Disease cont. Notes Day 2 E. Infectious diseases of cats 1. _________________________________- cat distemper caused by a parvovirus or DNA virus. This primarily affects young cats younger than sixteen weeks of age and has a 75% death rate. It is spread by direct contact but also from infected food and water dishes, bedding, and litter boxes. Symptoms: depression, loss of appetite, high fever, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. 2. __________________________________ - A respiratory virus infection caused by a DNA virus. Shed in the discharges from the nose, eyes and throat and transmitted by direct contact. Symptoms: depression, sneezing and coughing, severe eye and nasal discharges with an increase in temperature, and mouth ulcers. Cats can become carriers of the virus, but vaccines are available. 3. ____________________________________________________ – A disease caused by coronavirus that leads to organ failure. Coronavirus infections are more common in domestic cats, but few actually show signs of the disease. Symptoms: fever, refusal to eat, depression and weight loss. 4. ________________________________________- caused by ingestion of contaminated feces in kittens between four and twelve weeks of age. Spread by the ingestion of contaminated feces. Symptoms: low grade fever, vomiting, soft or watery diarrhea, blood in the feces and dehydration. F. Noninfectious diseases of cats 1. __________________________________ (FUS) a feline urinary tract disease also referred to as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). FUS may range from mild inflammation to blockage of the urethra, uremic poisoning, and death. a. __________________ may be caused by: i. improper diet (where cats are fed high levels of magnesium and phosphorous), ii. low water intake that causes concentrations of various salts in the urine, or iii. Possibly a virus. 2. ___________________________- excessive tear production or blockage of drainage canals that drain tears to the nasal cavity causing the tears to overflow at the inner corner of the eyes. G. Internal parasites of cats 1. ________________________________- Disease caused by infection with single-celled protozoan parasite, Toxoplasm gondii. Contracted from eating raw meat or Disease cont. Notes Day 2 contaminated feces. Fever, jaundice, and difficulty moving may result. There is no vaccination and humans can become infected by handling cat litter boxes. (Pregnant women should not handle cat litter boxes due to risk to unborn fetus). 2. ________________ (Toxocara cati) – Ascarids from ingesting eggs passed in the feces of an infected animal or in the case of kittens from the milk of infected mother cat. Severe cases may cause pot-bellied appearance (distended abdomen) and an unthrifty cat. 3. _____________________________ (Ancylostoma tubaeforme) – Infection occurs when larvae is ingested from contaminated food or water, or when larvae penetrates the skin. Hookworms may cause dark-colored feces and anemia from the loss of blood. 4. ____________________________________ (Dipylidium caninum) – Tapeworms require a host other than the cat for development. Dipylidium caninum must be hosted by fleas and Tania taeniaeformis may be hosted by rats and mice. Neither type causes major harm.