January 23, 2013 - City of Keyser, WV

City of Keyser Council Meeting
January 23, 2012
PRESENT WERE: Karol Ashenfelter, Ed Parrish, Clara Davis, Carlton Davis, Eddie
Kight, Jennifer Bennett, Elwood Junkins, Butch Keister, Mike Kesecker, Jim
Hannas, Richard Kerns, Elaine Blasdell, Karen Shoemaker, Shannon Marsh, Terry
Liller, Sonny Alt, Mayor Randy Amtower, Clinton Faulk, Herman Judy, and Carol
Mayor Randy Amtower called the meeting to order and we all stood for the
Pledge of Allegiance and we had a moment of silence for Ron Mathias who just
passed away on January 22, 2012.
Councilman Sonny Alt made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous
meeting. Councilman Terry Liller seconded this motion. VOTE 4-0 (YEA)
Councilman Terry Liller made a motion to accept the Check Distribution.
Councilman Herman Judy seconded this motion. VOTE 4-0 (YEA)
Mayor Randy Amtower recognized Mike Ryan for his twenty five years of service
to the City of Keyser with the gift of a pocket watch that was inscribed with his
name on the front and years of service on the back.
Mayor Randy Amtower announced how with the city deciding to go with
Petersburg Oil and get our own fuel tanks out at the garage we get exempted
from the Federal Fuel Tax by doing this right from the start. The city has been
able to save in just three months the following, on regular gas with the fuel
purchased of 2214 gallons that represented a federal tax savings of $407.38 the
state tax that will be refunded on that is $739.48. On diesel 1217 gallons that
represented a federal tax savings of $296.95 the state tax that will be refunded on
that is $406.48 this represents a grand total savings of $1,850.29.
We also found that with the cancellation of the Internet charge of $30.00 that we
have been being charged by Frontier in all of the departments for the year we
found that we will be saving $371.88 per line which is a total of six lines we will be
saving a grand total of $2,231.28. We have internet service through Comcast.
We found that we could save an additional $450.00 a year here at City Hall by
cutting out the Caller ID which with both would make a grand total of savings for
the year of $2,681.28.
Mayor Randy Amtower wanted to read a letter that he received today from Zack
Dobbins the Accountant that helped us complete the Water and Sewer PSC
Reports that are now completely finished and have been summited to the Public
Service Commission. Zack wanted to write and let him know how helpful and
cooperative your staff was when we were on site. We would also like to let you
know that you have a very knowledgeable group of employees and the recorders
were in very good order. Zack wanted him to pass on to the Council and Carol
how appreciative he was with Carol’s assistant on the PSC Reports.
Mayor Randy Amtower just wanted to get some feedback from the council. He
was contacted this week by Allegany Radio and they are starting a 1 hour talk
show from 9 to 10 in the mornings on the old WKLP radio station. They would like
to host political representatives from around Mineral County, Hampshire County,
and School Board members, Mayors, Councilman, Administrators, Tax Clerks,
County Commissioners and possible Police Departments. They have contacted us
and would like us to participate; Randy said he would like to do it as long as the
Council does not have any problems with it. Terry Liller made the comment that
he might be interested in participating in it also. The council did not have a
problem with this and think it is also a good idea.
With the passing of Ron Mathias our Building Inspector Randy spoke with several
employees in City Hall. With Allison doing the blighted properties work runs hand
in hand with the building inspectors work. We had talked about the option of
training in house and we have checked and we can get an individual to come in
house and train a building inspector. It is an 80 hour class and if we can get five
individuals that are willing to train the cost would be about $2,000.00 to provide
the training and the training materials. We put are fillers out there today and
found that Piedmont is definitely interested and we felt that if Randy and Allison
took the training and if they could get enough people to make the five and pay for
the training. The funds that we were using for the building inspector would allow
us to bring in a part time employee for about 16 hours a week that could train
and fill in at the tax department and could also train to help in the water
department and then if need be we could use them to fill in for vacations. Randy
did get in contact with John Athey and he said that with his limited research he
does not see any reason that this could not be done this way. Council did not
have a problem with this, but it was decided that they needed to have a work
session to discuss this further.
