Subject: Billion The next time you hear someone in government rather casually use a number that includes the word "billion", think about it. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend. One advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into perspective in one of its releases: * A billion seconds ago it was 1959. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. A billion days ago no creature walked the earth on two feet. And a billion dollars lasts 8 hours and 20 minutes at the rate our Government spends it. * I find this one mind boggling If you were to count a billion one dollar bills by hand it would take you almost 34 years and 8-1/2 months. Would you like to get a real feel for the titanic numbers needed to describe the Universe? Start counting! Begin at one and count off one number a second--"One, two, three...." How long do you think it will it take you to reach a million? A billion? Counting this high takes time, so you may want to read the answers before you try: - 1 Million: To count to 1 million will take you about 11 days. - 1 Billion: To count to 1 billion will take you about 30 years. Now that I've defined a billion, it might be useful to try to describe it in terms we should all be able to understand: money--or something as useful as it, credit cards (because very few people can even dream of owning a billion dollars)... A billion credit cards combined would weigh the same as: o 1562 hippopotamuses o 52 blue whales o 78 brachiosaurs A billion credit cards laid end-to-end would reach: o 2.2 times around the earth o Down the length of the Amazon River 13 times o Over 938,000 US football fields o More than 14 times the length of the Great Wall of China A billion credit cards stacked up would be as high as: o 120 Mt. Everests’ o 7,219 Great Pyramids The chart, however accurate, doesn't put the number -- one thousand million -- into perspective. Here are some attempts, collected from around the Net: If we wanted to pay down a billion dollars of the US debt, paying one dollar a second, it would take 31 years, 259 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds. To pay off a trillion dollars of debt, at a dollar a second, would take about 32,000 years. A tightly-packed stack of new $1,000 bills totaling $1 billion would be 63 miles high. In comparison, jet planes fly at 30,000 - 40,000 feet (5.7 - 7.7 miles high). About a billion minutes ago, the Roman Empire was in full swing. (One billion minutes is about 1,900 years.) About a billion hours ago, we were living in the Stone Age. (One billion hours is about 114,000 years.) About a billion months ago, dinosaurs walked the earth. (One billion months is about 82 million years.) A billion inches is 15,783 miles, more than halfway around the earth (circumference). The earth is about 8,000 miles wide (diameter), and the sun is about 800,000 miles wide, not quite a million. Number of zeros 3 6 U.S. & scientific community thousand million 9 billion 12 15 18 21 24 trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion 27 octillion 30 nonillion 33 decillion Other countries thousand million 1000 million (1 milliard) billion 1000 billion trillion 1000 trillion quadrillion 1000 quadrillion quintillion 1000 quintillion 36 undecillion sextillion 1000 39 duodecillion sextillion 42 tredecillion septillion 1000 45 quattuordecillion septillion 48 quindecillion octillion 1000 51 sexdecillion octillion 54 septendecillion nonillion 1000 57 octodecillion nonillion 60 novemdecillion decillion 1000 63 vigintillion decillion undecillion 66 - 120 vigintillion 303 centillion 600 centillion