Alumni Association Constitution Article 1 NAME The organization shall be known as the San Diego State University - Community College Leadership Doctoral Education Alumni Association which also may be known as “SDSU-CCLDE Alumni Association,” herein referred to as the “Association.” Article 2 PURPOSE The purpose of the SDSU-CCLDE Alumni Association is to further the interests of the SDSU educational doctoral program in community college leadership and its alumni; to establish closer contact between the program and its alumni; to assist in the recruitment of students and promote both the program and the university interests. The Association also will facilitate personal and professional relationships between former and current students in the doctoral program. In addition, the Association will keep alumni informed of events, changes, and initiatives that affect the alumni and/or the program. Finally, the organization will facilitate the personal and professional development of all program graduates. Article 3 MEMBERSHIP The Association will maintain two levels of membership as described below. Full Membership – Full membership is open to those persons who have graduated from the SDSU Community College Leadership Doctoral program and interested in the program. Voting Rights – Full voting rights are conferred to those with full membership. Article 4 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Annual Meetings – There shall be an annual meeting of the Association held in conjunction with a major doctoral program event such as graduation. Notice of such meeting will be announced on the Association web page. Special Meetings – A special meeting of the members may be called by the President at any time, with, at least, a two-week notice. Notice – Notice of the date, time, place and purpose of any meeting shall be posted on the Association web page at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. 2 Quorum – A quorum for annual and special Association meetings shall consist of those members present at the time the meeting is called to order. Article 5 COMMITTEES AND TASKS FORCES The Association shall have four standing committees. New committees may be added or existing committees terminated by a majority action of the Board and the full members of the Association. Committee members and chairs will be appointed by the President. Alumni Ambassadors – Through participation in events such as program informational sessions, new student orientations, receptions, and other special events, alumni can share “insider” experiences. Alumni Relations and Communications Committee – Maintains communications with alumni electronically (website, listserv) and in print. Develops and distributes bi-annual newsletter and develops web presence of the Association. Additionally, this committee is responsible for researching technology that will enhance internal and external communications. It also will work closely with the other committees as its activities either directly or indirectly affect their respective responsibilities and accomplishments. Career Committee – The Career Committee identifies professional development opportunities for alumni and graduate students enrolled in the Community College Leadership doctoral specialization at SDSU, including mentoring and internship opportunities. Events Committee – Responsible for planning and implementing events in coordination with other committees. This committee also compiles and manages the Association’s calendar of events. Events and activities may include monthly informal gatherings, a summer reunion, and research symposia. Article 6 PUBLICATIONS Website – The primary communications vehicle for the Association will be a web site hosted by the Interwork Institute at San Diego State University. The website will be developed and updated by the Alumni Relations and Communications Committee. Newsletter – There will be a bi-annual newsletter developed by the Alumni Relations and Communications Committee distributed to members via the website. Article 7 DUES 3 Annual dues for full members of the Association will be $100 payable by October 1st of each year. Article 8 OFFICERS AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The SDSU-CCLDE Board shall consist of three elected officers and the immediate Past President of the Association. The three officers will be President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer. All officers shall be elected for 2-year terms. The current Vice-President will automatically move to become Chapter President after the term of the current President expires. The immediate Past-President will remain a member of the Executive Committee for two years. Nominations for Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer A call for nominations will be made at least 2 weeks prior to an election. Nominations can be made by any current Chapter member. A member can nominate herself/himself. The Secretary/Treasurer will notify all nominees of their nomination and determine their interest in the position. Nominees not interested in the position will be taken off the ballot. A Chapter member can be nominated for either or both positions. Voting for Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer The Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer of the Chapter will be elected by a vote of current Chapter members. The election will be held in June. The Secretary/Treasurer will prepare and email a ballot to all current Chapter members. Each member shall only vote for one nominee for each position. The Secretary/Treasurer will tally the election results and inform the Chapter President of the results. The President will notify the winners and other candidates of the results. No vote totals will be shared with the nominees. The President will announce the new officers to the membership. In case of a tie, the President will flip a coin to determine the winner. In case one person wins the election for both positions, the winner will declare which position she/he wants and the runner-up of the other position becomes the winner. New officers begin their terms on July 1st. Board members are expected to meet regularly. Three unexcused absences in any fiscal year may result in removal from office. Vacancies in any of the offices may be filled by the President from among the active members of the Association for the unexpired portion of the term. Any officer may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. All elected officers shall fit the membership qualifications as stated above in Article 3. 4 Article 9 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD Role of the President *Preside at all Board and general meetings. *Shall prepare agendas and have them distributed for all meetings *Make committee appointments as needed and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees *Delegate specific responsibilities to officers and committees *Lead the overall operations and program of the Association *Work closely with the Board to establish and achieve Association goals *Call meetings of the Board, recommend and direct the execution of policies and procedures together with specific programs in the interests of the Association and SDSU. Role of the Vice-President *Shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of that officer and shall render assistance to the President *Assist the President in coordinating and directing committee activities and the Association’s operations and perform such duties as delegated by the President. Role of the Secretary-Treasurer *Record the minutes of all Board and general meetings and distribute them as appropriate *Maintain a record of the Board of Directors and ensure that there is an up-to-date list of Board members *Serve as historian and custodian of the Association’s permanent documents *Work with the President in preparing budgets for activities and events *In conjunction with the President, prepare a detailed annual report of all Association activities and distribute to the membership *Collect and deposit fees for any special events and fund-raisers in accordance with policies established by the Board *Be responsible for coordinating and maintaining all financial records of the Association. Board of Directors The Board shall be the governing body of the Association. The Board shall have the authority to select and remove at the pleasure of the Board all officers; to conduct, manage and control the affairs and activities of the Association; and to establish officer positions, as it shall deem advisable. Article 10 AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION 5 No altered, amended, repeal or addition/deletion to this Constitution shall be made, only in writing by an affirmative vote of not less that 30 percent of the voting members. Article 11 EFFICTIVE DATA AND FISCAL YEAR The effective date of this constitution is June 1, 2010. The Association’s fiscal year shall be July 1-June 30.