RAWDON PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting to be held on 4th March 2015 in Rawdon Community Library at 7.45pm. Present: Cllr Warrior Cllr Barber Cllr Collins Cllr Davies Cllr Ingham Cllr Hunt Cllr Lacey PL/2014/88 Public Participation NIL PL/2014/89 Apologies for absence NIL PL/2014/90 Declarations of Interests Cllr Davies declared an interest in the applications relating 27 Canada Drive & 39 Canada Drive as a neighbour. PL/2014/91 Minutes of the last Meeting held on 28th January 2015 It was resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of what transpired at the meeting. . PL/2014/92 Information arising from the Minutes of the previous meeting that is not specified elsewhere on the agenda NIL PL/2014/93 Nether Yeadon Conservation Area consultation It was resolved to respond to the consultation with the following comment Page 1 of 5 The Parish Council unanimously supports wholeheartedly the proposals for a Nether Yeadon Conservation Area. The Parish Council supports the English Heritage proposals relating to the extent of the boundaries rather than the smaller proposed boundaries currently recommended. The Parish Council believes that a Conservation Area for Nether Yeadon would complement and support the Little London Conservation Area within the Rawdon Parish Boundary. PL/2014/94 Planning applications sent by Leeds City Council It was resolved to submit the following cooments Description Single storey extension and new roof over existing extension to rear Address 23 Larkfield Drive Rawdon Leeds LS19 6EL Three storey rear extension, two storey front extension, three dormer windows to front, one dormer window to side and one dormer window to rear forming rooms in roof space. New garage block and new stable block. Brenaire Park Woodlands Drive Rawdon Leeds LS19 6LD Single storey/two storey front and side extension 27 Canada Drive Rawdon Leeds LS19 6LU Two storey; single storey; first floor side extension; first floor balcony to rear Tanglewood Woodlands Drive Rawdon Leeds LS19 6JZ Change of use of offices and workshop (Class use B1) to two residential dwellings Belmont House Low Green Rawdon Leeds LS19 6HB Page 2 of 5 Comment Ref 15/01043/FU The Parish Council neither supports nor objects to this application 15/00754/FU The Parish Council neither supports nor objects to this application 15/00766/FU The Parish Council neither supports nor objects to this application 15/00756/FU The Parish Council neither supports nor objects to this application 15/00750/FU The Parish Council neither supports nor objects to this application New pitched roof to existing side and rear extension 39 Canada Drive Rawdon Leeds LS19 6LU Dormer extension to side New Cottage Apperley Lane Rawdon Leeds LS19 6LN PL/2014/95 15/00688/FU The Parish Council neither supports nor objects to this application 15/00471/FU The Parish Council supports the principle of converting flat roofs to pitched roofs as it contributes positively to the street scene Planning decisions by Leeds City Council. Reserved matters application for the erection of 133 dwellings, conversion of two buildings to form three dwellings, laying out of public open space and associated infrastructure Riverside Mills Low Hall Road Horsforth LS18 4EF 14/05555/RM The Parish Council is keen to ensure that the properties that will fall inside the boundary of Rawdon Parish Council (west of the beck) are clearly known to be part of Rawdon and their street addresses should reflect this. This is to preserve the identity of Rawdon as a distinct community. Highways Page 3 of 5 Approved Due to the layout of the local road network it is clear that the exit via Low Hall Road to the north of the site will be the route of choice for residents. In addition to the concerns raised by LCC Highways the Parish Council has concerns about the suitability of Low Hall Road in its current layout. It is very narrow with barely enough width for 2 cars to pass with no provision for the separation of pedestrians, cyclists and horses which the Parish Council would like to see addressed. In addition the curves of the road make visibility very poor. Other The Parish Council welcomes the provision of good green spaces and tree lined verges through the estate which will contribute positively the estate. Raised decking area to rear Page 4 of 5 3 Well Close Rawdon Leeds LS19 6DT Approved 14/07019/FU The Parish Council neither supports or objects to this application Single storey potting shed Retrospective application for installation of lampposts and CCTV camera to driveway Part single and part two storey front extension; single storey rear extension. PL/2014/96 Bronte House School Apperley Lane Rawdon Leeds BD10 0PQ Carrs Farm Cottage New York Lane Rawdon Leeds LS19 6JQ The Billings Layton Avenue Rawdon Leeds LS19 6QQ Approved 14/07262/FU also ref 14/07263/LI The Parish Council neither supports or objects to this application Approved 14/07269/FU The Parish Council supports this application Refused 14/07314/FU The Parish Council neither supports or objects to this application Information that members and the Clerk would like to draw to the attention of the Committee Cllr Collins provided members with copies of the latest population projections for Leeds. Page 5 of 5