Emergency Management - Non Admitted Patient Flow Chart

E1 - E7 Emergency Surgery – Admitted Patient Flow Chart
Theatre planned for today
Decision: Patient requires surgery
Surgeon / Registrar contacts Theatre Floor Coordinator and On Call Anaesthetist.
Floor coordinator completes booking information on the Emergency Surgery
Booking Form
Plan for OT management discussed:
 Emergency (1600) list
 Elective List (If Elective patients potentially are to be cancelled, Surgical Liaison
Nurse to be included in discussion)
 Transfer of Care to another Surgeon
If plan cannot be organised – please refer booking to Unit Manager
Plan agreed upon
If change of ward required post operatively (ie
ICU) – please contact the Access Manager
Theatre Floor Coordinator contacts the ward regarding Date and Time
of scheduled OT management
Theatre Booking in Trak completed by Floor coordinator /
Theatre staff member
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E5 - E7 Emergency Management – Non-Admitted Patient Flow Chart
Theatre planned for today
Surgeon / Registrar contacts Theatre
Floor Coordinator. Floor coordinator
completes booking information on the
Emergency Surgery Booking Form
Paperwork received in Bookings / Surgical
Liaison Office
SLN ensures that Theatre Floor Coordinator aware of
paperwork received.
Theatre Floor Coordinator instigates discussion to plan OT management
Emergency (1600) list
Elective List (If Elective patients potentially are to be cancelled, Surgical Liaison Nurse to be
included in discussion)
Transfer of Care to another Surgeon
If plan cannot be organised – please refer booking to Unit Manager
Theatre Plan agreed upon
Theatre Floor Coordinator contacts Access Manager / Clinical coordinator (31379) who will then:
Contact HIS to create admission with appropriate details
o Patient name, DOB / UR
o Ward to be admitted to confirm admission
o Provisional Diagnosis
Surgical Team (surgeon / Registrar) to contact the patient with admission time, and fasting
Once Inpatient episode created by HIS Theatre Floor Coordinator creates OT booking in TRAK with relevant
details from the Emergency Surgery Booking Form, including the acknowledgement of E7 in the procedure details
Prompt Doc No: <#doc_num> v<#ver_num>
Approval Date: <#issue_date>
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Due for Review: <#next_review_date>
E5 - E7 Emergency Surgery – Admitted Patient Flow Chart
Theatre planned for tomorrow onwards
(NOTE: If outside of Business Hours, please refer to Flow chart for ‘today’)
Decision: Patient requires surgery
Surgeon / Registrar contacts Theatre Floor Coordinator. Floor coordinator
completes booking information on the Emergency Surgery Booking Form
Plan for OT management discussed:
Emergency (1600) list
Elective List (If Elective patients potentially are to be cancelled, Surgical Liaison Nurse to be
included in discussion)
Transfer of Care to another Surgeon
If plan cannot be organised – please refer booking to Unit Manager
Plan agreed upon
If change of ward required post operatively (ie ICU) – please
contact the Access Manager
Theatre Floor Coordinator contacts the ward regarding Date and Time
of scheduled OT management
Emergency Surgery Booking Form faxed to Surgical Liaison Office (31289)
(Business Hours only)
Surgical Liaison Nurse will create Theatre Booking with relevant details from the Emergency
Surgery Booking Form, including the acknowledgement of E7 in the procedure details.
(Business Hours only)
Prompt Doc No: <#doc_num> v<#ver_num>
Approval Date: <#issue_date>
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Due for Review: <#next_review_date>
E5 - E7 Emergency Management – Non-Admitted Patient Flow Chart
Theatre planned for tomorrow onwards
NOTE: If outside of Business Hours, please refer to Flow chart for ‘today’)
Surgeon / Registrar contacts Theatre
Floor Coordinator with booking for E7
Paperwork received in Bookings / Surgical
Liaison Office
SLN ensures that Theatre Floor Coordinator aware of
paperwork received.
Theatre Floor Coordinator instigates discussion to plan OT management
Emergency (1600) list
Elective List (If Elective patients potentially are to be cancelled, Surgical Liaison Nurse to be
included in discussion)
Transfer of Care to another Surgeon
If plan cannot be organised – please refer booking to Unit Manager
Plan agreed upon
Emergency Surgery Booking Form faxed to Surgical Liaison Office (31289)
(Business Hours only)
Surgical Liaison Nurse:
Patient contacted regarding admission date and time
Contacts HIS to create admission with appropriate details
o Patient name, DOB / UR
o Ward to be admitted to (contact with AM to be made at Daily Bed meeting, unless bed required
for next business day, and bed meeting has already occurred)
o Provisional Diagnosis
Theatre Booking created with relevant details from the Emergency Surgery Booking Form, including the
acknowledgement of E7 in the procedure details (Business Hours only)
Prompt Doc No: <#doc_num> v<#ver_num>
Approval Date: <#issue_date>
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Due for Review: <#next_review_date>
E5 - E7 Emergency Management – HIS Flow Chart
Patient arrives at Bookings office with RFA
Check paperwork for completeness
Patient details checked in Trak
Bookings Officer has no knowledge of
planned admission
Bookings Officer has knowledge of
planned admission
Fasting instructions given to patient
according to admission time
Fasting instruction given to patient
for 0700 and 1200 admission
Patient told that they will be
contacted either by the SLN’s or by
the Surgical team for admission date
and time
RFA paperwork taken to SLN office on next
Notice of admission provided by Access Manager or SLN’s (admission date / time,
surgeon, ward, Provisional Diagnosis)
Episode of admission created in Trak, and once completed, communicated to
person requesting admission (SLN / AM) via message
Bookings Officer to ensure relevant HIS documentation is completed (UR labels, Registrations
page, history retrieved)
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Approval Date: <#issue_date>
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