Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) Teacher: Lefebvre, Rodriguez, Corn Subject/Class: 8th Grade Science Week Of: Sept. 8 - 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Standard(s) S8P1c. S8P1c. S8P1c, d. S8P1d. S8P1d. Essential Question/ Learning Goal What are the characteristics of matter? What are the characteristics of matter? What are the characteristics of matter? What are the characteristics of matter? What are the characteristics of matter? Activating Strategy: Class Launcher: Class Launcher: Lesson Opener, Warm-up, Hook Formative Assessment Probe- Nitrogen Compounds Class Launcher: Some kinds of matter are attracted to a magnet. Is this a physical or chemical property of matter? How do you know? Class Launcher: Which of the following is an example of a physical property of matter? a. baking soda reacts with vinegar b. a bicycle rusts when exposed to oxygen c. an apple is red d. paper is flammable e. Class Launcher Define chemical property and write how it differs from physical properties (Use real life examples in your comparisons). Review of physical and chemical properties of matter: Teacher will facilitate review by reading different descriptions of either physical or chemical properties of matter. Students will write their guesses as either a P (physical) or a C (chemical) on a flash card or white Nitrogen Compounds Laughing gas (nitrous oxide), an air pollutant (nitric oxide), and a rocket fuel (dinitrogen tetroxide) are all composed of Nitrogen and Oxygen atoms in different ratios. Students were asked how the physical and chemical properties of these compounds compare to the properties of the elements that formed them. The responses from the students are listed below. Circle the one you agree with most. A. The properties of all three Writing across the curriculum: go to newsela and read the assigned article. Vocab Quiz Review Which of the following is an example of a chemical property of matter? a. Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade b. diamonds are very hard c. metals conduct heat well d. When exposed to flame, TNT is very combustible Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) compounds are the same of as the properties of Nitrogen and Oxygen board. B. The properties of all three compounds are different from the properties of Nitrogen and Oxygen C. The physical properties of all three compounds are the same as Nitrogen and Oxygen but their chemical properties are different D. The chemical properties of all three compounds are the same as Nitrogen and Oxygen but their physical properties are different Quick Write: Write an explanation for your choice. Give an example. Explanation/Ideal Answer “B” is the most correct choice because properties of compounds may be different from those of the (10 mins) Extended Response Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) elements or compounds from which it was formed. For example, table salt is composed of Sodium and Chlorine. Sodium reacts violently with water and Chlorine is a poisonous yellow gas. The physical and chemical properties of table salt is different from the properties of Sodium and Chlorine. Teaching Strategies: Procedures, Technology, Performance Tasks Summarizing Strategies: Closing Activity Writing across the curriculum: go to newsela and read the assigned article. Take the quiz and write an expository summary of what you read. Students create a Tchart of physical and chemical properties of matter. They must place the correct descriptions on the correct side of the t-chart. Students create a collage of physical and chemical properties using magazine cutouts. One word Summary: Ask the students to write one word that summarizes the lesson’s topic, and then explain why they chose that word. Update Aha Page in One word summary: notebook As a class, brainstorm a list of word candidates; narrow the list to 3 or 4 most important choices. Students can debate for or against a word as a good one to describe the Vocab Quiz (15 mins) Summative Test Summative Test Review Summarization Pyramid: Examples for use: a. For each line give a prompt that will yield a word or phrase b. What was learned? f.From least to most ABC Summary: Create a summary sentence about something you’ve learned today that starts with your selected letter. Be sure that your sentence answers our essential question. Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) topic. importance g.Sequencing Assessment/ Evaluation Accuracy of t-chart Accuracy of collage Quiz grade on Newsela Review score and vocab quiz score Test grade Materials Needed Composition Notebook Ipad Composition Notebook Ipad Composition Notebook Ipad Composition Notebook Ipad Composition Notebook Ipad