Lesson Plan Teacher: Elena Linch Date: 03/13/2014 Grade and Subject: Grade 2, Russian Language Length of Lesson: 50 minutes Unit Objectives: The name of the unit is “Weather and Seasons”. The objectives for the unit are the following: - I can describe weather and seasons. - I can say what weather is like in different seasons. - I can say what weather and seasons I like/don’t like and why. Lesson Objectives: 1. Behavior: I can explain how words are arranged in the dictionary. I can create my own bilingual dictionary for the unit vocabulary using a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. 2. Criteria: To master the objectives the students will create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel listing the vocabulary of the unit in alphabetical order using the sort tool. The students will demonstrate their understanding of what the bilingual dictionary is by creating their own dictionary from the unit vocabulary and explaining how words are arranged in the dictionary. The students will have mastered the objective if they meet the grading criteria listed in the Assessment Rubric. 3. Conditions: The students will create their own dictionary using Microsoft Excel and visual aids. The students will use all the words from the unit vocabulary displayed on the board. The students will be able to explain how and why they arranged words in their dictionaries. Problem Statement: You are part of a group developing a website to support language learning in your school. You are preparing easy to use reference materials to help students translate new Russian words from unit “Weather and Seasons”. Use Microsoft Excel to create a bilingual dictionary listing the new vocabulary students are going to learn, provide translation of the vocabulary, and explain how to use the dictionary. Standards Addressed: Common Core Standards English Language Arts Language: - CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.2e Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings. - CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.2d Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words. - CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. - CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.4e Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases. Speaking and Listening: - CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. - CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.4 Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. Tennessee K-12 Curriculum Standards for Modern Languages Standard 1 – Communicate in a language other than English Standard 3 – Connect with other disciplines and acquire information Standard 4 – Develop insight into the nature of language and culture NETS-S Standards Creativity and Innovation (1) – Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products Communication and Collaboration (2) – Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making (4) – Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Materials: 1. Computer 2. Projector 3. Whiteboard 4. Power Point Presentation 5. Vocabulary pictures 6. Think Sheet 7. Directions handout 8. Microsoft Excel 9. Grading Rubric 10. Pencil Background and Rationale: - This lesson focuses on developing critical skills for language learners, such as, being able to use and create reference materials. - During the lesson the students will learn to integrate and use technology in the process of language learning. The students will improve and apply their knowledge of Microsoft Excel while solving a practical problem (creating a bilingual dictionary). - The students will use the skills they acquire in this class to support their education in all subjects in school and in college when working with reference materials. - The lesson is based on Common Core Standards, Tennessee Curriculum standards and NETS for Students. Technology Integration: Students will use technology in class to do the following: - Watch a presentation about the structure of a bilingual dictionary; use Think Sheets to discuss the presentation with a partner and the class. - Create their own bilingual dictionaries in Microsoft Excel: create, type, format, name and save the Excel document on the computer. Objective with Associated Computer Applications and Functions, and Data Manipulation Objective Computer Computer Data Manipulation Application Function I can create a Microsoft Excel Create a new - Create a new bilingual document document in dictionary for Type Microsoft Excel the unit Format cells - Type and format vocabulary Change font headings, type using size and style words and their Microsoft Change table translation in Excel. style the Sort corresponding Save cells Print - Format cell width and height, align headings and words - Change font style and size for headings and words if necessary - Change table style if necessary - Use the sorting tool to put the words in the dictionary in alphabetical order - Name and save the document on the computer - Print out the document Procedures and Timeline: Beginning 12 minutes - The students and the teacher will greet each other. - The teacher will introduce the objective and the agenda. The objective and the agenda will be projected on the whiteboard for the students to follow. - The students will watch a presentation about the bilingual dictionary. - The students will raise their hands to ask questions and clarify the concept and the structure of the bilingual dictionary. - The students will participate in a class discussion and answer the teacher’s questions about how to use a dictionary and about the importance of dictionaries in learning languages. - The teacher will display the task (creating a bilingual dictionary) on the board and explain what the students are going to do. - The students will receive handouts with detailed directions for their independent work. Independent work 35 minutes Before the Computer 10 minutes Procedures Teacher procedures: 1. The teacher will make sure every student has received a handout with directions. The teacher will go through directions and model the task on her computer using the projector and the whiteboard so that the students can follow. 2. The teacher will ask questions to check for understanding and make sure that the students know what they are going to work on. 3. The teacher will ask the students to go to the computers and start working. Student procedures: 1. The students will look at their handouts and at the whiteboard, and listen to the teacher attentively. The students will follow all the steps demonstrated by the teacher on the whiteboard. 2. The students will ask questions to clarify the task and the procedures if necessary. 