Curriculum Vitae - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters

University of Southern California
School of International Relations
3518 Trousdale Parkway, VKC 330
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Office: 213.740.4066
Mobile: 786.683.5708
University of Southern California, Instructor (full-time) in International Relations, 2011-Present
University of Miami, Ph.D. in International Studies, 2011
Fields: International Relations Theory, International Political Economy
Dissertation: Dynamics of Radicalization: The Rise of Radical Activism against Climate Change
Committee: Ruth Reitan (Chair), William Smith, Kenneth Broad, Jeffrey Juris
University of Miami, M.A. in International Studies, 2006
University of Florida, B.A. in Political Science (Summa Cum Laude), December 2003
University of Florida, B.A. in Public Relations (Summa Cum Laude), December 2003
Environmental Politics, Global Public Health, Social Movements and Non-Governmental
Organizations, Social and Environmental Justice, Political Economy and Globalization Studies
Antonio Marttos, E. Kelley, J. Graygo, P. Rothenberg, G. Alonso, F. Kuchkarian, S.Gibson, J.
Augenstein & C. Schulman. (2013). “Usability of a Telepresence in a Level 1 Trauma Center.”
Telemedicine and E-Health 19(4): 248-51.
R. Reitan & S.Gibson. (2012). “Environmental Praxis, Climate Activism, and the UNFCCC: A
Participatory Action Research Approach.” Globalizations 9(3).
*Also published as book chapter in Global Movements, Ruth Reitan, ed. London: Routledge.
S.Gibson. (2012). “Copenhagen Conference / Summit.” In Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate
Change, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications.
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S.Gibson. (2012). “Climate Justice Now!” In Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, 2nd
Edition. Sage Publications.
R. Reitan & S.Gibson. (2011). “Environmental Movement.” In Encyclopedia of Global Studies. Sage
S.Gibson. (2010). “State-led Social Boundary Change: Transnational Environmental Activism, ‘EcoTerrorism’ and 9/11.” In Power and Transnational Activism, Thomas Olesen, ed. London: Routledge.
Ecologism(s) in Action: Exploring the Dynamics of Radical Activism against Climate Change. (Book
proposal under review at Routledge’s Rethining Globalization series.)
Mechanisms of Climate Governance: Activist-NGO-Institution relationships at UNFCCC
Negotiations. (Draft manuscript for submission to International Studies Quarterly)
Cycles of Environmental Protest: The Impact of Mass Mobilization at COP15. (Draft manuscript for
submission to Global Environmental Politcs.)
Instructor, University of Southern California, School of International Relations, 2011-2014
Politics of the Global Environment (IR 323)
Ecological Security and Global Politics (IR 422)
Public Health and International Relations (IR 339)
Political Economy of Global Public Health (IR 499)
War, Security and Global Public Health (IR 499)
Order and Disorder in Global Affairs (IR 382)
International Organizations (IR 306)
Environmental Justice in LA and Central Europe (Study Abroad Course, pending approval)
Instructor, University of Southern California, Department of Continuing Education, 2014
International Relations & Environmental Politics (Core 195 – High School Summer Seminar)
Co-Instructor, University of Miami, Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, Spring 2010
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Complex Environmental Issues
Teaching Assistant, University of Miami, School of International Relations, 2005 - 2010
Introduction to Environmental Science
Transnational Social Movements
Introduction to Global Politics
Global Public Health and Development
Globalization and Health
Disasters, Terrorism, and Global Public Health
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“Climate Change, Global Public Health and Vulnerable Populations” in Environmental Politics
Seminar, School of International Relations, University of Southern California
2013 “Global Green Scare: Criminalization of Environmental Activists Post 9/11” in International
Terrorism, School of International Relations, University of Southern California
2012 “International Trade and the Global Environment” in The Politics of International Trade, School of
International Relations, University of Southern California.
“Global Climate Politics and Radical Activism”, Earth Week Seminar presented for the OECD
Development Dialogue Series, University of Southern California.
“Funding and Seeking IRB Approval for your Research”, Co-Presenter, POIR
Professionalization Workshop, University of Southern Califonia.
“Trends in Climate Governance: State and Non-State Actors” in Interdisciplinary Approaches to
Complex Environmental Problems, Marine Affairs and Science, UM Rosenstiel School of Marine
and Atmospheric Sciences.
“Funding and Managing Federal Grants and Human Subject Research in the Social Sciences” in
Dissertation Workshop, Department of International Studies, University of Miami.
“Prospects for COP 16?: International Treaties vs. National Realities” in Introduction to
Environmental Science, Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, University of Miami.
