Conservation and Demand Management Information Solution Functional & Technical Requirements Issue: 1.0 Issue Date: June 30, 2015 Page 1 of 53 Copyright © 2013 Independent Electricity System Operator. All rights reserved. This document uses Business Requirements Template IESO_TPL_0073 version 3.0. Page 2 of 53 Table of Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 The Current Scenario ....................................................................................................... 4 1.3 CDM IS Project Objectives .............................................................................................. 5 1.4 Who Should Use This Document................................................................................... 6 1.5 Acronyms .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 How this Document Is Organized ................................................................................. 6 2. CDM IS Requirements................................................................................................................ 7 2.1 Functional Requirements ................................................................................................ 8 2.1.1 System Users .............................................................................................................. 9 2.1.2 Measures Management........................................................................................... 12 2.1.3 Program Administration ........................................................................................ 15 2.1.4 Conservation and Demand Management Plan Administration ....................... 18 2.1.5 Application Management ....................................................................................... 21 2.1.6 Settlements ............................................................................................................... 24 2.1.7 Monitoring Key Performance Metrics .................................................................. 27 2.1.8 Customer Interface .................................................................................................. 29 2.1.9 Reporting and Analytics......................................................................................... 33 2.1.10 System Configuration Tools .................................................................................. 36 2.2 2.3 Technical Requirements ................................................................................................ 38 2.2.1 Technical, Security and Access Control Requirements ...................................... 39 2.2.2 Integration Capabilities .......................................................................................... 46 2.2.3 System Administration ........................................................................................... 47 Training and Knowledge Transfer .............................................................................. 49 Appendix A - Customer User Sub-Groups .................................................................................. 51 Appendix B – Customer Application Lifecycle .......................................................................... 52 Page 3 of 53 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1 The purpose of this document is to specify the requirements for the Conservation and Demand Management Information System (CDM IS). The document specifies technical and high level functional requirements for the CDM IS solution. 2 This document will be used in conjunction with the Request for Proposal (RFP) to identify, procure and implement a CDM IS solution that provides automation and electronic information management related to Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) programs in Ontario. 1.2 The Current Scenario 3 Ontarians have embraced conservation, and its growing role in managing electricity demand. Conservation First is the guiding principle that now places conservation at the forefront of Ontario’s energy planning and procurement processes, ensuring it is the first option to be considered in planning for electricity needs. 4 The new Conservation First Framework (CFF) maps out Ontario’s energy conservation goals over the next six years (2015-2020), emphasizing a coordinated effort within all stages of energy planning, as well as more effective teamwork among sector partners, particularly in support of local distribution companies (LDCs) and natural gas utilities. 5 The IESO’s conservation goal is a total reduction of 8.7 TWh of electricity consumption in Ontario by December 2020 1.7 TWh to be achieved through conservation programs with transmission-connected customers, and seven TWh from conservation programs delivered by LDCs to distribution customers across the province. 6 CFF gives a much larger role to the province’s distributors; each LDC has been allocated a share of the seven TWh target that they can pursue individually or in partnership with other LDCs. 7 The IESO is providing tools, support and guidance to LDCs to help them meet their targets through the development of a six-year CDM Plan. The plan allows LDCs to design their own program offerings, giving them greater flexibility to align conservation programs to local needs, and give customers more choice. This will result in both province-wide programs as well as programs offered by only one or some LDCs. It will also ensure long-term, stable funding to give LDCs the certainty they need to implement and deliver their programs. In addition, new administrative requirements now mean the IESO has sole approval over plans and program offerings, ensuring oversight while still streamlining processes. 8 The 1.7 TWh reduction target for transmission-connected customers will be delivered through the Industrial Accelerator Program (IAP), which offers financial incentives to industrial, Page 4 of 53 commercial and institutional customers directly connected to the electricity grid. Incentives encourage the implementation of major energy conservation projects, such as process changes and equipment retrofits. 9 The roles and responsibilities of the IESO and LDCs under the new framework are formalized in the Energy Conservation Agreement (ECA), a legal document that has been executed with each LDC. The ECA and its accompanying documents specify important terms such as the data that must be shared between LDCs and the IESO, and the schedules for data sharing. 10 To learn more about the CFF and the ECA, visit the Conservation First Framework section of the IESO website. To learn more about existing conservation programs, visit the saveONenergy and Industrial Accelerator Program websites. 1.3 CDM IS Project Objectives 11 Provide a solution that enables the IESO and LDCs to create, collaborate on, and administer CDM programs in support of the Conservation First Framework directive. 12 Enable the IESO and LDCs to manage CDM program participation processes. 13 Enable the IESO and LDCs to manage CDM program settlement processes. 14 Improve the experience of customers participating in CDM programs by improving existing technology and giving users direct access to application data. Page 5 of 53 1.4 15 Who Should Use This Document This document is for the use of: a. Vendors in understanding the requirements for the CDM IS and in preparing their proposal for the CDM IS. b. CDM IS project team (analysts and subject matter experts) to ensure they understand the criteria for evaluating each vendor’s proposal. c. The Information System Sub-Group in validating that the high-level needs of LDCs have been represented. d. Other IESO stakeholders (security and advisors) to ensure requirements are clearly specified. 