3. The students will quietly and orderly walk to the computers, sit down, and start working. At the Computer 15 minutes Procedures Teacher procedures: 1. The teacher will display pictures of the unit vocabulary on the whiteboard. The teacher Student procedures: 1. The students will look at vocabulary pictures on the board and read their directions handouts. will ask students to use the handouts with directions and start working on their dictionary. 2. The teacher will set the timer and let the students know how much time they have to complete the task. 3. The teacher will walk around, monitor the students’ work, and answer individual questions of the students who need additional help. 4. When the time is up the teacher will ask the students to stop working on their project, save it on the desktop, and print it out. 2. The students will take note of the timer as they start working on their project. 3. The students will open a new Microsoft Excel document. 4. The students will type in the headings and the unit vocabulary words. 5. The students will change the language on their computers and type in translation of the words in the corresponding cells. 6. The students will format the font (size and style), the cells (width and height), and align the text if necessary. 7. The students will use the sorting tool to put the words in their dictionary in alphabetical order. 8. When the time is up the students will hear the timer, stop working and direct their attention to the teacher. 9. The students will listen to the teacher’s directions, name and save their projects on the desktop, and then print them out. After the Computer 10 minutes Procedures Teacher procedures: 1. The teacher will ask the students to go back to their seats quietly and orderly. 2. The teacher will pick up the students’ papers from the printer. 3. The teacher will give Think Sheets to the students and ask the students to work with their partners to respond to the questions in the Think Sheet. 4. The teacher will ask the students to share their responses with the class and discuss their experience of working on the project in Microsoft Excel. Student procedures: 1. The students will go back to their seats quietly and orderly. 2. The students will receive Think Sheets, start discussing questions with their partners, and check if they can respond to all the questions, or if they need help. 3. The students will raise their hands and share their responses with the class, and then discuss their experience of working on creating a bilingual dictionary. Closure 3 minutes At the end of the class the students will work together, raise their hands and discuss what they have learned and whether they have achieved the objective of the lesson. The students will be able to explain what a bilingual dictionary is, what the structure of the dictionary looks like, and how the dictionary should be used. Think Sheet The students will discuss the following questions with their partners and check, whether they know how to do/explain what is required in the questions, or whether they need extra help. Questions Do I know what a bilingual dictionary is? Can I explain why it is important to be able to use a dictionary? Can I explain what alphabetical order is and how I used Microsoft Excel to put the words in my dictionary in alphabetical order? Can I explain how to find and translate a word using my bilingual dictionary? Can I explain how my dictionary will help other students in learning the language? Yes Need help Directions handout (Independent work) This is a handout for students to help guide them through the “Independent work” part of the lesson. 1. Open a new document in Microsoft Excel. 2. Start with cells 1A and 1B, and type the headings for your dictionary. 3. Look at the vocabulary pictures displayed on the whiteboard and type the words described by the pictures in column A. Use one cell for each word. 4. Change the language and type corresponding translation of the words in column B. 5. Format the size and style of the font(s) you used if necessary. 6. Format the cell width and height and the text alignment if necessary. 7. Go to “Table” menu and choose a table style if necessary. 8. Go to the “Data” menu, select the words in column A (do not include the heading), use the sorting tool and put the words in your dictionary in the alphabetical order (experiment with ascending and descending sorting). Notice what happened to the translation in column B. 9. Go to “File” and “Save as”, name your project, and save it on the desktop. 10. Find the “Print” sign and print your dictionary out. Assessment Rubric: Grading Criteria Criteria Below Expectations Meets Expectations Above Expectations Words from the unit vocabulary and their translation are represented. Not all the words from the unit vocabulary are represented. There are many spelling mistakes or more than one mistake in translation. The words are not in the All the words from the unit vocabulary are represented. There are minor spelling mistakes or one mistake in translation. The words are in alphabetical order. All the words from the unit vocabulary are represented. There are no spelling mistakes or mistakes in translation. The words are in alphabetical order. alphabetical order. The dictionary is Font of the same well formatted style or size was and easy to use. used for the headings and for the vocabulary. No table style was selected. Cell height and width were not adjusted to the text. The dictionary is difficult to use: words were not sorted or were sorted incorrectly. Words and their translation do not correspond. Font of a different style or size was used to highlight the headings. No table style was selected. Cell height and width were adjusted to the text. The dictionary is easy to use: words were sorted correctly. It is easy to find the corresponding translation. Font of a different style or size was used to highlight the headings. A table style was selected to make the dictionary easy to read. Cell height and width were adjusted to the text. The dictionary is well formatted: words were sorted correctly; the corresponding translation is easy to find. Modifications: In this lesson modifications will be given to the students who have difficulties typing, translating or using the computer. During the “Independent work” part of the lesson the students will raise their hands and the teacher will come to them and help them individually with typing, translating or using Microsoft Excel. Sample Student Spreadsheet: Word clouds cold Translation облака холодно fall hot rain snow spring summer sun warm wind winter осень жарко дождь снег весна лето солнце тепло ветер зима