity. Weather permitting.
Lego Mania
(registration required)
Grades: K and older Tuesday, August 21, 11am - 12pm
On your mark, get set, BUILD! Construct your best Lego
creation and bring it to the library for this friendly competition.
Certificates and prizes will be awarded. “Dream” themes are