1.5 1.6 Acronyms CDM Conservation and Demand Management CDM IS Conservation and Demand Management Information System CFF Conservation First Framework ECA Energy Conservation Agreement EM&V Evaluation, Measurement & Verification FCR Full Cost Recovery IAP Industrial Accelerator Program IESO Independent Electricity System Operator LDC Local Distribution Company OWASP Open Web Application Security Project P4P Pay for Performance SaaS Software as a Service How this Document Is Organized 16 The core functional and technical requirements have been presented in Section 2 of the document. 17 These requirements have been categorized into separate required and recommended priorities so that vendors may understand the relevance and importance of each requirement to the IESO's business. Page 6 of 53 2. 18 – End of Section –CDM IS Requirements The CDM IS requirements have been categorized into a number of functional and technical requirements for analytical and evaluation purposes. The Functional Requirements categorizations are in Sections: 2.1.1 System Users 2.1.2 Measures Management 2.1.3 Program Administration 2.1.4 CDM Plan Administration 2.1.5 Application Management 2.1.6 Customer Interface 2.1.7 Settlements 2.1.8 Monitoring Key Performance Metrics 2.1.9 Reporting & Analytics 2.1.10 System Configuration Tools The Technical Requirements categorizations are in Sections: 2.2.1 Technical, Security and Access Control Requirements 2.2.2 Integration Capabilities 2.2.3 System Administration The Training and Knowledge Transfer requirements are in Section 2.3. 19 The requirements listed for each functional area are not intended to be exhaustive, but are aimed at providing a high-level description of the major information and processing capabilities needed to support stakeholders of Ontario’s Conservation and Demand Management programs. 20 It is critical that all the functionality in the proposed solution provided be clearly described, and that the proposal includes specific descriptions of the complete functionality. It is also critical that where applicable, the vendor provides details for any previous experience implementing the solution or functionality. During the evaluation of the proposal emphasis will be placed on the functionality that meets the requirements to the highest degree as described in this document. 21 It is the sole responsibility of the vendor proposing the solution to ensure that they fully understand the functional and technical requirements. If any of the functional or technical requirements are unclear or if the concept or requirement is not fully understood, it shall be the vendor's responsibility to contact the IESO for further clarification as laid out in the RFP document. 22 Comments should be provided for most requirements to explain how the functionality will be met by the solution and to provide sufficient details and context in order to avoid misunderstanding during evaluation. Response to these requirements will be used as the first step in evaluating the vendor. Page 7 of 53 2.1 23 Functional Requirements Functional Existence Priority: denotes the importance of the functional requirement to the IESO. Required: The requirement must be able to be satisfied in order to meet the objectives of the project. Recommended: The requirement is optional but its inclusion increases the business value of solution. 24 Vendor Response: Vendor’s description of the current availability of one or more features that can be used to satisfy the requirement, using the below coding: Response Code Description Y – Existing Feature is delivered as standard functionality and can be demonstrated by the vendor. F – Future Feature is not currently included but will be available in a future release. Please indicate expected release time frame. T – Third Party Feature is provided by a third party vendor. N – Not Available Requirement cannot be met. Note: For each question to which your response is not N, please describe how your solution delivers the requirement specified. Note: It is assumed that any and all data saved in your solution will have a full audit trail (date/time and user recorded). If this is not correct, please specify any data for which an audit trail will not exist. Page 8 of 53 2.1.1 System Users The solution must be able to support at least the following high-level types of system users: 1) Customer A Customer is an electricity consumer in Ontario who wishes to participate in a conservation program. There are several subgroups of customers, which are further described in Figure Figure 2-1 of Appendix A and the following text. Customer users include both distribution and transmission-connected customers. Distribution customers are the direct customers of LDCs and include both residential and non-residential customers. Transmission-connected customers are directly connected to the IESO grid and are customers of the IESO. All customers should have the ability to create a customer profile in the system and apply for relevant conservation programs by supplying the necessary application information. 2) Local Distribution Company LDCs are responsible for the management, design, and delivery of CDM programs to distribution customers. LDC users must be able to manage customer program applications, apply to a program on behalf of a customer with the appropriate customer consent, submit CDM plans to the IESO for review, submit program business cases to the IESO for review, monitor their performance against their CDM plan, and produce ad-hoc reports. Authorized representatives from each LDC should be able to manage the individuals that are assigned to each of the roles that are applicable to their company. 3) IESO The IESO is responsible for overseeing all CDM programs in the province, including supporting the delivery of CDM programs to distribution customers by LDCs and delivering CDM programs to transmission-connected customers. Specific IESO responsibilities include, but are not limited to: managing the measures library and program catalogue, reviewing and approving CDM Plans from LDCs, reviewing and approving program business cases from LDCs, calculating payments to LDCs for CDM program expenses, and producing aggregate reporting. Authorized representatives from the IESO should be able to manage the individuals that are assigned to each of their applicable roles. 4) Service Provider Service Providers are companies that have been contracted to deliver a program or provide a specific service on behalf of the IESO or LDCs. Service Provider users should be able to perform functions on behalf on an LDC or IESO, upload data (e.g. batch application information) into the system. 5) Channel Ally Channel Allies are contractors, trades, retailers, distributors or manufacturers involved in the delivery of conservation Page 9 of 53 programs. These individuals and organizations may be delegated by residential, non-residential or transmission connected customers to manage applications on their behalf. Based on confirmed credentials, Channel Allies may also have exclusive access to tools and resources to support customers. Channel Allies may also participate in programs as a direct customer and provide data to the IESO or LDCs. 6) Gas Utility Gas utilities provide natural gas to Ontario customers and are regulated by the Ontario Energy Board. Conservation First encourages collaboration between gas utilities and electric utilities in the design and delivery of programs. Gas utilities may manage programs applications, supply batch data and produce reports. Please describe how your system would support these types of users, including how users are modelled in the system and the options for delivering the capabilities that are described in the requirements. Vendor Description: Requirement 1 2 An administrator can manage user roles and permissions, including creating new user roles, modifying the permissions associated with user roles, and deleting user roles. Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Required New users can be registered in the system. Describe the different methods that can be used to achieve this requirement. Required Page 10 of 53 3 Users must be able to delegate specific responsibilities to other users in the system. For example, a customer delegates responsibility for submitting information about a CDM program project to a channel ally. Required Describe the capabilities that exist for delegation of responsibility within the system. 4 Access to data must be restricted based on user role and the company (e.g. LDC) that the user represents. Describe how the system limits user access to only the information that they are allowed to access and how role-based access can be administered. Required Page 11 of 53 2.1.2 Measures Management Measures are the specific means of achieving energy and demand savings, and often serve as the basis for the design, implementation, and evaluation of CDM programs. The IESO has three primary types of measures available for use in programs: Prescriptive Measures, Quasi-Prescriptive Measures, and Custom Measures. The primary differentiator between the three types of measures is how energy savings are calculated. Prescriptive Measures are electricity conservation measures which present deemed energy and demand savings using prescriptive input assumptions (PIAs). These measures provide best available information and consistent conservation program assumptions needed to estimate potential gross energy and demand savings. Each measure has set values that dictate the anticipated energy and demand savings. Quasi-Prescriptive Measures have varying resource savings estimates according to the technology or type of equipment and the context in which they are used. It contains key, measure-specific inputs to estimate energy and peak demand savings for each program participant. It provides a methodology that allows estimating resource savings for various scenarios rather than relying on a fixed savings value for all scenarios. A Quasi-Prescriptive Measure approach will allow different parameters or variables (e.g. facility operating hours) to be assumed to estimate different levels of resource savings for different retrofits in different customer segments. Custom Measures are available for more complex or innovative solutions not covered by prescriptive or quasi-prescriptive measures, and not on the pre-defined list. Technology, equipment and system improvements are evaluated on their demand and energy-performance. Incentives are paid after installation, and once the energy savings have been measured and verified. Read more about IESO Measures and Assumptions. All measures should be stored in a central measures library. The measures library should be able to store links to external equipment databases where users can research specific pieces of equipment corresponding to a measure (e.g. EnergyStar®, DesignLights Consortium TM). IESO users will manage the measures library by creating new measures, updating the data for existing measures, and retiring expired measures. If your product includes a Measures Library, describe the baseline capabilities that are available for managing the measures library and how changes to the library will cascade into other functions provided by your product. If a Measures Library is not part of the product, describe how measures can be captured as part of program design. Page 12 of 53 Vendor Description: Requirement 5 6 IESO users can create new measures, update the data for existing measures, and retire expired measures. Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Required IESO users can configure the energy savings calculation method for each measure. Describe the ability to have calculated fields, using formulas and variables, in your system. 7 Functional Existence Priority Measures can be selected and included in the design of a new program. Required Required Describe how measures can be grouped or selected to form the basis of a new program. 8 Measure data can be imported and exported from the system. Recommended Describe the import and export capabilities of the system. Page 13 of 53 9 LDC users and members of the public can initiate the creation of a potential new measure by inputting information in a web form and submitting it to the IESO for review and approval. Recommended Describe how the solution can be used to support the creation of new measures. 10 Measures can have one or more links to external equipment databases. 11 Measures can have start and end dates that determine whether the measure is eligible to be included in programs or applications. Recommended Recommended Describe how your system would allow users to manage the measure lifecycle. Page 14 of 53 2.1.3 Program Administration Programs leverage one or more measures to achieve energy savings in one or more targeted customer segments. Programs provide customers with tools, resources, training, information, and/or incentives to help manage their electricity usage. As part of the Conservation First Framework, the IESO will support LDCs in developing CDM programs for all distribution customers. The IESO and LDCs will also collaborate with gas utilities in designing programs. The IESO will also develop and deliver programs for transmission-connected customers. Table 2-1 below outlines in greater detail the roles that the IESO and LDCs will play in conservation program design, approval, and delivery for the two types of customers. 2-1 Program Design, Approval, and Delivery Roles by Customer Type Customer Type Distribution Includes customers across each of the seven existing customer segments (i.e. residential, low-income, small business, commercial, agricultural, institutional, and industrial). Program Design Program Approval Program Delivery Province-wide programs will be designed by LDC working groups. Local or regional programs may be designed and proposed by one or more LDCs. IESO will support LDCs with provincewide, local, and regional program design. The IESO will provide final approval for all conservation programs. LDCs/IESO Transmission-Connected Includes customers connected directly to the IESO-controlled grid. IESO IESO Program Administration includes all of the capabilities required to configure new programs, maintain and enhance existing programs, and retire programs. Program configuration should include identification of the metadata, transaction data, and the steps required when applying and successfully completing the program. All programs should be available for viewing and reporting. The IESO will assign role-based permissions to users performing Program Administration. Page 15 of 53 Describe your system’s Program Management capabilities. What are the major features? Vendor Description: Requirement 12 13 IESO users can create new programs in the system, update the data for existing programs, and retire old programs. LDC and IESO users can initiate the creation and approval of new programs. Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Required Required Describe how your system can be used to support program design. 14 15 Existing programs can be saved as a template and used as a starting point when creating new programs. Recommended Customer eligibility rules can be configured for each program and will control whether or not a particular customer can apply to the program. Recommended Page 16 of 53 16 A new version of an existing program can be created with changes to its configuration (e.g. eligibility rules). Required Describe how your system would achieve this requirement. Both versions of the program must be able to run in parallel. 17 A list of all available programs can be viewed by LDC users. Required 18 Supporting documentation (e.g. calculators, compliance rules and measures and verification procedures) can be stored with each program. Required Page 17 of 53 2.1.4 Conservation and Demand Management Plan Administration Collectively, Ontario’s LDCs are responsible for planning cost effective ways to reduce seven terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity consumption by December 31, 2020. The IESO has allocated a portion of the total energy savings and budget to each LDC. To meet energy savings targets, LDCs are developing their own six-year plans for delivering CDM programs to their customers. Primarily, the CDM Plan outlines the conservation programs that each LDC intends to run over the next six years, including the annual budget and anticipated energy savings for each program. LDCs can include a mix of province-wide, local, and regional programs in a CDM Plan. Programs included in the CDM Plan can be in active, proposed, or pilot status. Supporting data, such as cost effectiveness ratios and planned collaboration with other regional LDCs, is also included in the plan for IESO review. For each program included in the CDM Plan, LDCs may choose between two types of funding models: full cost recovery or pay-forperformance. Under the full cost recovery model the IESO will reimburse all eligible costs and expenses incurred by LDCs for the design, development, and delivery of their CDM Plan. In contrast, pay-for-performance programs will be paid based on a prespecified value for each verified kilowatt hour of electricity savings achieved. CDM Plans can be developed individually or in partnership with one or more other LDCs. If LDCs pursue a joint CDM Plan, they may reallocate the total budget and energy savings targets assigned to them by the IESO amongst themselves. The parties to a CDM Plan may change over time due to LDC mergers or preference. Plans may be updated and resubmitted by LDCs as often as needed. A revised plan must be submitted if the LDC wishes to make changes to its program offerings (including the funding mechanism) or if the LDCs participating in the plan are changing. LDCs may also elect to update a plan to reflect program performance or a revised understanding of market opportunities. Each time an LDC makes changes to its CDM plan the new version must be reviewed and approved by the IESO before it is active. The IESO will receive, review, and approve all proposed CDM plans and supporting documents (e.g. achievable potential tool, cost effectiveness tool, supporting reports). It will also provide centralized customer service, technical support, market research, program evaluation and measurement, and training to LDCs. CDM Plan Administration includes all of the capabilities required to receive, review, approve, and manage CDM Plans. Currently CDM Plan data is captured in a MS Excel file - the CDM Plan Template. To help complete the cost effectiveness sections of the CDM Plan Template, LDCs have been provided with a Cost Effectiveness Tool, which is also a MS Excel file. Describe how your solution would be able to support the direct capture and modification of this data without the use of MS Excel. Page 18 of 53 Vendor Description: Requirement 19 LDC users can submit CDM Plan data and supporting documents to the IESO for review and approval. Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Required Describe how your system can be used to support the submission of CDM Plans. 20 Before a CDM Plan can be submitted to the IESO, each participating LDC must complete an authorization and declaration. Required Describe how your solution would achieve this requirement. 21 22 Describe how your system would support the review and evaluation of CDM Plans across multiple IESO business units. The solution must be able to support mergers and acquisition of LDCs, including LDCs that are participating in joint CDM Plans. Recommended Required Describe how this type of change would be supported by your system as it relates to the CDM Plan. Page 19 of 53 23 All changes to a CDM Plan (e.g. program offerings, program budgets, etc.) must be tracked and stored in the system. Required Describe how your system will audit changes to CDM Plans. Page 20 of 53 2.1.5 Application Management Customer participation in CDM programs is tracked through applications. Applications are submitted directly by a customer for a program that s/he wishes to participate in, by an LDC representative on behalf of a customer, by an IESO representative on behalf of a customer, or by a channel ally on behalf of a customer. An application contains data regarding the program, the customer, the measure(s) being implemented, the incentives to be paid to the customer, and more. Depending on the program, the application may include data regarding one or more facilities. A facility is the physical location where conservation measures are being implemented. The application will also contain data that will be used to calculate the gross and net unverified energy savings. Unverified gross energy savings are reductions in energy consumption that are assumed to have occurred through program participation but have not been formally confirmed. Unverified gross energy savings are calculated by combining measure data (e.g. the energy savings associated with a particular type of light bulb) with data from the application (e.g. how many light bulbs were installed). Unverified net energy savings are calculated by applying further mathematical adjustments to the unverified gross energy savings. The mathematical adjustment(s) used may involve measure and/or program data. To verify the gross and net energy savings, the IESO performs site inspections for a sample of applications on a periodic basis. Depending on the outcome of the inspection, the unverified gross and net savings may need to be adjusted and the values are recorded as verified gross and net energy savings. The ability to calculate, track, and report on net and gross unverified and verified energy savings in the system is a critical component to its overall success. Application Management includes all of the capabilities required to create, review, approve, and modify applications throughout the application lifecycle. Application Management will be performed by customers, channel allies, LDC users, and IESO users. Describe your system’s Application Management capabilities. What are the major features? Vendor Description: Requirement Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Page 21 of 53 24 Customers, LDC users, IESO users, and Channel Allies can create new applications, enter application data, and add one or more facilities to an application. Facilities associated with an application can be in one or more LDC service areas. Required Describe the different methods for creating a new application in your system. 