Second Grade ELL Language Arts Curriculum Map Skills taught determined by proficiency level in the four domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking. 1st Quarter Word Wall: Content, topical and thematic word wall. Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, words patterns) using visuals to recognize new words. Comprehension Strategies: use prior knowledge and experiences to continuously clarify and check for understanding (before, during, and after reading) using current strategies. Target Skills: Expand and demonstrate knowledge and comprehension in these areas with appropriate scaffold and support. Predicting Story Elements (Characters, Setting, Plot, Problem, Solution) Compare and contrast (Text, characters, books) Drawing conclusions Sequencing (Beginning, Middle, End) Retelling stories and events (Plot) Text in functional classroom messages Selects books at appropriate reading level Fluency (State required 300 high frequency sight words; Choral Reading; Reader’s Theater; Poetry) Decoding Strategies: Look for key words or picture clues Say the beginning sound and read the rest of the sentence Ask if it makes sense Look and Listen for letter patterns Does it sound right? Phonemic Awareness: Students will demonstrate phonological awareness of sounds in words using visuals cues. Phonics/ Word Study: Apply word analysis skills to recognize words at appropriate word study level Genre: Identify the current genre (forms and purposes). Reference Skills: Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to confirm understanding of texts (nonfiction conventions). Second Grade Reading Map Skills taught determined by proficiency level in the four domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking. 2nd Quarter Word Wall: Content, topical and thematic word wall. Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, words patterns) using visuals to recognize new words. Comprehension Strategies: use prior knowledge and experiences to continuously clarify and check for understanding (before, during, and after reading) using current strategies. Target Skills: Expand and demonstrate knowledge and comprehension in these areas with appropriate scaffold and support. Setting a purpose to read Summarizing Theme Organizing information (KWL, anticipation guides, graphic organizers) Using Context clues to clarify meaning of words Retelling stories and events (Plot) Fluency - (State required 300 high frequency sight words; Choral Reading Reader’s Theater; Poetry) Decoding Strategies: Continued use of previous skills Multi-syllabic words Phonemic Awareness: Students will demonstrate phonological awareness of sounds in words using visuals cues. Phonics/ Word Study: Apply word analysis skills to recognize words at appropriate word study level Genre: Identify the current genre (forms and purposes). Reference Skills: Use visual, contextual, technological, and linguistic support to confirm understanding of texts (nonfiction conventions). Second Grade Reading Map Skills taught determined by proficiency level in the four domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking. 3rd Quarter Word Wall: Content, topical and thematic word wall. Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, words patterns) using visuals to recognize new words. Comprehension Strategies: use prior knowledge and experiences to continuously clarify and check for understanding (before, during, and after reading) using current strategies. Target Skills: Expand and demonstrate knowledge and comprehension in these areas with appropriate scaffold and support. Open-ended responses citing evidence from text-Introduction only Sequence Making judgments Main Idea Differentiate Fact and Opinion Classifying Context Clues Differentiate Realism/Fantasy Differentiate Fiction/Nonfiction Fluency Author’s Message (Theme) Compare and contrast (Text, characters, books) Summarizing Drawing conclusions Decoding Strategies: Continued use of previous skills Multi-syllabic words Phonics/ Word Study: Apply word analysis skills to recognize words at appropriate word study level Vocabulary – determined by guided reading/content Beginning grammar depending on proficiency level Genre: Identify the current genre (forms and purposes). Reference Skills: Use visual, contextual, technological, and linguistic support to confirm understanding of texts (nonfiction conventions). Second Grade Reading Map Skills taught determined by proficiency level in the four domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking. 4th Quarter Word Wall: Content, topical and thematic word wall. Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, words patterns) using visuals to recognize new words. Comprehension Strategies: use prior knowledge and experiences to continuously clarify and check for understanding (before, during, and after reading) using current strategies. Target Skills: Expand and demonstrate knowledge and comprehension in these areas with appropriate scaffold and support. Open-ended responses citing evidence from text-Introduction only Making judgments Realism/Fantasy Dialogue Drawing conclusions Fluency Summarizing Decoding Strategies: Continued use of previous strategies Multi-syllabic words Phonics/ Word Study: Apply word analysis skills to recognize words at appropriate word study level Genre: Identify the current genre (forms and purposes). Reference Skills: Use visual, contextual, technological, and linguistic support to confirm understanding of texts (nonfiction conventions).