Quantum Key Distribution with Multiple Photons for Secure Communications over Cloud Chamundeswari K1, G.Murali2 Student, Department of CSE, JNTUACEP, Pulivendula, India 1 Asst.Professor, Department of CSE, JNTUACEP, Pulivendula, India 2 Abstract--Security plays an important role in all communications networks. Quantum key cryptography is said to provide security that can’t be broken. Classical cryptography has security problems as the security depends on the computational complexity of the keys. There are some implementations of QKD protocols such as BB84. However, these protocols are susceptible to attacks such as siphoning attack which needs to be addressed. Many quantum key distribution protocols came into existence after initial protocol implementation in the form of BB84. These protocols have problem with respect to siphoning attacks. Recently a solution is provided by Mandal et al. where they implemented a three stage QKD process. In this paper we used the same concepts and implemented a prototype application that provides classical public channel while making use of a simulator that mimics the QKD in quantum channel. The experimental results reveal that the proposed application is provably secure. Moreover we deployed the application in cloud and the quantum experiments with cloud are to be left for future work. Keywords – Security, quantum cryptography, classical cryptography, QKD I. INTRODUCTION Cryptography has been around for securing communications over networks. The evolution process witnessed symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography and quantum cryptography. Symmetric cryptography has a drawback such as key sharing as the same key is used by sender and receiver of information. This makes it vulnerable to attacks. The asymmetric cryptography makes use of key pairs so as to ensure that all participants in communication are having two keys namely private key and public key. The public key is informed to all participants while the private key remains secret and known to only that participant. In this scenario encryption is made using the public key of the recipient while decryption is made with private key of the recipient thus eliminating the need for key sharing. This will make asymmetric cryptography more secure than its symmetric counterpart. The security of traditional cryptography is based on the strength of the keys while quantum key cryptography is said to provide security that can’t be broken. Classical cryptography has security problems as the security depends on the computational complexity of the keys. However, quantum cryptography is a misnomer as it really does not involve in encryption and decryption procedures. It is only meant for quantum key distribution illustrates this process. securely. Figure 1 Figure 1 – Differences between classical channel and quantum channel BB84 [1] is the first protocol that demonstrates quantum key distribution. Provably secure communications [2] are possible with such key distribution mechanism. As can be seen in Figure 1, it is evident that there two channels. The quantum channel only takes care of secure key distribution while that key is used by classical public channel in order to provide fool proof security to the real world communications over the network. In this paper we built a prototype application that demonstrates the secure communications over classical public channel while it makes use of QKD process provided by a simulator program. With this and the concepts provided in [3], experiments are made to test the application. In literature other solutions found include [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], and [11]. The empirical results are encouraging with 100% security every time. As cloud computing became popular we also tried the application deployment in cloud. The empirical results reveal that the application can be accessed through cloud from any corner of the world without time and geographical restrictions. results while section V concludes the paper and provides directions for future work. II. IMPLEMENTATION We built a prototype application that demonstrates the concept of classical cryptography powered by quantum key distribution. Our implementation of quantum distribution is influenced by the work done in [3] where a three stage protocol and its dynamics are presented. The protocol is based on the “no cloning theorem” which is based on the quantum states in the quantum theory. This theorem forbids the creation of identical quantum states. It was originally stated by Wootters et al. in 1982. The theorem proves the cloning of photons is not possible. Our implementation also exhibits quantum entanglement where quantum states of particles cannot be disclosed independently. It does mean that the quantum channel will be able to identify eavesdropping (or it experiences embarrassment when such thing happens). Entanglement helps quantum channel behave predicatively when eavesdropping is suspected. Figure 2 – Cloud platform As can be seen in Figure 2, it is evident that the cloud computing provides services such as software as a service, platform as a service and infrastructure as a service. As the cloud applications and cloud users are growing day by day, it is understood that the cloud based applications become dominant in the near future in the real world. This thought helped us to push our application forward and tailored it to deploy in cloud server. Thus the application is made a scalable, secure solution that has no time and geographical restrictions besides making the application intuitive with classical public channel. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section II provides review of literature on the QKD process and related works. Section III presents the proposed solution. Section IV presents experimental Figure 3 – Important of no cloning theorem As can be seen in Figure 3, it is evident that the quantum channel cannot be really subjected to cloning of photons in order to eavesdrop or break security. Adversaries cannot perform closing operations for various kinds of attacks on quantum channel. Quantum entanglement and no cloning theory attributed to quantum channel make it a provably secure key distribution channel that quarantines fool proof security. The data channel or classical public channel makes use of the secret key that has been distributed through quantum channel for performing cryptographic primitives in order to have secure communication over communication networks. Eve can never eavesdrop when there is quantum entanglement in place or even cannot clone photons for violating secure communications over the network. place. However, the basis for fool proof security is with the quantum channel that ensures provably secure key distribution. Both channels when work together, it is possible to have the expected security to application that can never be broken. For the purpose of quantum key distribution, we made use of a simulator that mimics quantum channel. This is done to have laboratory experiments to test the prototype application. The simulation program that generates quantum states and thus keys is as presented in Figure 5. Figure 4 – Virtual photons As can be seen in Figure 4, it is evident that virtual photons are absorbed and resultant force is released. There are virtual photons that are exchanged continuously in order to generate electromagnetic force. The virtual photons and the quantum entanglement and the no cloning theorem are the basis for the secure key distribution in quantum channel. When key distribution is successful as it should be quantum channel, it is possible that that classical public channel makes use of the secret keys and performs traditional cryptographic operations so as to ensure unconditional security to communications over network. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We built prototype application that demonstrates the proof of concept. The environment used for implementation of the application includes a PC with 2 GB RAM, core 2 dual processor running Windows operating system. For web application development Java/J2EE platform is used. The UI is built using JSP pages while the Servlets technology performs server side processing. There is secure communication demonstrated using the application. The application layer of the OSI model is used to perform various security operations such as encryption, decryption and quantum key distribution. As discussed earlier in this paper, we used the application and its cryptographic primitives in classical public channel or data channel where secure communications take Figure 5 – QKD simulator As can be seen in Figure 5, it is evident that the quantum states generated by the simulator are captured and used in the classical public channel of the application. The application makes use of the quantum security principles and performs encryption and decryption operations that cannot be broken due to QKD which is unconditionally secure. The quantum channel successfully addresses the problems when attackers launch attacks and try to eavesdrop the quantum channel. The quantum entanglement is in place and such attempts are neighter successful nor useful in cloning photons in order to reuse it later for other attacks. The adversaries’ attempt goes in vain as the quantum channel is used for key distribution while traditional cryptographic operations are performed using the keys distributed over quantum channel. Here our efforts are limited to building an application that makes use of the simulator that can mimic the quantum channel. Accuracy Percentage Performance Analysis 100 50 0 1 2 3 Experiments Figure 8 – Performance analysis Figure 6 – Application showing content before encryption As can be seen in Figure 6, the application has provision for encryption and decryption in classical public channel. It has provision for encryption and decryption operations in the channel while the secure key distribution is left to the simulation demonstrating QKD process. The encrypted content is as shown in Figure 7. As can be seen in Figure 8, it is evident that there are three experiments made with the prototype application that demonstrates classical public channel and takes the help of a simulator for QKD. In each experiment, the fool proof security is proven with 100% accuracy. These experiments are made using both the channels for secure communications. The empirical results reveal that the proposed application is useful for secure communications besides having the ability to overcome potential threats while delivering intended services. After making such experiments successfully we deployed the application in cloud. The application is in public cloud does mean that it can be accessed from any corner of the world as it does not put time and geographical restrictions in pace. The deployment of the application in cloud is for demonstrating the cloud usage of such application. However, cloud computing experiments with quantum channel are left for future work. IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTUREWORK Figure 7 – Encryption result As can be seen in Figure 7, the content of files presented on web pages is in encrypted format that can’t be understood by humans. Again it can be decrypted using the classical public channel as described earlier. However, the key distribution process as usual is done using the quantum channel that is encapsulated by the simulator program. In this paper, we studied quantum key distribution processes and implemented an application that demonstrates the communications with 100% security. Quantum entanglement and no clone theorem are in place in order to provide fool proof security. Three stage protocol proposed by Mandal et al. [3] is basis for our experiments. The secure key distribution through quantum channel is done with the help of simulator program available in Java. The simulator program mimics the QKD which is used for laboratory experiments. The proposed application is able to capture the quantum channel results in order to perform conventional cryptography operations such as encryption and decryption. Thus it is evident that quantum channel is used for only QKD process while the classical public channel is best used for communications where traditional security mechanism can be used. There is synergic effect visible in the experiments as both the channels work together seamlessly. The prototype application is capable of demonstrating the proof of concept. The empirical results are encouraging. We also tried to deploy the application in cloud. We made it public through cloud deployment that can help the application to be accessed by people without time and geographical restrictions. One direction for future work is to implement the protocol and use it in a real network instead of simulations. In other words in future we intend to explore the quantum channel in a real cloud computing. REFERENCES [1] C. H. Bennett, and G. Brassard, Quantum Cryptography: Public Key Distribution and Coin Tossing. 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