25 Each application must have a unique identification number. 26 Supporting documentation can be uploaded and stored with an application. Describe how documents are stored in your system, how documents can be organized, and how access to those documents can be controlled based on user roles. 27 Required Required Data regarding the measures being used as part of an application can be entered and tracked in the system. Required 28 A facility can be associated with one or more program applications. Required 29 IESO users can enter information and upload supporting documents related to a site inspection of an application or specific facility related to an application. Required Page 22 of 53 30 Multiple customer profiles can access and edit an application. For example, if an application has been submitted where a company is the customer, multiple users from that company can access the application and make edits. Required Describe how your system supports multiple accounts being associated with a single customer. 31 All changes to an application should be tracked and viewable in an audit history. Required Describe how your system will track and store changes to applications. 32 33 Customers can authorize other users (e.g. IESO, LDC, Channel Ally) to make changes to an application on their behalf. LDC and IESO users have the ability to initiate and track interactions (e.g. emails) with a Customer or Channel Ally regarding an application. Required Required Describe your system’s ability to support and track communications. Page 23 of 53 2.1.6 Settlements The IESO is responsible for funding CDM programs for distribution customers through payments made to LDCs. This funding is intended to cover the expenses that an LDC would incur as a result of designing and delivering CDM programs. Currently, the two biggest expense types related to CDM programs are customer incentive costs and administrative costs. Customer Incentive Costs: Customers are incented to participate in CDM programs through the offering of customer incentive payments. The value of customer incentives vary based on the measures installed, the program, and the specific application of the customer. Each LDC is responsible for paying incentives to customers who participate in CDM programs in its service area. For transmission-connected customers, the IESO will pay incentive costs directly to customers. The system must be capable of supporting LDCs and the IESO in making customer incentive payments to their respective customer groups, including: calculating the value of the incentive payment, identifying when the payment is eligible to be processed, and identifying when the payment has been sent for processing in an external financial system. Administrative Costs: Administrative costs include all defined non-incentive expenses that an LDC incurs for the design, development, and delivery of its CDM Plan and CDM programs. Examples of administrative costs include direct labour and marketing. For each program included in its CDM Plan, an LDC may choose how it would like to receive funding from two options: Full Cost Recovery or Pay-For-Performance. LDCs can change the funding model for each program a maximum of one time. Full Cost Recovery (FCR): The IESO will reimburse LDCs for all adequately documented customer incentive and administrative costs. LDCs also have the option to receive prefunding for any or all of its FCR programs. Prefunding can be up to 25% of the first full year’s budgeted amount for an FCR program. FCR programs that have resulted in verified energy savings will also be eligible for incentive payments to the LDC at various points throughout the 2015 - 2020 Framework. Pay-For-Performance (P4P): LDCs will receive rate-based funding for each program based on verified energy savings; customer incentive and administrative costs will not be directly reimbursed. The rate paid for each program will be set out in its corresponding Program Rules. For each P4P program, LDCs can choose to receive payment in the form of a single payment following verification of net lifetime energy savings, five annual payments following annual verification of energy savings, or a number of periodic payments following verification of energy savings at the same frequency as the payments. For FCR programs, LDCs need to be able to indicate to the IESO when they wish to receive payment, and for which customer incentive and administrative costs they want to be reimbursed. The IESO must be able to export payment data to the IESO’s Market Page 24 of 53 Settlement System and record in the CDM IS the LDC payments that have been sent for processing. Once per quarter, the IESO will perform a reconciliation of payments made to LDCs. The system should support the quarterly reconciliation process by enabling the comparison of payments made to LDCs against relevant data in the system (e.g. customer incentive costs, administrative costs, CDM Plan budgets) and highlighting any variances. For additional details regarding funding, incentives, and reconciliation under the CFF, please see Article 4 of the Energy Conservation Agreement and the Settlements Information Requirements Rules. Describe how your solution can support settlements with customers and the LDCs, including the import and export of data with external financial systems. Vendor Description: Requirement 34 35 The system must calculate the value of customer incentive payments based on data in the system. LDC and IESO users must be able to identify applications that are eligible to have customer incentive payments processed. Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Required Required Describe how your system can allow users to identify and initiate payments to customers as they become due. Page 25 of 53 36 37 LDC and IESO users must be able to indicate when a customer incentive payment has been sent for processing in an external financial system. LDC users must be able to identify expenses that are eligible to be reimbursed by the IESO. Required Required Describe how your system will allow LDC users to initiate reimbursement from IESO for specific costs. 38 LDC and IESO users must be able to import and export financial data from the system. Required 39 The system must be capable of calculating performance-based incentive payments due to LDCs, based on data in the system. Recommended Describe how your system can support the IESO’s quarterly reconciliation of payments made to LDCs. Recommended 40 Page 26 of 53 2.1.7 Monitoring Key Performance Metrics The total energy savings target and budget for the new Conservation First Framework has been allocated amongst the province’s LDCs. LDCs have prepared CDM Plans that indicate, by program, how each LDC intends to achieve its energy savings and spend its budget. In order to support LDCs in achieving their energy savings targets and managing their budgets, the system must provide a means for LDC users to configure performance metrics and track progress. IESO users must have visibility into how each LDC is tracking towards its targets as well as how all LDCs as a whole are tracking towards the provincial goals. IESO is looking for a solution that can be easily configured to support setting performance metrics and monitoring progress against goals. Describe your solution’s capabilities to support setting and monitoring performance metrics. Vendor Description: Requirement 41 IESO and LDC users will need to define performance metrics and goals for assessing progress using information that is available in the system. Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Required Describe how your system supports this capability. 42 LDC users must have visibility into how they are performing towards their own goals. Required 43 IESO users must have visibility into how Required Page 27 of 53 each LDC is performing towards its goals. 44 IESO and LDC users must have visibility into how all LDCs as a whole are performing towards aggregate goals. Required Page 28 of 53 2.1.8 Customer Interface The customer interface will be the main interface that Customers will use to register in the solution and create a profile, apply for programs, check the status of applications, update their applications, and authorize Channel Allies to act on their behalf (if desired). A graphic detailing the vision for the customer experience and application process is included in Appendix B. When a Customer goes to the customer interface for the first time, they must have the option to register for an account and build a customer profile. The profile should include information about the Customer (e.g. contact info, LDC service area, etc.) and the types of programs that they might be interested in (e.g. residential, small business). Customers should also be able to enter information about any facilities that they may have (e.g. home, business location). The next step in the customer experience would be to explore the program offerings available to them. At this stage Customers should be able to view information about the available programs and the customer incentives associated with each one. From a list of programs, the Customer should be able to select a program to participate in and fill out an application form. When the Customer submits the application, it should be sent to the LDC, IESO, or Service Provider (as per business rules) for review and approval. At any time in the process the Customer should be able to log in to their account (if one was created) to see the status of program applications, the energy savings and incentives associated with each application, and authorize a Channel Ally to act on his/her behalf (if desired). The Customer should be able to make controlled changes to applications, as dictated by business rules. If authorized by a Customer, Channel Allies should be able to follow the same steps outlined above on behalf of that Customer. Customers should find the interface intuitive, easy-to-use, and it should be easy for them to access help. Their experience should leave them with a positive view of participating in conservation programs or at the very least they should not find it more difficult than other online tools they typically access. Describe your system’s customer interface. What are the main features? Vendor Description: Requirement Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Page 29 of 53 45 Customers can create a profile and participate in programs through the system via an online customer interface. Required 46 Channel Allies can create a profile through the customer interface. Required 47 Customers and Channel Allies must agree to legal terms of use before a profile is finalized in the system. Agreement with the terms of use must be tracked in the system. Required The system must validate the individual’s identity (e.g. email confirmation) before a profile can be finalized. Recommended Customers and Channel Allies can opt out of receiving further communication from the IESO and LDCs through the customer portal in compliance with Canada’s AntiSpam Legislation. Required Customers can apply for programs by creating an application, with or without a profile. Required 51 Customers can authorize a Channel Ally to act on their behalf for an application. Required 52 Channel Allies can initiate an application on behalf of a Customer. Required 48 49 50 Page 30 of 53 53 Applications submitted on behalf of a Customer, or by a Customer without a profile, must be validated (e.g. email confirmation) by the Customer before proceeding in the application process. Recommended 54 Customers and Channel Allies can view the status of each of their applications. Required 55 Customers and Channel Allies can view the energy savings associated with each application. Required 56 Customers and authorized Channel Allies can update an application after it has been submitted based on business rules. For example, LDC users can “unlock” a specific field if an error was made. Required Explain how your system can control fieldlevel access in the customer portal. 57 Describe the import and export capabilities available as part of your customer interface. Recommended 58 Describe the ability of your system to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Required Describe the ability to configure branding of the customer interface, including multiple brands. Recommended 59 Page 31 of 53 60 61 Describe the overall customer experience, explaining what features will allow them to view the tool as an enabler of conservation and not a barrier. Recommended The language of the customer interface can be toggled between French and English. Recommended Page 32 of 53 2.1.9 Reporting and Analytics The CDM IS must allow users to generate both standard and ad-hoc reports, based on their permissions. The Energy Conservation Agreement outlines four standard reports that must be provided by the IESO to LDCs on a regular basis: The Province-Wide Participation & Costs Report must be updated and made available to each individual LDC on at least a monthly basis. This report provides LDCs with information on overall program participation, energy savings, spending, and cost effectiveness. Data will be aggregated at two levels: province-wide and individual LDC. Individual LDC data will be compared against CDM Plan data. LDCs will only be able to see their own data at the individual LDC level. The Value-Added Services Report must also be updated and made available to each individual LDC on at least a monthly basis. This report provides LDCs with information on the value-added service participation data and costs they incurred in the preceding month, based on participation volumes. Each LDC must only have access to data for participants that fall within their service area. The data for this report will be received from external Value-Added Service Providers. Once per quarter, a single Customer Satisfaction Report must be made available to all LDCs. This report provides LDCs and the IESO with information on how satisfied customers are with conservation programs that they have participated in. The data for this report will be received from external Market Research Service Providers. The Verified Results Report is produced once per year and shared with LDCs. The primary purpose of this report is to share verified electricity savings results with the LDCs and compare those results to CDM Plans. Similar to the Province-Wide Participation & Costs report, this report contains data aggregated at both the province and LDC levels. In addition to the standard reports described above, LDC and IESO users must be able to create ad-hoc reports. The data that users have access to during reporting must be dictated by their role in the system and/or configured permissions. Describe the standard and ad-hoc reporting capabilities of your solution as well as the ability to configure role-based dashboards. Vendor Description: Requirement Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Page 33 of 53 62 The reporting function will be used to generate reports as well as analytics. Access to configuration and transaction data is important. Recommended Specify the data that is accessible to the reporting function and any limitations that may impact users. 