VARI-EPP Student Teacher Form—Consensus Sheet Midterm Please print. Student Teacher: Cooperating Teacher: University Supervisor: Midterm Date: District: School: Grade: Content: Domain Planning for Instruction and Assessment A. Focus for Learning: Standards and Objectives/Targets B. Materials and Resources C. Assessment of P–12 learning D. Differentiated Methods Instructional Delivery E. Learning Target and Directions F. Critical Thinking G. Checking for Understanding and Adjusting Instruction through Formative Assessment H. Digital Tools and Resources I. Safe and Respectful Learning Environment Assessment J. Data-Guided Instruction K. Feedback to Learners L. Assessment Techniques Analysis of Teaching M. Connections to Research and Theory Professional Dispositions Form Professional Commitment & Behaviors A. Participates in Research and/or Evidence-based Professional Development (PD) B. Demonstrates Effective Communication with Parents or Legal Guardians C. Demonstrates Punctuality D. Meets Deadlines and Obligations E. Preparation Professional Relationships F. Collaboration G. Advocacy to Meet the Needs of Learners or for the Teaching Profession Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice H. Responds Positively to Feedback and Constructive Criticism Goals to student teacher’s continued growth: 1. 2. Add addition sheets for additional goals as needed. ST CT US Consensus BCOE Addendum: Content Knowledge Rubric Criteria Exceeds Expectations 3 Content Knowledge (Planning for Instruction) 1. Content Teacher candidate demonstrates a Knowledge comprehensive level of content in the knowledge. Instructional sequence is Teaching based on an understanding of Specialty content knowledge/skills with clear and meaningful connections to past and future lessons. 2. Pedagogical Stated instructional strategies reflect Content the pedagogical content knowledge Knowledge necessary to present core concepts and engage students in activities. Teacher candidate provides strategies for helping students engage in discipline-specific inquiry. 3. Academic Teacher candidate includes content Language specific academic language vocabulary, and function, in objectives and provides developmentally appropriate instructional supports that enable students to use them. 4. Lesson Plans Teacher candidate develops, submits, and uses highly detailed daily lesson plans for all assigned subjects that include all required components including any modifications required by IEPs. 5. Planning for Research Teacher candidate justifies the selection of specific teaching or learning strategies supported by principles from research or theory. Content Knowledge (Instructional Delivery) 6. Application Content is appropriate for the of curriculum standard and teacher Knowledge candidate effectively explains key content elements/concepts, consistently relates lesson content to students’ prior content knowledge and links new concepts to familiar concepts. Makes connections to students’ experiences. Meets Expectations 2 Emerging 1 Does Not Meet Expectation 0 Teacher candidate demonstrates a competent level of content knowledge. Instructional sequence is based on an understanding of content knowledge/skills with connections to past and/or future lessons. Stated instructional strategies reflect the pedagogical content knowledge necessary to present core concepts and engage students in activities. Teacher candidate demonstrates an acceptable level of content knowledge. Instructional sequence is present but candidate has difficulty making connections to past or future lessons. Teacher candidate demonstrates an incomplete or deficient level of content knowledge with no connections to past or future lessons. Stated instructional strategies reflect an incomplete understanding of how to present core concepts or engage students in activities. Stated instructional strategies are inappropriate for presenting core concepts or engaging students in activities. Teacher candidate includes content specific academic language vocabulary, and additional language demand (syntax, discourse, or function) in objectives; provides instructional supports. Teacher candidate includes content specific academic language vocabulary in objectives and provides minimal instructional supports. Teacher candidate does not adequately address academic language in the lesson plan. Teacher candidate develops, submits, and uses daily lesson plans for all assigned subjects that include all required components including any modifications required by IEPs. Teacher candidate develops, submits, and uses daily lesson plans for all assigned subjects including any modifications required by IEPs. However, lesson plans do not contain one or more required components. Lesson plans are not submitted, do not appear to be used, or do not include modifications required by IEPs. Teacher candidate makes appropriate connections to research or theory demonstrating a clear understanding of the implications of the research or theory on teaching/learning. Teacher candidate makes superficial connections to research or theory. Connections are shallow and do not demonstrate a clear understanding of the implications of the research or theory on teaching/learning. Teacher candidate makes no connections to research or theory. Content is appropriate for the curriculum standard and teacher candidate correctly explains key content elements/concepts, frequently relates lesson content to students’ prior content knowledge, and links new concepts to familiar concepts. Content is appropriate for the curriculum standard, however, teacher candidate insufficiently explains key content elements/concepts and inconsistently relates lesson content to students’ prior content knowledge and new concepts to familiar concepts. Content is not appropriate for the curriculum standard. Or, teacher candidate inappropriately or ineffectively explains key content elements/concepts and does not relate lesson content to students’ prior content knowledge. Score ST Sign and date to indicate that the formal evaluation has taken place between the university supervisor, cooperating teacher and teacher candidate. Final Date Cooperating Teacher University Supervisor Student Teacher CT US Con