Jakarta, 8 October 2015 - PT. Tira Austenite Tbk

PT TIRA Austenite Tbk
Domiciled in East Jakarta ('the Company')
Announcement Summary Minutes
General Meeting of Shareholders and the General Meeting of Shareholders of Extraordinary
The Board of Directors of the Company hereby inform the Shareholders of the Company, that the
Company has held General Meeting of Shareholders ('AGM') and the General Meeting Extraordinary
Shareholders ('EGM'), namely:
A. On :
Thursday, 08 October 2015
Seminar Room PT.Tira Austenite Tbk
Jl. Pulo Ayang Kav.R-1
Industrial Estate Pulogadung, East Jakarta.
: At 10:15 - 10:30 am
EGM agenda as follows:
1. Approval implementation the Corporate Actions of splits shares (stock split)
company from the Rp.1000, - (one thousand rupiah) per share to Rp 100, - (one
hundred Rupiah) per shares;
2. Approval Amendment Articles of Association of the company in connection with
changes the nominal value of the new shares become Rp 100, - (one hundred
Rupiah) per shares;
3. Authorization to the Board of Directors to do everything necessary for such
purposes with none action is excluded.
B. Members of the Board of Directors and Commissioners who attended the AGM
and EGM:
Member of the Board of Directors who attended the AGM and EGM:
- President Director
: Selo Winardi
- Independent Director : Insinyur Ardi Kusmara
- Director
: Doktor Agus Hasan Sulistiono Reksoprodjo
Members of the Board of Commissioners who attended the AGM and EGM:
- The Main Commissioner
: Insinyur Johnny Santoso
- Independent Commissioner : Soebronto Laras.
C. The Chairman of the AGM and the EGM:
Under Article 13 paragraph 1 of the Articles of Association, EGM was opened and
chaired by the Independent Commissioner, Mr. Soebronto Laras as the Chairman of the
Meeting, based on the letter of appointment by the Board of Commissioners dated 6
October 2015.
D. Attendance Shareholders
- EGM was attended by shareholders and the power of shareholders representing
55,749,700 shares , or 94.81% of the 58,800,000 shares that the total number of
shares that have been deposited or issued by the Company.
E. Opportunities Asking Questions and / or comments:
Shareholders and the power of the shareholders given the opportunity to ask questions
and / or opinions for each of the agenda or the agenda of the Meeting, however no one
shareholder and the power of the shareholders who asked questions and / or opinions.
F. Mechanisms of Decision:
Decision-making throughout of the agenda the EGM conducted by deliberation and
consensus, in terms of no agreement is reached, the decision made by voting.
G. Results of Voting:
Agenda First to Third :
- No shareholders or their proxies who attended the meeting, who gives abstention
- No shareholder and the power of the shareholders present at the Meeting, who
voted against;
- All shareholders or their proxies who attended the meeting voted in favor.
- So the decision was approved by the Meeting in deliberation
H. Results of AGM and EGM Decisions :
EGM decisions:
1. Agenda of First Meeting:
Approve the implementation of the Corporate Actions of splits shares (stock split)
company from the Rp.1000, - (one thousand rupiah) per share to Rp 100, - (one
hundred Rupiah) per shares;
2. Agenda of Second Meeting:
Approve Amendment Articles of Association of the company in connection with
changes the nominal value of the new shares become Rp 100, - (one hundred
Rupiah) per shares and thereby amend The Articles 4 of the Articles of Association.
3. Agenda of Third Meeting:
1) Approve to give the Authorization to the Board of Directors to do everything
necessary for such purposes with none action is excluded.
2) In connection with the above decision, Meeting approved the authorization to
the Board of Directors and / or employees of the Notary's office:
a. To amend The Articles 4 of the Articles of Association, in connection with
changes the nominal value of new shares become Rp 100, - (one hundred
Rupiah) per share;
b. To Plead and report to appropriate authorities about the amendment of the
Articles of Association and thereby make changes and / or additions which
are at any rate such changes;
c. To propose and signed all applications and letters or deeds,
choose a law domicile and do all necessary actions to achieve the intent
and the purpose of the amendment.
d. Do all things needed for such purposes there is no one action that excluded.
Jakarta, 8 October 2015
PT Tira Austenite Tbk.