The Development and Experimental Evaluation of a Focused Business Model Representation Ben Roelens, Geert Poels Business & Information System Engineering (2015)7(1) Appendix (available online via Appendix B: Questionnaire 1. Group Assignment Group A Group B Group C Group D t1 Treatment 1: Healthcare use case Treatment 1: Manufacturing use case Treatment 2: Healthcare use case Treatment 2: Manufacturing use case Treatment 1: existing VDML diagrams Treatment 2: VDML business model viewpoint t2 Treatment 2: Manufacturing use case Treatment 2: Healthcare use case Treatment 1: Manufacturing use case Treatment 1: Healthcare use case 2. Supportive Document: Definition of the VDML Metamodel Elements Element Role Participant BusinessNetwork Community OrganizationUnit ValueProposition provides receives DeliverableFlow BusinessItem Store High-level Activity Store or activity: InputPort Store or activity: OutputPort + ValueAdd CapabilityMethod CapabilityMethod: InputPort CapabilityMethod: OutputPort + ValueAdd CapabilityOffer supports (a CapabilityOffer) supports (a CapabilityMethod) PortDelegation Definition An expected behavior or capability profile, which is associated with participation in a BusinessNetwork. Anyone or anything that can fill a role in a collaboration. Participants can be OrganizationUnits or Communities. A collaboration between companies, individuals or members of communities, participating in an economic exchange. A loose collaboration of participants with similar characteristics or interests. An administrative or functional organizational collaboration, with responsibility for defined resources, including business units, departments, projects, or task forces. Expression of the values offered to a recipient. Providing or receiving a ValueProposition from or to another Role. The transfer of a BusinessItem from a provider (or producer) to a recipient (or consumer). Resource, which can be acquired or created, that conveys information or other forms of value and is conveyed from a provider to a recipient. Represents a container of a resource. The resource that is stored is identified by a business item. Repeated activity pattern, which implements a specific CapabilityMethod. Connection point for input to a Store or Activity. Connection point for output from a Store or Activity. A business process, which includes the activities, deliverable flows, business items, capability requirements and roles that deliver a capability. Connection point for input to a CapabilityMethod. Connection point for output from a CapabilityMethod. Ability to perform a particular kind of work and deliver desired value. The support of a CapabilityOffer by a CapabilityMethod or a Store of BusinessItems. The support of a CapabilityMethod by a CapabilityOffer. Linking the Port and associated DeliverableFlows of a CapabilityMethod with the Port of a sub-CapabilityMethod. 3. Experimental Tasks 3.1 Personal Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. What is your gender? Study program: please select the courses you already took in your curriculum o Informatica I (MS Word, MS Excel) o Informatica II (Java) o Beleidsinformatica (ER diagrams, BPMN, SQL, Java) o Bedrijfsprocesbeheer MIS thesis: are you doing a thesis at the department 'Beleidsinformatica' (supervisor prof. Poels or prof. Gailly)? Working experience: please select the industries in which you have at least 3 months of working experience o Healthcare industry (e.g.: a hospital, doctor's office, ...) o Manufacturing industry o Other / Not applicable 3.2 Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 2 Which processes (i.e., Activities / High-level activities1 or CapabilityMethods2) are executed by the company? List these processes in the right order below. When a process is splitted in sub-processes, first list the name of the complete process, followed by the name of the sub-processes. In case of parallel processes the ranking order does not matter. The Role who receives the ValueProposition with the most Components if fulfilled by the following Participant: A. Community B. OrganizationUnit The input resources of processes are provided by Stores. List the input resources of the process (i.e., Activity / High-level activity1 or CapabilityMethod2) that is connected with the most input Stores. List all unique ValueProposition Components provided by the OrganizationUnit(s) within the BusinessNetwork. Competences are the result of the coordination of resources during the processes of a company. List those Capabilities (i.e., CapabilityOffers) of the hospital that are directly supported by a process (i.e., CapabilityMethod). Hint about which meta-model construct to consider for the existing VDML viewpoints. Hint about which meta-model construct to consider for the VDML business model viewpoint. 3.3 Problem-solving Questions 1. 2. 3. Resources, which are held in Stores, can either be material, immaterial, or human. List those human resources, based on the diagrams provided for this case. The cost structure of a company is the result of acquiring resources, either bought from an external supplier or licensed from an external partner. Based on the provided diagrams, try to come up with some cost elements that are economically relevant for the central OrganizationUnit in this case. The revenue streams of a company are acquired by a Company in return for the provided ValueProposition. Based on the diagrams, try to come up with revenue streams that are economically relevant for the central OrganizationUnit in this case. Glossary Maternity care: Kraamzorg Monitoring: Medische opvolging Admissions: Ziekenhuisopnames Maternity Ward: Kraamafdeling ER: Emergency Room Obstetrician: Verloskundige Anesthesiologist: Anesthesist Pediatrician: Kinderarts 4. Instrumentation 4.1 Healthcare Case 4.1.1 Existing VDML Viewpoints Value Proposition