Get the Most out of MyMathLab

Get the Most out of MyMathLab:
Redesign Needs & the MyMathLab
Features that Support Them
Individualized/Personalized Experience for Each Student
Adaptive Study Plan
o Creates a personalized Study Plan for each student, directing them to the next objective they
need to study.
o Can now be assigned as a pre-requisite to a test, allowing students to work on a specific set of
topics to prepare for the test. Students will work in the study plan – and then be told when they
are ready for the test!
o The Quiz Me feature allows students to prove mastery and earn mastery points.
o Summary view shows student results, letting them see what they have mastered and what they
need to practice further.
o For select MyMathLab courses (Knewton courses), the Study Plan recommendations will
continuously adapt based on the work the student has done (quizzes, homework, etc), giving
them pointed guidance and more practice when they need it most.
Personalized Homework
o Allows students to focus on new and/or challenging topics.
o Saves time, as students don’t need to practice on topics they’ve already mastered; can allow
students to move more quickly through the content.
o Creates a unique experience for each student.
Multiple Prerequisites
o Instructors can make one or more assignments prerequisite to another, later assignment.
o With new options for multiple ‘and/or’ prerequisites, instructors can add an alternate
prerequisite for an assignment.
o Supports mastery-based learning.
Email by Criteria
o Used by instructors in many different ways.
o Can be used to contact students based on a variety of factors, such as overall grade, work
activity, and performance on a particular assignment.
o Makes it very easy for instructors to communicate with at-risk students AND successful
students in an efficient manner.
o Visual display shows students their current status in the course, how much work they still need
to complete, what their upcoming assignments are, and when they are due.
o Can be modified.
o Homework, tests, and quizzes will appear on the Upcoming Assignments list.
o Also available as a mobile app for iPhones and Droids.
Help in Identifying At-Risk Students and/or Roadblock Topics
 Item Analysis
Can show at a glance how a student performed on an individual assignment, such as how many
attempts a student made on each question (for homework) as well as the order in which he or
she answered questions (for tests or quizzes).
Offers item-level student performance statistics on tests and quizzes that use pooled questions;
helps instructors analyze how the class and individual students performed by question and
objective and also gauge the relative difficulty of questions from the same pool.
Can assess both individual and overall class mastery and needs, identifying common mistakes
made within the class or by individual students, and tailor teaching accordingly.
Consistency in Content and Level
 Coordinator/Member Courses
Course coordinators can maintain consistency in content and assignments across many sections
of a course.
Gradebook allows for exporting of gradebook info for all sections in one report.
Varying levels of gradebook/admin access can be given to the instructors for the member
Reporting Capabilities
Standards View
o Pearson correlates the book and MyMathLab course objectives to state standards or outcomes,
then uploads these to the course in the national gallery.
o Instructors can choose ‘standards view’ in the course settings and then view both the
Homework/Test Manager and Gradebook in this way.
o Gradebook data can be exported with standards view.
o Contact your district manager to get your standards included!
o Offers additional reporting capabilities – can be customized to meet school needs.
Reporting Dashboard
o This new tool provides visual reports to help instructors and admins analyze student
o Reporting options coming in 2014: student overall scores in the course, assignment results and
time spent completing the assignments, question-level item analysis summaries, and content
mastery and progress information.
Assignable Instructional Videos or PowerPoints (esp. important in Emporium and
Flipped Classroom redesigns)
Media Assignment Feature
o Instructors can assign AND assess (note: you can’t do this in ALEKS or Hawkes!)
o Instructors can use Pearson media or their own media.
o Tool is especially helpful in Emporium redesigns where lecture videos are widely used.
Premade Video Assessments – available in select courses
o Assignable MXL exercises help students retain valuable information presented in the videos.
Review of Developmental Math Topics (in college-level courses)
Getting Ready (for select Precalculus, Statistics, Applied Math, Calculus and Liberal Arts
Math titles)
o Quick quizzes and personalized, just-in-time review are provided to help students with
prerequisite material.
MyMathLab Integrated Review Courses
o Many courses are available for Fall 2014 classes: Check out the online catalog for all of the
details on these new products! These courses can be used in a variety of situations: co-requisite
courses, supplemental instruction courses, courses in which many students are underprepared
or placement standards have changed, etc.
Quick Start Up for Instructors
Ready to Go Courses
o Contains premade assignments for the entire course – instructors just need to set due dates and
remove any content they do not require. Assignment structure will vary by course.
Redesign Support Request form
o Our redesign support team can help create assignments built to the specifications of your
school! Just complete the survey at .