SOUTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #5 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA Monday, February 17, 2014 Sandy Creek Middle School in Clay Center 7:30 p.m. Board of Education Vision Statement ‘Continuously and passionately provide for and expect educational excellence through high levels of commitment, collaboration, and communication among students, parents, staff, and community.’ 1 SOUTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #5 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA Monday, February 17, 2014 Sandy Creek Middle School at Clay Center 7:30 p.m. 1000s Community Relations 4000s Personnel 7000s Construction I. School Board Policies 2000s Administration 5000s Students 8000s School Board Routine Business A. Call Meeting to Order at 3000s Business 6000s Instruction 9000s By Laws . NOTICE: As stated in state statute, a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted on the wall of this meeting room. This meeting was duly advertised in the designated newspapers and all board members were served notice of the meeting. B. Roll Call Roll Call Vote: Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Dwayne Buescher Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams PRESENT ABSENT C. Excuse Absent Board Members(s) Brockman, P moved to excuse Board Member(s) Shaw, Dunn, add one and . Furman seconded motion. Discussion: Roll Call Vote: Phillip Brockman Dwayne Buescher Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman YES NO ABSTAIN 2 D. Notice of Meeting Notice of this meeting was duly advertised as per school district policy and all board members were served notice of the meeting. The agenda was readily available for public inspection at the Office of Superintendent of Schools during normal business hours. E. Notes regarding Agenda The Board of Education may not amend the agenda less than 24 hours before the meeting except for emergency items added at the time of the meeting. The Board of Education will generally follow the sequence of the published agenda, but may change the order of items when appropriate and may elect to take action on any of the items listed. F. Closed (Executive) Session The Board of Education may enter closed (executive) session during the board meeting when it deems closed (executive) session to be appropriate and when closed (executive) session is authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act. G. Approval of Agenda Harms moved that the Agenda be approved as presented. Brockman, C seconded motion. Discussion: Roll Call Vote: Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Dwayne Buescher Phillip Brockman YES NO ABSTAIN 3 II. Regular Meeting Agenda A. Public Participation This is the portion of the meeting when visitors to the meeting may speak to any item not on the agenda. Those wishing to speak to agenda items should wait until that item is under consideration by the board. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO SPEAK DURING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Getting When you have been recognized by the Board President to Started speak, please stand and state your name to the Board of Education. Time You may speak only one time and must limit comments to 5 Limit minutes or less. Personnel If you are planning to speak about personnel or student or Student matter involving an individual, please understand that our Topic policies require that such concerns initially be directed to the administration for consideration. Board members will generally not respond to any questions you ask or comments you make about individual staff members or students. You are cautioned that slanderous comments are not protected just because they are made at Board meetings. General Please remember that this is a public meeting for the Rules conduct of the business of the Board of Education. Comments from within the audience while others are speaking or Board members are speaking will not to be tolerated. Offensive language, personal attacks, and hostile conduct will not be tolerated. No Action Any item not on the agenda will not be acted upon by the by the Board of Education at this meeting Board INSTRUCTIONS FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO SPEAK DURING AN AGENDA ITEM: Getting The above rules apply except that the audience speaker Started should not request to speak until the agenda item has been moved and seconded and the Board President asks for discussion. Then you may request to speak by making that request to the President 4 B. Approval of February Claims Williams moved that the claims for February be approved as presented in Enclosure #1 in the amount of $835,087.59 from the General Fund. Harms seconded motion. Discussion: Roll Call Vote: Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Dwayne Buescher Patrick Dunn YES NO ABSTAIN C. Consent Agenda Approval of the Minutes for January 20, 2014 Enclosure #1 Approval of Treasurer's Report Activity Reports, Graph, Adjustment Report Treasurer's Report , Securities Report (Enclosure #2) Approval of Receipts Summary Report Receipt's Summary Enclosure #3 Approval of Control Budget Control Budget Enclosure #4 Williams moved to approve the Consent Agenda Brockman, C seconded motion. Discussion: Roll Call Vote: Donita Furman Randy Harms Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Dwayne Buescher Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley D. YES NO ABSTAIN Reports Julie Studnicka- Principal's Report Amanda Skalka-Curriculum Director’s Report Superintendent's Report 5 E. Nebraska Association of School Boards Membership Dues Harms moved that the Board of Education of the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5 moved that the School District’s official approve the annual membership dues of $5,054 for the Nebraska Association of School Boards. Williams seconded motion. Discussion: There is a 2% discount if dues are received by April 1. Please see NASB letter for more information. South Central Unified has always been a member of NASB. Roll Call Vote: Randy Harms Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Dwayne Buescher Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman YES NO ABSTAIN F. School Calendar Williams moved that the Board of Education of the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5 approve the 2014-2015 school calendar. Furman seconded motion. Discussion: Please select 2014-2015 School Calendar. Roll Call Vote: Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Dwayne Buescher Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms YES NO ABSTAIN 6 G. Band Uniforms Furman moved that the Board of Education of the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5 approve the purchase of band uniforms at Sandy Creek from Fruhauf for $______________. Brockman, C seconded motion. Discussion: Please see Band Uniform Fruhauf Quote. The band uniforms at Sandy Creek were purchased in 1986. The uniforms are $435.80 each. 50 must be purchased at that price and includes shipping. 50 Uniforms would cost $21,790. It is recommended that we purchase 80 at $34,864. We received an insurance settlement for hail damage to the roofs of busses for a little over $30,000 this money could be used to purchase uniforms. Roll Call Vote: Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Dwayne Buescher Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Ann Lindvall YES NO ABSTAIN H. Physical Therapy Contract Harms moved that the Board of Education of the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5 renew the contract with Grand Island Physical Therapy for physical therapy services for the 2014-2015 school year. Story seconded motion. Discussion: The contract is for the state approved rate of $48.00 per hour, plus mileage. Mileage will also be paid at the state approved rate. Please see Grand Island Physical Therapy Contract Roll Call Vote: Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Dwayne Buescher Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer YES NO ABSTAIN 7 I. Certified Probationary Contract Harms moved that the Board of Education of the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5 extend a Certified Probationary Contract to Mollie Thompson for Elementary at Sandy Creek. Buescher seconded motion. Discussion: Mrs. Thompson is a graduate of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. She has one year of teaching experience as Preschool teacher at St. Mary’s in Osmond. Mrs. Thompson was a student teacher in 4th grade teacher at Roper Elementary in Lincoln prior to that. Roll Call Vote: Kim Story Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Dwayne Buescher Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw YES NO ABSTAIN J. Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Application add one moved that the Board of Education of the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5 _________________________________________________ i add one seconded motion. Discussion: Mr. Wiest has been employed with the South Central Nebraska School District for 16 years. He is requesting Voluntary Early Retirement incentive. According to the Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program, they must: (1) be fifty five (55) years of age on or before August 1st of the calendar year the application deadline of December 7 is to be meant; and have completed at least twenty (20) years of credited service to the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5, including credited service to Clay Center, Guide Rock, Lawrence, Nelson, Sandy Creek, and Superior Public Schools. Certified employees who submit a resignation that is to be effective before the end of their last year of employment will not be eligible for the Program. Credited service shall be calculated on the yearly full time equivalency (F.T.E.). Although Mr. Wiest falls short of the full 20 years, he is requesting that the school board make a modification of the policy since in board policy it says that the school board may 8 make MODIFICATION OR ELIMINATION OF THE PROGRAM. The Board of Education of the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5 may choose to modify or eliminate the provisions of the program upon majority vote of the board at a Regular or Special Board Meeting. Mr. Wiest is asking for you to consider his more than 40 years of experience in the teaching profession and his nearly 20 years of teaching at South Central Unified. Roll Call Vote: Lance Williams Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Dwayne Buescher Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story YES NO ABSTAIN K. Sixpence Early Childhood Grant Furman moved that the Board of Education of the South Central Nebraska Unified School District #5 approve the completion of a Sixpence Early Childhood Grant with Headstart to provide home-based birth to three family engagement program to provide services to children inside the South Central Unified School District. Dunn seconded motion. Discussion: Please see Sixpence Early Learning. The grant would provide between $75,000 and $150,000 of funding to support the program. The district would not be required to provide any financial obligation. Roll Call Vote: Cheryl Brockman Phillip Brockman Patrick Dunn Ethan Epley Donita Furman Randy Harms Dwayne Buescher Ann Lindvall Francis Schroer Brian Shaw Kim Story Lance Williams YES NO ABSTAIN L. Adjournment Adjournment at 9:25 by Francis Schroer. The next meeting shall be at Lawrence-Nelson High School in Nelson on March 17, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. 9