Title: Quantitative Analysis of Left Ventricular Deformation through

Title: Quantitative Analysis of Left Ventricular Deformation through Radial Tagging
Authors (corresponding author): Razieh Kaveh, MS*1, Maryam Haftehkhanaki, MS1, Abbas Nasiraei
Moghaddam, PHD1,2, Zahra Alizadeh Sani, MD3, Zahra Ojaghi Haghighi, MD4, J Paul Finn2
Affiliation: 1 Biomedical Engineering, Amirkabir University (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran. 2
Radiological Science, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, CA, USA. 3 Shaheed Rajaei
Cardiovascular, Medical and Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 4
Echocardiography Research Center, Shaheed Rajaei Cardiovascular, Medical and Research Center, Iran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Degree: RK=Master Student in Biomedical Engineering, MH=Master of Science in Biomedical
Engineering, AN=Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, ZA= Assistant Professor of
Cardiology, ZO= Assistant Professor of Cardiology, PF=Professor of Radiological Science
Assessment of myocardial deformation patterns plays crucial role in evaluating cardiac function.
Left ventricular (LV) strain and torsion are two determinants of myocardial deformation that can
be measured using variety of cardiac imaging techniques among which tagged magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) is considered as the gold standard due to its high resolution and in vivo
nature. LV tagging in dense radial pattern [1], highlighting the LV circumferential shortening
and LV rotational motion, facilitates computation of these parameters (Fig.1). In this study, we
quantify myocardial deformation patterns by computing LV circumferential strain and torsion
thorough radially tagged images in a group of healthy subjects. Furthermore, we make a
comparison in one case between parameters extracted from speckle tracking echocardiography
(STE) and tagged MRI.
Figure 1. Radially tagged LV at diastolic (left) and systolic (right) frames.
Methods and materials:
*Corresponding Author
Short axis radially tagged images were acquired at apical, mid, and basal levels in 10 healthy
subjects. Images were acquired either at 1.5T or 3T. For comparison purpose, conventional grid
tagging and echocardiographic speckle tracking were also performed in one of our subjects.
Radially tagged images were processed as described in [1] and [2] to calculate circumferential
strain and normalized torsion. Circumferential strain was also assessed by employing HARP
method on images with grid tagging.
Mean global circumferential strain and torsion measured in 10 healthy subjects (Fig.2) are
consistent with those reported in the literature, which points to the reliability of our method.
Measured global circumferential strains through grid tagging, radial tagging and speckle tracking
(Fig.3) indicate general agreement.
Figure 2. Mean±standard deviation of strain (left) and normalized torsion (right) in 10 healthy subjects obtained from radially
tagged images.
Figure 3. Comparison of Strain extracted from tagged MRI and STE in a healthy case.
[1] N. Moghaddam, Abbas; Finn, J Paul. “Accelerated Circumferential Strain Quantification of the Left
Ventricle Using CIRCOME: Simulation and Factor Analysis”. SPIE Vol. 6916 691604-1 2008
[2] Kaveh, Razieh; N. Moghaddam, Abbas; N Khan, Sarah; Finn, J Paul. “Twist measurement of the left
ventricle through radial tagging”. JCMR 2013 15(Suppl 1):E48
Key words: Strain, Twist, Radial Tagging, MRI
E-mail: razieh_kaveh@yahoo.com
Postal address: Amirkabir University, Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran, 15875-4413.
Mobile Phone: 09126354428