63 Describe the ability to import and export data from the system, including any limitations. Recommended 64 Confirm that access to reports is based on a user’s role (filtered by access control). Required 65 Data can be aggregated for reporting purposes. For example, IESO users can report on the total number of applications by program for all LDCs. Required Describe the ability of your system to aggregate and drill-down into data for reporting and analytics purposes. 66 Describe the delivery options for automated reports. Required 67 Provide examples of standard preformatted reports and describe the flexibility available for tailoring the reports to meet a specific need. Required Page 34 of 53 68 How can users save report results to access historical reports at a later date? Required 69 Discuss how non-technical users can generate reports from the system without assistance. Recommended 70 Role-based dashboards can be configured in Recommended the system. 71 Describe how branding and logos can be included in reports generated from the system. Recommended Describe how reports can be published on a public website. Recommended 72 Page 35 of 53 2.1.10 System Configuration Tools The IESO is looking for a system that is flexible to changing business rules and needs. Provide an overview of the system configuration tools that are available to system administrators. Vendor Description: Requirement 73 A system administrator can configure customer-facing and internal system forms (e.g. program application form). Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Recommended Describe how form configuration can be completed by system administrators. 74 A system administrator can configure calculated fields based on defined formulas and data in the system. Recommended Describe how system administrators can configure and update automatic field calculations. Page 36 of 53 75 A system administrator can configure data validation on fields. Describe how system administrators can apply data validation and other business rules to fields. 76 A system administrator can configure fieldlevel access based on user roles and permissions. Recommended Recommended Describe the ability to configure field-level access for different users. 77 A system administrator can configure automatic email notifications based on business rules. Recommended Describe the ability to automate emails and other notifications in your system. 78 A system administrator can create new fields and add those fields to forms. Recommended Page 37 of 53 2.2 79 Technical Requirements Functional Existence Priority: denotes the importance of the functional requirement to the IESO. Required: The requirement must be able to be satisfied in order to meet the objectives of the project. Recommended: The requirement is optional but its inclusion increases the business value of solution. 80 Vendor Response: Vendor’s description of the current availability of one or more features that can be used to satisfy the requirement, using the below coding: Response Code Description Y – Existing Feature is delivered as standard functionality and can be demonstrated by the vendor. F – Future Feature is not currently included but will be available in a future release. Please indicate expected release time frame. T – Third Party Feature is provided by a third party vendor. N – Not Available Requirement cannot be met. Page 38 of 53 2.2.1 Technical, Security and Access Control Requirements Requirement Functional Existence Priority 81 The solution shall be capable of supporting current generation Internet browsers. Identify the internet browsers that are supported by your solution. Required 82 The system is accessible on mobile devices (e.g. tablets). Required 83 We require the ability to test changes to configuration changes and the integration of new conservation programs prior to releasing them into production. Describe how your solution would support development and testing of configuration changes. Is a separate environment provided to support testing? Required 84 Data Protection Required How do you separate IESO data from other customers' data? Where do you store IESO data (including Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Page 39 of 53 backups)? Is data stored at your site encrypted? If yes, what encryption method is used What mechanisms are in place to ensure data integrity? How do you protect data that is in transit with your system? What are your data leak prevention capabilities? Can any third party (your service providers) access IESO data, and if so, how? Can you ensure that all IESO data is erased at the end of service? 85 Vulnerability Management What is your vulnerability remediation process? How often do you scan for vulnerabilities (assessment) on your network and applications? Show evidence of your vulnerability management program. 86 Identity Management Required Required Does authentication need to occur before accessing your offering? If so, describe the available options. Page 40 of 53 Can you integrate directly with IESO directories, and if so, how? If you keep your own user accounts: o How do you secure user IDs and access credentials? o How do you handle user churns (e.g., provision and de-provision accounts)? Can you support Single Sign On (SSO), and if so, which standards? Can you support federation, and if so, which standards? 87 Physical and Personnel security Is there restricted and monitored access to customer assets 24x7? If dedicated infrastructure is desired, how would it be isolated? Do you perform background checks on all relevant personnel? How extensive? Do you document employee access to customer data? 88 Application security Do you follow OWASP guidelines for application development? Do you prescribe to any of the following software development life cycle models? Required Required Page 41 of 53 (e.g. SEI CMM, DOD-STD-2167A, MILSTD-498, J-STD-016, IEEE/EIA 12207, ISO/IEC 12207, etc.) Do you have a testing and acceptance procedure for outsourced and packaged application code? What third-party components are in use in your services? What application security measures (if any) do you use in your production environment? (e.g. application-level firewall, IPS, database auditing) 89 Incident response 90 Required What is your procedure for handling a data breach? o Can notification occur within an IESO specified time period? o In what format are Data Breach Incident Reports (DBIR) published in (e.g., VERIS) and what information do they contain? Service Privacy How do you protect digital identities and credentials and use them. What data do you collect about the IESO and/or LDCs? Required Page 42 of 53 o How is it stored? o How is the data used? o How long will it be stored? Under what conditions might third parties, including government agencies, have access to IESO data? Can you guarantee that third-party access to shared logs and resources won’t reveal critical information about the IESO? 91 Service Compliance Do you have any Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity planning documents capable of being shared with the IESO? Where are your recovery data centers located? What service-level guarantee can you offer under DR conditions? Are there provisions, specifications or metrics in the SLA for investigations? How long do you keep logs and audit