Photo Art Studio Digital Photography & Photo Editing Online Certification Program Assignment #1 Submission Instructions: All Assignments must be submitted in .PSD or .JPG format, unless specified otherwise. If submitting multiple Photos at once, please compress the file as a .ZIP file. File name must be named as follows ie. John Smith, File Name Smith_J.psd BEFORE emailing assignments, Please complete the following in Photoshop: o Go to Image > Image Size o Make sure “Constrain Proportions” contains a check mark. o Change the Width to “300” Pixels, (Height will Automatically Change). Assignments can be emailed to o Include the following in the Email: Subject: Course Name & Assignment # Body: Full Name ASSIGNMENT #1: Select a small silver or gold Jewellery item. Place it against a solid black color (Felt, Bristol Board, Black Multi-purpose Paper) Take the photo in a room with a well-lit fluorescent (white light) light source. Photograph the object from a top-down perspective, and ensure the object fills as much of the frame as possible. ISO SENSITIVITY / SHUTTER SPEED COMPARISON Take Three separate shots using the following settings: o SHOT 1: MANUAL SHOOTING MODE APERTURE F5.6 SHUTTER SPEED 1/4 ISO 100 Exposure Compensation: 0 Flash Compensation: 0 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (No) Release Mode (Single Frame) o SHOT 2: MANUAL SHOOTING MODE APERTURE F5.6 SHUTTER SPEED 1/4 ISO 800 Exposure Compensation: 0 Flash Compensation: 0 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (No) Release Mode (Single Frame) o SHOT 3: MANUAL SHOOTING MODE APERTURE F5.6 SHUTTER SPEED 1/40 ISO 320 Exposure Compensation: 0 Flash Compensation: 0 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (No) Release Mode (Single Frame) FLASH COMPENSATION COMPARISON Take Three Separate Shots using the following settings: o SHOT 1: MANUAL SHOOTING MODE APERTURE F5.6 SHUTTER SPEED 1/40 ISO 320 Exposure Compensation: 0 Flash Compensation: -2 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (YES) Release Mode (Single Frame) o SHOT 2: MANUAL SHOOTING MODE APERTURE F5.6 SHUTTER SPEED 1/40 ISO 320 Exposure Compensation: 0 Flash Compensation: 0 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (YES) Release Mode (Single Frame) o SHOT 3: MANUAL SHOOTING MODE APERTURE F5.6 SHUTTER SPEED 1/40 ISO 320 Exposure Compensation: 0 Flash Compensation: +2 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (YES) Release Mode (Single Frame) EXPOSURE COMPENSATION COMPARISON Take Three Separate Shots using the following settings: o SHOT 1: PROGRAM MODE ISO 320 Exposure Compensation: -2 Flash Compensation: 0 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (No) Release Mode (Single Frame) o SHOT 2: PROGRAM MODE ISO 320 Exposure Compensation: 0 Flash Compensation: 0 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (No) Release Mode (Single Frame) o SHOT 3: PROGRAM MODE ISO 320 Exposure Compensation: +2 Flash Compensation: 0 Metering Mode: Spot Focus: Auto Focus Auto Focus Mode: One Shot White Balance (Auto White Balance) Focal Length (Any) Flash (No) Release Mode (Single Frame)