Biology Syllabus 2014 - Jenks Public Schools

Instructor: Brian Shans
Room: 2205
Voice mail: 299-4415 ext. 2450
Hours: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th - Biology; 5th – Plan; 6th – Volleyball
Classroom website:
Use your cell phone’s QR Code Reader to pull up these websites.
Materials: Materials are due Monday, August 26. (See Materials handout.)
1. No late homework will be accepted. If it is not with you when you come to class, it is considered
late and will not be accepted afterwards. This includes leaving homework in your locker or another
book. Homework will be taken up at the first of the hour, so no handing in homework at the end of the
hour, unless instructed by me.
2. If you are absent the day a test is given or homework is assigned/turned in, IT IS YOUR
RESPONSIBILITY to complete the work or make up the missed exam. You only have one week after
the day of a missed test or quiz to make it up. If the test or quiz is not is not made up within one week,
you will NOT have an opportunity to make it up afterwards and will receive a zero on that assignment.
3. Making up missed work:
I am available for students to come in to get extra help or to make up a quiz/test. The times that are
available include:
* Before school at 7:30 AM
* During lunch
*During Advisory
A student may be required to make up a quiz or test in class on the first day that they are back in class
after an absence. Here's an example. Let's say a quiz or test was given on a Wednesday and a student
was absent that day, but that student is back in class on Thursday. That student may be required to
make up the quiz or test in class.
4. Grading is based on a total point system.
Students will follow the rules as outlined in the Student handout. These are a few instructions that are
being emphasized in my classroom.
1. Refrain from name calling and rude remarks.
2. Respect the teacher’s, the school’s, and other students’ property.
3. No sitting on the desks.
4. No sleeping in class.
5. Be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be tardy.
6. Use restrooms and water fountain before coming to class.
Biology Textbook:
1. A Glencoe Biology textbook will be given to each student. The textbook may be taken home and
left at home. There is no need to carry the textbook to class each day, unless the teacher instructs
students to bring their textbooks to class the next day. We may have some extra textbooks that will be
kept in the classroom for the students to use as needed.
2. Students are required to keep the textbooks from damages. Any vandalism or damages to the
textbook will result in a fee to replace the book.
3. On both my teacher website and on the students’ Canvas accounts, there are links to online versions
of the Glencoe Biology textbook. One form of the textbook is in pdfs of each chapter. The second
form is a link to an online textbook through the Glencoe Biology website. Either of them can be used
to complete any textbook assignment.
1. Each student will receive a Chromebook that they will be able to use both at school and at home for
research, to complete assignments, and to stay up-to-date with dates of tests and quizzes.
2. Students are to bring their FULLY CHARGED Chromebooks to class each day. These
Chromebooks will be used for a variety of ways this school year. Failure to bring your Chromebook
to class may result in you receiving a zero on an assignment, quiz, or test for that day.
3. Chromebooks are to be taken care of. Vandalism or damage to the Chromebook may result in a loss
of privileges and/or cost to replace the laptop.
4. Do not have your Chromebook out or be on your Chromebook unless given permission by the
5. Do not mess with another student’s Chromebook without their permission.
6. While in class, students are NOT to use the Chromebooks for any of the following: games, online
chatting, instant messaging (IM’ing), visiting other websites or working on other things that are not
being used in a teacher’s lesson. You are to only have tabs open that are being used during a lesson.
7. If a teacher is lecturing and the Chromebook is not being used at that particular moment in the
lesson, students are to remove their hands from the keyboard and are to tilt their screen.
8. These instructions are also posted in my classroom on the wall.
9. Failure to follow these rules may result in your Chromebook being taken by the teacher, in a zero
grade on the lesson or daily grade, and/or other disciplinary action.
Cell Phones:
1. Cell phones may be used from time to time in class for a certain lesson.
2. Cell phones are NOT to be used for sending texts, playing games, posting things to Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, etc., or doing other things that the teacher has not given you permission to do on
your cell phones.
3. Cell phones should be in a student’s backpack, purse, or in their pocket. Cell phones are not to be
left out on the student’s desk unless the cell phones are being used for that day’s lesson.
4. Cell phones are to be turned off as soon as a student walks into the classroom. Students are not to
wait to turn them off when the tardy bell rings.
5. If a student’s cell phone rings and/or vibrates during class whenever the phone is not being used for
that day’s lesson, the cell phone will be taken by the teacher and turned in to the principal’s office.
6. If a student is using headphones or ear phones to listen to music on their cell phone before school,
during lunch, or after school, at least one of the student’s ears must by free and/or unplugged. Once a
student walks into the classroom, headphones and earphones are to be removed immediately.
1. Canvas is a tool that will be used by teachers to do a variety of activities.
2. A calendar is located on Canvas where students and parents can stay current of project due dates,
quiz dates, tests dates, and assignments. It is important for students to check their calendars to be
aware of what is coming up in their classes.
3. Questions can be sent to teachers through Canvas.
Laboratory Safety:
1. Science lab can be an educational resource, but rules must be followed.
2. Any student not following the lab rules will be removed from lab and/or given d-hall and/or given
Saturday School and/or be sent to the principal’s office.
3. Students must wear the appropriate safety equipment (goggles, safety glasses, lab apron, and closetoed shoes) at all times during lab.
4. Horseplay is not allowed.
5. Students must read the lab instructions before beginning the experiment/activity.
By signing below, you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) are stating that you both have read and
understood all that has been covered in this syllabus.
Student’s Signature & Date
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature & Date
(This only needs to be signed if the student has contact lenses.)
I, _________________________________, have had explained to me by my science teacher that contact lenses
absorb vapors and are difficult to remove in an emergency. I understand that those facts make contacts not the first choice
of eye wear in the laboratory, even though I will have goggles on at all times during labs. I choose to wear the contact
lenses anyway, not a pair of glasses. I will not hold my teacher or Jenks Public Schools liable in case of an accident where
my contacts are involved.
student’s signature
As legal guardian of the above mentioned student, I have been informed by my child and this contact lens agreement that
contact lenses are not recommended to be worn in the laboratory while conducting experiments. I do hereby give my child
my permission to wear them, along with the required goggles, in lab. I will not hold his /her teacher or Jenks Public
Schools liable for an accident that occurs while my child is wearing contacts in the laboratory.
parent or legal guardian’s signature