Minutes for March 9

Minutes of the Greenland City Council March 9, 2015
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Eric Bryant, Danny Dutton, Kendra
Croddy, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Mark Myers, Justin Reed, Danny Wright, Chief Ricker and
various guests.
Motion by Thornton, second by Dutton to approve February council meetings. Motion passes 60-1 with Yoes abstaining.
Motion by Thornton, second by Bryant to approve the February treasurer's report. Motion
passes 6-0-1 with Yoes abstaining.
Planning Commission report presented by Brenda Reynolds.
Building Inspector report presented by the Mayor. No new permits. Letter of accommodation
for the street department for the great job done during the snow storms.
Court & Police report presented by Chief Ricker.
Personnel Committee report presented by Lisa Thornton. Brad Smith's 6 month job probation
period for the building inspector and code enforcer position has ended. He is doing a great job
so no further action is needed.
City Hall Security Renovation: Chief Ricker presented the need to the council for better security
for our front office area. Bids will be gathered and special meeting will be called if necessary to
approve the work.
Motion by Thornton, second by Reed to read Resolution 03-09-2015, A Red Cross Sheltering
Agreement, by title only. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Wright read the resolution by title only.
Motion by Thornton, second by Reed to approve Resolution 03-09-2015. Motion passes 7-0.
Ordinance #317, an ordinance prohibiting forced easements, was discussed. Mr. Wright spoke
on it and said the ordinance is what is problematic with our country. Citizens want parks, roads,
airports etc.. but they do not want to give any of their land. He did not think the passing of the
ordinance was wise. Mr. Reed spoke in support of it. Mrs. Croddy suggested changing some
wording. Mr. Reed stated that a ballot initiative would happen if this was not passed. There was
a discussion of having the Planning Commission look at a new route for the trails. Chief Ricker
discussed safe route grants that include sidewalks that can be used for the trail.
Ordinance #317 dies for lack of a motion.
Citizens comments- Mrs. Berryhill was thankful for the great job Brad and Robert did on the
streets during the recent snow storms.
Question by another citizen on the trail routes.
Motion by Bryant to adjourn at 7:05, second by Dutton. Motion passes 7-0.