Mayor Randy Amtower wanted the Council to think about the Limestone Dam
property. Now that it has been breached the liability out there has been removed
and all of the enmities have been signed off on that. There is 22 acres of land out
there and Randy don’t see any reason why we should keep the land he wanted
them to think about selling that property. Council decided that this also should
be discussed further at a work session.
Karol Ashenfelter wanted to know what exactly the letter she received from the
attorneys office from the Public Service Commission means. Randy told her that
basically it means that the extended the tolling dates on the rate case so that they
could put everything together on the rate case service study and projects so have
it all in one entity. Also Karol wanted to let the council know that she thinks it is a
bad decision to sell the Limestone Dam property.
Ed Parrish was here concerning the parking situation on West Piedmont Street
and wanted to know if they can purchase parking passes like they do up around
Potomac State College. Karen Shoemaker explained the process for these
purchased parking passes; the passes are for between 4 pm and 7 am and they
are sold at a yearly fee of $10.00 per car that is registered to the residents and
$5.00 for each visitor pass with a limit of two and the curbing would be painted
green to represent residential parking. Randy did not know if this would help
with the problem so it was decided that a committee should be formed with Jim
Hannas from the Street Department and Karen Shoemaker the Chief of Police
with Terry Liller as the head of the committee. We are also going to get some
people from the college on this committee and then see if a solution can be made
that will help all of the citizens in the area around the college.
Mrs. Davis lives and 442 S. Main Street and she has two parking areas in the back
of her yard, but there is not enough room for her son to park back their also. Her
son Carlton parks on the street across from their house and the people across the
street are contently telling them that the need to move their car, because they
don’t what anyone to park in front of their house at all. There is no residential
parking on South Main Street you can park anywhere on the street. Mrs. Davis
was told that she doesn’t have to move their car and that if they need to just call
the police department and they will come out and talk to individual for them.
Carlton Davis just wanted to make sure that if their son is told to move his car
again that all they have to do is wave and keep going. Randy told him that
anyone can park on the street it is public parking and that they do not have to
move their car. If they have any problems again just call the police department
and they will send someone out.
Eddie Kight just wanted to let us know that he also having trouble with the same
people concerning the parking on the street. His tenants are having the same
problem and they keep getting told to move their vehicles. He was also told that
if is public parking and that they do not have to move their vehicles just call the
police department and they will send someone out. Eddie just wanted to let the
council know that he is getting tired of the problem and he has been putting up
with this for several years. Karen is going to get with Richard Kerns and they are
going to put something is the paper concerning the parking rules.
The Ladder Truck for the Fire Department is in need of front tires. They received
two quotes for two front tires to dismount and mount them, balance and to
dispose of the old tires. Donald B Rice was $1,247.92 and Glotfelty Enterprises for
$1,191.58. Councilman Sonny Alt made a motion to approve the purchase of
front tires for the Ladder Truck from Glotfelty. Councilman Clinton Faulk
seconded this motion. VOTE 4-0 (YEA)
Mr. Keister came in today at 2:55pm and cancelled.
Clinton Faulk was contacted by Wes Ours two months ago concerning the new
construction on the new school and that the facility behind the current Middle
School just doesn’t house enough for kids. He has obtained property behind
BB&T Bank from the bank to Harley Staggers Drive. They have garnished that
property to him for a football field. In order to get this done by the time practices
start they have contacted two contractors that have donated their time to take
the top soil off of it and prepare the field. They have contacted the state road for
a right away off of Harley Staggers Drive into the field. They are in need of a
parking lot and they would like to obtain the extra millings at the waste water
treatment plant to use as a base for the parking lot. Clinton is a coach and parent
and wants to step out has a council member and will not be voting on this.
