P3 Putting Packs Together

This document describes how a group of 25 students could be organized to make Power Packs
using an assembly-line approach.
The Power Pack Program (P3) is a Food for Others-sponsored activity that provides weekend
food for needy students in grades 1 through 6. Each pack contains single-serving portions of 2
breakfasts, 2 drinks, 2 snacks, and 4 lunch/dinner items. Food & drink items for each pack are
obtained through fund-raising or are provided directly by Food for Others. Completed packs are
distributed to students at participating elementary schools on Friday afternoon.
There are four student volunteer positions suggested.
STOCKER -- unpacks P3 food and drink items from cartons. Places store items (empty plastic
bags meals, drinks, and snacks) in proper order on store table. Collapses empty cartons for
recycling. Start off with 4 of the 25 persons performing this function.
PACKER -- walks along packing table, filling empty bag with 2 breakfasts, 2 drinks, 2 snacks,
and 4 lunch/dinner items. Selects store items to provide variety within each pack. Puts filled but
not closed bag on checking table. Start off with 13 of the 25 persons performing this function.
CHECKER -- inspects filled plastic bag for proper quantities of food and drink. If correct, seals
bag, removing all excess air, and places checked P3 package on bagging table. Start off with 6 of
the 25 persons performing this function.
BAGGER -- places checked P3 packages in cloth delivery bags, 6 packages per delivery bag, for
transmission to schools. Start off with 2 of the 25 persons performing this function.
In a large open room, set up 7 tables.
Four tables should be butted together on the short end to form “packing tables” (an area for
placing individuals servings of items that have been removed from all outer packaging). Leave
enough space behind these tables to keep the large, still-wrapped cartons of P3 food and drink
items. Also leave space along the front of these tables for someone to walk along when
assembling a P3 package.
Next after the “packing tables,” leave some space and place two "checking tables."
After the checking tables, leave some space and place a "bagging table." Leave enough space
around the bagging table for keeping the delivery bags of checked P3 packages.
Adult supervision is suggested at two locations.
At the packing table, an adult should be available to use a utility knife to open cartons of P3 food
and drink items for the STOCKER. An adult should also use a utility knife to help the
STOCKER break down empty cartons for recycling.
At the checking table, an adult should make sure that the CHECKER is filling P3 packages with
the correct number of food and drink items and sealing the packages securely before placing
them on the bagging table.
(Large cartons of food go behind this table, & unwrapped servings go here)
Packing Tables
(Packers should be stuffing bags with items here)
Checking Tables
Bagging Table