Attached you will find a membership form

Please send your completed membership form and dues to The Furman Link, c/o President’s Office, 3300 Poinsett Highway,
Greenville SC 29613. Alternatively, you can bring it in person to The Furman Link Casual Coffee on September 28. Please
return this form by September 28, 2013 so that we can publish your yearbook without lengthy delay. We will also be taking
photographs for the yearbook at the Casual Coffee. Checks should be made payable to The Furman Link.
First Name ___________________________________________ Last Name__________________________________________
Your Department at Furman (if applicable) _____________________________________________________________________
Spouse’s/Partner’s Name ___________________________________ Department at Furman (if applicable) _________________
Home Address: _____________________________________________ City ________________________Zip _____________
Telephone: Home ________________________Cell _______________________Email________________________________
Name (year of birth) of children at home ______________________________________________________________________
( ) Yes! I will be attending the Casual Coffee
( ) No, I am unable to attend the Casual Coffee
( ) I am enclosing my $10.00 dues for 2013-2014. (We’re so glad you joined or rejoined!)
( ) I am new to Furman and would like to join. (Complimentary membership is extended to newcomers for their first year)
EVENT INVITATIONS: Please send invitations to future events via:
( ) campus address ________________________________________________________________________________________
( ) home address (if no possible access to campus mail)
( ) email address
Additional communications, if any, will be sent via email. We will try our best to phone those without access to email.
( ) I would be willing to serve on a telephone team.
ASSISTANCE WITH EVENTS: Check as many events as you’d like.
Our events are easier than ever to plan, and we welcome your ideas and your help. Join the fun and volunteer for as many
committees as you like! You will be contacted by your Event Coordinator closer to event time. (If you are too busy to serve this
year, that’s okay.)
_____ Zumba (Saturday, October 12th)
_____ Holiday Dinner (Saturday, December 7th)
_____ Spring Luncheon (Saturday, March 15th)
_____ Easter Egg Hunt (Saturday, April 12th)
_____ Please put me on the committee that needs the most help.
INTEREST GROUPS: Check the group(s) in which you would like to participate.
_____ Book Discussion
_____ Bridge
_____ Supper Club
_____ Let’s Go out to Dinner
_____ Cinema Club
_____ International Dining Experience
_____ Children’s Playgroup
_____Other-Please suggest ___________________
I am willing to work with an interest group leader for: ___________________________________________________________
I would be willing to consider serving as an officer or a coordinator next year. Yes ( ) No ( )