Career Search Career Speakers

Table of Contents
Your Email to Announce the Career Speaker Series
Your Copy to Announce Each Speaker
Email Reminders Sent by TalentMarks to Registered Alumni 11
Your Email Inviting HR Managers/Coaches to Join
Building on this Program
Flyers, Post Cards, and More
Optional NEW Services
-CareerSearch Marketing Tips, Ideas, and
The Alumni Career Speaker Series will provide you with a foundation to build a new category of services,
programming, and tools for your alumni.
With the unemployment rate doubling for degree-holders in the past 5 years, and uncertainty in the
employment market and economy, everyone with a job needs to be working on their skills, networks, and
job search techniques.
This program will benefit recent grads, unemployed alumni, and alumni who are planning job changes
within the next couple of years. If just one person is hired after participating in this series, it will have more
than paid for itself.
However, we need to make sure alumni are aware of the series!
To help you get started, we’ve created this marketing portfolio. Feel free to adapt, change, edit or add new
This marketing packet includes content for the following announcements:
Event Series announcements
Monthly speaker announcements
Emails to encourage alumni career coaches to participate in discussions
Emails to encourage alumni to form local employment groups
Ideas about how you can use the speaker series as a foundation for future action
There are a number of marketing channels you can use to get the message out:
Copy the URL information for the next speaker’s website into your Fan page, Twitter account,
website, and LinkedIn group page.
Send any of the included marketing content via your eNewsletters, magazines, and/or emails.
Include announcements in your alumni magazines and newsletters.
Create a monthly 1/3 page flyer to include in letters sent to alumni or dues-payers.
Use our postcard designs to reach recent grads or targeted groups of alumni.
Career Speaker Series
Speaker Dates and Title of Talks
All events are held the first Wednesday of each month, October through June.
October 1st
Rick Gillis
How to Find Your Next Job in One Day
November 5th
Viveka von Rosen
Let LinkedIn Market Your Skills & Experience
December 3rd
John Kador
Master the Art & Science of Interviewing
January 7th
Los Ellis
Grab Your Keys and Drive Your Career
February 4th
Mike Fishbein
Proven Strategies to Build a Network That Works For You
March 4th
Jay Block
Stuff Your Resume with Keywords to Highlight Your Experience
April 1st
Tom Rath
Use your strengths to create a rewarding and satisfying career
May 6th
Beth Bridges
5 Steps to Build a Powerful & Profitable Network
June 3rd
Carole Martin
What You Don’t Know or Say in an Interview Will Hold You Back
Career Speaker Series Announcement
Use this to announcement for the speaker series by using it in your social media channels,
newsletters, emails, post cards, letters and magazines.
See next page for full copy
Fall Career Speaker Series
Have you noticed how much the job search process has changed?
The Internet and Social Media websites have drastically changed the way hiring managers find
employees and how they research them as well!
While you still need to have basic skills in networking, interviewing, and building a credible resume, in
today’s world, you have to have an understanding about how to use Twitter to find jobs before they
are posted, too, and to know how to use Facebook and LinkedIn to expand your personal network.
Join us online the first Wednesday of every month to pick up tips and strategies from the nation’s top
career authors. Our speakers include:
October 1st
November 5th
December 3rd
January 7th
February 4th
March 4th
April 1st
May 6th
June 3rd
Rick Gillis
Viveka von Rosen
John Kador
Los Ellis
Mike Fishbein
Jay Block
Tom Rath
Beth Bridges
Carole Martin
How to Find Your Next Job in One Day
Let LinkedIn Market Your Skills & Experience
Master the Art & Science of Interviewing
Grab Your Keys And Drive Your Career
Proven Strategies to Build a Network That Works For You
Stuff Your Resume with Keywords to Highlight Your Experience
Use your strengths to create a rewarding and satisfying career
5 Steps to Build a Powerful & Profitable Network
What You Don’t Say In an Interview Could Hold You Back
All you need is a computer, Smart Phone or Smart Pad to participate. You can also join an ongoing
discussion about careers, career opportunities, and other ideas with classmates and fellow alumni. In
addition, you can listen to past speakers at any time. Garner the knowledge you need to prepare for your
next successful job search right now!