Exchange Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning Participant Provides/ receives Value Proposition Value Proposition Structure Diagram Business Network Structure Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning BusinessNetwork Community OrganizationUnit Consists of Text Role Capability Management Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning OrganizationUnit CapabilityMethod Store CapabilityOffer Supports (a CapabilityOffer) Supports (a CapabilityMethod) Glossary Maternity care: Kraamzorg Monitoring: Medische opvolging Admissions: Ziekenhuisopnames Maternity Ward: Kraamafdeling ER: Emergency Room Obstetrician: Verloskundige Anesthesiologist: Anesthesist Pediatrician: Kinderarts Activity Diagram Business Network Activity Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning Role DeliverableFlow Text BusinessItem Store High-level Activity InputPort OutputPort + ValueAdd Maternity Care Method Activity Diagram Glossary Maternity care: Kraamzorg Monitoring: Medische opvolging Admissions: Ziekenhuisopnames Maternity Ward: Kraamafdeling ER: Emergency Room Obstetrician: Verloskundige Anesthesiologist: Anesthesist Pediatrician: Kinderarts 4.1.2 VDML Business Model Viewpoint Business Network Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning Participant Provides/ receives Value Proposition Text Value Proposition Component Community OrganizationUnit Is a Value Stream Diagram Legend Symbol Text Meaning Role DeliverableFlow BusinessItem Store InputPort OutputPort + ValueAdd CapabilityMethod InputPort OutputPort + ValueAdd CapabilityOffer (CapabilityMethod) Supports a CapabilityOffer PortDelegation Glossary Maternity care: Kraamzorg Monitoring: Medische opvolging Admissions: Ziekenhuisopnames Maternity Ward: Kraamafdeling ER: Emergency Room Obstetrician: Verloskundige Anesthesiologist: Anesthesist Pediatrician: Kinderarts Low-level Capability Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning OrganizationUnit Store CapabilityOffer (Store) Supports a CapabilityOffer Glossary 4.2 Specification freeze: Definitief vastleggen van specificaties Logistic Handling: Logistieke afhandeling Release: Ontwikkeling Fulfillment: Gehele Productie Manufacturing Case 4.2.1 Existing VDML Viewpoints Value Proposition Exchange Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning Participant Provides/ receives Value Proposition Value Proposition Structure Diagram Business Network Structure Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning BusinessNetwork Community OrganizationUnit Consists of Text Role Legend Symbol Meaning OrganizationUnit CapabilityMethod Store CapabilityOffer Supports (a CapabilityOffer) Supports (a CapabilityMethod) Glossary Specification freeze: Definitief vastleggen van specificaties Logistic Handling: Logistieke afhandeling Release: Ontwikkeling Fulfillment: Gehele Productie Capability Management Diagram Activity Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning Role DeliverableFlow Text BusinessItem Store High-level Activity Business Activity Diagram Network Innovation Management Method Activity diagram Fulfillment Management Method Activity Diagram InputPort OutputPort + ValueAdd Glossary Specification freeze: Definitief vastleggen van specificaties Logistic Handling: Logistieke afhandeling Release: Ontwikkeling Fulfillment: Gehele Productie Glossary Specification freeze: Definitief vastleggen van specificaties Logistic Handling: Logistieke afhandeling Release: Ontwikkeling Fulfillment: Gehele Productie 4.2.2 VDML Business Model Viewpoints Business Network Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning Participant Provides/ receives Value Proposition Text Value Proposition Component Community OrganizationUnit Is a Value Stream Diagram Legend Symbol Text Meaning Role DeliverableFlow BusinessItem Store CapabilityMethod InputPort InputPort OutputPort + ValueAdd OutputPort + ValueAdd CapabilityOffer (CapabilityMethod) Supports a CapabilityOffer PortDelegation Glossary Specification freeze: Definitief vastleggen van specificaties Logistic Handling: Logistieke afhandeling Release: Ontwikkeling Fulfillment: Gehele Productie Low-level Capability Diagram Legend Symbol Meaning OrganizationUnit Store CapabilityOffer (Store) Supports a CapabilityOffer 5. Solutions 5.1 Healthcare Case Monitoring, Emergency care, Maternity care3, Admissions, Maternity ward, Operating room, Recovery4, Patient recovery, Child recovery ( /8) Community ( /1) Obstetrics nurse, Obstetrician, Pediatrician, Operating room, Anesthesiologist, (Patient)5 ( /5) Recourse-intensive maternity care service, Continuous monitoring of the gestation, Reduced physical efforts, Reduced risk of death of mother, Reduced risk of death of unborn child, Reduced cost of maternity healthcare ( /6) Emergency, Admissions, Maternity ward, Operating room, Recovery ( /5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.2 Manufacturing Case 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 Comprehension questions (/25) Comprehension questions (/20) Manage innovation, Manage idea, Manage release, Manage fulfillment, Plan fulfillment, Manage production, Deliver product ( /7) Community ( /1) Approved idea, Product management capacity, Engineers, Intermediate releases ( /4) Fair price, Market-driven design, Fast innovation, Late specification freeze ( /4) Innovation management, Fulfillment management, Release management, Production management ( /4) Due to a small error in information equivalence, Maternity Care is the right answer for the existing VDML diagrams. 4 Due to a small error in information equivalence, Recovery is the right answer for the VDML business model viewpoint. 5 Although a patient is strictly not provided by a Store, it is not wrong to consider it as an input resource based on the provided diagrams. As a result no points were deducted when a participant provided this answer.