“Global Climate Governance: Is there hope after Copenhagen?” in Environmental Studies Senior
Capstone, Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, University of Miami.
“Globalization, Trade & Infectious Disease: The Case of SARS” in Globalization and Public
Health, Department of International Studies, University of Miami.
“Natural Resources in the Global Market” in Introduction to Environmental Science, Center for
Ecosystem Science and Policy, University of Miami
“Population Dynamics, Wealth Disparities and the Environment” in Introduction to Environmental
Science. Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, University of Miami
“Climate Change and Global Public Health” in Globalization and Health. Department of
International Studies, University of Miami
“Global Climate Change Policy: Economic Incentives or Neoliberal Illusions and False
Solutions?” in Transnational Social Movements. Department of International Studies, University of
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“Report Back from the 2009 World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil”, Co-Presenter with Dr.
Ruth Reitan, Department of International Studies, University of Miami
2013 “Radically Empowering Pedagogies: How Your Classroom can Empower your Students.”
Roundtable participant at the International Studies Association West Conference, Pasadena,
California, September 2013.
Chair/Discussant for ‘Energy Security and Climate Change’ Panel at the International Studies
Association West Conference, Pasadena, California, September 2013.
Discussant for ‘Producing Politics: Industrial Governance and the State’ Panel at the
International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, California, March 2013.
“Climate Activism within and against Globalization.” Panel presentation at the International
Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, California, April 2012.
Discussant for ‘Climate Change: Narratives, Actors and Networks’ Panel at the the
International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, California, April 2012.
“Exploring Activist-NGO-Institution Relationships: Dynamic climate actor relations at COPs
15 and 16.” Panel presentation at the International Studies Association West Conference,
Pasadena, California, September 2011.
“The Frayed Braid: Three Strands of Leftist Activism in the Emergent Global Climate Justice
Movement.” Co-authored panel presentation (with Dr. Ruth Reitan) at the International Studies
Association Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada, March 2011.
“Radical Environmentalism and Eco-Terrorism: The Influence on Global Environmental
Politics.” Panel presentation delivered at the International Studies Association Annual
Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, 17 February 2010.
“Transnational Activist Networks, Framing and Direct Action Strategies: Tracing an Emerging
Climate Justice Activist Network from Bali to Copenhagen.” Panel presentation delivered at the
International Studies Association Annual Convention, New York, New York, 15 February
Curriculum Development Fellowship, International Center on Non-Violent Conflict
Curriculum Development Grant for IR 382, Spring 2015, $1500
Freshman Micro-Seminar, College of Arts and Sciences
University of Southern California, Fall 2013, $500
Dissertation Research Award, National Science Foundation
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Sociology Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2010-2011, $9820
Summer Research Award, College of Arts and Sciences
University of Miami, Summer 2010, $5000
Dissertation Travel Award, Graduate Activity Fee Allocation Committee
University of Miami, Fall 2009, $350
Departmental Travel Award, Department of International Studies
University of Miami, Fall 2009, $1000
Departmental Travel Award, Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy
University of Miami, Fall 2009, $1000
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, College of Arts and Sciences
University of Miami, 2008-2009, $300
Doctoral Scholarship and Stipend, University of Miami, 2007-2010
Graduate Scholarship and Stipend, University of Miami, 2005-2006
Volunteer researcher, Global Justice Ecology Project, perform research on climate change negotiations and
carbon trading/REDD projects in support of their NGO activities
Article reviewer, Global Environmental Politics, reviewed article on global climate activism, June 2012
Participant, “Global Environmental Politics on a New Earth: Deepening Community and Research for
the Environmental Studies Section” Workshop, Pre-ISA workshop hosted by American
University, March 2011
Article reviewer, Journal of International Organizational Studies, reviewed article on international climate
science and organizations, January 2011
Participant (nominated), Preparing Future Faculty Workshop Series
University of Miami, 2008 – Present
Treasurer, International Studies Graduate Student Association
University of Miami, 2010 - 2011
Vice President, International Studies Graduate Student Association
University of Miami, 2008 – 2009
Assistant Editor, European Union Miami Analysis (EUMA) Special Paper Series
Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence, University of Miami, Spring 2008
International Studies Association, Member
American Political Science Association, Member
Academic services: Served as coordinator and co-author on several successful federal grant
applications; proficient in the writing and processing of social/behavioral science research protocols
through multiple university Institutional Review Boards (list of grants and research projects where
served as key personnel available upon request)
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Computers: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and EndNote; Working
knowledge of SPSS 16 and Primer for Biostats; Some web design experience
Languages: English (native), Spanish (intermediate conversational, reading)