Monthly Announcement
Use these blurbs to announce the upcoming speakers via your social media channels, newsletters, emails,
post cards, letters, and magazines. Simply copy the text, edit to your needs, and paste these
announcements into your newsletters, social media channels, and emails. You can also save these images
on your computer and then insert them in your mailings. Alternatively, email,
and we'll invite you to a drop-box where you can download the images to your computer.
We are exploring a program where we drop these announcements into your social media channels. This
would require you to make a TalentMarks a manager of your account. If you’d like to learn the details of
this program, contact
October 1st
Rick Gillis
How to Find Your Next Join One Day
Learn how to search for a job with less effort! Research shows that
your chances of getting a job decreases each month you are
unemployed. If the “handwriting is on the wall,” or you are thinking
of a job change, garner proven techniques to not only land a job
faster, but to land a job that fits your chosen career path by gaining
the insight and practical wisdom of author Rick Gillis.
November 5th
Viveka von Rosen
Let LinkedIn Market Your Skills & Experience
You have an opportunity to let LinkedIn work for you 24/7! Viveka von
Rosen, author of LinkedIn Marketing an Hour a Day, will provide
exceptional strategies to help you maximize the free tools LinkedIn
provides. Weather you are looking for a job-- or are looking for more
business-- you will walk away with strategies you can implement
December 3rd John Kador
Master the Art & Science of Interviewing
Studies show the average job-seeker will go through 16 interviews before
getting a job offer! Join John Kador, author of 301 Best Questions to ASK
on Your Interview, to learn how you can maximize the opportunities you
get. You will walk away with a strategy that gives you more confidence
and control of the interview process.
January 7th
Los Ellis
Grab Your Keys And Drive Your Career
Your leadership skills are the key to help you attain the next step on the
corporate ladder. In today’s lean organizations, everyone is expected to
step into a leadership role at some point. To do that sometimes requires a
personal rebranding! Join Los Ellis, author of Keys to Life Business Success to
learn how to expand your leadership skills, get noticed, and gain the
appreciation of those with whom you work.
February 4th
Works For You
Mike Fishbein
Proven Strategies to Build a Network That
Who has the time to build a network? Nobody! But today, more then ever,
having a carefully cultivated professional network is the key to getting a job
faster, with less effort, and without the anxiety of loss of income. So join Mike
Fishbein, author of How to Build an Awesome Professional Network, to learn how
you can utilize social media strategies to not only build your network, but engage it.
March 4th
Jay Block
Stuff Your Resume with Keywords to Highlight Your Experience
With the average job posting getting hundreds of applications, your resume is
going to have to scream, “PICK ME!” Jay has extensively researched automated
resume software and has come up with techniques to significantly increase your
chances of getting your resume on the desk of a hiring authority. Learn the
simple techniques and get into a job faster, with less effort.
April 1st
Tom Rath
Satisfying Career
Use Your Strengths to Create a Rewarding and
You deserve to be happy. You deserve to love to get up and go to work – EVERY
DAY! Best selling author, Tom Rath, has used the extensive, global research of
the Gallup organization to identify simple techniques you can instantly adopt that
will move your career toward the things at which you are destined to be great,
and to those that will make you happy.
May 6th
Beth Bridges
5 Steps to Build a Powerful & Profitable
Your chances of attaining your dream job will improve drastically when you
have a plan. Because networking is a principal way job seekers are getting
jobs today, you need to have an active, written strategy – one you can refer
to frequently. Join bestselling author Beth Bridges and learn her 5-part
networking success plan.
June 3rd
Carole Martin
What You Don’t Say In an Interview Could
Hold You Back
There is a good chance you are the best candidate for the job, but what if you
can’t articulate that? Interviews favor individuals who can not only listen
understand the questions being asked, but quickly formulate a response. You
learn how to increase your confidence and and dramatically improve the
impressions you make in interviews when you join Carole Martin, author of
Boost Your Interview IQ.
