CLCD 5 Syllabus - Elon University

Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Learning. Caring. Serving. Leading.
PAS 670: Continuing Competency and Learning Development 5
2 Semester Hours
Course Director:
Diane Duffy, MD
Tracey Tonsor, PA-C
FC 205
FC 207
Office Hours
Course Description: Continued Learning and Competency Development five is designed to augment
the student’s clinical experiences by reinforcing acquisition of medical knowledge, supporting
development of interpersonal communication skills, distinguishing traits that promote professional
excellence, implementing improvements in practice performance by applying critically appraised
medical literature, and recognizing the impact of systems-based processes on individual patient care.
Topics will be presented in a sequence that prepares students to transition from their student role to
that of an autonomous member of a physician/physician assistant team.
Course Goals: The educational goals of the Continuing Competency and Learning Development course
1. To develop a repertoire of methods of knowledge acquisition from which to maintain and build
on the medical knowledge base developed during the didactic year.
2. To develop proficiency in written, oral, and electronic communication in the medical care
3. To integrate clinical experiences with established medical knowledge base and knowledge
gained from practice-based learning to provide high-quality, patient-centered care.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the clinical phase PA students will:
1. Have augmented and consolidated medical knowledge, recognizing areas in which further study
is needed and becoming adept at accessing and evaluating different sources of medical
2. Develop and refine communication skills needed for successful clinical practice.
3. Demonstrate the professional communication skills required to guide an audience of their peers
through an in-depth review of a clinically relevant topic.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the payment and funding sources of the healthcare system in
the United States and their impact on individual patients’ access to and utilization of the
healthcare system.
Revised 12/10/13
5. Explore areas of ethical decision making in medicine to develop an understanding of the
complex issues that impact patient care and to build a skill set for managing and responding to
ethical dilemmas in practice.
6. Demonstrate an awareness of and ability to help promote improved systems-based practice.
Teaching Methodologies: The content of this module will be presented through a variety of methods
including distance education, lecture, small group case studies and discussion.
Accommodations: Students requiring academic accommodations must follow the “Academic Support”
policy in the Elon University DPAS Student Handbook.
Academic Honesty: All Elon PA students acknowledged their commitment to abide by the Elon Honor
Code by signing the Honor Pledge during orientation. Students will sign an Honor Pledge (electronically
or manually) each time an assignment is turned in or an examination is started to reaffirm their
complete understanding of the Honor Code of Elon University and their affirmation that their work
abides by that Code.
Required Textbooks: All first-year required textbooks.
Other Resources:
1. *Moodle: Please check the course site frequently for new announcements, updated schedules,
lecture notes, assignments and other course communication.
2. Practicing physician assistants, physicians, allied health care providers and laboratory teaching
Grade Scale and Grade Points
Below 69.50
Letter Grade
Grade points
There is no rounding of grades. Note: For further information regarding academic standing in the
Department of Physician Assistant Studies, please see the Student Handbook.
Revised 12/10/13
Grading Criteria:
1. Demonstrate satisfactory performance in the interpersonal and professional communication
skills, patient care and practice-based learning and improvement competencies through
successful completion of the assigned readings and clinical write-ups.
2. Demonstrate acquisition of a strong basic science and medical science knowledge base as
demonstrated on the multiple choice examinations.
3. Demonstrate acquisition of the skills required to facilitate the education of peers by successfully
completing an oral presentation of a clinically relevant topic.
Assessment Activities: Multiple choice exams (45%), clinical write-ups (35%), and oral case
presentation (20%).
Instructional Objectives:
1. Demonstrate acquisition of a deep and broad medical knowledge base in each of the following
systems: behavioral medicine, urology, sexually transmitted infections, pulmonary, oncology,
obstetrics and gynecology, nutrition, neurology, nephrology, musculoskeletal system, infectious
disease, human sexuality, hematology, HEENT, gastroenterology, cardiology, and endocrinology.
2. Prepare necessary documentation or presentation to demonstrate ability to effectively
communicate with patients or other members of a health care team including the following
(must complete 4 of the 8 for CLCD5 and the remaining 4 for CLCD6):
a. SOAP note with written prescription
b. Procedure note
c. Well child exam
d. Prenatal visit note
e. Admission history and physical
f. Pre-operative progress note
g. Discharge summary
h. Prepare the documentation necessary to obtain authorization from an insurance
company for a procedure or diagnostic study
3. Prepare a clinical case oral presentation.
4. Complete assigned reading for augmentation of medical knowledge component and take
multiple choice examinations as scheduled.
5. Determine appropriate billing and coding for patient visits based on level of care and standard
coding practices.
6. Describe the key considerations and priorities that inform clinical decision-making strategies
based on the core principles of Western Bioethics.
7. Describe the process for identifying and referring a fellow colleague who may be impaired or
practicing medicine below the acceptable standard of care.
Revised 12/10/13
8. Understand the role of a physician assistant in the medical team model of health care including
working with supervising physician to develop a mutually agreed upon scope of practice for the
physician assistant.
Below are the dates in which the multiple choice examinations will be held, and what topics will be
included on those examinations. The reading list for these topics can be found in Moodle.
Date of Exam
January 24, 2014
March 7, 2014
April 25, 2014
June 20, 2014
Topics Included
Infectious Disease/Dermatology
Revised 12/10/13