Councilman Herman Judy made a motion that we go ahead and let them have the
extra milling to use as a base for their parking lot. Councilman Sonny Alt
seconded this motion. VOTE 3-0 (YEA) Let the records show that Clinton Faulk did
not vote on this motion and as a part of the football team he wanted to thank the
council for let them use the extra millings.
We have two resolutions for the Governor’s Community Participation Grant the
first one is for $1,000 for the Keyser Youth Baseball Team for equipment. This is
basically the same as all the others it just allows Randy to sign the resolution and
the city to administer the grants. Councilman Sonny Alt made a motion to accept
the resolution for the Keyser Youth Baseball equipment grant. Councilman
Herman Judy seconded this motion. VOTE 4-0 (YEA) The seconded resolution is
for $5,000 for the replacement equipment for the cruisers. Councilman Sonny Alt
made a motion to accept the resolution for the replacement equipment for the
cruisers. Councilman Terry Liller seconded this motion. VOTE 4-0 (YEA)
Karen just wanted to let us know that they will be taking application until
midnight on Friday 25, 2012. They have already received 34 applications, back
ground checks will eliminate some and the agility test scheduled for February 2nd
at the high school will eliminate more. Then she will let us know when she is
down to the final count and where we are in the hiring process as we go along.
Butch just wanted to let us know that the water project can’t get started soon
Not present at tonight’s meeting.
Plant and Laboratory operation are going well, we continue to work closely with
Dunn Engineers regarding the new WWTP and our next compliance milestone is
due by January 31, 2013. Everything went good while he was gone and that they
just summited their application for the renewal of their lab licenses for the year
Street and regulatory signs replaced throughout the city, all playgrounds, Mill
Meadow, City Hall, City Police and Fire Dept., and ball parks cleaned and cans
emptied. Downtown Main Street, Armstrong, N Davis Streets hand swept and
cans emptied. All trucks have been washed and city garage cleaned.
Handicapped parking space painted at Athey residence per request from owner at
last council meeting. Various holes filled with cold mix, loaded and hauled
discarded furniture, and debris from upstairs at City Hall. Memorial Bridge street
sweeper invoice was done and sent took down Christmas lights and extension
cords on downtown trees for Alex McDonald. Replaced sewer stack at City Hall
for upstairs sink and toilet, opened main line with jetta sprayer for the City of
Piedmont and charged accordingly. Preventive maintenance was performed with
jetta sprayer at Mineral County Vo-Tech and charged accordingly, opened main
line with jetta sprayer on Potomac State College property and charged
accordingly. Salt spreaders and plows were cleaned and maintained.
Normal duties conducted by I & I team thus far this month.
Chris was very pleased to announce that last year’s fire loss only amounted to
$24,000 for the city. Also he wanted to let them know that they are having
problems with the roll up doors out at the new fire station. There are times that
they have trouble getting the doors to go up and even when they release the
chain it still won’t go up. Chris told them if they have a call and can’t get it to go
up just to go through it. Chris is asking for help from the Mayor and council
concerning this problem. Randy told him to get him some information on the
time that they have had problems and what has been done. Randy is going to go
after them on this and might even go to the state being that they are the ones
that took care of the construction of this facility. They are also having electrical
trouble at the station.
General Fund
$ 23,655.00
Fire Protection Fund
Operating General
Water Account
Sewer Account
Coal Severance Account
Rainy Day Account
Accrued Vacation Account
Security Deposit Account
Water Depr. Res. Account
Sewer Dept. Res. Account
Street Excess Account
Nothing to report.
Due to Mineral County Days the next council meeting will be held on February 13,
2013 at 4:30 PM.
Next Water Board meeting will be held on February 11, 2013 at 4:00pm.
Next Sanitary Board meeting will be held on February 11, 2013 at 4:00pm.
Councilman Clinton Faulk made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Terry Liller
seconded this motion. VOTE 4-0 (YEA)