Monthly Reminder Sent to Registered Alumni by
Each month, we'll send two emails to remind alumni of the upcoming webinar – one a week prior to the
webinar, and another the day of the webinar.
These are the ONLY times alumni will receive emails from TalentMarks.
The emails are branded to your college.
See next page for example
Emails Asking Coaches to Participate in
We want to engage and involve your alumni who are career coaches! Use this email to
invite your alumni career coaches to share their thoughts in the discussion area.
Are you in human resources, or are you a career coach?
If you are in human resources, or are a career coach, your classmates need your help!
We’ve launched our Career Community and Career Speakers Series and are encouraging
participants to join an ongoing discussion about the topics presented by nationally known
career authors and experts… and we’d like you to join in the discussion.
We've designed an online community that enables alumni to watch presentations about
networking, interviewing, job searches, the use of social media to find jobs, and more!
Following either the live discussions or after watching recordings of them, alumni are invited
to post questions and join in an ongoing discussion about the topic.
You are invited to share your experience and expertise with alumni.
For hiring managers, this will give you a chance to find more great alumni to work for your firm
and career coaches will be able to easily connect with alumni who need help and guidance.
It's a great way to build your company brand, create buzz, and do what you love to do!
There is no application process, just visit our Career Community website, and join in the
discussion… and so we can brag about you in upcoming newsletters, email us and let us know
you are participating!
Building on this Program
You are wise to introduce a new direction in your alumni association to give your alumni access to
the experts that will help them hone their skills so they can intelligently compete in a future where
they must also content with declining opportunities and employment.
Here are additional ways you can begin to expand the program.
1. Reach out to your regional clubs and get their opinions about how they would like to use
the series as content material to bring their members together.
2. Reach out to volunteers to create and host local Meet-Ups in their homes, restaurants, and
bars that will continue the discussion started each month by the speakers.
3. Invite your president, chancellors, or deans to give talks via the web using a service like prior to each meeting to discuss things the college is doing to build the
prestige and value of its diplomas.
4. At each live event you hold, find ways to build in discussions and utilize the ideas and
techniques being discussed in the Alumni Career Speaker Series.
Add to this list and share your thoughts with us!
Flyers, Postcards and More!
We've prepared a series of postcards and flyers you can personalize to promote the series
to alumni. Visit your career community and click on the Market tab to gain access.
New Services You Can Add to Your Portal
There are a number of ways you can use your speaker series as a foundation and expand your
series of events and activities to help alumni. Research by a Harvard professor, Dr. Gerald
Zaltman, using a patented survey technique called the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique,
found that alumni want help in the transitions of their lives.
Providing help in career transitions--particularly in this economy--is a great start.
Based on this research, your alumni look to the college and the alumni association as a trusted
source and would welcome help in other transitions in their lives related to family, finance,
health, and retirement. We'll be introducing new additions to this series from time to time, so
that you can deliver relevant, professional content to alumni based on the stages of life they are
Here are some OPTIONAL tools and services you could introduce to the Career Speaker Series
You have the option of adding up to 5 webinar series designed to help all of your alumni at any stage of
their careers:
1. JOB SEEKERS – CareerSearch introduces your alumni to the top career authors and experts who share best
practices concerning using social media, networking, interviewing etc.
2. GRADS - CareerCamp is an eight-week career boot camp for the Class of 2014 that will feature career
authors whose content is targeted to the needs of the first-time job–seeker.
3. ALUMNI & GRADS - CareerSkills is a nine month series featuring authors who provide expert knowledge
about soft skills hiring authorities say employees need.
4. WORKING ALUMNI - CareerDiscussions will deliver a minimum of 9 authors, each featured monthly, who will
focus on issues with which working alumni must deal on a daily basis.
5. BOOMERS - CareerEncores was designed specifically for Boomers who are planning an active retirement or
deciding to continue working, but want jobs that give back to society.
For details visit
Thanks for inviting us to
partner with you to help
alumni lead successful