11th Annual Fall Studio Tour ---- Artist Application September 13-14, 2014 - 10am-4pm Deadline: April 15, 2014 Fee is non-refundable. Mail completed application to: 14 South Artists, PO Box 82, Oregon, WI 53575 Fall Tour Contacts: Carol Giffin, gggffn@aol.com 608-273-3510 or Ann Kleckner, artglassdelights@gmail.com 608-444-1704. Artist Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________ Zip ________________ Phone ______________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________________________________ This is a juried art show. You must be juried into 14 South Artists, MAG, or this event to participate in the tour. See back for membership information. Tax ID ______________________________________________ or Social Security Number _______________________ Studio information as you want it published on the 14 South website, brochure, or promotional materials: Name of Artist, Business or Studio Studio Address Website E-mail Studio or Business Phone Select your medium: Painting Fiber/Textiles Digital Painting Glass Photography Printmaking Clay Mixed Media Woodworking Jewelry Other __________ __________________ Describe your work or artistic process in 25 to 30 words. Your description and photo will be used in promotional materials. Please print legibly. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please check all boxes that apply to you: I will use my own studio space for the tour. (14 South Artists only.) I will host these artists at my studio/gallery: ___________________________________________________________ I will be a host studio/gallery for artists to be named. Number of artists I am willing to host: _____________________ My studio isn’t suitable for the tour or I’m not a 14 South member. I wish to be paired with another artist. Application Check List: (postmarked by April 15, 2014.) Fee is nonrefundable. 14 South Artists Members: Application fee $125 (plus juried membership of $40 if not already paid.) Non-members or MAG members: Application fee $175 (jurying not required for MAG members.) Non-14 South/MAG members must be juried into this event. Non-member application fee of $175. Non-members and MAG members wishing to join 14 South Artists as a juried member: application plus juried member fee is $165. For membership go to: www.14southartists.com for application form. 14 South Member Galleries Info Center Tour fee $325, includes the entry fee and additional advertising space. All applicants: complete a S-240 WI temporary event form and include with application. (Link on back of page.) All applicants: send Digital Photo File–900 pixels on long side (horizontal or vertical) to Bernie@CloserViews.com Agreement: I release to 14 South Artists the right to publish all images submitted by me for the purpose of advertising and promotion of the 2014 Fall Tour. I agree to submit a digital photo file with my application. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of artist (print) Signature Date 14 South Artists 11th Annual Fall Studio Tour September 13-14, 2014 Tour hours: 10 am – 4 pm Policies/Eligibility Artists must be present at their art studio/location during the hours of the tour. If practical, artists are encouraged to open their studio space so the visitors can see the artist at work. Artists are encouraged to demonstrate their artistic process if possible. An artist’s “studio” may be a working studio or any part of the artist’s home or workspace where the artist can display their work and explain or demonstrate their artistic process. Artists who are not able to show at their studio may request to display at a participating artist’s studio or gallery. Please note this on your application. You may coordinate with a “studio” artist or be teamed by the tour committee. Galleries that showcase one or more tour artists are allowed to show the work of other artists but may not have any non-tour artists on site during the tour hours. Artists who display at a gallery or other venue are responsible for making their own arrangements related to commissions with the gallery or venue owner. Galleries or artists looking to host artists are asked to contact one of the committee members or make note of this on your application. All art exhibited must be hand-made, original, highquality artwork (of the quality that the artist was juried in with), not the work of mass production studios, commercial kits, purchased or prefabricated pieces. Each artist is responsible for collection of their own sales tax. 14 South Artists will not charge commission on sales. Go to http://www.revenue.wi.gov/f orms/sales/index.html and print the S-240 WI temporary events sellers form. All artists must complete and submit this form to participate. Each artist must pay the entrance fee-even if several artists are exhibiting at one location. Entry Fees and Deadlines 1. Registration fee: $125 for current 14 S juried members, $325 for member Gallery Information Centers; applications must be postmarked by April 15, 2014. 2. Application fee for MAG/nonmembers is $175. Deadline April 15, 2014. 3. Entry fees are nonrefundable. To Apply for the 2014 Fall Tour: 1. Complete the attached application. (The tour committee will not be responsible for missing, illegible, or incorrect information.) 2. Make your check payable to: 14 South Artists. Mail to: 14 South Artists 2014 Fall Studio Tour PO Box 82, Oregon, WI 53575 3. Your notification of acceptance and all further information about the tour will be E-mailed to you. (If you do not have E-mail, include a self-addressed, stamped business size envelope with your application.) Event and Artist Promotion Artists have the option of having a photo, artist tagline, contact information and a link to the artist’s web site (if available) listed on the tour website, plus a photograph of your art in the tour guide. The digital photo must be 900 pixels on the longest side (it can be horizontal or vertical). Submit photo to: Bernie Lynch, Bernie@CloserViews.com For any questions about the photo, contact Bernie by E-mail (preferred) or by phone at (608)446-6612. Fall Tour Contacts: Ann Kleckner artglassdelights@gmail.com 608-444-1704 Carol Giffin gggffn@aol.com 608-273-3510 14 South Artists Membership Application The membership form and additional information can be found at www.14southartists.com You may print the application and sent it to 14 South Artists with your fees. For membership consideration, submit 4 to 6 digital images of your art. Application for membership is subject to jury by 14 South Artists membership committee. All fees will be returned if not accepted.