trails? Can the IESO have dedicated storage of logs and audit trails, and if so, how? Can you demonstrate evidence of tamperproofing for logs and audit trails? Required Page 43 of 53 Can you provide documentation of ISO 27001 compliance? Can you provide documentation of a Statement on Auditing Standards SAS 70 or Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements SSAE 16 audits? What recourse actions (e.g., financial compensation, early exit of contracts, etc.) are available in the event of a security incident? Can we stipulate in the SLA that all IESO data (or applications), including all replicated and redundant copies, are owned by the IESO? In the event that the contract is terminated, or the agreement comes to an end: 92 o Will data be packaged and delivered back to the IESO? o Will any remaining copies of data be erased completely (including from backups)? If so, how soon will it happen? Specify any fees that may incur at the end of the service. Service Availability Required What availability measures do you employ to guard against threats and errors? Page 44 of 53 o Do you use multiple ISPs? o Do you have DDoS protection, and if so, how? Can you provide historical availability data? What are your scheduled downtime plans (e.g. service upgrade, patch, etc.)? 93 Service Provider Audit Capability Audit Logging Capabilities that include but are not limited to activities of Authentication, Authorization (privilege changes), Modification (of core components) and User Operations (repudiation). Log records include date and time stamps, name or unique ID of event, specified object (user, policy, object, etc.) and severity. Ability to export logs, on a continuous basis Recommended Page 45 of 53 2.2.2 Integration Capabilities The proposed solution will need to be able to integrate with Service Provider, IESO and LDC processes as a minimum to enable tracking of program and payment statuses. The integration capabilities and the automation requirements for each organization will vary depending on their size and the complexity of the programs. The solution should offer multiple integration methods. Requirement 94 Describe all of the integration methods that your solution will support. For each of the integration methods please specify: How the information that is sent to and from the CDM IS is protected. What mechanism is used to authenticate that you are allowed to read or write on the interface Any third party software that will be necessary to integrate with the CDM IS Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Required Page 46 of 53 2.2.3 System Administration System administration includes the capabilities necessary to sustain the services being provided by the CDM IS. The vendor should describe the various administrative roles associated with their solution and identify the specific roles that are applicable to the IESO and LDCs. The following should be included: User Administration Monitoring service levels System Maintenance Backup and Recovery Path Management Job monitoring Managing of Incidents and Problems Managing changes to the systems Requirement 95 Who is responsible for managing and assisting users with system access issues (e.g. resetting a user’s access profile)? 96 Does your system maintain an audit trail of all actions performed by an administrator and is the information available to the IESO? Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Page 47 of 53 97 Do you provide an Application Programming Interface that can be used by the IESO and/or LDCs to monitor the status of the system and batch jobs? If yes what information is accessible from the API and what technology is used? Page 48 of 53 2.3 Training and Knowledge Transfer The following training effort is required; any other vendor proposal shall be described in the comments. Requirement 98 Functional Existence Priority Vendor Response Vendor Description (Y/F/T/N) Initial Training Do you do any knowledge transfer at the end of the implementation? Do you provide initial training of the system in terms of system configuration and application administration? Required Do you provide classroom based, hands-on training with full documentation of functionality? 99 Ongoing Training Describe your web based training capability? Required Does your solution offer users “How to” embedded videos within the key modules? Page 49 of 53 100 The various types of solution users (as identified within this document) will have the knowledge necessary to fully utilize the solution at go-live. Provide description of your training plan for the different types of users. Include a description of the type of training for the different user groups, and describe how you ensure knowledge transfer to the various solution users enables them to use the system independently. Required 101 Support material (e.g. user guides and templates) will be available to IESO to customize and use for ongoing training. Describe the online and soft copy user training and guides available to the IESO? Required Identify any limitations we will encounter with regard to modifying such documentation. 102 Does your solution have different levels of system administrators? Recommended – End of Section – Page 50 of 53 Appendix A - Customer User Sub-Groups Figure 2-1 - Customer User Sub-Groups Customers Distribution Customers Individuals and companies who are connected to the IESO grid via an LDC. LDCs are responsible for designing and delivering CDM programs for customers in their service area and managing the relationship with these customers. Residential Customers Individuals who wish to participate in residential programs Non-Residential Customers Companies and businesses who wish to participate in non-residential (e.g. commercial, institutional, etc.) programs Transmission-Connected Customers Companies who are directly connected to the IESO grid and wish to participate in tranmission-connected customer programs. The IESO is responsible for program delivery and customer relationship management for these customers Page 51 of 53 Appendix B – Customer Application Lifecycle Creation of User Profile & Registration The customer is presented with the opportunity to register in the system and create a profile. Customers have the ability to authorize a Channel Ally to initiate program applications on their behalf. Program Discovery Customers are presented with a list of CDM programs. Customers may explore program information, estimate potential incentives, and request further information from their LDC or IESO (as applicable). Pre-Project Application Submission Post-Project Application Submission The customer selects a program to participate in and submits an application. If the application is approved, the customer completes the project and updates the application with actual project data. Application submission can be done with or without a customer profile. Incentive Payment Eligible incentive amount are determined by the LDC or IESO and paid to the customer. Post-Project Support The customer is presented with the option to complete a Customer Experience Survey. The customer may be selected for an EM&V site visit or audit. Supporting project documents are also submitted. Application Change Order Customers can make changes to project information Application Review & Approval Authorized LDC and IESO users manage application review and approval processes Application Tracking Ability for IESO and LDC users to track customer and application information Page 52 of 53 – End of Section – – End of Document – Page 53 of 53